Nyoraiji (Uto City) –Wikipedia


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Nyoraiji Temple Nyokiji
location Uto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Iwako -cho, Kami -Koyo
Mountain issue Mikayama
purpose Sōtō school
Temple Profit tower
Principle Buddha Nyorai
Year 1260
Establishment Wanyan Yinyin
The Year of the ZTE 1504
Formal name Mikayama Nyoraiji Temple
Another name Site of Nyoraiji Temple
Taverns, etc. Uto pilgrimage 10 bills (out of 33)
Cultural wealth

Kumamoto Prefecture Designated Cultural Properties: Shaka Nyoraiza statue/Amida Nyoraiza statue/Yakushi Nyoraiza statue

Uto City Designated Cultural Property: Nyoraiji Temple Implementation/Denjin Yi Yin’s Tomb/Denshuri Echizen Mamoru Tomb

Corporate number 1330005005530 ウィキデータを編集
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Nyoraiji Temple (Nyokiji) is a temple of the Soto sect in Uto -gun, Higo Country (currently Uto City, Kumamoto Prefecture). The mountain name is Mikayama. The main statue is the Buddha statue.
This is the first temple that Yoshiyoshi Kankan, who is the prince of Emperor Go Toba (also with Emperor Junoku), came to Higo.

Yoshiyoshi Kankan, the opening of Nyorai -ji Temple, is a monk of the Soto sect who visited Zen in Dogen. It is said that it was built in Higo by the petition of the daughter of Hosato Echizen Mamoru Morinni, and was built in the current three days of Hanazono -cho around 1269 (Bunaga 6) (“Kunigori Ichigo”). In 1979 (Showa 54), when the statue of the Buddha, Amida Nyorai, and Yakushi Nyorai statue was dismantled and repaired in the temple, a wooden -ranging container was discovered from the womb of the Buddha statue of Shaka Nyoraza, and the lid plate. It was confirmed that the temple was built to 1260, with the inscription on the back of the “February 9th, February 9th, 2nd year New Year’s 10th.”

In response to 1278 (Koyasu’s first year), Owari Bridge bridge in 1278 (Koyasu Temple 6) was founded in 1283 (Koyasu 6) following the invitation of Kawashiri Shoji Yasuaki Yasuaki. do. In 1300 (2nd year of Masanasu), Yi Yoon, who retired to Nyoraiji Temple, became lonely at the age of 84.

1340 (calendar 3 years) On the 1st of the 1st of the New Year, Nyorai -ji Temple dedicated two tablets from Naoyoshi Ashikaga, and on April 5, the same year, the time of the Mochimochi Zenju was given a non -growing pagoda repairs, and the Intense Temple was declared. It will be.
On August 5, 1347 (Sadakazu 3), the Yoko Tower Dori was re -issued, and on the 25th of the New Year (Sadashi 6), the Toshio Toshio Toro was relieved by the Naoshi Ashikaga winter territory.


In addition, the inner ink book inscription of the “Wooden Toshu Shu Ryo (Daijiji Temple 14th) Zen Master” statue, which is located in the temple, has “Open on October 5, 1400 (Ochi 7)”, and the relationship with Daijiji Temple. You can see.

In 1504 (Eiji Sho, the first year), Nyoraiji Temple relocated to the current location, Kami -Koukouku. After that, it gradually declined, and although the main hall has not yet existed, the statues of the main statues, which are designated cultural properties, have been enshrined in the public hall of the district built on the precincts. On the precincts, there is a tomb of Densetsu Iwagi Yoon, and a tomb of Denshuri Echizen Mamoru, who is the father of his true nun who invited Yi Yun to Higo.

  • “New Uto City History History Volume 2 Middle Ages / Modern times” Uto City History Compilation Committee, 2007
  • Wooden Buddha image statue (prefecture -designated cultural property)
  • Wooden Amida Nyoraiza statue (prefectural designated cultural property)
  • Wooden pharmacist Nyoraiza statue (prefectural designated cultural property)
  • The land of the Nyoraiji Temple (City -designated cultural property)
  • Denjin Yi Yoon’s tomb (city -designated cultural property)
  • Old Hosato Echizen Mamoru Tomb (City -designated cultural property)

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  • Wooden complete Iwazenjinza statue
  • Wooden Weitian statue

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