Mina (Sontone) – Wikipedia Wikipedia


Mina , pseudonym of Mina Maria Maria Mazzini [6] (Busto Arsizio, March 25, 1940), is a singer, record producer, TV presenter and Italian Swiss Italian actress. [2]


Pre -eminent personality of Italian pop music, [7] nicknamed The Tiger of Cremona , [8] It is considered one of the major musical interpreters of the twentieth century. [9] [ten] [11] He is known for the qualities of his voice and for being the protagonist in the 1960s and seventies in numerous television shows spread by Rai. Its vocality, with a warm and characteristic stamp, is equipped with great width and extension, capable of combining singing power with ductility, and is supported by a very welded technique; Mina also stands out for the interpretative qualities and eclecticism, which have brought it to successfully face musical genres often distant from each other. [twelfth]

With over 150 million albums sold, he is the Italian musical artist of most record upside down. [13] [14] [15] During his career, which began in the late 1950s and still ongoing, Mina played more than 1 500 songs, obtaining primates and receiving prizes and awards, with two participations at the Sanremo Festival, three at the international light music exhibition, one Targa Tenco and the assignment of the honor of great officer of the Italian Republic. On the international scene he collected the applause of artists such as Frank Sinatra, [16] Louis Armstrong, [17] Antony and the Johnsons, [18] Mónica Naranjo, [19] Liz Piaznelli, [20] Luciano Pavarotti, [21] Placido Domingo [22] E Sarah Vaughan. [23]

Table of Contents

Childhood and adolescence [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

A nineteen year old Mina in his home in Cremona in 1959

Mina Mazzini was born in Busto Arsizio on March 25, 1940, in a period in which his father Giacomo (Mino) Mazzini and his mother Regina (Gina) Zoni, originally from Cremona, lived temporarily in the Altomilanese Bustocco. In 1943, when Mina is three years old, they return to Cremona, with residence first in via Cesare Battisti and subsequently in Corso Mazzini. A short time after the transfer was born Alfredo, Mina’s younger brother who, like his sister, will embark on his singer’s career with the pseudonym “Geronimo”, but who died in a road accident in 1965, at the age of twenty -two.

At the age of thirteen, the father enrolled it in the Baldesio Canottieri, a sports club frequented by the Cremonese bourgeoisie. It becomes a discreet swimmer, participates in several races and in a regional competition ranks second. [24] Right on the edge of the swimming pool, around the age of sixteen, he meets his first boyfriend, Daniele Parolini, full -back of the Cremonese, who will then become a sports reporter at Corriere della Sera . [24]

The love for music is to infuse her grandmother Amelia, lyrical singer, who insists that she takes piano lessons, but the approach to the study of an instrument is not made for her. [25] After concluding the middle schools at the Collegio di Sore of the Blessed Virgin, he begins to attend the “Eugenio Beltrami” Technical Institute of Cremona, but this address does not respond to his inclinations and at the end of the fourth year he leaves the school, turning to What the most passionate it. He has other interests, he loves to read, especially science fiction books, but singing is what he dedicates himself to with the most impetus and passion. He already performs at school, at the request of his companions, in moments of recreation. [26]

The fifties [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The debuts to the compass and with the “Happy Boys” [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina with Nino Donzelli

A night of the summer of 1958, when the Mazzini family is located for the holidays in Forte dei Marmi, Mina’s friends challenge her to get on the stage of the Marina di Pietrasanta compass, after the orchestra of Don Marino Barreto Junior has finished playing. [27] She accepts, gets the microphone from Barreto himself and performs without embarrassment. The owner of the restaurant, Sergio Bernardini, on the following evenings will have to brake it from continuously climbing on stage to sing. [27]


In 1958 he was described as a very lonely, quiet and at the same time restless girl, sensitive and full of an enthusiasm that conceals a profound shyness. [28] It is equipped with a voice and a musicality out of the ordinary, cultivated by listening to American singers such as Frank Sinatra, Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald and Elvis Presley and an extravagant gestures that accompanies the innato sense of rhythm. [29]

In those years in Cremona there is a musical group that is enjoying some success: the “Happy Boys”. [30] The band, founded in 1949 by Nino Donzelli, whose brother Renzo on guitar, the pianist Giorgio Levi, the singer-bassist Giacomo “Micio” Masseroli and the drummer Fausto Coelli also includes, he soon became famous in the Cremonese whales, as well as in Mantua, Parma and Piacenza. On a sultry afternoon of late August 1958, the day after having witnessed their performance at Circolo Filodrammatici of Cremona , and after only one week from his first improvised performance to the compass, Mina goes to Nino and Renzo Donzelli’s house, proposing himself as a singer. A very rapid demonstration of their vocal qualities and the brothers immediately welcome her to the group, which had already scheduled various evenings in the whales of the area for the following days. [30] Eager to participate, he tries throughout the week and makes his first appearance with the Happy Boys on September 14, 1958 in Croce Santo Spirito, a hamlet of Castelvetro Piacentino. It is presented with the name of “Mina Georgi” and the public remains enthusiastic about it. [thirty first]

However, the real debut takes place a few days later, on September 23, 1958, in Rivarolo del King, the Municipality of the Cremonese: the Happy Boys must perform at the final evening of the review together with two famous singers at that time, Natalino Otto and Flo Sandon’s , interpreters of many successes and returning from a participation in the Sanremo Festival. [32] Mina’s performance is engaging, to such an extent that the public loudly asks for the encore. [33] Among the organizers, although satisfied, there is a certain embarrassment, since the encore was foreseen for Natalino Otto and Flo Sandon’s, who are somewhat affected. [34] A few years later, Flo Sandon’s, finding himself a guest a Song And remembering the episode with her, then presenter of the broadcast, publicly admitted: “That time you, Mina, ruined the evening”. Mina herself remembered that first time in Rivarolo in the newspaper The print of 22 September 2008:

«Fifty years split ago, a lungagnona with a cocktail dress that was stolen secretly from the mother, went up on the shaky stage of a Lombard whale. Please note that the dress was blue and white. Glossy. Do you remember that after singing the first song, the title? No, it’s too much, he got angry because people applauded. «I sing for me. What do they have to do with them? ». He didn’t have clear ideas. Or maybe it was too lucid. It should be remembered that at the end of that very first experience he ran away because the parents did not know … they didn’t want to. At eighteen it was a must obey. But he hadn’t done it. And he had to run to put the dress back in place as quickly as possible. It should be remembered that shortly after, behind her insistence, the father had convinced the mother to let her do: «So much, what you want, this madness will last a few weeks. Let’s let it do ». Lungagnona, on the other hand, is still here that it breaks the boxes with that small mysterious mechanism that are the songs. That she loves and respects. And … and … and Lungagnona does not remember anything else. ”

( Mina [35] )

and in the weekly Vanity Fair of 5 October 2011, remembering Flo Sandon’s wrote:

“I have a sweet memory of Flo Sandon’s that I saw the very first time I got on a stage. She and her husband, the great Natalino Otto, were the stars of the evening. I, very unknown, sang with a Cremonese group, for the first time, in fact. We were in a classic Lombard whale. In the end I remember that they told me: “She will make the way.” The first thing that surprised me was the fact that they gave me of her and then I thought: “… these two … I’m crazy …”. ”

( Mina [36] )

The Happy Boys are enthusiastic about Mina and Nino Donzelli invites the owner of the Italdisc, Davide Matalon, to attend the subsequent performance expected in Casteldidone. [34]

“Baby Gate” is at the Urlatric Mine [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina and Davide Matalon (his first record)

Davide Matalon at the beginning is a little hesitant, but is convinced by his musical consultant Giulio Lebanano who, after listening to Mina, is very favorably affected. He then engraves four songs: Be bop and stayed It is When with the Broadway label and with the name of art “baby gate”; Not to depart It is Disease With the Italdisc label and the royal name Mina. Waiting to understand which of the two artistic images would have had the greatest success of the public, in this very first phase of the career, Mina and its alter ego baby gate coexist on the market. [37]

To pay its potential, Matalon makes her participate in the Six days of the song , Milanese singing competition taken from television. On 1 December 1958, with the song protect me Mina participates in the inaugural evening at the Smerald theater. The presenter is Corrado and the guest of honor Mike Bongiorno. Second comes (behind Wera Nepy with Call me autumn ) and gets an overwhelming success. [38]

Matalon offers Happy Boys the opportunity of a tour in Türkiye, but Mina’s parents oppose; Above all, the father does not want his daughter to definitively abandon the school. Fausto Celli also decides not to leave for family reasons. Stayed in Cremona, Mina and Fausto decide to form a new group and, together with Lino Pavesi at sax, Lamberto “Memo” Fieschi on the floor, Ermanno Scolari at the double bass and Enrico Grossi on the guitar, founded “the lonely”. [39]

Mina and her father Giacomo Mazzini, with whom the singer will found her record company, the PDU in 1967, in Lugano

The new complex debuts on 11 January 1959 in the Tavernetta of the Continental Hotel in Cremona and, thanks to Mina’s growing popularity, immediately receives a series of requests from the premises of the area, but also from outside the province, such as the Night Club El Maroco di Milan and the Hotel Moresco in Ischia. [40] In the meantime, the two Mina records published by Italdisc exceed all expectations and, in an era in which to sell 70 000 copies is a company, the two 45 rpm exceeds the share of 100 000 separately. [41] Matalon makes her sign a three -year contract, until 1961, with the commitment to engrave two 45 laps within the year, that is 4 songs. As usual then, the pieces to be engraved are chosen from the songs of the Sanremo Festival of that year. The choice falls on Nobody , a melodic song sung by Wilma De Angelis. Mina, with great verve , it distorts its linearity singing it syncopatedly and very strongly. [42] The first public interpretation of Nobody In the new version it takes place shortly after a new edition of the Six days of the song , in a crowded Palazzo del Ghiaccio in Milan. [43] [44]

Matalon finally finds a space on television for his artist, thanks to the interest aroused by Mina, who made his debut at Rai on March 1, 1959, in the very popular broadcast Leave or double? conducted by Mike Bongiorno, always with the song Nobody . [45]

Precisely in those years, young singers were establishing, such as Adriano Celentano, Tony Dallara, Giorgio Gaber, Betty Curtis, Joe paths, Little Tony and others, who offer in Italian a new genre from the United States: Rock and Roll. The press coined for them the term of screams. [forty six] On April 4, 1959 Mina was called to participate in an episode of The musical by Mario Riva dedicated to the screamers: at the center of the scene a juke-box from whose back the singers come out; Mina sings once again its success of the moment, Nobody . [47]

The last 45 laps engraved as a baby gate is Splish Splash , presented on 29 August 1959 in the program Happy holiday . Subsequently, the pseudonym is abandoned, given the explosion of the phenomenon. With Nobody also participate in Very song 1959 , conducted by Delia Scala, Paolo Panelli and Nino Manfredi, in which duet among others with Wilma De Angelis, original interpreter of the song, and subsequently with Tonina Torrielli in the song Old , presented at the Sanremo of that year by Jula de Palma [48] And from Torrielli herself. Also in 1959 the first awards arrive: the “Golden Juke Box” and the “gold microphone”. [49] [50]

The sixties [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The “Tiger of Cremona” [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

January 16, 1960, with Tiparella Di Luna , song written by Franco Migliacci and Bruno De Filippi, Mina reaches the first position for the first time in hit-parade : [51] The song, after having achieved a great success also abroad, becomes a real symbol of the time, [52] and is inserted in the films Urlators at the bar It is Juke Box – Love screams , among the first examples of Musicarelli. The nickname with which it is still known even outside the national borders, soon today is attributed to her, The Tiger of Cremona ; legend has it that the nickname was coined for her by the journalist and friend Natalia Aspesi, [53] But he denied. [54]

Mina in Sanremo in 1960 with the song Are not you happy

In 1960 he participated in the tenth edition of the Sanremo Festival: on January 28 he presented Are not you happy in double execution with Betty Curtis; January 29th It is true In double execution with Teddy Reno. On January 30th he reappears with It is true . The song ranks seventh place, but for Mina it is still a success: for the request of its records, the Italdisc is forced to the publication of two or three new 45 laps per month. [55] In the same year he is among the protagonists of the film Urlators at the bar , together with Adriano Celentano, Brunetta, Chet Baker, Joe paths and others.

