Maurizio Molinari – Wikipedia


Maurizio Molinari (Rome, October 28, 1964) is an Italian journalist and essayist, from 23 April 2020 director of the newspaper The Republic .


Born in Rome in a family of Jewish origin, [first] Molinari studies at Harris Manchester College of the University of Oxford and the Jewish University of Jerusalem and graduated in Political Science in 1989 and in history in 1993 at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. He has been a journalist since 1984, where his first collaboration dates back to The republican voice (printing body of the Italian Republican Party), professional journalist since 1989. [2]

Molinari lives in Milan, has been married since 1994 (when he worked a The independent ) with Micol Braha, Italian-Libyan Jew, lawyer. The couple has four children, all born in New York. [3]

Maurizio Molinari participated in the Bilderberg meeting held in 2017 (as can be seen from the official website of the Bilderberg group, which published the list of participants) [4] , as well as at the 2019 editions [5] and 2020 of the wef meetings.

Journalist de The print [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Since 1997 he has been working for The print , of which it is for over a decade (2001-2014) corresponding from New York. So briefly from Brussels and Jerusalem, before returning to Turin as director in 2016. [3]

He also wrote on newspapers like The independent (of which he was head of the Roman editorial staff), Opinion , The weather , The paper , Panorama ; collaborates with La7 (where he was a fixed guest of Half past eight , at the time conducted by Giuliano Ferrara), [3] Rainews24, Sky Tg24 and TG5.

For Giorgio Dell’Arti, Molinari’s reference points are Judaism and the Italian Republican Party, in addition to the “Atlantist” vision. [2]


Between 2000 and 2015 Molinari was a prolific writer, with an average of an essay published per year. In particular his book The caliphate of terror (Rizzoli, 2015) was presented by Roberto Saviano as the book that “we should all read”. However, according to the online magazine Cultural work, different parts of this work would have been plagiarized by the book Rise of ISIS Di Jay Sekulow (Howard Books, 2014). [6]

Director of The print [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On November 26, 2015 he was appointed new director of The print of Turin instead of Mario Calabresi, where he was flanked by Massimo Russo (former director of Wired Italy) as a co-director until July 2016, being preferred by the president of FCA John Elkann to the vice-director of the Press Massimo Gramellini. [7]

Together with the Directorate of The print , Molinari is also the editorial director of Italian Editrice (iTedi), a company publisher de The print it’s from The XIX century . ITEDI is a company controlled by the Fiat Chrysler Automobiles group (77%) and Carlo Perrone, publisher of XIX century (23%). [8]

On 10 January 2016 Molinari inaugurates the mandate with a video and an editorial entitled ” Where does the pack of colony come from “On the theme Islam and gender -based violence. [9] [ten]

From 27 December 2017 he has been the editorial director of “Gedi News Network”, the company that manages the newspapers owned by the Gedi publishing group. [11]

Director of The Republic [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On April 23, 2020 he was appointed, by the Board of Directors of the Editorial Group Gedi, director of the newspaper the Republic instead of Carlo Verdelli. [twelfth]

In August 2020, on the occasion of the constitutional referendum relating to the reduction of the number of parliamentarians, he published an editorial on The Republic where Molinari openly sides for the “no” front. [13]

In July 2021 the prize was awarded Spadolini Political Culture assigned by the Giovanni Spadolini Foundation, [14] while in September 2021 he wins the prize Witnesses of history On the occasion of the Journalism Festival Link and Trieste. [15]

Accusation of plagiarism [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 2015 he was at the center of controversy over the media raised by a review by Nicola Perugini, anthropologist of the University of Edinburgh, where an alleged plagiarism is documented inside the book ” The caliphate of terror. Because the Islamic State threatens the West “, published by Rizzoli, in which some parts would be almost identical to the texts of the American best seller by Jay Sekulow published by The New York Times The rise of Isis . [16] [17]

Hunt for unvaccinati [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

As an publisher of the Republic , publishes one Hunt for unvaccinati on the front page on July 17, 2021. [18] [19] [20]

Declarations on the No Tav [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Following some of his declarations made on 10 October 2021, during the television program Half an hour more , according to which the No Tavs would be ” Metropolitan terrorists “,” a violent organization ” It is ” What remains of Italian terrorism of the seventies “, It is sued for defamation by hundreds of people. [21] [22] [23] [24]

