National Codes of the International Olympic Committee


Code I.e. designation
( Translated it: ) Nation First use Note Afg Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan 1936 WHITE Albania Albania Albania 1972 ALG Algeria Algeria Algeria 1964 ISO Code: Dza AND Andorra Andorra Andorra 1976 THE Angola Angola Angola 1980 ISO Code: Aug On Antigua and Barbuda Antigua e Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda 1976 Before the independence of Antigua and Barbuda in 1981, the associated state of Antigua participated as “Antigua” in 1976; ISO and FIFA code: ATG ARG Argentina Argentina Argentina 1900 ARM Armenia Armenia Armenia 1994 Part of the Ottoman Empire Tur until 1922 which selected Armenians; Part of Russ 1900-1912; part of Urs 1924-1988; part of Eun 1992 Understanding Aruba Aruba Aruba 1988 Part of the Dutch antilles Aho until 1984; ISO Code: ABW Job American samoa Samoa Americane American samoa 1988 ISO Code: ASM OUT OF Australia Australia Australia 1896 Like 6 different British colonies until 1901; Part of Australasia instead 1908-1912 with New Zealand Or Austria Austria Austria 1896 The athletes of Austria (extended to Cisleitania) and Hungary, nations then united in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, presented themselves separately (and so it was also in the following editions until the outbreak of the First World War), as well as those of Bohemia in 1900. Austria was excluded from the 1920 Olympic Games. And Azerbaijan Azerbaigian Azerbaijan 1996 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 BAH Bahamas Bahamas Bahamas 1952 As a British colony until 1973; ISO Code: BHS Board Bangladesh Bangladesh Bangladesh 1984 ISO Code: BGD BAR Barbados Barbados Barbados 1968 Part of the Federation of the Bwi 1960 Western Indies; ISO and FIFA Code: BRB BDI Burundi Burundi Burundi 1996 BEL Belgium Belgio Belgium 1900 BEN Benin Benin Benin 1972 Like “Dahomey” Dah 1972 Direction Bermuda Bermuda Bermuda 1936 ISO Code: BMU BHU Bhutan Bhutan Bhutan 1984 ISO Code: BTN BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia ed Erzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992 Parte di yug 1912-1988 WE Belize Belize Belize 1968 Like Honduras British HBR until 1981. ISO and FIFA code: Blz BLR Belarusia Bielorussia Belarusia 1994 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 HE WAS Bolivia Bolivia Bolivia 1936 BOT Botswana Botswana Botswana 1980 Codice ISO: BWA GOOD Brazil Brasile Brazil 1920 In 1900, doubtful participation BRN Bahrain Bahrein Bahrain 1984 ISO Code: BHR BRU Brunei Darussalam Brunei Brunei 1988 ISO Code: BRN BESIDE Bulgaria Bulgaria Bulgaria 1896 Dubious participation in 1896; ISO Code: BGR BUR Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 1972 As a high time volly in 1972; ISO and FIFA code: BFA CAF Central African Republic Rep. Centrafricana Central African Rep. 1968 FIFA code: CTA ORANGE Cambogia Cambogia Cambogia 1956 As Khmer Repubblica in 1972; ISO Code: KHM CAN Canada Canada Canada 1900 Canada Domination to the Westminster Statute of 1931 SPICY Cayman Islands Isole Cayman Cayman Islands 1976 ISO Code: CYM CGO Congo Rep. del Congo Congo rep. 1964 ISO Code: COG DAD First Ciad First 1964 ISO Code: TCD SPEND Chile Cile Chile 1896 ISO Code: CHL CHN People’s Republic of China Cina Chinese 1952 Republic of China as “China” 1932-1956; The current use began in 1984, the People’s