Misatari Nagasaki –Wikipedia


Remotes of Nagasaki (Nagasaki Kiyakaku) is a position placed in Nagasaki by 14 clans in the western country during the Edo period. However, some clans have used another name in the clan.


Random The word is

  1. The roles of the clan’s absence.
  2. The name of the Edo Shogunate’s eyes.
  3. Among the groups of Hidden Christians in Nagasaki, those who were preparing and helping rituals such as baptism and informing each house of the church calendar to each house [first]

It is also used, but here are the roles of the western clan in a warehouse that was set up in Nagasaki and worked on gathering information and negotiating with magistrate.

Installation [ edit ]

The guide system was created from the Genroku (1688) when the Portugal ship arrived in Nagasaki in 1647 (1647). After the expulsion of the Portuguese, as the policy has been established, from the West Country Domain to collect emergency information such as arriving in a foreign ship and to contact between Nagasaki magistrate and Kunimoto during normal times. It is now dispatched [2]

Until the time of Kanei, every clan had a warehouse, but it was rented a townhouse, and a low -ranking light -friendly person was placed or a town man in Nagasaki manages it, and hiking from the magistrate’s office. There was no resident of the clan vassals. However, when the Portuguese ship arrived, the clan led to the army to Nagasaki. Each clan who felt the importance of Nagasaki in this case was Attach It is said that he has begun to dispatch [3] 。 This “attachment” is later. It is presumed that the name “Hyaku” will be used from the time of Horizonta to Meiwa (1751 to 1771). [4]

The roles that are packed in Nagasaki all year round Solicit (Jouzume) or settle down (Jokyo), the Netherlands ship enters Nagasaki and stays in Nagasaki for only 5 months from mid -May to late September. Summer obligation I called it (Natsusu). The former is the Saga clan, the Fukuoka clan (Akizuki clan, the Chikuzen clan), the Tsushima clan, the Kumamoto clan (Higo clan), the Kokura clan, and the Hirado clan, and the latter is the Kagoshima clan (Satsuma clan), Hagi clan (Choshu feudal clan).・ There are eight feudal clan: Kurume clan, Yanagawa clan, Shimabara clan, Karatsu clan, Omura clan, Goto clan (Fukue clan). [5]


In the Hirado clan’s job system, the role is a number, which is a position appointed by an intermediate vassal who has experience in the lord of the feudal lord, such as training, and it was higher than the county and town magistrate, and the Satsuma Domain Edo. It was an important position along with the absent in Kyoto and Osaka. [6] 。 On the other hand, in the Yanagawa clan distribution book, it is positioned lower than the deputy or the lord.
In addition, the role is basically a single assignment, and the wife and child have been left in the country. [7]

Nagasaki Kuranashiki [ edit ]

The storehouse of each clan was installed

  • Kabashima Town -Akizuki Domain
  • Hon Goto -cho -Choshu clan
  • Uragojima -cho -Yanagawa clan
  • Shinmachi -Kokura Domain
  • Nishimachi -Satsuma Domain, Goto Domain, Kurume Domain
  • Honkaya -cho -Tsushima clan
  • Ebisu -cho -Omura clan / Shimabara clan
  • Daikoku -cho -Saga clan, Kumamoto clan, Hirado clan
  • Nishinaka Town -Omura Domain
  • Higashinakacho -Karatsu Domain
  • Higashijo -cho -Karatsu clan

Be [8]

The Tsukasa Yashiki in the Tsushima feudal clan in Hon konka -cho later relocated to Higashiko -cho. Initially, the Choshu Hagi Domain Kurashiki, located in Hon Goto -cho, moved to Shinmachi in 1799. The Omura clan built a warehouse in Kabashima -cho, but built a mansion in Ebisu -cho, 1657. After the Meiji Restoration, the Saga Domain became a tuner of the Nagasaki defense gun, and the cannon was placed as the jurisdiction of the Jinzai Zenpai and the Kumamoto Zenpai. [9]

In the warehouse, there were also palaces to be used when the lord came in, in addition to the dormitory of the resident. [ten]

