Nakamura Bika -Wikipedia


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Hachiro Nakamura (Hakuro Nakamura, April 16, 1914 -February 3, 1999) is a novelist in the Showa era.

Born in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture. He graduated from the former Nagano Junior High School (currently Nagano High School in Nagano Prefecture) and the second Waseda High School (now Waseda University High School). I studied French literature in Takamatsu Yoshie. During the high school era, he launched the doujinshi “Revelation” with Yoshinori Yagi, Ryoichi Tsuji, and Hiromori Tada. Fumio Niwa is evaluated by Fumio Niwa, a novel “The story of a certain nun” in “Revelation”, and then studied. In 1937, Niwa’s promotion was announced in Waseda Literature, and his virgin work “Old Kizuna” made his literary debut. Many early works were about monks.

After graduating from university, he worked in Waseda University Publishing Department in 1938, but was called the following year, and after the 50th Infantry Regiment in Matsumoto City, he joined the Army Preliminary Academy in Morioka City. Since then, he has moved to China, Indochina, Malaysia and Indonesia as an information officer. The defeat has been prisoner in the UK as a resilience, and is forced to work in a camp in Singapore for two years. After the war in 1949. In the same year, he became a candidate for the Akutagawa Prize in Kuwamon, but was turned to the Naoki Prize. Initially, I felt reluctant to be a candidate for the Naoki Prize instead of the Akutagawa Prize, but I was told that Niwa was one of the lines. In 1950 “White Bat”, in 1952, “Hand holding the Spirit” and “Shell Expansion”, in the “Emblem Family” in 1953, “Tamate Box” in 1953, “When it sprouted” in 1954, the feature film “Malakka no fire”. ] Was made a record seven times as a candidate for the Naoki Prize, but did not receive the award until the end.

It was the center of Niwa’s doujinshi “Literature”. From around 1956, he wrote mainly youth novel and junior novel. In the junior novel boom in the 1960s, he announced many novels that set their teens as the protagonist. From around 1975, Muneka Kawakami and Keno Tomishima became a trendy trendy trend, and said, “I wrote a war experience because I had sex here and it was difficult for me to write.” In 1978, he wrote the “A certain Army Preliminary Officer’s Guard”, which depicts the defeat, and the following year, he wrote a “Singapore Camp”, which spells out his life in camps, mainly theater activities.

“Great Friends” was turned into a TV drama in 1975 in the NHK Youth Drama Series. The next one was “Transfer Student”.

  • Malacca Fire Hokushu -do 1954
  • Graduation from high school before and after Kawade Shinsho 1956
  • Departure and love departure Kobo Tenpaku 1958
  • Seasonal Job Tenpakobo 1958
  • Michikazusha, a beast, 1958
  • Distant Odamaga Medium Public Publishing 1958 Shunyo Bunko
  • Three sisters Akimoto Shobo 1959 Shunyo Bunko
  • Akimoto Shobo 1960 when the blue fruit ripens
  • Ghost and bullet Kodansha 1960
  • Season of Flame Touhou Shrine 1961
  • Oshigeya Akimoto Shobo, 1962
  • Surprise Class Friend Akimoto Shobo 1963 Renovation: wonderful friend Shunyo Bunko
  • You and I are high school students Akimoto Shobo 1963
  • Dirty face of the man’s edition, Touhou Shrine, 1963
  • Saint’s area Keibunkan 1963
  • My favorite person Akimoto Shobo 1964 Shunyo Bunko
  • Young fruits Kodansha 1964 Shunyo Bunko
  • Akimoto Shobo 1965 without pretending
  • Nice lie Akimoto Shobo 1965
  • Yume Akimoto Shobo 1966 that everyone sees
  • Only one child story Akimoto Shobo 1966
  • The teacher is single Akimoto Shobo 1966
  • Unlimited Mergla Akimoto Shobo 1967
  • Lake Oath Shueisha 1969 (Cobalt Books) Bunko
  • Girl Shueisha 1969 (Cobalt Books)
  • Blue Sea Oath Shueisha 1969 (Cobalt Books)
  • After the sunrise road, Shueisha 1970 (Cobalt Books) Library
  • Plateau Oath Shueisha 1970 (Cobalt Books)
  • With the love of Wakakusa, Shueisha 1970 (Cobalt Books)
  • Friendship Kakehashi Kaiseisha 1971 (Girl novel Series)
  • Youth in us Shunyo Bunko 1971
  • Outsid! Learn, Philippines, 1972
  • Teacher Kaseisha 1975 (Girl novel Series)
  • Attack for youth Akimoto Bunko 1977
  • Modern History Publishing Session of Army Preliminary Officer 1978
  • Singapore Contemporary Contemporary History Publishing 1979
  • 15 -day party and “literary writer” literary document course 1981