Later comes out The sky in a room , song written by Gino Paoli and arranged by Tony De Vita, who on October 15, 1960 reaches the first position, maintained for 14 weeks, and becomes the best -selling 45 rpm of the year, touching over time the 2 million copies sold: [56] it will also enter the ranking in Spain ( Heaven at home ) and in the United States ( The World We Love in ), where he will reach the number 90 position of Billboard . [57] [58] The sky in a room He remains absolutely one of his greatest successes and can be considered a first evolution in Mina’s career, which as a light -hearted scream (at the same time came out Una zebra ) Also proves to be the sensitive and refined interpreter of the author’s song. [59] [60]

Participate as a fixed guest in the six episodes of the television program Sentimental , where he presents the aforementioned Una zebra It is Crumbs of kisses . Also returns to Song , where during the various episodes proposes some of its most recent engravings ( Tiparella Di Luna , The sky in a room , Crazy light ed It is true , in a duet with Umberto Bindi), together with songs such as Na sera ‘and May (with which it reaches the final), Sarracino , But love does not It is Violin tuzigano (in duet with Marino Marini); He also plays the final abbreviation Due note . [sixty one] [62]

Mine and owed famous [63] And in this period he also begins to know the negative sides of too much notoriety, first above all the often expanding interest by the press, in the continuous search for sentimental relationships e flirt , mostly invented, that can scandalize. [sixty four] In these years and in those to come, it will be one of the most photographed characters and requested by journalists. The weekly Tv smiles and songs A large number of covers dedicates to her: from the first in 1959, to the most recent in 2020, on the occasion of its utmost birthday. [65]

1961: the second (and last) participation in the Sanremo Festival [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Sanremo 1961: Mina while singing The thousand blue bubbles

In 1961 he was competing at the Sanremo Festival and on this occasion there is an unusual attitude by the press and the communication bodies in general, who give it immediately by winning, adjusting it, perhaps in order to increase the interest in the musical event. [66] [sixty seven] On January 26 he performs with I love you love In double execution with Nelly Fioramonti. Always very inclined in Tonsillitis, on January 27, with an inflammation in the throat, presents The thousand blue bubbles , in double execution with Jenny Luna. [68] However, the song is too modern for the Sanremo public, and its now famous gesture, that of the fingers that slide on the mouth to each refrain, is caught by a part of the spectators as a slap, a lack of respect for them. [66] [69] The atmosphere overheats when journalists collect this discontent and contrast Mina who then became, for some time, its virtual rival, Milva. [70] On January 28 he arrives in the final with both songs. Ranks fourth with I love you love and in the fifth with The thousand blue bubbles . [71] The premises of the eve were very different and for Mina it is emotionally a bad blow; The singer is caught by crisis of crying and declares that he no longer wants to participate in singing races, including Sanremo Festival. [68] A promise made to itself and always kept.

The Sanremo experience is a cold shower that changes it deeply, [72] But its popularity is not minimally affected e The thousand blue bubbles It is a considerable success of sales and listening (in those years in fact the measure of the success of a song was also highlighted by the “tokens” in Juke-Box). [seventy three]

Indro Montanelli writes: “That devil of girl did it, even with bubbles, or despite the bubbles (…), she perfectly interprets her time, her tastes, her disgusts (…) there is Inside to the hair (…) “. [74]

International success [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In April 1961, accompanied by his impresario Elio Gigante, he left for Spain, where he was welcomed in the best way [75] And in the month of May, with the master Bruno Canfora in tow, he undertakes a tour in Japan. In the country of the Rising Sun, in fact, songs like Tiparella Di Luna It is The sky in a room They are already very popular. For the occasion, Canfora composes the hit ANATA TO WATASHI (TU ED IO) , which Mina interprets in Japanese together with other successes. [76] In August he made his debut in Caracas, where he participated in the very popular Renny show On channel 2 of Venezuelan TV: here too it is a resounding success. [77]

Mina with Antonio Virgilio Savona (component and leader of the Cetra Quartet) in 1961

The return to Italy coincides with the airing of the TV program Studio Uno , also inaugurating the second program (the current Rai 2). In 1981 he intervenes briefly during the TG2 column Space seven , on the occasion of the twenty years of the second program, [78] For the direction of Antonello Falqui: there is no real conductor, but various characters who take turns from time to time, such as Don Lurio, the Quartetto Cetra, Sandra Mondaini and the twins Kessler [79] . Mina performs alternating songs from her recent repertoire ( Anata to Watashi , Bum, ouch! What a coup of the moon by Lelio Luttazzi, Who will be , Sciummo , Grinding coffee , Ice cubes , A guy , Games of shadow , etc.) to “themed” musical fantasies (such as the Neapolitan song) or dedicated to a single author, such as George Gershwin, of which he records a version of Summertime After mentioning it in transmission. [80] [81] Many of the songs presented a Studio Uno they are engraved in the LP Grinding coffee from 1962.

At the beginning of 1962 Mina returns to Spain again, where it also appears in some television programs. [75] Immediately afterwards he goes to France, where he performed successfully in the French temple of music: the Olympia theater in Paris. [75] Gerhard Mendelson, producer of the Polydor record label, offers her the engraving of some songs for the German market: the singer accepts, inaugurating a happy collaboration with the master Werner Scharfenberger. Together they record in Vienna If you believe in miracles (German version of The sky in a room ) It is Hot sand , first of a long series of songs written for her by the master. Also in Vienna, Mina records a television variety focused on her; [82] To support her one of the most popular German singers of the time, Peter Kraus, of which Mina plays for the occasion some songs. March 12, 1962 also appears to German TV in the program Sincerely, Peter Kraus , where he presents Hot sand .
The praise for his voice are numerous and in just ten days the album sells 40 000 copies, [83] Then, thanks to the substantial sales, in the first place of the German charts, keeping their summit for nine weeks. [84] The success of Hot sand leads to the creation of numerous other engravings for the German market [seventy three] And always in Germany, they enter the ranking in 1962 Fiesta Brasiliana It is Tabu , followed in 1963 by Captain , Mister twist , Until next time , Yes, love live up It is Strange country . Fiesta Brasiliana It is also inserted in the film The girls like that , Sempre Con Peter Kraus.

In the meantime, he returns to the summit of the Italian Hit-Parade with Renato , of the South American Alberto Cortez. On the back of the 45 laps there is Eclisse twist , soundtrack of the film The eclipse by Michelangelo Antonioni (who scrupulously follows the realization of the song). At the same time Mina, as an actress, recites in Appointment on the Riviera , film about the lines of the previous one Appointment in Ischia , who manages to repeat its great success. [85] In the same period, the carousels recorded for the Italian beer industry, in which Mina plays the role of famous actresses: Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Judy Garland, Joséphine Baker, Anna Magnani, and others. [eighty six]

Mina and Corrado Pani in the dressing room of a theater (1963)

In May 1962 he made his debut in Buenos Aires, also arousing great enthusiasm on this occasion, [eighty seven] While in July, from a referendum held among light music fans in Germany, Austria and German Switzerland, Mina is the most popular singer; [88] It is almost certainly the most paid singer of the moment in Europe. [89] On August 5, 1962 he participated in Antonello Falqui’s program Eva and me , where he proposes the new 45 rpm Chihuahua , which flows together with others in the fifth LP Italdisc, entitled Renato . On 30 September he performs in the TV program High pressure , in which he presents his brother Alfredo who sings People look at us . On 12 October it is aired again Song and Mina participates in four of the twelve episodes, reaching the final of January 6, 1963 with The sky in a room . Also Mina sings (without appearing) the final abbreviation I string me strong your wrists , written among others by Dario Fo, who with Franca Rame will be suspended from the conduct of the program for the strong tones of his political satire, and replaced by Tino Buazzelli and Sandra Mondaini.

Maternity and media fury [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On April 18, 1963, at the Mangiagalli clinic in Milan, his first son Massimiliano was born, conceived following the Union with Corrado Pani, at that time still married to the actress Renata Monteduro. Maternity causes Mina to remove the state television, while a part of the press the staging as a public singer for her illegal relationship. [90] However, the public shows her affection and, when it reappears at the Compass Of Focette in Versilia in some concerts in August of that same year, the reception for Mina is very warm and success exceeds all expectations. [91] Throughout 1963, the only apparitions of the singer on the small screen are some Caroselli of the Italian beer industry shot at the end of 1962 and broadcast from April to August. Nine years later Mina will remember this period in an interview on Playboy :

«The best was a photo on” era “where I laughed with Corrado with my belly, quiet, and written” what will he have to laugh? “, He looks at the best, I will remember all my life such a thing . So you understand the attitude of the press: they pulled me on the shovels and people did not let themselves be conditioned by this fact, she passed it. ”

( Mina [92] )

In addition to the mere biographical note, the Mina story contributes to a real evolution in the Italian costume: in fact the public does not fail to express its solidarity, asking and waiting for its return to the scenes. [seventy three] In this regard, Mina still on Playboy :

“… never seen such a series of gifts from all over Italy, of letters,” don’t worry “, on the street they said to me,” you don’t have to worry “.”

( Mina [92] )
Mina and Augusto Martelli arranger of numerous songs by the singer from 1964 to 1971

After the summer success of Same beach itself sea (also engraved by Piero Focaccia), in October 1963 the Italdisc he released an album of the same name and a 45 rpm containing a Twist entitled Volcano , but Mina has already moved on to RI-FI, until then media record label, as well as the only one to trust it in this period of ostracism. In December 1963 a trio album consisting of Empty city/is useless/Valentino Vale : the 45 rpm, thanks to Empty city , one of his most famous songs, he immediately scales the hit-parade coming to position number 1 in April of the following year. After the birth of Massimiliano, the relationship with Pani enters crisis, as he himself recalls: «It was fatal that it ended like this, I worked a lot, she almost more than me. We were forced to see each other rarely. The magical moment had passed away. Mina also had known Martelli, so I retired ». With Augusto Martelli Mina will live until the late sixties. [93]

The RE-FI period and the return to television [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On January 10, 1964 Mina returns to television in the Mike Bongiorno program The Dream Fair , where he presents Empty city ed It’s useless . [seventy three] Three months later he participates again in the program by launching It is the man for me , with whom he reconfirms his leadership in hit-parade , remaining in the first place for 9 weeks.
On 2 May Rai broadcasts In limelight 2 – Special for Mina , where the singer proposes Take a pencil , Munasterio ‘and Santa Chiara ed It is the man for me . [ninety four] He then performs a fantasy of successes by Gigliola Cinquetti, Rita Pavone and Ornella Vanoni, the most popular colleagues of the moment. Guests such as Adriano Celentano, Johnny Dorelli, Gorni Kramer, Lelio Luttazzi, Ugo Tognazzi and others participate in the show. At the end of the month the new 45 rpm comes out A hole in the sand , a passage with a seaside theme, which follows the style of the Mina first way and which achieves considerable success in Japan: Suna Ni Kieta Namida , the language version, comes to the first place in the standings. At the end of the year Mina is elected “best international artist” right in Japan. [95]

Mina and Johnny Dorelli during the broadcast Johnny 7 (1964)

A hole in the sand It is sung live together with It is the man for me in the late summer program Theater 10 , directed by Antonello Falqui and Con Lelio Luttazzi. The thunderous applause of the Teatro delle Vittorie demonstrate the affection and support of the public towards Mina, now definitively re -elected after the “scandal”. The singer performs sitting on the piano next to Luttazzi, in a fantasy of songs written by the musician Triestino: some like Bum, ouch what a coup of the moon , Sentimental It is Una zebra , brought to success from Mina a few years earlier.