Republic of China by boycotting the Olympic movement from 1952 to 1984, until the name of Chinese Taipei was resolved CIV Ivory Coast Costa d'Avorio Ivory Coast 1964 CMR Cameroon Camerun Cameroon 1964 COD Democratic Republic of Congo RD del Congo Congo rd 1968 As “Congo Kinshasa” in 1968; Like Zaire Zai from 1971 to 1996 A LOT Cook islands Isole Cook Cook islands 1988 COL Colombia Colombia Colombia 1932 WITH I Comore I 1996 CPV Chief green Capo Verde Chief green 1996 CRC Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica 1936 ISO Code: CRI CRO Croatia Croazia Croatia 1992 Part of the lands of the crown of Santo Stefano of the Kingdom of Hungary until 1918, an Austro-Hungarian Croatian participated in 1900; Part of Yug 1912-1988; ISO Code: HRV CUB Cuba Cuba Cuba 1900 As American protectorate of Cuba in 1900 CYP Cipro Cipro Cipro 1980 Like Eyalet of Cyprus (formally Cyprus British) as Greece Gre in 1896 and following editions. Until 1983, Ciprioti athletes have continued to be part of Greek sports federations such as Segas, the historic Greek multisport federation, founded since 1897. [9] Shot Czech Republic Rep. Ceca Czech republic 1994 Like Bohemia Boh 1900-1912; Part of Czechoslovakia Tch 1920-1992 THE Denmark Danimarca Denmark 1896 ISO Code: DNK DJI Gibuti Gibuti Gibuti 1984 DMA Dominica Dominica Dominica 1996 DOM Dominican Republic Rep. Dominicana Dominican rep 1964 ECU Ecuador Ecuador Ecuador 1924 ONE Egypt Egitto Egypt 1912 As Arab Republic Unita Rau 1960-1968 DIFFERENT Eritrea Eritrea Eritrea 2000 THAT The savior El Salvador The savior 1968 ISO and FIFA code: SLV ESP Spain Spagna Spain 1900 EAST Estonia Estonia Estonia 1924 Part of Russian 700-1912; part of urs 1948-1988 ETH Ethiopia Etiopia Ethiopia 1956 Sacrifice Face Figi Face 1956 Code ISO: FJI END Finlandia Finlandia Finlandia 1908 As Grand Duchy of Finland, part of the Russian Empire (until 1917). Already in December 1907 the Finnish Olympic Committee was created which had already sent a team to the intermediate Olympic Games of 1906, before its own formal constitution. The used code was SF before adopting the current one in 1960 (from Italian and French) FROM France Francia France 1896 FSM Federated states of Micronesia Micronesia Micronesia 2000 GAVE Gabon Gabon Gabon 1972 Gram Gambia Gambia Gambia 1984 ISO Code: Gmb GBR Great Britain Regno Unito United Kingdom 1896 Like “Great Britain and Ireland” 1896-1924; The current use began in 1928, including Northern Ireland [ten] GBS Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau 1996 ISO and FIFA code: GNB GEO Georgia Georgia Georgia 1996 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 Geq Equatorial Guinea Guinea Equatoriale Equatorial Guinea 1984 ISO Code: GNQ; FIFA code: EQG Ger Germany Germania Germany 1896 Code used for West Germany in 1952 with the protectorate of Saar Saa with a team in itself; 1956–1964: participation of an all -German Eua team made up of athletes of the two German states; 1968–1988: Participation of the Federal Republic of Germany FRG and of the German Democratic Republic (Rdt or DDR) GDR, each with its own teams. After reunification in 1990, a German team started Ger’s gerry again in 1992; Germany was excluded from the 1920s, 1924 and 1948 Olympic Games. ISO Code: Deu Must Ghana Ghana Ghana 1952 As a gold coast in 1952 It is Greece Grecia Greece 1896 ISO Code: GRC GRN Grenada Grenada