Magical (novel) –Wikipedia


Source: Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”


magic (Majuzutsu) is a short story of Ryunosuke Akutagawa. It is a work that depicts human egoism, which is common to other Akutagawa works.

It is a literary work for children published in the magazine “Red Bird” in January 1920 (Taisho 9). A work that takes advantage of the effects of the hero who wants to learn magic on the condition of abandoning her greed, reveals that it is clear that it is unable to abandon the greed at the end.

Synopsis [ edit ]

The protagonist, “I”, was a shady autumn night of the rain, an independent movement activist in Omori, which was a lonely Tokyo suburb of Tokyo. [first] Visit Matyram -Misura’s house. Misura was an Indian magic user, and I had a promise to show his magic.

That night, I am amazed at the dazzling magic I saw in the dim reception of Misura’s house. I would like to teach me magical, and I understand that Missura seems to be reluctant, but I will teach magic in exchange for one condition. The condition is “to abandon greed. For those who want it, magic cannot be used. Can you do that?” I can throw away greed. I promised and taught magic.

About a month after teaching magic, I was gathering with friends at a Ginza club. One of my friends said, “You’re using Saikin magic, but will we show you one?” I felt free to say, “Oh, oh,” and rushed into the burning fireplace and grabbed the burning coal with both hands. Then, when it was sprinkled on the floor, the coal quickly became gold coins and scattered on the floor.


When they were stunned, they confirmed that the gold coins were genuine, and praised, “This is amazing,” “I would soon be rich like Mitsui or Iwasaki.” I can’t use it. I’m going to throw this gold coin in the fireplace again and make it the original coal. ” The friends who heard it opposed “Waste” and “Stop”, and eventually bet on the gold coin and Trump with friends. [2] I decided to compete.

No, I started, but for some reason, I continued to win mysteriously that night, and I was able to get on the place, and finally the betting money was all mine. One of the hot friends declares that he will bet on all his property. “I bet my property completely. In addition to that gold coin, I bet all the money I have won so far. Come on!”

I just got greed here. One of this card can get the other party’s assets exactly. I secretly used magic.


“King.” I won and showed a bill in front of the opponent’s eyes. Then, the King of Trump laughed and laughed, and said in Misura’s voice, “Customers are going home. You don’t have to prepare for the bed.”

When I noticed, I was still in Misura’s room that autumn. Being a person who couldn’t abandon her greed was a phantom that I just saw.

Misura quietly said, “You have to abandon your greed to use magic. You haven’t done so much.”

Visualization work [ edit ]

  1. ^ At that time, India was a British colony, including the current Pakistan Bangladesh.
  2. ^ In the original, it is written as “bone tile” and puts on a “karuta” pseudonym, but it is thought to be a playing card, such as a king card comes out.

External link [ edit ]