In September 1964 Mina performed for the first time in Canada thanks to the Florentine singer Narciso Paris, friend of Johnny Lombardi, organizer of important musical events. [96]

The first album for the Ri-Fi, entitled Mina and almost entirely composed of cover foreigners: the only two songs in Italian are And if tomorrow It is Do not fool yourself . And if tomorrow He had been presented by Fausto Cigliano and Gene Pitney at the Sanremo Festival of that year, with a good success of the public and critics, but without getting to the final; Carlo Alberto Rossi, author and publisher of the song, convinces Mina to recover it and insert it on his album, of which he remains one of the flagship songs. Mina It is elected “best album of the year” by specialized critics, recognition that is worth the singer the “Oscar of the ’64 album”. And if tomorrow He is later reinforced and proposed as a back of two singles: A year of love , released at the end of 1964, e Brava (1965).
The 45 rpm A year of love constitutes his personal permanence record in the standings with thirteen consecutive weeks at number 1 of the hit-parade , probably successful due to the combination on a single support of two of his most appreciated songs. In September a 45 rpm comes out which includes the songs I am what I am It is You will do , presented in the TV program The speckle .

Studio Uno It is Saturday evening [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina and Alberto Sordi a Studio Uno In the famous duet (1966)

In 1965 Antonello Falqui reported Mina on TV as a presenter of Studio Uno . [seventy three] The formula is more or less the same previously used: in each episode Mina performs songs of its repertoire as Brava (and entertainment Designed by Maestro Bruno Canfora to highlight his qualities of agility and vocal skills), and themed musical fantasies, for example taken from the last Sanremo Festival, of which he engraved on 45 laps If you cry, if you laugh by Bobby Solo, winning song. In the column The man for me , Mina hosts Nino Manfredi, Vittorio Gassman, Totò, Walter Chiari, Alberto Sordi, Amedeo Nazzari, Marcello Mastroianni, Ugo Tognazzi, Enrico Maria Salerno, Peppino De Filippo, Adriano Celentano, Rossano Brazzi, dueting and interpreting funny sketch , since then continually re -proposed by Rai. [seventy three] At the end of the program, the cast Complete, composed of Luciano Salce, the twins Kessler, Paolo Panelli, Milly and Mina, offers a musical fantasy combined with a weekly quiz; The final acronym sung by Mina is Suns , by Antonio Amurri and Bruno Canfora, conductor of this and subsequent editions of the program. The album is released Studio Uno , a most successful collection of its individuals in the two -year ’64/’65 (except the next Now or never ): the LP will be the best -selling of the year.

Furthermore, starting this year, the singer begins to shoot numerous Caroselli also for Barilla, directed by directors such as Piero Gherardi and Valerio Zurlini: the spot made in all about sixty and are shot until the end of 1970. Many years later they will be re -proposed in VHS and DVDs, given the unchanged interest in the character, for the beauty of the costumes, of the location and the songs presented. In July 1965 Mina participated in the international light music exhibition in Venice with her song for the summer The last opportunity , already sung by Tony del Monaco (who had written it together with Jimmy Fontana), and later taken up by Tom Jones. In autumn he participates in two episodes of The proof of the nine , where, among other things, it proposes success Due note , arranged by Maestro Gianni Ferrio. The final acronym of The proof of the nine it is the aforementioned Now or never , yet another 45 rpm that reaches the leaders of the hit-parade . It is also included as an opening song in the collection Mina & Gaber: an hour with them , created by Ri-Fi with the most recent engravings of the two artists, at the time of Scuderia companions.

Mina in 1970

1966 opens with the publication of a 45 rpm which includes two of the songs participating in Sanremo of that year: A house at the top of the world (presented by Pino Donaggio and Claudio Villa) e If you weren’t here (by Carlo Alberto Rossi and Marisa Terzi, presented by Peppino Gagliardi and Pat Boone). As now in habit, Mina recovers the songs “Festivals” that seem most suitable, making them become personal successes. After the success of the previous year, in 1966 Mina was reconfirmed as a presenter of Studio Uno . [seventy three] Initially it show It includes twelve episodes, all with Mina. But the singer does not seem willing to make commitments for such a long time; Therefore the transmission is divided into four cycles of five episodes each. Each cycle is entrusted to a different Primadonna: in the first three, Sandra Milo, Ornella Vanoni and Rita Pavone appear respectively; In the last it is Mina’s turn. The reception is so enthusiastic that it is decided for the subsequent programs to choose only Mina. In each episode, the singer is in the company of a guest of honor with whom he only duets, such as Gilbert Bécaud or Romolo Valli, or comic characters also destined to be a shoulder, such as Paolo Panelli, Totò, Alberto Sordi, with whom they come implemented comic moments, which then became clips cult of Italian television. The musical fantasies are also back, which that year are dedicated to Giovanni D’Anno, Carlo Alberto Rossi, Gorni Kramer, Armando Trovajoli, and Bruno Canfora. Also in this new edition of Studio Uno , Mina launches its most recent engravings: in the first episode it presents itself with I’m here for you , written by Lina Wertmüller, co -author of the program, and continues with the famous If you call , written by Maurizio Costanzo and Ghigo De Chiara on music by Ennio Morricone. Strangely If you call He will stop in eighth place in the standings, where he remained for twenty weeks, however becoming a real over time evergreen And one of the most well -known Italian songs ever, voted as the favorite among the many played by the singer by a public participating in a web survey in 2010. [97]

Mina was the first artist in Italy to wear the miniskirt in television shows and in concerts, here during the television program Double copy (1970)

In the second episode Mina presents Ta-ra-ta-ta , while in the last (inside the space dedicated to Alberto Sordi) he sings Short love ( You Never Told Me ), soundtrack written by Piero Piccioni and Sordi himself for the film London smoke . It sketch of deaf with Mina a Studio Uno ’66 It is one of the most replicated of the transmission over the years, together with those with Totò, guest of honor in both editions. The single containing Ta-ra-ta-ta It is Short love It becomes the 45 laps of Mina most sold of 1966. The final theme of the program is Never that way , written by Lina Wertmüller and Bruno Canfora: the song that was to be published on 45 laps instead of Short love , on the other hand, is inserted, in a different version, in the album Studio Uno 66 , another collection of individuals of the period.

In the summer, he collected the “Golden Gondola” for the sales of the previous year in Venice in Venice. The album comes out Mina 2 , which by choice of songs and interpretative style refers to the previous one Mina . In September the singer launches another of his classics: I’m like you want me , acronym of radio broadcast Great variety (at the first edition), conducted by Johnny Dorelli with the participation of Mina herself. Forty years later, I’m like you want me It is reinterpreted by Irene Grandi. You broke out in my heart , another song written by Lina Wertmüller and Bruno Canfora, is presented to Studio Uno , but comes out as a single only in December.

Masterifor procolor prosa faanaees Saturday evening (1967)
Mina a Saturday evening With Enzo Tortora and Nino Benvenuti, who had won the title of world weights world champion (1967) that year

In February 1967 another 45 rpm was published with two songs competing at the seventeenth edition of the Sanremo Festival: on the side a Immensity , great success of Don Backy and Johnny Dorelli, on the B side Sings girl , unfortunate song sung by Bobby Solo and Connie Francis, re -proposed in 2008 as the soundtrack of the film The seed of discord , on the authorization of the same Mina.

In April begins Saturday evening , re -edition of Studio Uno , directed by Antonello Falqui. Thanks to the public consent obtained the previous year, Mina is the only “landlady”, flanked from time to time by a different guest co-conductor of the transmission. The fixed guests of the program are Lola Falana, Rocky Roberts and Franca Valeri. On the episode, however, Gino Bramieri, Johnny Dorelli, Armando Trovajoli, Paolo Panelli, Bice Valori, Renato Rascel, Rita Pavone, Giancarlo Giannini, Adriano Celentano, Sandra Milo, Giorgio Albertazzi are followed. Many songs presented: some just published ( Immensity , The band Di Chico Buarque de Hollanda, If there is one thing that makes me crazy , Become a mai , Sabati and Sundays , the final abbreviation Conversation , etc.), others in the many musical numbers proposed with the various guests. One of the substantial differences compared to previous editions (in addition to cast , the scenography and execution of the songs) is the external setting of some pre-recorded moments of the program. The musical parenthesis in which Mina performs with Severino Gazzelloni in the Escape for two voices in do minor of Bach. It also invites the four most popular presenters of the Italian TV at the time, Mike Bongiorno, Corrado, Enzo Tortora and Pippo Baudo to sing a parody of the song with her When I say I love you . As usual, the Ri-Fi publishes a new LP entitled Saturday evening – Studio Uno ’67 , in which its most recent engravings on 45 rpm flows, together with other unpublished incisors specifically engraved for the album.

Foundation of the PDU in Lugano [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The band , great success of the summer 1967, will be the latest single engraved for Ri-Fi. Eager for his own artistic and design autonomy, on 1 December 1967 Mina founded together with the father, in Lugano, the PDU ( Plate throughout UltraPhone ), the only record label for which he has since engraved, changing only distribution.

The first album published by the PDU is a 45 rpm comprising on the side to the song Branch , reinterpretation of the famous Aranjuez Concert by Joaquín Rodrigo on the text by Giorgio Calabrese, and on the B side The speeches , text signed by Mina herself on music by Augusto Martelli, new arranger of the singer. In three days the disc sells 25 000 copies, but is immediately withdrawn from the market as Joaquín Rodrigo does not approve of hammers on hammers on Branch , that is to say on Aranjuez Concert : same fate happens to the other reinterpretations of the song that at that time had been published by Richard Anthony and Fabrizio De André, while that of Dalida ( Aranjuez your voice ) instead is “spared” by the author. The 45 rpm is then reprinted keeping the B side unchanged The speeches (chosen as the abbreviation of the new radio appointments with the singer, the well -known Afternoons with Mina ) and inserting a new facade a, Marinella’s song of the then unknown Fabrizio De André, who will later write:

“If a miraculous voice had not interpreted in 1967” Marinella’s song “, in all probability I would have finished my studies to devote myself to the lawyer. I thank Mina for putting the cards in my favor and above all for the benefit of my virtual assisted. ”

( André Fabrizio [98] )
Mina on the album cover Dedicated to my father of 1967, first LP published by the PDU

The speeches It is Marinella’s song they also flow into the first LP published by the PDU and entitled Dedicated to my father : the album includes classics like Johnny Guitar , Kiss Me a lot , That Old Feeling , The Man That Got Away , taken from the American and South American repertoire, as in the albums Mina (1964) and Mina 2 (1966). Subsequently he engraves on 45 laps two songs presented in Sanremo ’68: on the side A there is Song for you , winner of Sergio Endrigo, sung by the author and by Roberto Carlos in the double version; On the B side it is found That applies to me by Carlo Alberto Rossi and Marisa Terzi (already authors of If you weren’t here , engraved two years earlier by Mina), eliminated from the race in the versions of Eartha Kitt and Peppino Gagliardi. The two songs will also be engraved in Spanish, inside the first 45 laps exported to Spain by the PDU ( Canann to me / de you serve ).