Grenada 1984 ISO Code: GRD CAVE Guatemala Guatemala Guatemala 1952 ISO Code: GTM GUI Guinea Guinea Guinea 1968 ISO Code: Gin GUM Guam Guam Guam 1988 GUY Guyana Guyana Guyana 1948 Like Guyana British GUI since 1948, code reassigned to Guinea in 1968 TWO Haiti Haiti Haiti 1924 ISO Code: HTI Hkg Hong Kong, China Hong Kong Hong Kong 1952 Designated “Hong Kong” 1952-1996; current use since 2000 SHE Honduras Honduras Honduras 1968 ISO Code: HND SHE Hungary Ungheria Hungary 1896 Initially as extended to the lands of the crown of Santo Stefano of the Kingdom of Hungary until 1918 When Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia 1956 As Dutch Indies iho 1952; ISO and FIFA code: IDN 1952; Indonesia became independent of the Netherlands in 1949, but there was still a Dutch -Indonesian union until 1954 – since then the country has been born as Indonesia; In 1952 IS (1960 s) / IHO (1952 s) – Participation as Dutch Eastern Indies Ind India India India 1900 Is Iran Iran Iran 1948 ISO and FIFA code: Irn IRL Ireland Irlanda Ireland 1924 Initially as Ireland and not as a free state of Ireland, thus also understanding athletes from Northern Ireland. IRQ Iraq Iraq Iraq 1948 ISL Iceland Islanda Iceland 1908 ISR Israel Israele Israel 1952 ISV Virgin Islands, US Isole Vergini Americane American virgin islands 1968 The official name is “Virgin Islands, US” , without American , ISO and FIFA code: Vir SHE Italy Italia Italy 1896 IVB British virgin islands Isole Vergini Britanniche British virgin islands 1984 Part of Bwi 1960; ISO and FIFA code: VGB JAM Jamaica Giamaica Jamaica 1948 Part of bwi 1960 JOR Jordan Giordania Jordan 1968 JPN Japan Giappone Japan 1912 KAZ Kazakhistan Kazakistan Kazakhistan 1996 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 KEN Kenya Kenya Kenya 1956 KGZ Kyrgyzstan Kirghizistan Kyrgyzstan 1996 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 Did Kiribati Kiribati Kiribati 2004 Up Korea Corea del Sud South Korea 1948 Cost Kosovo Kosovo Kosovo 2016 Part of Yug, Scg and SRB before 2016; ISO Code: Kos KSA Saudi Arabia Arabia Saudita Saudi Arabia 1972 ISO Code: SAU a group Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait 1968 ISO Code: KWT Tuberculin Popular Democratic Republic Lao Laos Laos 1980 YEARS Latvia Lettonia Latvia 1924 Part of Russ 1900-1912; part of Urs 1948-1988; ISO and FIFA code: LVA LBA Libya Libia Libya 1964 ISO and FIFA code: Lby LBR Liberia Liberia Liberia 1956 LCA Saint Lucia Saint Lucia Saint Lucia 1996 THE Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho 1972 ISO Code: LSO Lbn Lebanon Libano Lebanon 1948 ISO Code: LBN LIE Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Liechtenstein 1936 Ltu Lithuania Lituania Lithuania 1924 Part of Russian 700-1912; part of urs 1948-1988 LUX Luxembourg Lussemburgo Luxembourg 1908 MAD Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar 1964 ISO Code: MDG MAR Morocco Marocco Morocco 1960 BUT Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia 1956 As Federation of Malaysia Mal 1956-1960. With Singapore in 1964; ISO Code: MyS MAW Flame Malawi Flame 1972 ISO and FIFA code: MWI MDA Moldavia Moldavia Moldavia 1994 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 MDV Maldives Maldive Maldives 1988 MEX Mexico Messico Mexico 1924 MGL Mongolia Mongolia Mongolia 1964 ISO Code: MNG MHL Marshall Islands Isole Marshall Marshall Islands 2008 MKD Macedonia