Matsumoto Komo -Wikipedia


Source: Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”

Mitsumoto Matsumoto (Matsumoto Mitsumasa, April 8, 1943-) is a Japanese doctor. Incorporate hypnotic medicine and Chinese medicine into medical treatment. A Nakamura Tenkai researcher and a lecturer at the Tenfukai. He has also been conducting a number of lectures, including Japanese laughing lecturers, Aya no Kuni Ichigo University lecturer, and senior lecturer.

He is a physician who loves a small medicine and inexpensive medical care and loves outpatients. The motto is “laughing is a prevention and treatment of all illnesses,” and “the laughing gate is coming. My hobbies are wildflowers, giant trees, old -fashioned sites, and asking hot springs [first]

Born in Tokyo in Tokyo. When he was a second year at Komaba Toho High School, he was instructed as a disciple of Tenfu Nakamura’s last year. Graduated from Komaba Toho High School in 1962. Graduated from Hokkaido University School of Medicine in 1969. In 1972, he worked as a medical co -op Saitama and became director of Urawa Democratic Clinic. In 1995, he was appointed Omiya and the director of the clinic. Director Kanto Medical Clinic since 2009.

  • “Food additives” non -“science” (Mugie -sha, October 1986) Keiko Kawaguchi (co -authored)
  • “Diet without money” You can also lose weight with positive thinking (Jihasha, March 2003)
  • Don’t worry about medical examinations in order not to become a “medical check -up”! (Nissin news, March 2005)
  • “It’s blood pressure! (Izumi of Book, October 2008)
  • “15 habits of those who are not amazed” (Izumi book, December 2009)
  • “Don’t lose to” medical examinations “! Are you sick by testing and testing? (Nissin news, June 2010)
  • “Laughing and Health -Do not approach the Kimiko Doctor” (Izumi Book, December 2010)
  • “Book to cure hypertension on your own” (Makino Publishing, December 1, 2011) Yoichi Oukushi (co -authored)
  • “Era of Health anxiety and excessive medical care” (Nagasaki Publishing, March 15, 2012) Yoshiho Inoue and others (co -authored)
  • “Kampo is effective if you change the way of drinking.” Kampo medicine handbook (Izumi -sha, 2012, September 21, 2012)
  • “Life laughing is a silver bullet that prevents illness” (Mudagae, December 2, 2012)
  • “You don’t have to cure cancer” (Nagasaki Publishing, April 16, 2013)
  • “Hypertension is relieved” (Kodansha, April 22, 2014)
  • “Learning Tenfu Nakamura -How to live in” Taizen Self -Young “that three disciples talk” (Zabook, October 15, 2015)
  • “Cancer books that do not rely on medical examinations, surgery, and anticancer drugs” (Aburu Publisher, November 16, 2015)
  • “The darkness of pharmaceutical medical care accused by a 48 -year -old veteran doctor who has been a high -blood pressure treatment doctor who should not do” (Kadokawa Shoten, March 24, 2017)
  • “Nakamura Tenfu’s Teaching Doctor does not approach the doctor” (Aspuru Publisher, October 3, 2017)

others [ edit ]

  • Makino Publishing, May 2010 issue, Makino
  • Makino Publishing, October 2010, the magazine “Soul”
  • DVD “Revolution of Blood pressure that can not be lowered with medicine” (Mitsumoto Matsumoto Support Secretariat, 2011) [2]

Related item [ edit ]

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  • Satoshi Uchikai -Doctors who deny 90 % of contemporary medical care

External link [ edit ]

references [ edit ]

  • Matsumoto Matsumoto: I have blood pressure! Izumi -sha, 2008.
  1. ^ Lecture request to Matsumoto Matsumoto “System brain. January 2, 2015 Browsing.
  2. ^ Case of blood pressure dropped in 90 minutes of blood pressure revolution that is not lowered by hypertension ”. January 2, 2015 Browsing.