In the meantime, the Ri-Fi continues to exploit archival material: in September 1967, on a contract already expired, the Milanese label published the 45 laps with the unpublished You will not leave me It is Postcards , engraved a few months earlier (actually Postcards had been presented by the singer in one sketch Of Carousel for Barilla). Another unpublished re-fi is In the bottom of my heart : it is the second cover of Alberto Cortez in the repertoire of the singer, five years after Renato (1962), with Italian text written by Mina herself: the song is published for the first time within the collection 4 years of success , published shortly before the Christmas period at the end of 1967, anticipating the album release Dedicated to my father . In the bottom of my heart He was released in February 1968, obtaining a fair sales success. Until 1969, Ri-Fi continues to release another 45 laps, often using songs previously appeared only on album. This was repeated what had already happened with the Italdisc, who had placed a series of 33 from 1964 to 1968 ( 20 hits of mine , My n. 7 , Mina interpreted by mine , etc.) and 45 rpm ( Sometimes , Rhapsody , The sky in a room , Young at Love , Due note , etc.), using archive material published and not, often to exploit the various waves of visibility of the singer from time to time.

Ten years of career and the first live to the compass [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina in 1969

To celebrate ten years of career, on April 14, 1968 he recorded his first album live at the Marina di Pietrasanta compass. The place in which Mina begins is inextricably linked to the singer, who over the years has performed there repeatedly, always collecting the greatest attention from the public and press, finally becoming a real exclusive: fixed guest for entire seasons in which it is recorded With her fully exhausted. The project linked to the album Mina to the live compass (which is the best -selling of the year), represents an appreciable and particularly ambitious effort, intent on celebrating ten years of unchanged success. [99]

In May 1968, he appeared in the music Western parody for television: Don’t sing, shoot , in the role of Wilhelmina, a capricious saloon singer, singing A man with the hat on the eyes (Leo Chiosso – Gianni Ferrio) accompanied on the piano by Enrico Simonetti. Between spring and summer, the individuals are released by the PDU A blow to the heart/joy It is Regularly/fantasy : Mina is looking for a song that can bring it back to the very first positions of the Hit-Parade, which is currently not happening, despite the massive television promotion. The album comes out in June The most beautiful Italian songs played by Mina , an attachment for subscribers of magazines Friend , The Sunday of the Corriere It is The illustrated grandstand : The twelve songs included on the album had been chosen by the readers of the three magazines, which had to indicate which songs should have recorded Mina, from a rose of eighty songs among the most popular of Italian light music. The LP will become one of the most sought after by collectors. Among the most famous rereads of the album, there is The voice of silence , song composed by Maestro Elio Isola and presented in Sanremo ’68 by Tony del Monaco and Dionne Warwick, which has become one of the great classics of Italian music over time, thanks to Mina’s interpretation. The voice of silence It is the first song engraved by Mina signed by Paolo Limiti (who wrote the text), friend and trusted author of the singer at the turn of the sixties and seventies. In July, Mina participates for the first time in Offline , a program recorded at the Rai auditorium in Naples, in which a selection of her great successes sings, together with other songs you recently engraved ( Cry , If I’m here tonight , Deborah , A heart attack ). Also perform Love, love, love accompanied by Piero Piccioni on the piano, and duets in Goganga With Giorgio Gaber.

From 28 September Mina leads Song with Walter Chiari and Paolo Panelli; On December 21 the final theme of the program, I wish it was love (composed still by Bruno Canfora), reports the singer in the upper areas of the Hit-Parade, after the flattering, but not exciting results of the individuals To the (very famous acronym of that Song ), When I was little (Soundtrack of the detective At any price , by Emilio P. Miraglia) e Nor how, nor why .
The LP also comes out Very Canzon ’68 , with all the songs launched by the singer during the broadcast, and his other recent engravings on 45 rpm. I wish it was love It is also exported from the PDU in Spain and France, countries where Mina is a guest in top television broadcasts. In France, I wish it was love becomes And , published on 45 laps together with I look at you ( I in love ). There is also an English version of I wish it was love entitled More Than Strangers . During an episode of Song , the director Federico Fellini, in connection with the study from the set of Satyricon , congratulates the singer hoping for a future collaboration with her, who could materialize in the film (moreover never made) The journey of G. Mastorna , with Mina in the role of protagonist actress. [100]

And Disbelieve a Liar and unconscious [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina and Lelio Luttazzi a Yesterday and today (1969)

In 1969, Mina published the last 45 “Sanremo” of his discography ( But how cold it makes / An hour ago ). In March the LP comes out The speeches , marketable version of the previous one The most beautiful Italian songs played by Mina , who had not come out in the shops as they are linked to a competition for readers of the Rusconi magazines. Compared to the previous album, The speeches includes two songs ( Marinella’s song it’s the same The speeches ) in place of And if tomorrow It is The music is over , the latter remained inexplicably out of catalog for thirty -six years. The spring 45 laps includes on the side a Disbelieve and on the B side Give it from tomorrow (the Brazilian The square by Carlos Imperial, translated into Italian by Paolo Limiti). Disbelieve It becomes great success and is promoted to many radio and television broadcasts (the Telequiz-Spettacolo What game do we play? , but also in traditional shows such as Double copy , It is Sunday but without obligation , Yesterday and today , etc.).

In June, Mina records a second episode of Offline , flanked once again by Giorgio Gaber (who also accompanied her on tour [101] ) and where he presents the two songs of the last 45 rpm, in front of a very warm audience. Disbelieve It remains throughout the summer season at the top of the Hit-Parade, proving to be one of the great successes of the year (3rd place among the best-selling singles), as well as the first real commercial exploit of the PDU with over 600 000 copies sold. In July it comes out Mina for You , album in English produced by James Nebb: five of the twelve songs had already appeared on Dedicated to my father , while the others are released for the first time in Italy on this album, which is closely linked to the two LPs Mina It is More than strangers , already produced by James Nebb himself for the Anglo -Saxon market. Nebb is also the author of the Avegreen No Arms Can Ever Hold You (in Italy Nobody in the world ), which Mina interprets for the occasion in the original version. The collection is subsequently released Meeting with Mina , which draws above all from the LP The speeches and from the production to 45 laps of 1968. In November they are published on single A shadow It is The problems of the heart : both songs are inserted (in a different version) also in the new LP … liar more than ever … more unconscious than ever … , always published at the end of the year. The title refers to the main song of the album, Liar and unconscious , cover of The aunt by Joan Manuel Serrat, translated by Paolo Limiti: it is one of Mina’s most important engravings, which marks the beginning of further interpretative progress of the singer.

Mina and Giorgio Gaber a Theater 10 (1972)
Mina and Lucio Battisti during the tests a Theater 10 (1972)

The first requests from Frank Sinatra are of this period for a collaboration with Mina in a series of live shows (with the presence of Dean Martin), who would have sanctioned its launch in the US business business, a launch that has never happened for the renunciation of the same singer. The reasons for this decision have never been completely clarified by Mina and its staff, but various hypotheses have been made over the years, including a sudden phobia of flying by plane, health problems, not wanting to detach from their loved ones and the fear of one star system Much more articulated, large and demanding than the Italian one. [102] [103]

Augusto Martelli, arranger of many of his songs, will be Mina’s partner for several years. Their marriage is announced several times by the gossip magazines, but will never be celebrated. The two were married until the end of the sixties. [seventy three]

Seventies [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Large, large, large and inspirer of Mogol / Battisti [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 1971 Mina chose as its arranger and conductor Pino Presti, for some time his bass player. He will become his inseparable arranger and musical collaborator of those years and will work with her until the last concerts of 1978. [104] [105]

The fruit of the new collaboration is immediate: the successes Large large (1972) ed And then… (1973), reach the number 1 position in Hit Parade, keeping it firmly for several weeks. They show a mine in splendid, languid, sensual, captivating shape, [106] So much so that it becomes the main inspiring muse of the famous duo of authors Mogol/Lucio Battisti, who entrust them with the successes Together (1970), Me and you alone , My love (1971) and The mind returns (1972). In 1972 he was again the protagonist a Theater 10 with Alberto Lupo, [107] with which he sings, in an interpretation that has become famous, the final acronym Words words , another great hit, contained in the album Five thousand four . In summer, still at the Bernardini compass, in Le Focette, he holds a series of concerts, documented by a disc and by a “special” television of Rai made in colors five years before the start of Italian public TV of such broadcasts. [108] At the end of the year the first double album comes out, entitled 1+1 , containing: From the compass (second live of the singer) e Other . The publication of the “double albums” will become a custom for many years.

Last television shows and new record successes [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina and Raffaella Carrà a Milluci (1974)

The farewell to the scenes had already been announced by Mina in 1972, the year in which throughout the summer she had held a series of concerts accompanied by a large orchestra made up of musicians from Vaglia (including Gianni Basso and Oscar Valdambrini). Just at the Marina di Pietrasanta compass (on the evening of September 16) the Video-Live is recorded From the compass , and in fact this remains the only Mina concert of which there is a filmed recovery. [107] In 1973 the double album was released Fruits and vegetables / Value lovers , the first consisting of unpublished (with the exception of The rain of March , song composed of Antônio Carlos Jobim), the second “theme”, with songs written by Carlo Pes on texts by Franco Califano. The success comes immediately, the disc scales all the sales rankings a few days after the publication, and later, when the two albums will be separated, Fruits and vegetables With 1 000 000 of copies sold, one of the most successful albums engraved by the singer will result. In the same year Mina reappears in the Caroselli for the Cedrata Tassoni, and makes a single television appearance in Have you ever seen? , where he presents the individual Love of love . In the same year, a tragic event for the private life of the singer occurs: Virgilio Crocco, his ex-hue and father of Benedetta, dies on 8 October hit by a car in La Crosse, in Wisconsin, while returning to the hotel in Company of a friend. The circumstances of the affair were never clarified, he hypothesized that he had been a pirate of the road at the helm of the car, or even an intentional gesture as the journalist at that time was investigating some burning facts.

In 1974 he came out Baby Gate (combined with Mina® ), which re -proposes the name of the “first mine” in the title; The disc collects a selection of songs from the fifties for most of American, always loved by the singer. Particular care is reserved for arrangements, in order to keep the atmospheres and vintage sounds intact. Large sales also for this album, which will reach 600 000.

