Polish regional autonomy -Wikipedia


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Polish regional autonomy (Purando no Cho -Hoji) introduces local autonomy in Poland, located in the Central Europe.

Overview of the current system [ edit ]

The current local government introduced in January 1999 is a wide -area local government (Wojewodztwo), a county as an intermediate government (Powiat), and the basic local government municipalities (GMINA: Gumina). It is divided into three. Among the municipalities, the city, which has a population of 100,000 or more, such as the capital, Warsaw, and the prefectural government, have the same status as the county (Powiat Grodzki).

Number of local governments
県 (Voivodeship) 16
郡 (poviat) 314
Powiat Grodzki of the county 66
Municipalities (GMINA) 2.478
Source: “Polish Handbook (February 2016)” p. 80. 2015, the Ministry of Home Affairs

Each municipality has parliament consisting of parliamentarians selected in the direct elections of residents. The prefectural representatives (Marszalek) and the County Captain (Starosta) are elected by each other in the executive committee (ZarzadwoJewodztwa / Zarzadpowiato) selected by each parliament, but the mayor of the municipalities has introduced a direct election system by residents since 2002. 。 Apart from the prefecture representative, the chief of the prefecture, the prefectural office (URZąd Wojewódzki) is the highest responsibility of the prefectural governor (Wojewoda), which is appointed by the central government. We are examining ordinances and decisions set by local councils. For this reason, it has been pointed out that the government is more likely to intervene than the local autonomy system in Japan, and has a strong centralized color.

Local autonomy system [ edit ]

Note: In this item, municipalities are described as gumina.

After the recovery of independence and the Communist Party era [ edit ]

From 1918 to Poland, just before World War II, the three -layer structure of prefectures, counties and gumina was adopted (as of April 1939, 264 counties, 3195 gumina). After World War II, a system was introduced in which the area (GROMADA) and the ward (installed in DZIELNICA, Warsaw and Waggi) were installed under Gumina, based on the conventional system. In 1954, the regional system reform by the Communist Party (Poland Unified Workers) administration has abolished gumina and has been placed under Gumina. [first] Was become a local basic organization. Later, the local system was reformed from 1973 to 1975, and the district system was abolished in 1973 and Gumina was revived. And in 1975, the abolition of the county and the division of the prefecture (22) [2] → 49), the authority of the county was delegated to Gumina, and the two -layer structure was made by the prefecture and Gumina.


After the change in 1989 [ edit ]

In the round table conference by the Communist Party administration and opposition in the 1989, it was not an agreement on local system reform, but was not agreed. As a result of a partial free election held in the same year, the local government reform under the established Mazovietski administration promoted a local system reform, and in March 1990, a series of laws on local system reform was enacted. The local autonomy system established in 1990 gives Gumina as a basic local government, and the council selected in the direct elections of residents is the highest decision organization, centered on the chief of the council as an enforcement organization. The executive meeting was set up. The prefecture, which was placed on Gumina, is a national institution centered on the prefectural governor appointed by the Prime Minister, has the authority to guide and supervise the Gumina in the prefecture, allegedly administered national administration in the prefecture. rice field. The prefectural assembly was selected by the Gumina Council, but did not have voting rights and was positioned as an advisory agency for the prefectural governor. In the prefecture, there was a branch office (Rejon) as a destination organization, and was in charge of roads, construction and urban development.

It has been pointed out from the beginning that the local and central separation and financial sharing of the local and central and financial sources of local systems in 1990, and that the prefectures that were subdivided into 49 at the time have not fully fulfilled the functions as a wide -area organization. I was. For this reason, from 1992 to 1993, under the Hannah Suhotsuka administration, initiatives were examined for the resurrection of the county as an intermediate organization and the reform of local system, such as the transfer of affairs and authority from the country to the county. However, as a result of the 1993 parliamentary election held in June 1993 following the passage of the Suhotsuka administration was passed in the House of Representatives, the Democratic Left Union (SLD) and the Polish Farmers (hereinafter,, the Polish Party, the Polish Party. With the launch of the coalition administration, the introduction of a county, which had been scheduled for January 1995, has been postponed, and the delegation of authority has been significantly reduced.