By the way, there are some clan in Edo Batan, where Nagasaki Yashiki is posted. In the first year of Bunhei (1861), the Kumamoto Domain (Daikoku -chi), the Fukuoka clan (Goto -chi), the Choshu clan (Shin -chi), the Saga Domain (Daikoku -chi), which listed the Nagasaki feudal mansion in the first year of Bunhei (1861). It is the Kurume Domain (Nishihama -chi), the Kokura clan (Shincho), the Karatsu clan (Higashinaka -chi), the Tsushima Domain (Konya), the Hirado clan (Daikoku), and the Goto Domain (Nishihama). [11]

Combination with the Housing Association [ edit ]

His plays formed a union to gather information in Nagasaki. A set of six clan (Fukuoka clan, Saga clan, Kumamoto clan, Tsushima clan, Hirado clan, Kokura clan) and the Omura clan in the Natsume, and one union, and the Choshu feudal clan, the Yanagawa clan, the Shimabara clan, the Karatsu clan in the Natsume. The four clan made a separate union. The Satsuma clan and the Goto clan were in the union at the time of the clogged, but later escaped from the union and helped each other in three clan with the Kurume clan. [twelfth] 。 The difference between the stiffness and the summer settlement can be considered as a difference in family, and except for the roles of the Omura clan in the established union, the relationship between the standards and the Natsume has disappeared. [13]

The clogged union had regular meetings in the name of information exchange and mutual adjustments. The regular monthly bomenatory is held late every month, but the date has not been decided. July was not held in the Dutch ships because of the most prosperous period. However, the meeting was held several times a month, with some other reasons or without a reason, so the number of times was reached several times a month, and every time I went to the play office. It was the same as the absent in Edo, Kyoto and Osaka, but only Nagasaki is always going to the Yusho, and I have to go with me. Leave In other words, it was the role of Nagasaki that was removed from the union. If the seat was given, the information could not be exchanged between the roles, which caused it, sometimes being dismissed without a fault. The expensive expenses were to be expenses that would originally be dropped within the duties of the clan, but the lack of enough had to attend even if they were on their own. For example, if you try to refuse to attend the future in the future as an order to save your expenses from the top of the clan, you will have a strong rebound from other hearts as those who disturb the sum. rice field. [14]

The duties of hearing [ edit ]

The main duties of the Houses were to tell the Kunimoto of the instructions from Nagasaki magistrate, collect information, procure trade items, and exchange information with the clan.

At the Kuriyashiki, the government building, he procured trade goods and was informed of Nagasaki magistrate, but also had the character of the western clan in Nagasaki as an intelligence agency.

The busiest time is from late June to early September, when the Dutch and Chinese ships enter the port. The purchase of imported goods for evidence is also an important mission of hearing, and various orders, such as gifts to the shogunate and other clans, reach the hearts of the lord, the children of the feudal lords, and gifts to the shogunate and other clans. [15]

In addition, procurement of silver in Nagasaki, and the ritual greeting to each clan when the lord passed through the territory of other clans was also a hearing mission. [16]

Misatari and Nagasaki magistrate [ edit ]

The role of Nagasaki complemented the work of a magistrate office with few staff for Nagasaki Magistrate. When transmitting a touch to the Nishikuni clan, Nagasaki Magistrate originally had to dispatch messengers to various places, but since the role of the clan was resident in Nagasaki, he instructed the tactile and instructions to the clan. Telled to the Nagasaki security clan (replaced by the Fukuoka clan and the Saga clan), and ordered to communicate to the hearing of each clan. [17]

When the Dutch ships entered the port, the Magistrate’s Office first has the Fukuoka clan and the Saga clan. Next, there were the hearts of the Shimabara clan, the Hirado clan, the Karatsu clan, and the Omura clan, and the remaining eight feudal clan was transmitted to the roles. The Fukuoka clan and the Saga clan were transmitted first because they were in charge of Nagasaki security. Since 1639, the Shimabara clan has been on a business trip to Nagasaki when he arrives in a foreign ship after the ran of Shimabara (1639), and has been informed with Nagasaki magistrate. In 1669, when the Shimabara feudal lord replaced the Matsudaira family from the high power, the Karatsu feudal lord was joined Nagasaki. The Omura clan had a close relationship with Nagasaki, because the territory was in contact. The Hirado clan also acknowledged the Nagasaki security officer, and the lord was supposed to go to Nagasaki when the Dutch ship was in the Minato or dying. Such a family was the reason why the four clans received the next to Fukuoka and Saga. [18]