1974 is also the year of his last television show, Milluci , conducted together with Raffaella Carrà. Shortly before the transmission Mina had declared in an interview: «I was very bad, later Milluci I won’t sing anymore ». In fact his is the final theme I don’t play anymore , in whose text there seems to be an omen to his imminent retreat. [109] The television farewell takes place in style, in fact this program can be defined as the last great show of Italian television. [110] The collection from the video appears definitive, even if the radio still sees it participate in Great variety in 1979. [111]

In 1975 Mina recorded a song considered to date among the most representative of its discography: The important thing is to finish . When it is published, it has the “difficult life”, due to the text written by Cristiano Malgioglio, considered too osé by the leaders of Rai who censor him for some time. [112]

In 1976, live from a recording studio in Rome, presented My fault During the transmission of Italian Switzerland From Ticino with sympathy . [113]

The final acronym of the program A thousand and a light (summer 1978), in which Mina sings Still still , text by Malgioglio, in a particularly sensual way (so much so as to also cause the intervention of the censorship, with the reduction of details on the mouth), is its last television appearance.

The farewell to the scenes [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina during His last live concert in Bussoladomi in 1978

Mare again to the compass, indeed in Bussoladomani. This was the event of the year, because Mina returned to live performances after some time and when Mina gets on stage and takes the microphone, the show that you cannot miss. And at each concert … it’s a triumph . »

( Rete 4, from Extraordinary lives )

1978 was the year of Mina’s return to live performances. The concerts took place in Bussoladomani in Versilia, introduced every evening by monologues of different comic actors, including Walter Chiari, Gino Bramieri and the trio La grimfia (Massimo Troisi, Enzo Decaro and Lello Arena); The expected shows were fifteen and they would have covered the whole summer season: in reality they were only eleven due to a lung infection that hit the singer before the conclusion of the tour, which however collected enormous success in terms of popular involvement. [90] [114]

Mina and Pino Presti, bassist, arranger and leader of the band of 14 musicians who accompanied the singer during his last concerts. It was defined by the press ” An orchestra as a large Las Vegas show [115]

The latest of these concerts included a television recovery and the recording of a third live album, then equally obtained from an audio test that the technician Nuccio Rinaldis (in accordance with the conductor Pino Presti) had prepared the evening of the his last concert ever, on August 23, 1978. The album will be entitled simply Mina Live ’78 double album cult [116] Posted by Rolling Stone magazine between “the 100 most beautiful Italian records ever”; [117] On that occasion he grants what appears to be his last interview. [118] The interviewer is Rita Madaro, from the private broadcaster Taranto radio . This conversation is difficult to find [119] Since the artist, a few hours after publishing it, asked as a personal favor from Rita Madaro who was not transmitted on the radio, at least not entirely, respecting that sense of privacy and confidentiality that, from that moment, has distinguished the singer throughout his own future. [120]

At the end of the seventies Mina is sentimentally linked to the cardiac surgeon Eugenio Quaini, also Cremonese, who has always been a friend of the singer. On January 10, 2006 they get married in Lugano and Mina herself in an article on Vanity Fair He gives the news.

The last live performance of Mina was commemorated from the Friday of the Republic on newsstands on 17 August 2018 with the title Forty summers ago, the last Mina concert . The cover image is dedicated to the singer taken on the stage, accompanied by an article signed by Marco Cicala, who contextualizes and makes the event protagonist by placing it among the significant facts that characterized 1978. [121] [122]

The “Tiger di Cremona” has marked the Italian show since the late 50s, with memorable songs, TV broadcasts that have entered history and a voice that is still a comparison for those who want to sing . »

( TGCOM24, 23 August 2018 [123] )

Eighties and nineties [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Despite the retreat from the scenes, even later many of his songs become great successes, including Also a man (1979), theme of the re -edition of the quiz Leave or double? ; I’ll die for you , which in 1982 entered the first 100 singles in the ranking dance American of Billboard; Roses on roses , written by his son Massimiliano Pani (1984); Issue of feeling (1985), duet with Riccardo Cocciante; Via go over (1986), duet with Fausto Leali; His, his, his (1988); Name (1992); Love (1994), according to duet with Riccardo Cocciante; We (1994) duet with Massimo Lopez; Fly me in the heart (1996) who after more than a decade would give the title to a television program; as well as the whole disc Mina Celentano , made in 1998 with Adriano Celentano. Up to the most recent Great love (1999), Today it’s me , cover of the song by Alex Britti (2001), Go and go , Take away (2005), Mogol-Battisti (2006), duet with Andrea Mingardi e Now it’s easy (2009), with the afterhours, the latter one of the very few songs, together with Fly me in the heart , That it did you say It is Alibi To have the support of a promotional video clip, this time made with real people (the protagonist is in fact Benedetta Mazzini); The precedents had been made in the first case with repertoire images, in the second in the form of cartoons and in the third completely on the computer. The theme of the song Long song , contained in the album Oil , was the abbreviation of the soap opera of Canale 5, Live .

From 1983, 1984, 1985 and 1986 the four double albums with the abbreviations of the Rai 1 TV program 30 years of our history , (with arrangements by Victor Bach); Then, until 1995, a double album will be published per year, alternating cover and unpublished songs. Starting from 1992, a long and fruitful collaboration with Audio2 began, launched by Massimiliano Pani as a record producer through the PDU. Some of the most successful songs of the singer are signed by them until 2003.

In 1996, after Milk baby food (double album in which duet, among others, with their children Massimiliano and Benedetta, respectively in the songs If I Fell of the Beatles e More Than Words of the Extreme), [124] Mina returns to single publications with a highly commercial album, Cremona , tribute to his city of origin. [125] From this moment its production is diversified by alternating albums of unpublished songs with monographs dedicated to musical genres (Neapolitan song, sacred music) or famous authors and artists (Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Lucio Battisti, Domenico Modugno, Renato Zero, Enzo Jannacci). [126] [127] Meanwhile, he closes the long, profitable collaboration with l’art director Luciano Tallarini and for the covers relies on Mauro Balletti.
In 1996 the “cultured” music pays homage to Mina: the master Adriano Guarnieri, one of the most significant contemporary composers, presented his composition at the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Tribute to Mina, six songs by light voice, soprano and orchestra , on a text by Euripides.

2000s [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The album is released on 6 October 2000 From the earth, An album in the studio (in 2010 reprinted in vinyl, such as Picture Disc with limited edition), a collection of twelve sacred songs.

Only in 2001 the singer reappears in public, through the internet, on the Wind portal, where the filming of some registration sessions are transmitted. The DVD is drawn from the filming Mina in studio , with record sales that exceed 50 000 copies (in a period in which the average of the DVDs is 3 000 copies sold by title). The event, with a record of 20 million contacts, was among the most followed of all time in Italy. [128]

In 2002 Mina’s new album was released – Poison – within which there is a collaboration with Zucchero Fornaciari, co -author of the song Sucking the grapes .

In 2004 he came out The Platinum Collection , triple collection of successes that obtains results higher than the most optimistic forecasts, at a time when the record industry begins to complain about a significant decline in CD sales: it exceeds 600 000 copies sold, appearing regularly in the standings even in the following years. In the same year he sang a short ironic jingle for the Gialappa’s Band. [129]

On January 31, 2005, it comes out BULA BULA , with the two singles ( Go and go It is Take away ), and the ghost-track Fever , acronym for the opening of the sports broadcast Those that football . November 11 is the turn of an album-toning to Frank Sinatra entitled The pupil In which, once again, Mina demonstrates its propensity towards a musical genre that is not easy to read like jazz. In the same year he grants to sample his voice (this is a unique, unprecedented fact) for the remake , in the key house , Of Love love (contained in Mina with Bignè It is Mina Live ’78 ). The new version, entitled Feel Like a Woman , by Gardner, is conceived by Pino Presti, author of the original with Cristiano Malgioglio, and created in several tracks, by the electro-Dance to the Nu-brazil, with the collaboration of Stefano Colombo, Melodica Records and the singer Joanna Cassini.

In 2006 he released the unreleased album Smell , anticipated by the individual Mogol-Battisti (a tribute to the famous couple of Italian pop music), sung in a duet with Andrea Mingardi, author of numerous disco songs.

In 2007, on the occasion of the exit of Miguel Bosé’s CD Daddy , celebratory for the thirty years of career, duets with him revisiting one of his most famous songs in Spanish: Water and salt ( Water and salt ), previously sung with Adriano Celentano. On 21 September a new Mina album comes out, Still , which contains 14 tracks in Spanish, 12 of which are versions of some more recent singles, except historians a year of love , Feeling question duet with Tiziano Ferro, Words words , the latter sung with Javier Zanetti, Terzino and Argentine captain of Inter, who has always been the favorite team by the singer. The disc debuts directly at number 1 of the best -selling album ranking. In November a duet with Giorgia comes out, Few words , song contained within Out of tune , album of the Roman singer. The meeting turns out to be very important for Giorgia, the first female interpreter to have had the opportunity to duet with Mina. Later the same Mina includes it on her album Candy .

I will say it on your mouth , Mina’s classical music album from 2009, with arrangements by Gianni Ferrio

June 24, 2008 The Republic reports the news that Mina and Ornella Vanoni had engraved an unpublished song, written by Andrea Mingardi: Friends never , which constitutes the first collaboration between the two singers. [130] For fifty years of career, Rai creates a 10 DVD necklace ( Mina – The Rai years ) with the best of his television apparitions, from the beginning to 1978.

On February 17, 2009 Mina returns to the commentaries with a video (collage of its appearance in 2001), as an opening theme and then closing of the 59th Sanremo Festival. The video wants to represent the evolution of Italian music over the years and is accompanied by the voice of Mina who interprets the No sleep from the Turandot by Giacomo Puccini. Romance is part of the album of classic arias released on February 20, 2009 entitled I will say it on your mouth . The album is released all over the world on the Sony Classical label. The new unreleased album is released on October 30th Easy , anticipated by the individual The fruit you want , written by Axel Pani, Mina’s nephew. The song is also contained in the album Lively meat which marks the return of Cristiano Malgioglio among the authors of the tiger. Also in 2009, after almost forty years, testimonial returns for the new Barilla advertising campaign, lending his voice to the new television commercials. He also collaborates with seventy colleagues in the new double album by Claudio Baglioni, Q.P.G.A. , in which the song sings The rainbow .

From February 2000 to February 2011 is present on the first page of The print As a commentator. From October 2003 until February 2015 maintains a column in the weekly Vanity Fair in which he responds to numerous readers emails.

2000s [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

In 2010, on the occasion of Mina’s seventieth birthday, there are many TV and web broadcasters that celebrate it, dedicating broadcasts and tributes to her. In March a Barilla spot is broadcast, widespread also in Germany, in which Mina hints at the song In the blue painted blue by Domenico Modugno. The Finelco group, to which several radio states, organizes Mina yesterday, today, tomorrow , a web radio active 24 hours a day (temporary from 19 to 31 March, but then extended indefinitely), with an exclusive programming concerning Mina’s songs, from the greatest successes to the least known successes. On 29 March Paolo Limiti leads Minisime 2010 , transmission-tribute to the Cremonese singer, in which some of the most famous interpretations of Mina with repertoire movies are re-proposed.

