Portomaggiore -Dogato railway – Wikipedia


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The Portomaggiore-Dogato railway It is a regional railway line that connects Portomaggiore to the Dogato hamlet of Ostellato, in the province of Ferrara.

The line is the responsibility of Ferrovie Emilia Romagna (Fer) and, since 2017, it has been without traffic. [first]

Design and start of work [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The line was originally designed as one of the dowels of the so -called ‘Romea railway’, a project completed only in part and then shipped. Nonetheless, the project of this line went on the same, while presenting a long preparatory phase: civil works, armament and reporting systems were built between 2000 and 2003, 13 years before their effective use. [2]

For the completion of the works and the activation of the line it was expected for over a decade: still in March 2012, the line was still not completed, given that the tracks stopped one kilometer from the Portomaggiore station. The latter plant, of competence of the Italian railway network as they were placed on the Ferrara-Rimini, needed to be adequate to the acceptance of the track, but the works had not yet been made due to a failure to agreement between the state company and that Emilian [3] .

Inauguration and sudden suspension of the service [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The completion was built in 2013, allowing the opening of the trafficking to railway circulation on 2 October 2016.
The works for the completion of the line cost around 15 million euros as a whole [4] .

After less than a year, on June 18, 2017, the service on the line was suspended due to the low frequentation of trains. There are several causes that led to this result. First of all the initial see of the project, with a 13 -year -old work, which allowed a maximum commercial speed of 60 km/h (missing the SCMT) and using twenty minutes for a path of just 13 km with one Intermediate stop alone. The time was also not cadenced, with just four pairs of trains per day, making pendularism and any use for students difficult. In addition, the lack of racing in holidays prevented an easy achievement of the Virginian delight, eliminating the possibility of having any tourist users (think that not even the replacement buses made the stop). To all this was added the lack of electrification, which caused the load breaking for the possible continuation of the journey to Bologna, with the consequent increase in waiting and travel times. [first]

Many solutions for the reuse of the railway line have been proposed, including a transformation on the cycle path of the entire itinerary.


The railway is equipped with an ordinary single -screen track of 1435 mm and is not electrified. The short line is almost razed, without particular altimetric variations, with a height less than the meter height, and without particular engineering works.

Path [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The railway line originates in the Portomaggiore station. The track continues parallel to the Ferrara-Rimini line for a total of 1500 meters, then bending north in the direction of Dogato.

At the progressive 2+465 the line crosses, with level crossing, the Cona-Portomaggiore provincial road; At progressive 3+029 there is a further level crossing.

The progressive 6+600 stands the Virginian stop, at the service of the delight of the Virginian.

Finally, the line is accompanied by a short stretch to the Ferrara-Codigoro line, to reach the Pogato station in progressive 13+148.

The line was crossed by four daily couples of regional trains, from Monday to Saturday. On holidays the service was not carried out. The timetables were organized in such a way as to allow systematic coincidences with races to and from Codigoro and Bologna Centrale, while no direct service was present for Bologna [5] .

On the line, two auto 663 couples were used.

  1. ^ a b Railways: Stop trains on Portomaggiore-Dogato , in Ferroovie.info , June 18, 2017. URL consulted on 6 July 2017 .
  2. ^ Short technical note on the Portomaggiore-Dogato line , by Railways Emilia-Romagna (www.fer.it)
  3. ^ Antonio Casanova, The railway ghost – Antonio Casanova struggling with a curious mystery that travels on rails . are strisciallanotizia.mediaSet.it , www.striscialanotizia.MediaSet.it, 10 Marzo 2012. URL consulted on March 10, 2012 .
  4. ^ Marcello Sheegini, La Dogato – Portomaggiore is finally reality . are Estense.com , 27 September 2016. URL consulted on 25 September 2017 .
  5. ^ TPER.IT , http://www.tper.it/sites/tper.it/files/orari/treni%20orario%202016-2017/tper_trpodo.pdf .
  • Antonio Martinetti, The Dogato-Portomaggiore railway , in I Treni , n. 406, Salò, transport editor on Rotaie, September 2017, pp. 26 ss., ISSN 0392-4602 ( WC · Acnp ) .
  • Marco Bruzzo, Portomaggiore-Dogato. A record line , in All train , n. 324, Ponte San Nicolò, Duegi, December 2017, pp. 30 SS, ISSN 1124-4232 ( WC · Acnp ) .
