Non -Electric lying Radiation -Wikipedia


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Non -olked radiation sign

Non -olidents (Hidenryhoishasen, Non-Ionizing Radiation: NIR) is enough energy to identify atoms and molecules (from atoms and molecules to the distance from the distortion of the binding due to the couron power). do not have Radiation. The International Radiation Protection Committee defines that the main mode of interaction with the substance is a radiation in a place where it is not ionized. Be [first] 。 In the definition of the International Non -Non -Eventment Radiation Protection Committee (ICNIRP), the electromagnetic field is also included in the non -identified radiation. [2]

Normally, non -olizable radiation does not produce charge ions even after passing through an object, and only has the energy that transitions the quantum state such as electron, vibration, and rotation to a higher energy level. On the other hand, ionic radiation such as gamma rays and X -rays has sufficient ionized energy to ionize atoms and molecules. However, if there is a molecule with low ionized energy, there are cases where it can be ionized even with ultraviolet rays and visible light, which is a relatively short -wavy electromagnetic wave, so the wavelength of electromagnetic waves, which is the border of non -ionidia, is strict. do not have.

Electromagnetic waves classified as non -olidents include near -ultra -outer / visible light, infrared rays, microwaves, and low frequencies. Visible light and near -ultraviolet rays cause ionization (photochemical reactions) to substances and promotes a radical reaction at the same time. Aging of the varnish [3] , The deterioration of vinyl due to lightness is also due to these reactions. [4] 。 Most of the rays that fall into the earth from the sun are non -olidents, but there are some serious exceptions of ultraviolet rays. However, most of them are absorbed in the atmosphere of the earth, so it is difficult to reach the ground. No ionization occurs in static porcelain. [5] 。 In recent years, biological effects on non -olidents including electromagnetic fields have been studied. [5] [6]

Health damage [ edit ]

Non -identifying radiation causes heat energy in a biological tissue and has a non -culmination effect, such as causing burns.

Based on biological impact, the non -olidents of spectrums are divided as follows.

  1. Light radiation area. Electrons are exciting (visible light, infrared area).
  2. A region with a shorter wavelength than the human body. Accompanied by fever due to induced current (microwave and high frequency).
  3. Area with a longer wavelength than the human body. Heat generation due to induced current rarely occurs (low frequency, low -frequency, electro -powered porcelain field) [5]

From these facts, it can be considered that the shorter the wavelength, the more rapid reactions occur.

[6] origin wavelength frequency Impact of biology
Near UV-A Black light, solar ray 315–400 nm 750–950 THz Eyes -Catarical due to photocodement effect; skin -sunburn
Visual light Laser, solar ray, fire, LED, light bulb 400–780 nm 385–750 THz Skin aging; eyes -damage to retina due to photochemical and heat
Infrared-A Laser, remote control 780 nm – 1.4 µm 215–385 THz Eyes -Heat damage, heat due to heat; skin -burns
Infrared-B Laser, long -distance communication 1.4–3 µm 100–215 THz Eyes -Damage of cornea, cataract; skin burn
Infrared-C Far infrared laser 3 µm – 1 mm 300 GHz – 100 THz Eyes -Damage of cornea, cataract; heating the body surface
Microwave PCS phone, mobile phones (excluding some), microwave ovens, cordless phones, operation senses, radar, Wi-Fi 1 mm – 33 cm 1–300 GHz Biological tissue heating
high frequency Mobile phones, TVs, FM, AM, shortwaves, CB radio, cordless phones 33 cm – 3 km 100 kHz – 1 GHz Heating biological tissue, rising body temperature
Low-frequency power line >3 km <100 kHz Accumulation of charge on the surface of the body; inhibition of nerves and muscles
Electrostatic magnetic field [5] Powerful magnet, MRI Infinity 0 Hz Impact by magnetic force – dizziness, nausea; effect by electrolytic -accumulation of charges on the surface of the body

UV radiation [ edit ]

Ultraviolet rays are classified as close -to -ultraviolet rays, medium -ultraviolet rays, and distanted outer rays, but non -olterous rays are non -olizophoric rays. If the skin receives ultraviolet rays, it will be sunburn [7] And if the eyes are exposed for a long time, it may cause cataracts. [7] 。 Ultraviolet rays generate a free group that causes damage to the cells that can cause cancer. Ultraviolet rays often generate melanin from melanin cells to cause sunburn. Vitamin D is created on the skin due to the radical reaction caused by ultraviolet radiation.

Visible light and infrared laser [ edit ]

Visible light has little effect on the human body. Strong light gives the eyes unpleasant stimuli. The visible light laser does serious damage to the eyes, even if it is a weak output. Extremely strong visible light is used for light hair removal.

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