Nenone Variety -Wikipedia


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Neoneo Variety (Neo Neo Variety) is a label for a midnight program frame that was broadcast on TV Asahi series (excluding some areas) from April 2, 2002 to October 2, 2009. A brother frame of “Neovalai” broadcast at the previous time. Commonly known as ” Neoneo 』。「 Neo Barasty Part 2 」「 Neobara Part 2 Is sometimes written.

In this paper, it was broadcast at the same time from April 2014 to March 2022. Neo Barasty 2 [first] [2] [3] Also describes.

The 1st Phase (Neoneo Variety) [ edit ]

With the end of “Tonite 2” in March 2002, it started in April of the same year to raise the 1:01 -1:31 (JST) frame 45 minutes in April of the same year. After the end of “Neovalai” from Monday to Thursday, it will be broadcast in 30 minutes from 0:15 to 0:45 with a mini -program (“Tomorrow Occasional Ah” until September 2005, and “Ontama”). I was.


From the beginning of the frame to September 2005, it was at 0:16 to 0:46, but since then, the broadcast time has been raised for 1 minute.

Until 2005, an irregular (April, October, December, December) was closed, and an enlarged version (85 minutes, 90 minutes) was broadcast, but after 2006. Even in the reorganization period, it was broadcast in a normal form. In FY2006, it was broadcast as an enlarged version in “Moon Rose!”, And in some cases it is broadcast as a special edition during the day or midnight.

From April 2005, “Neovalty Part 3” started in the subsequent frame (0:45 -1:15 until September 2005).

From October 6, 2009 (midnight on the 5th), the information program “request! Ranking” for the band was started at 0:00, excluding “Tamori Club” on Saturday (midnight on Friday). It is forced to end the broadcast of the program at 0:00 on Tuesday -Friday (Monday -Thursday midnight) [4]

2nd term (Neovalasty 2) [ edit ]

From April 1, 2014 (midnight on March 31, 2014), “Please! Ranking” has become a two -part system, and the start of broadcasting in Part 1 has changed to 0:50, so as in the first phase (Neone Variety). After the end of Neovalai (mini -program is not sandwiched), 0:15 –0:45 (only one year from October 2018) will be broadcasting a variety program, and the broadcast frame of variety programs will be newly established. Similarly, variety programs will be broadcast on a daily basis [5]

Along with the “Neovariety” in the front frame, “” Night large entertainment zone Was the title [5]

Initially, there was no name for this frame alone, but in the report of the reorganization of April 2022, this frame is ” Neo Barasty 2 Was called [first] [2] [3]

In the reorganization of April 2022, the frame ended with the previous time “Neovarathy” frame, and was changed to the new variety zone “Super Barabara Operation” for the first time in 20 years. In addition, due to this change, the two programs, “Why did you have a real rule!? Drawing presentation! Sashimi rules” and “Kyocolo Hee”, will be included in the program of the “Super Barabara Operation” frame and will continue to be broadcast in the same frame. [first] [2] [3]


Successive programs [ edit ]

Neoneo Variety (2002.4-2009.9) [ edit ]

Transferring [ edit ]

From this frame
To this frame
  • Produced by Uchimura (Moved from the early morning of Sunday (midnight on Saturday).)
  • Beautiful Aoki de Nau (promoted from Monday Monday, Monday Neovalty Part 3)

Neo Barasty 2 (2014.4-2022.3) [ edit ]

Transferring [ edit ]

From this frame
To this frame

Internet station [ edit ]

Neoneo Variety (2002.4-2009.9) [ edit ]

Most of the TV Asahi series stations are broadcast on the Internet at the same time, while most of the TV Asahi series stations from the East Japan region (excluding Hokkaido Television, Niigata Television, Nagano Asahi Broadcasting, Nagano Asahi TV, Hokuriku Asahi Broadcasting) are broadcast on the Internet at the same time. Except for sea broadcasting), many stations were broadcast (jet lag net) in a delay due to broadcasting local programs.

  • As of the abolition of the frame on October 1, 2009, the only affiliated stations that had all four programs, Tuesday -Friday (Monday -Thursday) were all online at the same time. Many other affiliated stations in East Japan had simultaneous online programs on Tuesday -Thursday.
    • On the Akita Asahi Broadcasting, the 4 programs on Tuesday -Friday were simultaneously online on the Seto Inland Sea Broadcasting, on June 25, 2009, but the three programs from the following week, Tuesday -Thursday. 。
  • In Hokkaido Television, it was a delay of about two weeks.
  • In Me -Tele, Tuesday and Thursday are simultaneous nets (unlike the “Neobara” in the previous frame, there is no time difference). On Wednesday, it shifted to the Internet at the same time in October 2008, but was delayed two days again from April 2009.
  • In the Asahi Broadcasting, all programs in the “Neobara” frame are delayed in the 0:00 (0:29-1:26), so all the time is a jet lag, except for “Good Hana Shisa” (non -net). I was.
  • On the Yamaguchi Asahi Broadcasting, he used to go down or a jet lag. After that, the three programs, except for the “Good Hana Shisa” on Friday (midnight on Thursday), were broadcast only on TV Asahi only on the broadcast date and time, and the broadcast date and time were replaced with the broadcast date and time. In addition, for this time on Friday, “Tamori Club” is delayed and broadcast on the net.
  • In the Kyushu region, it was a shy or jet lag.

All listed below are TV Asahi series.

  • ○ = Simultaneous net, △ = delay net, × = non -net

Neo Barasty 2 (2014.4-2022.3) [ edit ]

Related item [ edit ]

TV Asahi Tuesday -Friday (Monday -midnight) 0:15 –0:16 frame
Previous program Program name Next program

Neoneo Variety
(Neovalty Part 2)
(October 2005 -October 2009)

TV Asahi Tuesday -Friday (Monday -Midnight at midnight) 0:16 –0:45 frame

Neoneo Variety
(Neovalty Part 2)
(April 2002 -October 2009)

TV Asahi Tuesday -Friday (Monday -Midnight at midnight) 0:45 –0:46 frame

Tonite 2
※ 0: 06 – 1:01

Neoneo Variety
(Neovalty Part 2)
(April 2002 -September 2005)
