Matskoto Ichiro -Wikipedia


Matsuki Matsuki (1930)


Mikiichiro Matsuki (Matsuki Kan Ichirou, March 10, 1872 (February 2, 5th, Meiji) [first] -In 1939 (Showa 14) June 14) was a bureaucrat and businessman who worked from the Meiji era to the early Showa era. President of Taiwan Electric Power [2] 。 The tribe is the Ehime County [first]

Taiwan Taiwanese Land Damp Toden’s President Mikiichiro Matsuki’s bust, March 2010, the founder of the Taiwanese Kimi Jobi Junbun Ryu Heavy Square

Born in Kawamura, Kusu Kawamura, Shuwa -gun, Ehime Prefecture (now Kawarajin, Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture). The eldest son of Matsuki [first] [2] 。 The Matsuki family is a descendant of the royal family of Kono in Yoshu [2] 。 In 1896, graduated from the Tokyo Imperial University Law University in British Law [2] 。 Get the title of a lawyer [first]

He has served as a secretary officer, Hiroshima Post Office, Counselor of the Imperial Railway Agency, Director of Railway Institute, Director of Denki -shi, Tokyo City [2] 。 In 1918, he became the General Director of Yamashita, a director of the Yamashita Kisen, the CEO of Fukushima Coal Mine, Director of the Yamashita Mining, and Director of the Uraga dock company. [2] 。 He served as Deputy Governor of the Imperial City, Director of the Tokyo Municipal Administration, and President Taiwan. [2]

  • 1897 (Meiji 30) November 30 -7th place [3]
  • 1910 (Meiji 43) May 21 -Zheng Wuzhi [4]
  • 1930 (Showa 5) December 5 -Imperial County Reconstruction Memorial [5]
  1. ^ a b c d “Human Resources Koshinori 4th Edition” Page 58 (National Diet Library Digital Collection). Viewed February 4, 2020.
  2. ^ a b c d It is f g “Restaurant from Imperial University” Ma 39-40 (National Diet Library Digital Collection). Viewed February 4, 2020.
  3. ^ “Official Daily” No. 4326 “Naruto and Resignation” December 1, 1897.
  4. ^ “Official News” No. 8073 “Naruto and Resignation” May 23, 1910.
  5. ^ “Official Gaze” No. 1499, appendix “Resignation” December 28, 1931.

references [ edit ]

  • Human Resources Koshinsho edition “Human Resources Koshinori 4th Edition” Human Resources Koshinsho, 1915.
  • Out -of -school survey committee, “Imperial University Birthday Directory”, 1932, 1932.

External link [ edit ]