Most of the SLDs were positive for local system reform, but the coalition partner’s agricultural party strongly rebounded, so the local system reform was due to the coalition of “solidarity” election behavior and freedom union, as a result of the 1996 assembly election. It was done by the Jeji Bosch administration. Related bills related to local system reforms, including the introduction of counties as an intermediate organization, the integration of the prefecture (49 → 16), which are wide -area organizations, and the introduction of public elections of prefectural assembly members, are assembled in late July 1998. It was established after passing and the presidential signature. In October of the same year, the unified local election (elected members of the prefectural assembly, the county council and the Gumina Council) was held, and the current system was introduced in January 1999.

The role and authority of each municipality [ edit ]

The authority and roles in prefectures, counties and municipalities are listed.

prefecture [ edit ]

  • Regional economic policy (economic development, trade, regional promotion, unemployment measures)
  • Wide -area infrastructure development (prefectural road management, water resource management, national environmental protection policy)
  • Higher education (universities, high schools, etc.), wide -area cultural policy
  • Wide -area health service (specialized hospitals, etc.)
  • Coordination of regional development (rural promotion, etc.)

county [ edit ]

  • Regional infrastructure development (county roads, water and sewage, environmental protection, etc.)
  • Inter secondary education (junior high school, high school, vocational school, etc.)
  • Public health services (general hospitals, etc.)
  • Wide -area welfare (disabled, social welfare facilities, etc.), unemployment measures
  • Public order maintenance (county police), fire protection and disaster prevention

Municipalities [ edit ]

  • Basic development of regional infrastructure (municipal roads, water and sewage, electricity, garbage processing, etc.)
  • Operation of public transportation and public housing
  • Elementary education (kindergarten, nursery school / elementary school), basic medical institutions, municipal police, fire department
Source: The previous list, page 56

Local council [ edit ]

The prefectures, counties, and municipalities have parliament as voting organizations. The election system is explained below.

Municipal assembly with a population of 20,000 or less [ edit ]

City, county and prefectural assembly with a population of 20,000 or more [ edit ]

Unified local election [ edit ]

2010 election [ edit ]

The unified local election was held on November 23, 2010 (the final vote for the final vote), and the prefectural, county and municipal members were elected. In the prefectural assembly election, the citizen platform (PO) gained a total of 222 seats (186 seats last time), and the “Law and Justice” (PIS) gained 141 seats and fell below the previous seat (170 seats). The Agricultural Party (PSL) also won 93 seats (83 seats last time), and the Democratic left wing coalition (SLD) won 85 seats (66 seats last time) and made a breakthrough. When viewed by region, PO became the first party in the 13 prefectural assembly from western Poland to the middle, PIS became the first party in the two prefectural assembly in the southeast, and the PSL was the first party in the Chiffentikishish prefecture. became. As a result, PO and PSL secured a majority in all 16 prefectural assemets.

  • vote rate
    • Prefectural Assembly Election: 47.32 %
    • County assembly election: 50.70 %
    • Municipal assembly election
      • Municipal assembly election with a population of 20,000 or more: 46.71 %
      • Municipal assembly election with a population of less than 20,000: 52.23 %
Source: “Polish Handbook”, page 57

2014 election [ edit ]

The unified local election was held on November 16, 2014 (the election vote for the chief election will be on November 30). The prefectural, county and municipal council members were elected. In the prefectural assembly, the citizen platform (PO) became 179 seats in the first party (222 seats last time), and the “Law and Justice” (PIS) became the second party in 171 seats (41 seats last time). Other than this, the farmers (PSL) made a breakthrough at 157 seats (last 93 seats), while the Democratic Left Union (SLD) sluggish at 28 seats (85 seats last time).

  • vote rate
    • Prefectural Assembly Election: 47.21 %
    • County assembly election: 50.21 %
    • Municipal assembly election: 45.54 %
    • Mayor’s mayoral election
      • The 1st vote: 47.34 %
      • Decising voting: 39.97 %
Source: “Polish Handbook (February 2016)”, page 83
  1. ^ The background of the introduction of the district system is said to have promoted agricultural collectiveization and nationalization promoted by the Communist Party at the time. However, the need for subdivision was reduced by 1972, as the need for subdivision was reduced due to the fact that the management management was hindered and the interruption of agricultural collectiveization in 1956.
  2. ^ Including five cities with the same status as the prefecture.

references [ edit ]
