Puts station (Hong Kong) –Wikipedia


Pit station
Hang Hau Station platforms 2021 08 part1.jpg

Han -how
Tseung Kwan O (1.21 km)
(1.02 km) Baolin
location 香港の旗Changning Road, Changning Road, Saigon District, New Territories

22 degrees north latitude 18 minutes 56.16 seconds East sutra 114 degrees 15 minutes 51.4 seconds / North latitude 22.3156000 degree East sutra 114.264278 degrees / 22,3156000; 114.264278

Affiliated business Hong Kong Ling Road Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Ling Road (Hong Kong Tong (MTR))
Line Tseungo
About kilometer 8.53 km (starting point in North Point)
Telegram abbreviation HAH
Station structure Underground station
home Relative type 2 sides 2 lines
Date of opening date August 18, 2002 (20 years ago) ( 2002-08-18 )
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Pit station
Various notes
Traditional Chinese characters: Pits
Pinyin: Kēngkŏu zhàn
pronunciation: Kunko Chang
広 広 Pinyin: Haang1 Hau2 zaam6
Cantonese pronunciation: Han House Zam
Japanese Chinese sound reading: Koyoki
English: Hang Hau Station
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Pit station (Ko -eki) is a station on the Hong Kong Railway (Minato Tetsu (MTR)) General Ocean Line in the Hong Kong New Sangyo Ward.

  • Underground station with a relative platform 2 sides and two lines. Home door installation station.

Station hierarchy [ edit ]

Upper cover Azure Bay, Lianli Street, pedestrian flyover to Nankuki, Donggang City,
Houyu Shopping Mall, Xinbao City, Haiyue Haoyuan
Concourse Exit, Public Transportation Shop, Service Center, Station Shoten
, Automatic coupon machine, automatic camera, ATM,
“E minute” machine
The relative platform, the left door opens.
Turn General Australia Line Baolin →
Turn Northern Point / Kangcheng as the Tseung Kwan OK [first]
The relative platform, the left door opens.

Station -ya facility [ edit ]

Station store / automatic service
Station shop
  • Seven-Eleven
  • Cake
  • Glory
  • Xilong Chuanxiang Rice 香
  • Own vegetarian
  • Hongfu Tang Health Express
  • Snack
  • Kangwei
  • A little green
  • Mainly Yaiken Medical Services
  • Fast -moving beauty
  • Replenishment station
  • Pccw
Automatic service
  • Hang Seng Bank ATM
  • Bank of China (Hong Kong) ATM
  • vending machine
  • Automatic camera
  • “E minute” machine
  • Hong Kong Post mailbox service

Station exit (around the station) [ edit ]

Exit number Export representation destination
出口A1 Lianli Street Shopping Mall Lianli Street Shopping Mall, Azure Bay, Donggang City, Houyu Village, Houyu Shopping Mall, Yumingyuan
出口A2 Anning Garden Anning Garden, Feng Qing Memorial Primary School, Catholic St.
There are diagonal roads and blind people guidance trails to the ground
出口B1 Lianli Street Shopping Mall Union district store, Kenmeien, Rakuzu, Shinhojo, Umi Etsu Garden, Meitokuson, Minamito Square, Wa Meien, Kingmyoen, Jinjin Chen Yosei Elementary School
There are oblique trails to the ground
出口B2 Public transportation intersection Public transportation, Huning Garden, Shogun Oao Clinic
There is a blind person to guide the diameter to the ground

List of connection transportation [ edit ]

  • New World Daiichi Bus:
    • 798 -Tunjingling ↔ ↔ 7 7 (Junyang Village)
  • City bus:
    • E22A
  • Tunnel bus:
    • 694 -Genkenin Station ↔ Konai Bay
  • Kowloon Bus:
    • 91m Treasure Rinko Ichiyama Railway Station
    • 98A Mine Exit (Kita) ↺ Ushito Kakusakushi Station
    • 98C pit entrance (north) 坑 Mobil
    • 98D pit entrance (north) 坑 Tsim Sha Tsui East
    • 296m Fiter Bank Railway Station
    • 297 pit entrance (north) 坑 Hongyu Wharf
    • 298E Putritsu Iron Station ↺ Shogun Pao Kogyo Son

Template: New Territories Line ミニ ス List

  • New world lines minibus:
    • 11 Hangkou Village 虹 Rainbow 虹
    • 11a Future Exit Station ↔ Puzzle Village
    • 11m Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 口 pit mouth
    • 15 pit entrance (north) 盛 Kangsheng Garden
    • 15A pit entrance (north) 茵 Yinyi Garden
    • 16 Baolin ↔ 1 ↔ ↔
    • 18 pit entrance (north) 角 North Point (Baifu Road)
    • 101M pit mouth ↔ 贡 贡 Saigon
    • 102 Hangkou ↔ 蒲 蒲 10 10 (Kangqiang Street)
    • 109m Shimizu Bay Peninsula ↔ Pastway Station
  • taxi

Municipal taxi platform
New World Taxi Platform

  • August 18, 2002 -Opened.
Hong Kong Railway

Shogun Cao Station- Pit station -Horin Station

Related item [ edit ]

  • Port iron
  • Tseungo
  • Hong Kong railway
  • List of Railway Station in Hong Kong
[ How to use footnotes ]
  1. ^ Passengers from this site to Kangcheng Station must transfer to the train from Tseung Kwan OK Station to Kangcheng

External link [ edit ]