del Nord Macedonia del Nord Macedonia del Nord 1992 Part of Yug 1912-1988; As Republic of Macedonia or Repubblica ex-Jugoslava of Macedonia (Fyrom) until 2019 MLI Had to Mali Had to 1964 MLT Malta Malta Malta 1928 ME Montenegro Montenegro Montenegro 2008 Part of Yug 1920-1988; individual participation such as Iop 1992; part of Yug (Yugoslavia) 1996-2002; Part of Scg (Serbia and Montenegro) 2004-2006 MY Monaco Monaco Monaco 1920 ISO Code: MCO MOZ Mozambique Mozambico Mozambique 1980 MRI Mauritius Mauritius Mauritius 1984 ISO Code: MUS MTN Mauritania Mauritania Mauritania 1984 ISO Code: MRT MYA Myanmar Birmania Burma 1996 Like Birma Bir 1948-1988; ISO Code: MMR MALE Namibia Namibia Namibia 1992 NCA Nicaragua Nicaragua Nicaragua 1968 ISO Code: NIC DOWN Netherlands Paesi Bassi Netherlands 1900 Like Holland Hol 1900-1988; ISO Code: NLD NEP Nepal Nepal Nepal 1964 ISO Code: Npl NGR Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria 1952 Codex ISO: Ning NIG Niger Niger Niger 1968 ISO Code: Ner NOR Norway Norvegia Norway 1900 No Nauru Nauru Nauru 1996 Nzl New Zeland Nuova Zelanda New Zeland 1920 Part of Australasia instead 1908-1912; The New Zealand Olympic Committee claims that the Olympic champion Victor Lindberg, born in the Figi, was New Zealand in 1900 Their One’s own Oman One’s own 1984 ISO Code: OMN THEN Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan 1948 PAN Panama Panama Panama 1928 ABOUT Paraguay Paraguay Paraguay 1964 ISO Code: Pry PER Peru Perù Peru 1936 FLY Philippines Filippine Philippines 1924 ISO Code: Phl PLE Palestine Palestina Palestine 1996 ISO Code: PSE; FIFA code: PLE Plw Palau Palau Palau 2000 PNG Papua New Guinea Papua Nuova Guinea Papua New Guinea 1976 POL Poland Polonia Poland 1924 BY Portugal Portogallo Portugal 1912 ISO Code: PRT By which People’s Democratic Republic of Korea Corea del Nord North Korea 1972 EVEN THOUGH Puerto Rico Porto Rico Puerto Rico 1948 ISO Code: PRI Saucer Qatar Qatar Qatar 1984 ROU Romania Romania Romania 1924 Roma 1956-1960 and 1972-2006, Rum 1964-1968; ISO Code: Rou RSA South Africa Sudafrica South Africa 1904 As a union of South Africa SAF 1904-1960; ISO Code: ZAF; In Saint Louis 1904, there was still no South African nation but only a team of Boer figures probably from the transvaal colony, the Olympic Committee is created in 1907 to participate in London 1908; South Africa is excluded from games from 1964 to 1988 for Apartheid cause. Russian Russia Russia Russia 1900 Sometimes designated “Ru1” for the Russian Empire 1900-1912; replaced by Urs 1952-1988; part of Eun 1992; suspended after 2016 RWA Rwanda Ruanda Rwanda 1984 HIMSELF Samoa Samoa Samoa 1984 Until 1996 as Western Samoa; ISO Code: WSM ITS Senegal Senegal Senegal 1964 SEY Seychelles Seychelles Seychelles 1980 ISO Code: SYC SGP Singapore Singapore Singapore 1948 Part of the Malaysia Federation in 1964; ISO Code: SGP Skn Saint Kitts e Nevis Saint Kitts e Nevis Saint Kitts e Nevis 1996 ISO Code: KNA SLE Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Sierra Leone 1968 Struck Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia 1992 Part of Yug 1912-1988; ISO Code: SVN SMR San Marino San Marino San Marino 1960 SUN Solomon islands Isole Salomone Solomon islands 1984 ISO Code: SLB AS Somalia Somalia Somalia 1972 SRB Serbia Serbia Serbia 1920 Part of Yug, as then Kingdom of the Serbs, Croatians and Slovenians 