  • Jews in Italy: an identity problem (1870-1938) , Florence, La Giuntina, 1995, ISBN 978-85-94358-2.
  • The left and Italian Jews (1967-1993) , Milan, Corbaccio, 1995.
  • National interest. Ten stories of Italy in the world , Pocket essays necklace n.243, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2000, ISBN 978-88-42-06063-5.
  • Between white house and dark shops. Interview with Lamberto Dini , Guarini, 2001.
  • Wall Street in the third millennium , Rome, Liberal Foundation, 2003.
  • Freedom and its enemies. Interview with Michael Walzer , Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2003.
  • No Global? What the protest movements truly say , Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2004.
  • George W. Bush and the American mission , The I Robinson’s necklace. Electures, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2004, ISBN 978-88-42-07308-6.
  • Italy seen from the CIA (1948-2004) , Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2005.
  • The Jews of New York , The I Robinson’s necklace. Electures, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2007, ISBN 978-88-42-08175-3.
  • Democratic cowboys. Who they are and what the liberals believe that they want to conquer the White House and change the world , The Castrozzi N.635, Turin, Einaudi, 2008, ISBN 978-88-06-18859-7.
  • The country of Obama. How America has changed , The I Robinson series. Electures, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2009, ISBN 978-88-42-09104-2. [Winner of the Capalbio Prize 2011]
  • The Italians of New York , The I Robinson’s necklace. Elettings, Rome-Bari, Laterza, 2011, ISBN 978-88-42-09659-7.
  • Shadow government. The secret documents of the USA on Italy of the years of lead , Italian essays series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2012, ISBN 978-88-17-05614-4.
  • L’Aquila and the butterfly. Because the 21st century will still be American , Italian Essays Series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2013, ISBN 978-88-17-06754-6.
  • The caliphate of terror. Because the Islamic State threatens the West , Italian essays series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2015, ISBN 978-88-17-08056-9.
  • Jihad. All’occident war , Italian essays series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2015, ISBN 978-88-17-08591-5.
  • M. Molinari-Amedeo Osti Guerrazzi, Duel in the ghetto. The challenge of a Jew against the Nazi -fascist bands in occupied Rome , Italian essays series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2017, ISBN 978-88-17-09228-9.
  • The return of the tribes. The challenge of the new clans on the world order , Italian essays series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2017, ISBN 978-88-17-09463-4.
  • Because it happened here. Journey to the origin of Italian populism that shakes Europe , The I Fari Series, Milan, La Nave di Teseo, 2018, ISBN 978-88-934-4676-1.
  • Siege to the West. Leader, strategies and dangers of the Second Cold War , The headlights necklace n.61, Milan, La Nave di Teseo, 2019, ISBN 978-88-346-0120-4.
  • Atlas of the changing world. The maps that explain the challenges of our time , Saggi series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2020, ISBN 978-88-171-4099-7.
  • The battlefield. Because the great game passes through Italy , The I Faris Series, Milan, the ship of Teseo, 2021, ISBN 978-88-346-0818-0.
  • The return of the empires. Like the war in Ukraine, he upset the global order. With the maps that explain the world that will come , Essays series, Milan, Rizzoli, 2022, ISBN 978-88-171-6492-4.

Foreign honors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Cavaliere di Terza Classe dell'Ordine al merito (Ucraina) - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria Third class knight of the Order of Merit (Ukraine)
“For a significant personal contribution to the strengthening of interstatal cooperation, to the support of state sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Ukraine, the dissemination of the Ukrainian state in the world [25] »
– November 15, 2022
  1. ^ Molinari: “Israel, journalism, the Middle East: I’ll tell you my tribes” . are Official website of the Jewish community of Milan , 12 September 2020. URL consulted on 12 September 2020 .
  2. ^ a b Fifty thousand (archived by URL Original January 31, 2016) , Maurizio Molinari
  3. ^ a b c The paper (archived by URL Original January 5, 2016) , November 27, 2015
  4. ^ PARTICIPANTS 2017 . are (archived by URL Original March 16, 2023) .
  5. ^ World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2019 Globalization 4.0 ( PDF ), are (archived by URL Original March 15, 2023) .
  6. ^ Reading “The Caliphate of Terror” by Maurizio Molinari . are Cultural work , June 22, 2015. URL consulted on 12 August 2020 .
  7. ^ The unit (archived by URL Original November 30, 2015) , November 26, 2015
  8. ^ The post (archived by URL Original December 30, 2015) , November 26, 2015
  9. ^ Video editorial (archived by URL Original January 13, 2016) . “Where does the pack of colony come from”
  10. ^ Where does the pack of colony come from . are . URL consulted on January 13, 2016 (archived by URL Original January 13, 2016) .
  11. ^ Maurizio Molinari, editorial director of Gedi News Network . are . URL consulted on January 2, 2017 ( filed on January 3, 2018) .
  12. ^ Carlo Verdelli is no longer the director of Repubblica, in his place Maurizio Molinari (archived by URL Original April 23, 2020) . on the website of 23 April 2020.
  13. ^ Why vote no to the referendum – by Maurizio Molinari .
  14. ^ Premium: to Maurizio Molinari the “Spadolini Political Culture” – La Repubblica .
  15. ^ Premiums: The ‘witnesses of the story’ in Molinari (Repubblica) – Ansa .
  16. ^ Maurizio Molinari press manager Copy paste in the book? – daily blitz .
  17. ^ Things that I noticed by reading “The Caliphate of Terror” by Maurizio Molinari – The cultural work, Nicola Perugini .
  18. ^ Good morning with the first page today #19luglio . are (archived by URL Original March 16, 2023) .
  19. ^ The “non -vaccinated hunt” of Repubblica on the first page today . are (archived by URL Original March 16, 2023) .
  20. ^ La Repubblica – Hunt for non -vaccinated, there are over 17 million . are (archived by URL Original March 16, 2023) .
  21. ^ No Tav in the queue at the Palagiustizia to sue Molinari . are , November 19, 2021.
  22. ^ Livio Pepino, “Terrorists to whom?”, The response of the No Tav movement . are .
  23. ^ Federica Cravero, No Tav in a row at the Palagiustizia to sue the director of Repubblica: “We are not terrorists” . are , November 19, 2021.
  24. ^ The delusional words of Maurizio Molinari on the No Tav . are . URL consulted on 29 December 2022 .
  25. ^ The honors of Zelensky: among the winners the correspondent Rai Stefania Battistini , in Rainews , November 15, 2022. URL consulted on November 16, 2022 .