Album cover Candy (2010)

On May 25, a few months after the release of Easy , a new unreleased album is released, Candy , produced by Massimiliano Pani and to whom he collaborates among others (as already in Smell It is Easy ) Mina’s first grandson, Axel Pani, thus giving the singer the opportunity to expand the collaborations “in the family”. The disc includes fourteen tracks, including You Get Me , chosen as the top song for the radio launch, in which the artist ventures into a long-distance duet with the Anglo-Nigerian singer Seal. Three of the fourteen tracks had already been recorded by Mina over the last decade: So so (already included in 2001 in the album Suddenly of the double bass player Massimo Moriconi), Desperate love , duet with Lucio Dalla (inserted in the album Lucio of 2003) e Few words , duet with Giorgia (already included in his album Out of tune 2007).

On November 10, 2010, during the final episode of I leave you a song , Mina receives a tribute to her career as a sign of affection: the microphone with which Without network (television program) , on June 21 of forty years earlier, he had performed live for the last time at the Rai auditorium in Naples, the same in which the ongoing broadcast takes place. For the occasion, a repertoire of the famous 1970 show is released, in which the singer played the song Disbelieve Written by Mogol and Roberto Soffici. Massimiliano Pani, judge of I leave you a song , taking the mother of the mother, withdraws the tribute to deliver it. November 30, as a sequel to the album Candy , the CD comes out Small strenna , containing four songs specially interpreted by Mina for the imminent Christmas holidays and preceded by the individual Merry christmas , cover of the single of Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters of 1950 and published on November 20, 2010. The same songs act as a soundtrack a The Banda dei Santa Claus , Christmas film of 2010 by the Trio Aldo Giovanni and Giacomo. The second and last single, published on January 21, 2011, is Walking the Town .

Album cover Little 2011

On October 17, 2011, Mina puts the song online This song , which anticipated his unreleased album Little released on November 22nd. According to what is written in a press release, the song is based on an anonymous demo sent to them and is then entrusted to the web so that those who had composed it could recognize it and make it alive. [131] A few days later, in the magazine Vanity Fair , the identity of the authors of the song is revealed, which would even go back to 1971: Mario Nobile (music) and Paolo Limiti (Text). [132] Some commentators, however, advance the suspicion that it was a commercial operation to advertise the artist’s new album and the Facebook page. [133] [134] On November 8, 2011 the new song written by Enzo Iacchetti was made known, Merry Christmas , in which Mina sings together with Claudio Baglioni, Lucio Dalla, Enrico Ruggeri and Roberto Vecchioni to support Amref in the creation of a dam in Kenya. [135]

Another album is released on April 3, 2012: From the compass , followed on December 4 from 12 (American Song Book) . The disc, composed of twelve standards of the American song, is offered with twelve different covers, one for track. [136]

On November 7, 2013 in the early evening on Rai 2 aired Unique – Mina – On the other hand , new special on Mina with interviews with Plácido Domingo, Giorgio Faletti, José Feliciano, Luca Ronconi, Piero Pelù, Zucchero Fornaciari, Miguel Bosé, Marco Mengoni, Emma Marrone, Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo, the journalist Fernando Fratorcangeli, Giuliano Sangiorgi and many others. [137]

On November 19, 2013 it comes out Christmas Song Book , an album that for stylistic choices and sounds can be considered the twin Of 12 American Song Book of the previous year, differentiating itself from the latter for the uniqueness of the theme, the Christmas one. Sun two weeks from the release, the new Christmas concept is certified, like the previous one, gold disc.

In February 2014 it was released on the iTunes digital platform Itaca , a new song by the singer, who has become single. The song is presented for the first time in the television program The Voice of Italy , where he was on stage with the choreography of the Kitonb company. [138]

On April 15, 2014 for Universal Music Italia the Album of World Marcio, a Milanese rapper, is released, which is titled In the mouth of the tiger in honor of Mina. In each song (in all there are twelve) there is a musical champion of a song by the singer authorized by Mina herself.

On June 10, 2014, [139] Three years after the last unreleased album, the public singer Selfie , disc consisting of 13 new tracks, including The ball is round , song chosen by Rai as the abbreviation for his broadcasts on the 2014 World Championship. [140] For the second time in her career, the singer chooses a monkey as a cover image (a maca, to be exact), as had already happened in 1971 for the album Mina .

2016-2023 [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

On 30 September 2016 the single by Fausto Leali is released To those who tell me , cover of the Blue song, which is part of the Mina as a guest. [141]

On 11 November 2016 it comes out The best of Mina and Celentano; The album is anticipated by the individual Love me loves me , in radio rotation starting from 21 October 2016. [142] The song is the full cover of Ma’agalim (Circles) , made in 2015 by the Israeli singer-sizes Idan Raichel.
The second single extract is One step away from you , released on January 6, 2017. The album, although released in November, is the best -selling of 2016, obtaining three platinum records at the end of the year, with over 150,000 copies sold. In February 2017 the disc sold over 250 000 copies. The album The best is followed by the release of the other single What am I doing here , published on April 1, 2017. Finally, as a fourth and last single, it comes out If you really love me written by the rapper World Marcio. In mid -2018 the disc conquers the seventh platinum with over 350,000 copies sold.

During 2017, a series of promotional videos of the Sanremo Festival of that year of the unique sponsor of the TIM Festival are broadcast: the music of the videos is the remake made by Mina della Song All Night di pairs stelar. [143]

On 10 November 2017 the unpublished is released on the radio and digitally Eva , sang paired with Adriano Celentano. The song is inserted in the box All the best , out on 1 December. The box includes a CD with some songs taken from the first and second album engraved by Mina and Celentano, and a CD with a compilation of songs by the two artists engraved during their long career. [144]

Album cover Pigeons of 2018

The TIM sponsorship continues in the 2018 edition of Sanremo, through the Intergalactic digital work in 5 acts , consisting of 5 short commercials, who accompanied all the episodes of the Festival to promote their superveloceus network. The videos, lasting 75 seconds each, show a digital version of Mina in the guise of commander of the spatial ship opera (to which he lent the item Platinette), traveling to the earth and the Sanremo Festival. [145] During the final evening of the Festival, a television spot was screened showing the digitized version of Mina who interprets Another Day of Sun , a cover of the homonymous song taken from the soundtrack of the musical La la Land . In addition to the advertising spot, a three -dimensional hologram of the commander Mina was projected on the Ariston stage while performing the song, thanks to a complex system of fans and micro LEDs that made spectators perceive a 3D dynamic image floating in the air . [146] [147]

On March 2, 2018, the title, cover and tracklist of the new album to be released on 23 March are published: it is titled Pigeons , contains 12 tracks (including two covers, Last Christmas of the Whams! And Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis Presley), on sale in three different editions (CD Digipack, limited edition black vinyl, and an exclusive second vinyl for Amazon). [148] The album was anticipated by the individual I wanted to write to you for a long time , opening track of the album, in radio rotation starting from 9 March 2018. [149]

On 30 November 2018 the cover album comes out Paradiso (Lucio Battisti Songbook) in which songs by Lucio Battisti sings with the participation of some of the most representative arrangers, defined the “Who` WHO” of the category . [150] In May 2022 the album is certified platinum.

For the 2019 edition of the Sanremo Festival, the TIM commercials include versions of Kiss the sky by Jason Derulo e Tiparella Di Luna . In the same year duet with the rapper World Marcio in the song Angels and Demons .

November 22, 2019 was published Mina Fossati , new unreleased album made in pairs with Ivano Fossati. [151]

On August 4, 2020, on the occasion of the inauguration ceremony of the new Genoa San Giorgio viaduct, the new version of Crifuza the but , originally performed by Fabrizio De Andrè, sung by 18 Italian artists, including Mina, on a project by Dori Ghezzi.

On November 27, 2020 it comes out Italian Songbook , one of the first collections that will come out in the months to follow. In addition to containing all the greatest successes, it also contains covers (always recorded by Mina herself).

On the evening of December 31, 2020 the new TIM commercial began, broadcast for the first time on Rai 1 [152] After the year -end speech of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. In it Mina interprets an Italian version [153] of the song This is me (from the soundtrack of the musical film The Greatest Showman ).

In November 2021 the unpublished single was announced Nothing was lost , which anticipates the collection MinaCelentano – The Complete Recordings , also including the songs of the records Mina Celentano (1998) and The best (2017). [154]

On February 3, 2022, at the opening of the third evening of the Sanremo Festival, Amadeus paid tribute to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, on the notes of Large, large, large Of Mina performed by the large orchestra, also remembering that in 1978 Mattarella was present at the last public concert of Mina at the Teatro Tenda Bussoladomani. [155]

His is the voice in the soundtrack de The ignorant fairies – the series by title Throw love . [156]

On March 9, 2023, the Messaggero anticipates that the singer will shortly release a new album of unpublished including a duet with Blanco. [157] The new album, I love you like a madman , will be published on April 21, while the single made with Blanco, entitled A little swing of joy , was anticipated on April 14, in conjunction with the release of the singer’s new album. [158]

Mina holds her three -year -old son Massimiliano Pani in his arms (1966)

The figure of Mina has always aroused great curiosity and interest not only for her career, but also for the events that have characterized her private life. [159]

In the summer of 1962 he met Corrado Pani, an actor of theater of great talent, with experiences also in the cinema with Luchino Visconti in Rocco and his brothers and a note of dubbing and radio (his is the Italian voice of Peter Pan in the film The adventures of Peter Pan of 1953), followed and admired in particular by the Milanese and Roman women’s world. Pani had been married since 1959 with the actress Renata Monteduro; The two are actually separated for some time when the relationship with Mina begins, which soon becomes in the public domain. The media appropriate the news and continue to add for a long time scoop , details and assumptions to the report of the two in a critical and negative key. Even the priest Virginio Rotondi, known to the radio public for his broadcasts on faith, is interested in the story through an exchange of letters with Mina and everything is published in the newspapers. [93] On April 18, 1963, at the Mangiagalli clinic in Milan, the only son of the couple, Massimiliano Pani, affectionately called “Paciuchino” was born; Following the birth of the eldest son, Mina’s story with Pani enters crisis, thanks to the working commitments of both and the consequent long periods of distance between the two. He soon has a new relationship with the composer and arranger Augusto Martelli, with whom he coexists for several years. [160]

In 1965 the brother of the singer Alfredo died in a road accident at just twenty -two years of age. He too had embarked on his singer’s career with the pseudonym Geronimo , nickname chosen by Mina herself because of the Naso Aquilino which made it resembled the homonymous Indian head of the same name.

In 1966 he moved to Lugano, Switzerland, a country of which in November 1989 he acquired citizenship together with his daughter [161] , while maintaining the Italian one.

The first meeting with the Roman journalist Virgilio Crocco dates back to 1970. The two know each other in the singer’s dressing room after a performance in Terni and a classic love at first sight takes place, especially for the polite and elegant ways of Crocco. The wedding arrives suddenly on February 25, 1970 in Trevignano Romano, on Lake Bracciano, but the professional commitments immediately divide the spouses. The two, probably precisely for work reasons, do not live together, and after not many months the marriage shipwrecked; They have already separated when on 11 November 1971, always at the Mangiagalli clinic in Milan, Mina gives light, about three weeks in advance, her second daughter, Benedetta Crocco, who years later will decide to legally add the maternal surname to that Paterno, and then made known only as Benedetta Mazzini. However, the singer remains on good relations with her ex -husband until her death, which took place on 8 October 1973 in La Crosse, in Wisconsin, hit by a car in circumstances never clarified.