In addition, Hyaku reports from Kunimoto’s contact and submits to the magistrate according to the ritual, and when the lord or a messenger from the Kunimoto needs to meet the magistrate, he has attached that promise. There was also a role to guide you when you appear in the place [19]

The official opinion of the magistrate’s office has shown that special instructions are given by Nagasaki magistrate and the roles of the clan, such as foreign ships who have arrived in Nagasaki, are shown, and to the country as needed. Sometimes reported [20]

On a daily basis, there is “Tsukinami thanks” at the beginning of every month. This is to appear in the magistrate’s office for greetings to the magistrate. In the middle of every month, he gave an evidence as “Omigamai”. When I handed the proof, I sometimes brought a letter from the country. [19]

Nagasaki Magazine works for one year with another magistrate in Edo, but when the new magistrate arrives in Nagasaki, the audience goes to the vicinity of the new carpenter town. Then, when the palanquin with the magistrate came to Sakurababa, the names of the hearts of the clan were shown, and the magistrate stopped the palanquin and bowed to each of them. [21]

Entering Mitan and purveyor [ edit ]

Royal Museum (Gokaniri), or Entered the Ouchi Branch Museum Is a person who is familiar with the clan’s warehouse. It is thought that the inner part was more superior than the usual Mitan entry because it was given to the “inner branch” after being told to enter the hall. [22]

Those who have been told about Mitan entry are the Dutch conversation and Karakushi, the town officials of Nagasaki, the town officials, the lodging, the town of the town, the town of Otsu, the daily events, the bandits Otsu, and their handling, etc. board [23] 。 Some of the townsia and Otoi were saying “Entering Genkan”. [24]

Since the conversation is a job in which foreign messengers and documents are interpreted and translated, there are many opportunities to interact with those information. By the way, by contacting them, I was able to know a lot of information as soon as possible. [25]

In addition, many people at the Nagasaki magistrate office were told to enter Mikan. Officials, such as the servant of the magistrate’s office who handle civil lawsuits to the magistrate’s office, and the officials of the Nagasaki magistrate’s associations, the role of the wharf, and the Temi -Ban are in the Mikan. They took the convenience for the hearts for litigation related to townspeople from the clan and when foreign ships entered Nagasaki. In addition, there were also people at Nagasaki -kai, who managed the Nagasaki trade, and those who were booked by magistrate’s books and the General Secretary. The fact that the officials came in and out and the convenience was not considered fraud in the sense of the time, and its existence was not particularly secret. [26]

Purveyor Is a townspeople who entered and out of Nagasaki Kurakura, who was undergoing various things, such as procuring supplies and running in the mansion. In some cases, he cooperated with the trade of the clan, especially the purchase of weapons, etc. [27] 。 It is also called “Yotashi” or “Yokiki”, and many clans were set, mainly in western Japan, besides the 14 clan. [28] 。 Some of the Mt.

Doctors, carpenters, and boatmen were also in the Mitan. There were also clan inns, and temples used in emergencies. We donated rice every year to those temples [29]

In the entry of Mitan, those who have worshiped up and down with a crest, those who have been supported and become equivalent to the feudal lords of the clan, are in charge of trade work and have 17 support. There were some. However, it was rarely received from the clan. In addition, those who have been told “Entering General Hall” will receive permission by submitting an application for “as if you are going to enter the grate of the grate” in the case of an alternative. Instead of requesting, the townspeople should enter the Mikan, and the clan asked about the Mitan entry. For town officials, the purpose was to have a relationship with the clan itself, and to be allowed to enter and leave.

Sometimes the same person has entered the storehouse of the storehouse of multiple clan [30]

The collapse of the Edo Shogunate and the escape of Nagasaki magistrate [ edit ]

In 1868, the New Year was brought to Nagasaki that the Shogunate army was defeated in the battle between Toba and Fushimi. On the night of January 14, Nagasaki magistrate, Kawazu Izu, who knew it, secretly boarded a British ship and escaped to Edo the next morning.

