My son (movie) –Wikipedia


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Only son (Musuko alone) is a Japanese feature film movie released in 1936 (Showa 11).

This is the first Tokeal film in the director’s dramatic movie that has been filming a silent movie since his debut. [first] [2] [3] 。 The Shochiku Kamata Photo Studio adopted the “Mobara -style tokys” developed by Ozuban’s photographer Mobara, rather than the “Dobashi -style Tokby” that has been adopted since the company’s first toe “Madam and Wife” (1931). [2] 。 Mobara left the shooting to Shojiro Sugimoto [first] , I went to a recording technician for the first time [4]
Tadao Ikeda and Masao Arata have adapted the story written by Yasujiro Ozu under the name of “ZEMS Maki”. [first] 。 Shojiro Sugimoto, who served as a photographer, instead of Hideo Mobara, a recording technician, was a technician who worked in Ozu’s directed work in 1933 (Showa 8). [5] 。 At Shochiku Kamata Studio, the first full -fledged tokie movie “Madam and Women” (Director Gosho Hiranosuke) in 1931 (Showa 6) has been adopted by Takeshi Donohashi’s “Dobashi Talky”. However, Ozu continued to announce the silent movie, and decided to work with Tokey in earnest in this work. [2] 。 Otsubun photographer Yuharu Atsuta after participating in Otsugumi as an assistant to Mobara [6] Is the chief shooting assistant in this work. [first]

This work was moved to Ofuna after the Kamata studio was closed on January 15, 1936 (Showa 11). [3] , It is said to be produced by Shochiku Ofuna. [first] [3] However, according to the recollection of Mobara’s apprentice and later recording technician, Hiroshi Kumagai, a recording assistant, in fact, it was taken at the Kamata studio where nobody was other than Ozumi. [7] 。 Mobara has been developing an office in Hanamachi, Kamata, with the development of the new Talky system “SMS System” (Super Mohara Sound System), and commonly known as “Mobara -style Talky”. [7] It is said that it was a homely shooting site, including Choko Iida, the wife of Mobara and starred in this work, and Miko Tsubouchi and Mitsuko Yoshikawa, who appeared in the actress who appeared. [7] 。 In fact, it became the last “Kamata studio work” for both Ozu and Shochiku Kinema. [3] [7]

The screening for the screening of this work is a 35mm film with 7,383.12 feet (2,250.4 meters) at the Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art, 2,968.11 feet (904.7 meters), and two versions of the 82 -minute length. are doing [8] 。 It was recorded on November 22, 2003 in “Yasujiro Ozu DVD-BOX Dai 3rd” released by Shochiku.

Table of Contents


Synopsis [ edit ]

In 1923 Shinshu (Nagano Prefecture), a female craftsmen at a silk factory. [9] Listen to the story about. Fatherless family [ten] I can’t afford to pay, but I lose to Ryosuke’s strong thoughts, and I allow me to go to Tokyo from junior high school to university and get a job after graduation.

In 1935, Shinshu (Nagano Prefecture) was informed that his son got a job from his son, and he would like to move to Tokyo the following spring.

In 1936, Tokyo, who came to Tokyo, is disillusioned to see Ryosuke, a wife and a child, in a house at the end of the field. Ryosuke’s occupation is a teacher at a night school (night school). Dr. Okubo, who was in charge of Ryosuke’s elementary school, also retired from a local teacher to go to Tokyo for further career, but ran a lonely tonkatsu shop. Ryosuke appeals for the difficulties of living in Tokyo. The sneezed was crying and tears, but the next day, he was proud to see the son of a poor neighbor giving a serious injury and raising the hospitalization expenses.

Later, the snack returned to Shinshu and proudly talked to his colleagues about his son.

staff [ edit ]

  • Supervision: Xiajin Aojiro
  • Adaptable: Tadao Ikeda, Masao Arata
  • Original: ZEMS Maki (Yasujiro Ozu)
  • Shooting: Shojiro Sugimoto
  • Light distribution: Toshimitsu Nakajima
  • Art Director: Tatsuo Hamada
  • Stage equipment: Yakichi Otani
  • Stage decoration: Yoshina Hino
  • Recording: Hideo Mobara, Eiichi Hasegawa
  • Sound effect: Rokusaburo Saito
  • Costume: Josan Saito
  • Buri hair: Iku Kishimura
  • Subtitles: Shizo Fujioka
  • Subtitle shooting: Masamiki Hiroki
  • Development of development: Toshii Doman, Abe Moo -Hye, Bunichi Miyagi, Sadaji Yura
  • Music: Nobuji Ito
  • Performance: Shochiku Ofuna Orchestra
  • Supervisor: Kenkichi Hara, Negishihama, Nobuo Nishikawa
  • Shooting assistance: Yuharu Atsuta, Kiyoshi Sakurai, Hitoshi Unozawa
  • Recording assistance: Riku Yoshikawa, Masao Irie, Mikio Jimbo, Hiroshi Kumagai, Matsuo Seki, Yukio Kotano
  • Shooting office: Takayama Den

cast [ edit ]

That boyhood -Masao Hayama
That child (Fibo) -Shokkan Koto
That wife -Tomoko Namika
That child -bomb kid

Work data [ edit ]

External link [ edit ]