After the birth of his daughter he begins to attend Alfredo Cerruti, a Neapolitan record and a member of the Squallor satirus group. Their relationship lasts about three years. At the end of the seventies, a longtime friend reaches, Eugenio Quaini, a seven -year -old Cremonese cardiac surgeon; A new and long relationship begins with him. When on January 10, 2006 he married Quaini, he takes the surname of the husband, according to the Swiss customs, [162] But he still remains linked to his unmarried surname, as also demonstrated by the choice of the name of his website. [163]

He is a grandmother of the two children had from the eldest son Massimiliano, Axel and Edoardo Pani, born respectively in 1986 and 2004. [164] On 9 May 2018 he became a great -grandmother of Alma, Axel’s firstborn. [165]

Mina used her ductile and expressive voice in a very personal way, often lever on virtuosity. [2] [166] It is often mentioned as a pop artist [2] as well as the main exponent of Italian light music, [first] [4] [5] Gender that proposes in a refined and elegant way by citing the standards of Jazz and Bossa Nova. [167] [168] Thanks to the versatility of his voice, he was able to identify himself with almost all musical styles, [2] [166] as they confirm, after the exurree as a screaming [166] and the historical recordings of the sixties and seventies, [169] the pop and rock of Attila (1979), [166] Rock, Swing and Calypso di Chains (1984), [166] The Neapolitan song of Mina Canta Napoli (1966), Naples (1996) and Naples according to extract (2003), [166] [170] the sacred music of From the earth (2000) [166] and that cultured of I will say it on your mouth (2009). [166] Countless are his tributes to other artists such as the Beatles ( Mina Sing I Beatles , 1993), Lucio Battisti ( Threatening , 1975), Enzo Jannacci ( Mina almost Jannacci , 1977), Mazzini sings Battisti , 1994) and other famous Italian songwriters ( Author songs , 1996). [166] In addition to considering it an exponent of different shades of pop music, AllMusic He cites Mina among the artists Adult Contemporary. [171]

Large, large, large , one of the great successes of the PDU label

Record labels [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

After the agreement for the distribution with Emi, close agreements with the Argentine label were Fermata Records , also linked to the same distributor, for publications in Latin America: Argentina, Brazil and neighboring states.

Arrangers and conductors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina has had a good number of arrangers and conductors over the years. Four accompanied her on several occasions to 1 place of the best -selling singles in the Italian hit parade:

Mina and George Agheddo in 1978

It is the most present interpreter ever in the Italian sales charts. Since, at the end of 1978, he has chosen not to make his image appear in public, his professional path continues almost exclusively through the manifestation of his voice. In fact, the artist continues to affect records annual, to conduct radio programs, to collaborate with some magazines and newspapers as a commentator and to lend his voice in some commercials.

Only in 2001 did he get exceptionally resumed in his recording studio in Lugano (GSU), allowing the public to return to see her physically after more than twenty years and to attend the birth of one of his albums. The movie, widespread in streaming, recorded a record of contacts, with over 50 million connections. [172] In the same year he was awarded the honor of great officer of the Republic by President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. [173] [174]

During his long career he has recorded more than 1 500 songs and sold over 150 million records until 2010. [175] From the beginning in 1958, 2004 and 2008 were the only years in which Mina has not published any new song. His best -selling album has been Mina Celentano With 2 000 000 copies, sung precisely in duo with the “soft”. [176] To follow, the collection My best (1970), which exceeded million copies. The best -selling albums were Fruits and vegetables (1973), Attila (1979), the first double album released after his retirement from the scenes, which sees the debut of his son Massimiliano, then sixteen, and Cremona (1996).

Many of his pieces are placed within the ranking all time the best -selling songs in Italy, drawn up by the Hitparadeitalia.it website. In particular And then , Large large It is The sky in a room , respectively occupy the fifth, sixth and tenth position. [177]

Mina sang in Italian, Sicilian, Neapolitan, Genoese, Spanish, English, German, French, Portuguese, Catalan, Turkish, Japanese and Cremonese ( Mina in the world , 2000).

Despite the various musicarelli played at the beginning of the career, Mina has never wanted to seriously embrace her film career, although they have not missed proposals of undoubted value: the best known are certainly those of Federico Fellini for the films Satyricon It is The journey of G. Mastorna , who was never made precisely for the refusal of the same singer, [178] and that of Francis Ford Coppola for The Godfather , in the role of the female protagonist, who was then entrusted to Diane Keaton. [179]

In Forlì, prof. Over the years Franco Ghetti has built a house museum entirely dedicated to Mina [180] .




  • Participation in the Sanremo Festival with the songs Are not you happy ed It is true (7th place)
  • Participation in the tender of Song I Brani Tiparella Di Luna (which wins the final), The sky in a room , Crazy light , It is true , Na sera ‘and May (which wins the final), Sarracino , But love does not , Violin tzigan It is Due note


  • Participation in the Sanremo Festival with the songs I love you love (4th place) and The thousand blue bubbles (5th place)


  • Participation in the tender of Song I Brani The sky in a room (which wins the final), I string me strong your wrists


  • Award Best international artist , assigned them to Japan
  • Music criticism award specialized in the category Best album of the year Per l’Abum Mina
  • Specialized music critic prize OSCAR DEL DISC ’64 Per l’Abum Mina






Disk cover Mina Celentano , which, with 2,000,000 copies, is the most popular album ever of the singer (even if in fact it is credited to both interpreters, Mina and Adriano Celentano)

Receive [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • With over 150 million records sold, it is, on an equal footing with Adriano Celentano, the Italian artist with the most commercial success, and the Italian female artist with greater sales. [175]
  • The web event, live on the Wind portal, which showed it live in the recording room, recorded over 20 million contacts, resulting one of the most followed of all time in Italy. [128]
  • It is the artist, to date, more present in the Italian rankings, with a total, between albums and individuals, of 24 number one, 61 top-3, 86 top-5, 114 top-10 and 130 top-20s, for a total of 79 albums and 62 singles entered the ranking.

Album primates in Italy [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The table shows the number of albums that obtained the first place, or the first three, five, ten, twenty, thirty and one hundred positions in the weekly, annual and general Italian charts. No other Italian artist, to date, has achieved these results.

Weekly ranking [181] Annual ranking [181] General classification [181]
N° 1 Top 3 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 30 N° 1 Top 3 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 100 N° 1 Top 3 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 100
15 34 52 62 sixty four sixty seven 4 7 ten 20 36 72 16 37 56 70 74 79

Primates of individuals in Italy [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The table shows the number of singles that obtained the first place, or the first three, five, ten, twenty, thirty and forty positions in the weekly, annual and general Italian charts. No other Italian artist, to date, has achieved these results.

Weekly ranking [181] Annual ranking [181] General classification [181]
N° 1 Top 3 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 30 N° 1 Top 3 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 30 N° 1 Top 3 Top 5 Top 10 Top 20 Top 40
8 24 30 44 56 59 first 7 8 ten 16 25 8 24 30 44 56 62
  • 2001 – Mina in studio 2001
  • 2003 – Mina to the Live ’72 compass
  • 2003 – Mina in Caroselli Barilla
  • 2008 – Rai years (box, 10 DVDs)
  • two thousand and thirteen – Inauguration
  • 2014 – My favorites (the Rai years) (DVD E CD)
  • Sentimental , Variety of Dino Verde, Marcello Ciarciolini and Aldo Nicolaj, with Mina and Nicola Arigliano, presented by Riccardo Garrone and Cristina Gajoni, Orchestra L. Luttazzi directed by Anton Giulio Majano June 1960
  • Studio Uno (National Program, 1961-1962, 1965, 1966)
  • Saturday evening (National Program, 1967)
  • Offline (National Program, 1968, 1969, 1970)
  • Song (National Program, 1968-1969)
  • Theater 10 (National Program, 1972)
  • Milluci (National Program, 1974)

Cinema [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Juke Box – Love screams , directed by Mauro Morassi (1959)
  • The Teddy Boys of the song , directed by Domenico Paolella (1960)
  • Sanremo – The great challenge , directed by Pietro Vivarelli (1960)
  • Appointment in Ischia , directed by Mario Mattoli (1960)
  • Dangerous mothers , directed by Domenico Paolella (1960)
  • Urlators at the bar , directed by Lucio Fulci (1960)
  • Mina … out the guard , directed by Armando W. Tamburella (1961)
  • I kiss … you kiss , directed by Piero Vivarelli (1961)
  • Universe at night (1962)
  • The girls like that , directed by Kurt Nachmann (1963) (Austrian film; Mina appears to you while singing “Brazilian Fiesta”)
  • Appointment on the Riviera , directed by Mario Mattoli (1962)
  • Songs in the world , directed by Vittorio Sala (1963)
  • For love … by magic … , directed by Duccio Tessari (1967)

Television [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Mina participated in numerous series of the television advertising column Carousel : [182]

video [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • 1996 – Fly me in the heart
  • 1998 – That it did you say
  • 2007 – Alibi
  • 2009 – Now it’s easy
  • 2011 – This song

