Membrana Serviale – Wikipedia


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The synovial membrane It is a thin membrane of specialized connective tissue, present in the joints, which internally covers the joint capsule and the joint part of the bone. [first] It is in direct contact with the fibrous membrane on the external surface and with the synovial liquid on the internal surface. On the surface of the fabric in contact with the synovial liquid there are many macrophages that have the function of protecting the synovial liquid by removing the debris derived from wear or lacerations. [2]

The term synovial It derives from the Latin which means “egg”. Paracelsus in minting this term was inspired by the similarity of the synovial liquid with egg white. The surgery that consists in the removal of the synovial membrane is known as synoviectomy.

The synovial membrane is made up of a layer of endothelial cells placed on a fibrous connective tissue. Intera -rtular ligaments and tendons also holds.

It contains the synovia, a filamentous liquid, produced in part by the membrane itself, which serves to lubricate the joints, while the synovial fringes are folds formed by the membrane in the joints.

Structure [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The synovial membrane is a lamina placed on the internal side of the dialtroid cavity and which projected towards the innermost portion of the cavity and rests on the inner part of the capsule. It has a veliform appearance, not smooth. It covers the entire internal surface of the joint cavity which is not covered by the joint cartilage.

It consists of 3 layers, from the most internal to the outermost:

  • intimale , consisting of two different cell types called synovocytes. A cell type has a very developed rough endoplasmic lattice and is a secreted cell; The other cell type, on the other hand, is rich in mitochondria and vacuoles and has cytoplasmic inspiration; These cells have the function of engulfing debris. Furthermore, intercellular bridges or junctions are not established between these cells, therefore they are not welded together. We will therefore have cells called type A or M (macrophax) and type B (secretions, similar to fibroblasts). Secretary cells secrete proteins in synovial liquid.
  • Sub-intimal, in which there are large-shirt connective fibers, therefore lasso connective. It is rich in Sanguiferi vessels that serve the production of synovial liquid.
  • Sub -inovial, even richer in Sanguiferi vessels compared to the sub-intimate layer that makes contact from the synovial membrane.

Synovial liquid [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The synovial liquid is a white, clear, visco-elastic fluid, similar to egg albume. It is a dialyse of plasma, or a transdated for pressure difference (osmotics, oncotic and hydrostatic) between the capillaries and the interstice. It is rich in hyaluronic acid and other gags and owes its viscosity to mucin glycoprotein. It has 3 functions: heat the heat, lubricate the joint leaders and nourishes the cartilage. The payment and reabsorption of the synovia takes place at the level of the synovial villi.

In case of trauma to the joints, an excessive accumulation of synovial liquid can be witnessed, which involves swelling and pain.

In these cases, if it is an increase in water within the joint cavity, there is talk of hydrarto while if there is also blood then we speak of marrote.

The inflammatory pathologies of the synovial membrane are generically indicated as synovitis. One of the greatest results of these inflammations is rheumatoid arthritis, [3] But it can also occur in other conditions such as osteoarthritis [4] and the fever of the Ross river. [5] In the Villonodular Pigmentosa synovitis there is instead a tumor proliferation or pseudo-za of the cell elements of the synovial membrane.

The malignant tumor that interests the mesenchymal cells that make up the synovial membrane is called synovial sarcoma.

  1. ^ Young, Barbara (Pathologist), Wheater’s functional histology : a text and colour atlas , 5th ed, Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2006, ISBN 044306850X, OCLC  62891495 . URL consulted on November 19, 2018 .
  2. ^ Mic, anthony l .,, Junquera’s Basic Hisotology : Text and Atlas , Thirteenth edition, ISBN 9780071780339, OCLC  820107038 . URL consulted on November 19, 2018 .
  3. ^ Michael J. Townsend, Molecular and cellular heterogeneity in the Rheumatoid Arthritis synovium: clinical correlates of synovitis , in Best Practice & Research. Clinical Rheumatology , vol. 28, n. 4, 2014-8, pp. 539–549, DOI: 10.1016/J.Berh.2014.10.024 . URL consulted on November 19, 2018 .
  4. ^ GS A man it’s emians, Osteoarthritis pathogenesis – a complex process that involves the entire joint , in Journal of Medicine and Life , vol. 7, n. 1, 15 March 2014, pp. 37–41. URL consulted on November 19, 2018 .
  5. ^ Andreas suhrbier e May la linn Clinical and pathologic aspects of arthritis due to Ross River virus and other alphaviruses , in Current Opinion in Rheumatology , vol. 16, n. 4, 2004-7, pp. 374–379. URL consulted on November 19, 2018 .
  • Douglas M. Anderson, A. Elliot Michelle, Mosby’s medical, nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary sesta edizione , New York, Picciin, 2004, ISBN 88-299-1716-8
