Nakorn Ram Pann Station -Wikipedia


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Nakorn Ram Pann Station (Naconram Pan Eki, Thai: Nakhon Lampang Railway Station ) Is a station on the Thai National Railway Kita Main Line in Muang Lambann County, Rampan, northern Thailand.

Naconnam Pann Station is located in the northern Kingdom of Thailand, Lampann, in Muang Lumpann County, where the population is about 230,000 people in the prefectural capital. The station name calls the North Lamb Pann station, but the current local government name Muang Lumpann County and Rumpann have no cleaning “Nakone”. For this reason, unlike examples such as Nakone Sawan, Nakone Racha Cima, Nakone Sea Tamarat, etc., it is often called “Rumpann Station” locally. The front side of the station is facing east, located in the center of the town. This station is 642.29km from the capital Bangkok, which is about 10 hours by limited express train.

It is a first -class station and all trains, including limited express trains, stop, and 12 trains (6 round trips) per day. The breakdown is a limited express, one round trip (there is an additional resolution at this station), one round trip, and one round trip. In addition, it is a single track section from Loburley Station to the end point of Chien Mai Station, including this station.

On April 1, 1916, the Kita Main Line, which had been extended to Chien Mai, was completed from Mauchan Station to this station, and this station opened as an end station. Eight months after the opening, on December 20, it became a station on the way to Matannoi Station.

  • April 1, 1916 [Opening] Makhan Station- Nakorn Ram Pann Station (41.96km)
  • December 20, 1916 [Opening] Nakorn Ram Pann Station -Metannoi Station (29.51km)

It is a terrestrial station with two -line two -sided platform, one -sided and one island type, and the station building faces the platform. The station building is a Chinese -style heavy architectural style. [first]


Rumpann vehicle place [ edit ]

Adjacent to this station, on the west side, there is a rampann vehicle on the Thai National Railway. The inside of the vehicle is always crowded with diesel locomotives, railcars, passenger cars, and freight cars, so the vehicle is always crowded with various cars. The Kita Main Line is about the “Cunter Pass”, a mountain steep gradient section that has the highest point (578 meters above sea level) between this station and Lamboon station, and the operation of a supplier to respond to the gradient section. Inspection is an important role of our vehicle. There is a turntable and a fan -shaped engine [first] , The retired B.L.C.25 weighted vehicle is preserved static [2]

C56 type steam locomotive [ edit ]

Steam locomotive 728 retired in front of the station (former C56 36: 1936 Nippon Share Manufacturing, Site Number 414 [3] ) Is stored static [first]

Facilities around the station, etc. [ edit ]

  • Bus Terminal (1.4km)
  • Rumpan Airport (4km)
  • Wat Plce Ooo Done Tao Sharmer Laam (6km)
  • Wat Platform Panel One (18km)
  1. ^ a b c Otohiro Watanabe “Thai National Railway 4000kg Trip” (Literature Society, 2013) P.313
  2. ^ Otohiro Watanabe “Thai National Railway 4000kg Trip” (Literature Society, 2013) p.672
  3. ^ Takao Takada “Thai Steam Locomotive” (Eriie Publishing Department, 1978) P.22

references [ edit ]

  • Takao Takada “Thai Steam Locomotive” (Eriei Publishing Department, 1978)
  • Kazuyuki Okamoto “Thai Railway Travel” (Mekon, 1993) ISBN 4-8396-0080-5
  • Ichiro Kakizaki “History of Railway Thai Railway in Kingdom” (Kyoto University Academic Publishing, 2010) ISBN 978-4-87698-848-8
  • Otohiro Watanabe “Travel of 4000 kg of Thailand” (Bungeisha, 2013) ISBN 978-4-286-13041-5

Related item [ edit ]
