Modern Action -Wikipedia


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16000 years ago, the Lascoh mural from the Paleolithic era

Modern action Modernity of action (Geda -koki, this kind of kidshi) is a word used in anthropology, archeology, etc., and is unique to modern humanity and its ancestors, and other modern primates and extinct people. It refers to the behavior that the creature did not have. Modern behavior means that Homo Sapiens has begun to increase its dependence on symbolic thinking and show cultural creativity. The evolution of these actions is often thought to be related to language evolution. [first]

There are two major theories about the origin of modern behavior [2] 。 The first is about 50,000 years ago, reconstructing a brain structure that enables the generation of natural languages, or suddenly occurred due to a major genetic change. [3] 。 This theory is Great leap Great Leap Forward [4] It is called the Paleolithic Revolution. Another theory is that there is no single technical and cognitive revolution, but it is due to the accumulation of gradual genetic changes, knowledge, technology, and culture on a perpetual basis. [5]

Modern behavior is a major feature shared by all human groups through the history of mankind, and is observed as Human Universals. It generally includes language, religion, art, music, myths, entertainment, jokes, etc.

Human Universal’s is found in all cultures, including very isolated ethnic groups, so scientists believe that these features have evolved in front of Africa or have been invented. [6] [7] [8] [9] 。 Specifically, the following actions are included.

Whether the birth of modern behavior was a single event or a gradual event was a fierce debate.

Leap theory [ edit ]

The theory argues that Africa or Europe had a dramatic evolution of mind and behavior around 50,000 to 40,000 years ago. He argues that humanity, who lived 50,000 years ago, was as primitive as extinct humans like Neanderthals and Homo Electos, and could not be distinguished in their actions. The supporters of this theory are based on complex artificial objects, murals and bone horns, which are increasing after 50,000 years. They argue that there is no such artifact in the fossil records before 50,000 years ago, because the previous mankind did not have cognitive abilities to make such artifacts.


Jaledo Diamond said that only a slight change in culture was seen between Ashules and Mustier culture, and people had a stagnant life. After that, culture such as excellent tool production, sophisticated weapons, sculptures, cave wall paintings, body decorations, and long -distance trade developed rapidly. [ten] 。 Humans have also expanded to Australia and Northern Eurasia, which had been unmanned. The leap occurred at the same time as the extinction of Neanderthals [ten] 。 Based on this view, the appearance of anatomical modern people was more than 100,000 years earlier than the appearance of active modern people.

Gradual progress [ edit ]

Beads made of shells found at Brombos Ruins.

The supporters of the Graduates argued that a single genetic or biological change is not the cause of modern behavior. They argue that social and cultural and social biological evolution, which is progressing in tens of thousands of years, is the cause of modern behavior. The basis of this theory is relics found by Africa and Levant during the medium -term Paleolithic era (250,000 to 50,000 years ago). For example, a ritual burial with Cafze’s subcontracting goods is 90,000 years ago. The pigments have been found at archeological sites in Africa and go back to more than 100,000 years ago.

They believe that the technical revolution that appears to happen in the late Paleolithic era is actually the result of a cultural exchange by an increased human. Some theorists argued that rapid cultural evolution, which occurred during the transition period to the late Paleolithic era, could have been caused by difficult environments, such as drying caused by glaciers. [first] 。 They also disagree with the assumption that the evolution of anatomical characteristics was faster than the evolution of behavior, and that they all evolved gradually. [5] 。 The traces of fishing in South Africa and symbolic actions 160,000 years ago found by Curtis Marlin and colleagues support this theory. [11]

  1. ^ a b Mellars, Paul (2006). “Why did modern human populations disperse from Africa ca. 60,000 years ago?” . Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (25): 9381. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0510792103 . PMC  1480416 . PMID  16772383 . .
  2. ^ Mayell, Hillary (2003). When Did “Modern” Behavior Emerge in Humans? . .
  3. ^ Honestly, Paul R. (2002). Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect . Island Press. pp. 159–160. ISBN 978-1-559-63779-4
  4. ^ Diamond, Jared (1999). Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fate of Human Societies . W. W. Norton. p. 39. ISBN 978-0-393-31755-8
  5. ^ a b McBrearty (2000) (pdf). The revolution that wasn’t: a new interpretation of the origin of modern human behavior . .
  6. ^ Wade, nicholas (July 15, 2003). “” leap to language ”. New York Times. September 10, 2009 Browsing.
  7. ^ Bullers, David (2005). Adapting Minds: Evolutionary Psychology and the Persistent Quest for Human Nature . PMIT Press. p. 468. ISBN 0262025795
  8. ^ 80,000-year-old Beads Shed Light on Early Culture “ (June 18, 2007). September 10, 2009 Browsing.
  9. ^ three distinct human populations ”. September 10, 2009 Browsing.
  10. ^ a b Diamond, Jared (1992). The Third Chimpanzee . Harper Perennial. pp. 47–57. ISBN 978-0-060-98403-8
  11. ^ Black, J “. (October 17, 2007). September 10, 2009 Browsing.

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