Voice actors [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  • Luisella Visconti in: Mina … out the guard , I kiss, you kiss , Appointment on the Riviera (in all cases it is only dubbed in the dialogues, while in the singing parts it uses its own item)
  1. ^ a b Paolo Giordano, In the “selfie” of Mina a lesson of pop elegance . are ilgiornale.it , Il Giornale, 10 May 2014. URL consulted on 26 December 2016 (archived by URL Original on July 8, 2014) .
  2. ^ a b c d It is Mina in the Treccani encyclopedia . are treccani.it . URL consulted on 22 December 2016 .
  3. ^ Sartori, p. 210 .
  4. ^ a b Happy birthday to Mina, queen “in exile” of light music . are ilsole24ore.com , Il Sole 24 Ore, 17 March 2010. URL consulted on 26 December 2016 ( filed September 28, 2011) .
  5. ^ a b Valerio Mattioli, Superonda: secret history of Italian music , Baldini & Castoldi, 2016, pp. chapter 1.
  6. ^ Recorded at the SIAE as Mazzini Mina Maria | Italian company of authors and publishers
  7. ^ Mina Special – Happy birthday to the lady of the song . are raicultura.it . URL consulted on January 12, 2023 .
  8. ^ Susanna Mele, Cremona’s tiger, why do they call the singer Mina? . are YouMovies , 23 Marzo 2020. URL consulted on March 2, 2022 .
  9. ^ Giorgio dell’Arti and Massimo Parrini, Biography of Mina . are Corriere della Sera , 5 October 2008. URL consulted on February 3, 2020 ( filed December 3, 2013) .
  10. ^ Malgioglio: “For the 70 years of Mina, all the greatest world stars have been unleashed” . are Adnkronos . URL consulted on February 3, 2020 ( filed on 23 October 2012) .
  11. ^ Liza Minnelli: Mina the largest singer . are ArchivioSticico.Corriere.it , Corriere della Sera, 3 October 2008. URL consulted on April 18, 2013 (archived by URL Original November 11, 2012) .
  12. ^ Fabrizio Testa, The wings and roots of women’s jazz . are Oplus.oasport.it , 27 October 2019. URL consulted on 27 October 2019 (archived by URL Original on 27 October 2019) .
  13. ^ The 10 Italian artists who have sold more records in the world . are spyit.it , 29 December 2021. URL consulted on December 15, 2022 .
  14. ^ And Mother Mina bogged the compliments of the Beatles . are repubblica.it , 25 Marzo 2010. URL consulted on January 15, 2023 .
  15. ^ The 10 Italian artists with multiple records sold . are hitParades.it , 20 September 2022. URL consulted on October 16, 2022 .
  16. ^ Dario Salvatori, Mina, the last imper . are iltempo.it , Time, March 14, 2010. URL consulted on April 26, 2013 (archived by URL Original on 20 July 2017) .
  17. ^ Artist – Mina . are radiiotalia.it . URL consulted on April 30, 2013 ( filed April 24, 2014) .
  18. ^ Paolo Giordano, I’m a real outsider but I love your Mina . are ilgiornale.it , Il Giornale.it, February 15, 2013. URL consulted on 12 September 2018 ( filed March 2, 2013) .
  19. ^ ( IN ) Monica Naranjo – CD audio mining . are CDUNIVERSE.COM . URL consulted on April 26, 2013 ( filed 1 December 2017) .
  20. ^ Liza Minnelli a Roma: “Mine and biggest” . are Americaoggi.info , America today, October 3, 2008. URL consulted on April 26, 2013 (archived by URL Original April 24, 2014) .
  21. ^ Claudia Provadini, Pavarotti: “My dream is a duet with Mina” . are Corriere.it , Corriere della Sera, 5 May 2003. URL consulted on April 26, 2013 (archived by URL Original on 13 August 2003) .
  22. ^ Giuseppina Manin, Domingo and pop seduction: now I dream of a duet with Mina . are cinquantamila.it , Corriere della Sera, 27 October 2012. URL consulted on 11 September 2018 ( filed 11 September 2018) .
  23. ^ Massimo De Muro – Luca Cerchiari, Mina – an universal voice . are iltrovalibri.it , Mondadori, 17 August 2020. URL consulted on February 7, 2022 .
  24. ^ a b Crotti, Bassi, p. 73 .
  25. ^ Romans,p. 4 .
  26. ^ Alfredo Pigna, A surprise mine . are minamazzzini.com , Sunday of the Corriere, November 15, 1960. URL consulted on April 30, 2013 (archived by URL Original on 20 October 2013) .
  27. ^ a b Sergio Bernardini, I have never lost the compass , Garzanti, 1987, ISBN 978-88-11-93230-7. URL consulted on February 3, 2020 (archived by URL Original April 14, 2013) .
  28. ^ Crotti, Bassi .
  29. ^ Belluso, Merkel, pag. 12 .
  30. ^ a b Crotti, Bassi, p. 10 .
  31. ^ Crotti, Bassi, p. 49 .
  32. ^ Crotti, Bassi, p. 53 .
  33. ^ The editorial staff, The province , in The province of Cremona , Mina Mazzini, official website, September 24, 1958. URL consulted on April 20, 2018 ( filed April 21, 2018) .
  34. ^ a b Crotti, Bassi, p. 57 .
  35. ^ When I stole my mother’s dress . are Lastampa.it , La Stampa, 22 September 2008. URL consulted on April 17, 2013 (archived by URL Original April 18, 2015) .
  36. ^ Mine, The sailor between the divas of the past . are minaploi.vanityfair.it , Vanity Fair, 4 October 2011. URL consulted on April 17, 2013 ( filed on February 3, 2020) .
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  143. ^ Sanremo 2017, Mina’s return: His voice on the Ariston stage . are Today.it , 7 February 2017. URL consulted on February 13, 2017 ( filed on 13 May 2017) .
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  145. ^ Digital intergalactic work in 5 acts: Tim’s advertising in Sanremo between the brilliant and the Kitsch | Smartworld
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  147. ^ Sanremo 2018: Mina the alien in the TIM movie, here’s how it was created . are Rockol.it . URL consulted on February 4, 2020 ( filed April 28, 2019) .
  148. ^ Mina returns, ‘Maeba’ comes out in March . are adkronos.com , Adnkronos, March 2, 2018. URL consulted on March 2, 2018 .
  149. ^ I wanted to write to you for a long time . are Minamazzini.it , 2 Marzo 2018. URL consulted on March 2, 2018 .
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  159. ^ Maria Luisa Agnese, Mina, the first feminist (even if she didn’t know) . are ArchivioSticico.Corriere.it , Corriere della Sera, March 26, 2010. URL consulted on May 31, 2013 (archived by URL Original on August 2, 2012) .
  160. ^ Sandro Mayer, I tell you who this crazy Mina is . are Minamazzini.it , Today, March 19, 1969. URL consulted on May 5, 2013 (archived by URL Original December 3, 2013) .
  161. ^ Since yesterday Mina has become a Swiss town . are ricerma.repubblica.it , La Repubblica, 7 November 1989. URL consulted on April 20, 2013 ( filed 1 April 2012) .
  162. ^ Mina married Quaini after 25 years . are ArchivioSticico.Corriere.it , Corriere della Sera, March 2, 2006. URL consulted on April 20, 2013 (archived by URL Original on August 2, 2012) .
  163. ^ Official site . are Minamazzini.it . Modifica su Wikidata
  164. ^ Mina: the Tiger of Cremona who conquered everyone with her voice . are Popcorntv.it , popcorntv. URL consulted on 13 September 2018 ( filed February 5, 2020) .
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  166. ^ a b c d It is f g h i Enzo Gentile, Alberto Tonti, The pop-rock dictionary , Zanichelli, 2014, pp. 1078-1081.
  167. ^ Paolo Giordano, Mina and Celentano, two monuments in one album . are Il Giornale.it , 21 October 2016. URL consulted on February 5, 2020 ( filed on December 3, 2016) .
  168. ^ Mina: I really had fun recording “12 (American Song Book)” . are Huffington Post (ANSA) , 4 December 2012. URL consulted on February 5, 2020 ( filed January 10, 2013) .
  169. ^ RATIA RICARDI, Mile Blue Bubbles by Mina – Vote your song . are repubblica.it , La Repubblica.it, March 15, 2010. URL consulted on April 3, 2017 ( filed May 5, 2014) .
  170. ^ Federico Vacalebre, Mina and Naples, love and melody story: the story of Massimiliano Pani . are ilmattino.it , In the morning, January 28, 2014. URL consulted on April 7, 2017 ( filed May 22, 2017) .
  171. ^ ( IN ) Mina . are AllMusic , All Media Network. URL consulted on December 24, 2009 . Modifica su Wikidata
  172. ^ Happy birthday . are rainews24.rai.it . URL consulted on April 28, 2013 .
  173. ^ Recognition card Awarded to Mina on the Quirinale website
  174. ^ Mina becomes great efficiency honors for artists and intellectuals . are ricerma.repubblica.it , La Repubblica, June 2, 2001. URL consulted on April 28, 2013 ( filed 1 January 2014) .
  175. ^ a b Gino Castaldo, “And Mama Mina bogged the compliments of the Beatles” . are repubblica.it , La Repubblica, March 25, 2010. URL consulted on April 26, 2013 ( filed March 31, 2010) .
  176. ^ Water and salt . are hitParadeIia.it . URL consulted on July 4, 2013 ( filed March 4, 2009) .
  177. ^ Super All Time ranking (1-100) . are hitParadeIia.it . URL consulted on July 4, 2013 ( filed December 29, 2005) .
  178. ^ Fellini: ‘I wanted to direct Mina’ . are espresso.repubblica.it , L’Espresso, 6 May 2011. URL consulted on April 28, 2013 (archived by URL Original November 17, 2011) .
  179. ^ Elisabetta Malvagna, Mina and the cinema, that Twist for Antonioni . are Ansa.it , ANSA, March 19, 2013. URL consulted on June 28, 2014 ( filed March 21, 2013) .
  180. ^ A few steps from Piazza Saffi there is a “house museum” dedicated to Mina
  181. ^ a b c d It is f Data provided by www.hitParadeIia.it license Creative Commons by-nc-nd 2.5
  182. ^ Marco Giusti, Carosello’s great book , II Edizione, Sperling E copper, ISBN 88-200-2080-7
  • Sennuccio Benelli, Impossible meetings , Lerici, 1964, ISBN not existing.
  • GOOSE PETTENED, Mina how they are , Virgil, 1980, ISBN not existing.
  • Gianfranco Manfredi, Mina, Milva, Vanoni and other stories , Side side, 1981, ISBN not existing.
  • Mario Guarino, Mina. The voices , Forte, 1983, ISBN not existing.
  • Paolo Belluso, Flavio Merkel, Only Mina , Gammalibri, 1983, ISBN not existing.
  • Osvaldo Miccichè, The legendary Mina , PDU, 1983, ISBN 978-88-485-041-8.
  • Nino Romano, Mina. History of a myth , Rusch, 1986, isbn 978-88-18-1204-8.
  • Mauro Balletti, Mina in the photographs of Mauro Balletti , Campanotto, 1990, ISBN 978-88-456-0668-7.
  • Nino Romano, Mina: myth and mystery , Sperling & Kupfer, 1996, ISBN 978-88-2298-3.
  • Romy Padovano, Mina: the thousand faces of a voice , Mondadori, 1998, ISBN 978-88-04-44772-6.
  • Dora Giannetti, Divine mine , Zelig, 1998, ISBN 88-86471-7-7-6 (archived by URL Original April 18, 2015) .
  • Roberta Maresci, Mina , Gremese, 1998, ISBN 978-88-7742-259-0.
  • Franco Fabbri, Luigi Pestalozza (edited by), Mina. An enchanting force Well, EUsis, 1998, IsbN 88-87112-13-4.
  • Gianni Lucini, Mina: His life, his successes , Sonzogno, 1999, ISBN 88-486-0035-2.
  • Marco Castiglioni, Fulvio Fiore (edited by), Mina: the years Italdisc 1959 – 1964 , Satispotion, 2001, ISBN not existing.
  • Marcello Bufacs, Mina – 1958-2005: Still together , Editori Riuniti, 2005, ISBN 978-88-359-5695-2.
  • Fernando fratarcangeli; Mina Talk. Twenty years of interviews. 1959-1979 , Rabbit, 2005, ISBN 978-88-8833333-8.
  • Irene ice, Mina – The charm of the tiger , Lo Vecchio, 2006, ISBN 978-88-733-134-6.
  • Tato Crotti, Giovanni Bassi, Mine before mine , Ruzzles, 2007, isbn 978-88-17-01945-3.
  • Fernando fratarcangeli; Mina – Words … words … words … , Arcana, 2008, isbN 978-88-6231-02-2.
  • Enrico Casarini, Together. Mina, Battisti. 1972: The duet at “Teatro 10” and the end of the Italian dream , Rabbit, 2009, ISBN 978-88-6063-200-5.
  • Enzo Giannelli, Mina, the tiger of Cremona was born in Busto Arsizio , in The screamers. All the Italian children of Elvis , Curcios, 2012, pp. 71-83, isbn 978-88-97,8-05-2.
  • Claudio Sartori, Encyclopedia of music , vol. 4, Milan, Ricordi, 1972, SBN ITICCUPAL046069 .
  • Mario Basile, Parallel music , Roma, Albatros, 2017, ISBN 978-88-567-8194/6.
  • Andrea Angeli Bufalini / Giovanni Savastano, The history of disco music , Hoepli, 2019, ISBN 978-88-203-8268-1.
  • Luca Cerchiari, Mina – an universal voice , Mondadori, 2020, ISBN 978-8804724599.