1920-1988; individual participation such as Iop 1992; part of Yug (Yugoslavia) 1996-2002; Part of Scg (Serbia and Montenegro) 2004-2006 SRI Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 1948 Like Ceylon until 1972; ISO Code: Lka SSD Sudan from Sud Sudan del Sud Sudan from Sud 2016 ISO Code: SSD STP Sao Tome and Principe São Tomé e Príncipe Sao Tome and Principe 1996 SOUTH Sudan Sudan Sudan 1960 ISO Code: SDN On Swiss Svizzera Swiss 1900 ISO code: that ON Suriname Suriname Suriname 1968 SVK Slovakia Slovacchia Slovakia 1996 Part of Tch 1920-1992. At least one Slovak athlete was part in 1896 of the lands of the crown of Santo Stefano of the Kingdom of Hungary until 1918. SWE Sweden Svezia Sweden 1896 Part of Sweden-Norway in 1896 SWZ in the tattoo eSwatini in the tattoo 1972 Like Swaziland until 2018 Sir Syrian Arab Republic Siria Syria 1948 In the Arab Republic Unita Rau in 1960 Dissolve Tanzania Tanzania Tanzania 1964 Although Tanganica and Zanzibar had already been joined to form Tanzania in April 1964, the nation was designated “Tangannyika” in the official 1964 games report. ISO Code: Tza TGA Arrived Tonga Arrived 1984 ISO Code: Ton THERE ARE Thailand Thailandia Thailand 1952 TJK Tagikistan Tagikistan Tagikistan 1996 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 Tkm Turkmenistan Turkmenistan Turkmenistan 1996 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 TLS Timor is Timor Est Timor is 2004 Single athletes of Timor East competed under the Olympic flag at the 2000 Olympics, during the United Nations’ transitional administration period. Took Togo Togo Togo 1972 ISO Code: Tgo TPE Chinese Taipei Taipei Cinese Chinese Taipei
Republic of China [11] 1956 Like “China” Chn 1932-1956; As “Formosa” for and Taiwan Tai 1960-1964; as “Republic of China” Roc 1968-1972; current use since 1984; ISO Code: TWN TTO Trinidad E Tobago Trinidad e Tobago Trinidad E Tobago 1948 As Federation of Western Indies in 1960; ISO Code: Tto Yet Tunisia Tunisia Tunisia 1960 SHOULD Türkiye Turchia Türkiye 1908 As an Ottoman Empire until 1922. The Olympic participation in 1908 remains doubtful and in 1912 only two Armenian athletes participate. TUV Tuvalu Tuvalu Tuvalu 2008 UAE United Arab Emirates Emirati Arabi Uniti United Arab Emirates 1984 ISO Code: Are Than the Uganda Uganda Uganda 1956 Ukr Ukraine Ucraina Ukraine 1994 Part of Russ 1900-1912; part of Urs 1924-1988; part of Eun 1992 and part of Aut as Cisleitania or the lands of the crown of Santo Stefano of the Kingdom of Hungary until 1918 Gain Uruguay Uruguay Uruguay 1924 Codice ISO: URY deer United States of America Stati Uniti United States 1896 Uzb Uzbekistan Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1994 Parte Di Rus 1900-1912; Parte di Urs 1924-1988; Parte di Eun 1992 BY Vanuatu Vanuatu Vanuatu 1988 ISO Code: Vut ALONG Venezuela Venezuela Venezuela 1948 LIFE Vietnam Vietnam Vietnam 1952 From 1956 to 1972 only South Vietnam; ISO Code: VNM Become Saint Vincent e Grenadine Saint Vincent e Grenadine Saint Vincent e Grenadine 1988 ISO Code: VCT BAIT Yemen Yemen Yemen 1992 Yar e Riuniti Nel 1990 Zoom Zambia Zambia Zambia 1968 Part of Rho 1928-1960; Zambia gained independence on the last day of the 1964 games, but those games had participated as North Rhodesia (Nrh) Rhn 1964; ISO Code: Zmb ZIM Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 1980 Part of Rho 1928-1960; RHS 1964; ISO Code: ZWE