At the time of escape, Kawazu Izumori entrusted the latter to the Fukuoka clan, Mitsuru Awata, and in response to that, Awata talks with Nagasaki local officials, Yakushiji, Yoshio Okada, Masako Motoki, and Eiji Onoe. 。 At that time, with each clan in Nagasaki, we had to draw things as before until the person in charge was dispatched or the person in charge was dispatched from the new government.

As a result, the Satsuma clan, Choshu clan, Tosa clan, Hiroshima clan, Omura clan, Uwajima clan, Tsushima clan, Kaga clan, Yanagawa clan, Echizen clan, Higo Kumamoto clan, Fukuoka clan, Hirado clan, Goto clan, Shimabara clan, Kokura A council on the clan of the clan was established by the clan. The counselor has made a commitment to the joint name, and among the co -operators, Tosa Takayuki Sasaki, Shigenobu Okuma in Saga, and Matsukata Matsukata in Satsuma. The Nagasaki Magistrate Office West Office was called the Nagasaki Chamber, and on February 15, it was decided to take advantage of Nagasaki’s political affairs until Nobuyoshi Sawa was appointed Governor of Kyushu and the Governor of Foreign Affairs. In addition, the safety maintenance was to win the strare for each clan soldiers and the Nagasaki magistrate. [thirty first]

Abolition of the roles [ edit ]

Nagasaki’s Kurashiki continued to work until the end of the Tokugawa period, and when each clan began to trade free trade in Nagasaki, he renamed “Shokai” to export domestic products, and import ships and guns. The role of Nagasaki also continued to collect information and was engaged in trade.

In March 1869 (Meiji 2), the Meiji government administrative officer noted Nagasaki Prefecture to order him to return to Japan as “There is no use related to this.” [32] 。 Judge Nagasaki Funa Kusumoto and Motoshin Kakezakata have convened the notifications on the end of March on the Eve of March. At this time, the role of Nagasaki will end its role. [33]

Related item [ edit ]

  1. ^ “Nagasaki Prefecture Encyclopedia” P194.
  2. ^ “History of Nagasaki Prefecture” P272, “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P66-68, “Kokusi History Dictionary” Volume 4 P35.
  3. ^ “Nagasaki Kojikyo”.
  4. ^ Teruki Hori “Misaki Nagasaki and Information”.
  5. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P7-8, “National History Dictionary” Volume 4 P35.
  6. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P72-73.
  7. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P92.
  8. ^ “Kadokawa place name dictionary”.
  9. ^ In “Nagasaki Prefecture’s Place Name Japanese History Place Name Daikai 43”, Ura Gotoshima -cho is the Hizen Karatsu clan and Chikugo -yanagawa clan in the Kurozen Fukuoka Domain, Hizen Saga Domain, Fukabori Nabejima family, and Isaya, the Saga clan, and Nishihama -cho. It is described that the Kurashiki -cho, Higo Kumamoto clan in Ebisu -cho, and a storehouse of the Shimabara clan in Daikoku -cho.
  10. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P82.
  11. ^ “Dai -Batan, Nakamaki”. The housing display in parentheses is described as it is.
  12. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P25.
  13. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P27.
  14. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P21, 24.
  15. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P96.
  16. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P86.
  17. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P101.
  18. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P25-26.
  19. ^ a b “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P103.
  20. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P156.
  21. ^ “Travel of Nagasaki History” P210-212.
  22. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P136.
  23. ^ The bandit Otome is a person who was ordered to crack down all over the city, and the handling is the same as Okagi, Edo, who moves his hands.
  24. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P142-145.
  25. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P158.
  26. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P145-147.
  27. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P74, “History of Nagasaki Prefecture” P272.
  28. ^ Chihiro Ishida, “About the Shimbara clan’s Nagasaki guards and supervision and the role.”
  29. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P150-151.
  30. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P151.
  31. ^ “Nagasaki Dejima Co., Ltd.” P232-233, “Travel of Nagasaki History” P181, “History of Nagasaki Prefecture” P282-283, 288-290, “Nagasaki Prefecture’s Lord Name Name 43” P42, 119, 124.
  32. ^ “Meiji 2nd year, New Year’s New Year’s August Ladies Instructions”
  33. ^ “Nagasaki Long Diary -Information War at the end of the Tokugawa period” P215.

references [ edit ]
