Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City -Wikipedia


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Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City 』( Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City ) Is a Capcom third person shooting game and horror game. Development is Capcom and Slant Six Games.

IF Story Third Parson Shooting Games located between “Resident Evil 2” and “Resident Evil 3 Last Escape” [4] 。 Set in Raccoon City, where a missile bombing is about to take place, players will basically experience the biohazards that occurred in the city from the viewpoint of the umbrella side. In this work, many enemy soldiers will appear in addition to creatures, and intense gunfights will be developed.

At the time of release, the code for the original download content of the weapon pack was distributed by store. [5]

In addition, as described above, it is located between “2” and “3”, but it has a very different development and ending, and is equivalent to the parallel world in the story. [6]

system [ edit ]

In addition to the mode for one person in this work, the co-op mode that can play cooperative play, the multiplayer mode that can play up to eight players, and the “Heroes” mode that can be played with characters that appeared in the series so far. be. It also supports Japanese dubbing [7] , The repertoire of weapons that can be used by satisfying the conditions will increase (costumes can be purchased by downloading).

You can now move faster than normal movements and “slide”, and you can also directly work on not scared enemies. These elements have been inherited by “Resident Evil 6” later released.

Co-op mode
This mode has a campaign CO-OP mode, so you can play up to 4 people. [7]
Multiplayer mode
Mode where up to 8 people can play [7]

Debut [ edit ]

U.S.S. Delta Team “Wolf Pack” [ edit ]

A special unit to eliminate and annihilate objects that are against the interests of Ambrella. There are six members.

In a confidential elite group that only some of the organizations can know, he faithfully handles command orders as a perfectly trained hound.

Although it is smaller than the old Delta team that appeared in the Alpha Team and the “Resident Evil 0”, each member’s ability is very high.

Japanese version CV.
Real name: Carina Lesproux
38 years old born in 1960. AB type. White is blue and the hair is dark brown.
“Wolf Pack” captain and assault soldier. The nationality is France.
Former French Special Forces, so he has the ability to shoot high -precision shooting and short -range battles.
He is charismatic to organize troops and is the only common sense of units. Use Hachet (small ax in the Western) to approach.
Killed her husband with her bare hands to protect her children from her husband’s home violence. Even though he was acquitted in the trial, he did not get a general employment, and as a free mercenary, he signed up with U.S.S., a high reward (good school for her children, good meals, and good medical care), and the children. Similarly, we are looking for a team that leads discipline and obedience.
In addition, it is compared to the “mother wolf” because of the goodness of taking care of the unit, and it is loved by the members as the leader of the unit.
In the dedicated Brutal Kill, the surrounding enemies are summarized with a fist from the rush and beat them. At that time, it turns into a wire beyond a woman or a human, and its power is as good as Chris.
There is also a part that handles French in the native language, and the words “be careful, Mon Ami / Amie” when reviving a down -down companion My friend / friend teeth” It has the meaning of “my friend” (In the case of men which In the case of women friend )。
Professional skills and equipment that can be used
Auto ability
Body armor
Damage can be reduced.
Quick reload
Reload speed increases.
Flame barret
It can fire bullets that wrap the enemy in the flame, and is particularly effective for infected enemies.
GUNS A ‘BLAZIN (Guns Blazing)
The ammunition is infinite, improving the hit rate and recoil.
Super Soldier
After the abilities are activated, the attack is no longer effective, and the damage to the enemy and the hit rate of weapons increase.
Japanese version CV. Jiro Saito/English version CV.RAMON FERNANDEZ
Real name: Hector Hivers
29 years old born in 1969. B-type (B RH-).
“Wolf Pack” is a working soldier and its nationality is Puerto Rico. Immigration.
From the following, they have the ability to install and release explosives and traps. Flagmine is my favorite bomb.
He is a giant of unit 1 and has a muscular and very fierce body, and the situation is a mystery, but his left foot has a prosthetic foot.
His personality is rather cheerful, but he is a type he does not want to associate with.
He learned that laughing a child’s heart was the key to a relationship, but his joke included specificity and turned into a contempt to the opponent.
Now he likes bad jokes and is noisy, and even during his mission, he has spit out complaints and other complaints.
Knowledge and skills about the handling of explosives were certain, and since I was a child, I had been mischievous with explosives.
He believes that his explosive will be his own humor expression, and joins the Army, but will be discharged and even one step in front of the military law.
Even if you move to U.S.S., the details are unknown, but it seems that the battlefield is frequently occurring on the battlefield, and it is monitored by the company.
Professional skills and equipment that can be used
Auto ability
The experience of Beltway’s explosives can reduce the time of select abilities and release enemy mines.
BLAST ARMOR (protective clothing for explosions)
When the Beltway comes in contact with the explosion, the explosion damage is reduced and it does not knock down.
Fragmentation mine
Use a bomb that can be blasted individually via remote. It is also possible to detonate together. Ability recovery time is 20 seconds after all bombs exploded.
TimeD Sticky Explosive
When the thrown Sticky Bomb sticks to the object, it detonates 5 seconds later. The ability to recover is 25 seconds after the last bomb detonation.
Laser Trip Mine (Laser Mine)
The enemy explodes when the enemy walks in the laser area after installation. The land mines installed can also be released. The recovery time of the ability is 15 seconds after the last landmine detonation.
Four Eyes/Four-Eyes
Japanese version CV. Yuka/English version CV.gwendoline YEO
Real name: Christine Yamata (Christine Yamata)
28 years old born in 1970. A-type (A RH-).
“Wolf Pack” BC soldier. The nationality is a mysterious Japanese American. The only member of the unit can see the top from the nose.
The following is the ability to use viruses and creatures.
At first glance it looks small and cute, but it has a ruthless side.
He is an enthusiastic biological chemical mania since childhood, is still immersed in virus studies and is still not interested.
He has already experimented with injuries and prisoners on many missions, and his practical knowledge of virus studies has been evaluated as “no classic.”
“U.S.S. is the best for studying the riots in the world and doing experiments with the latest virus of Umbrella,” he joined U.S.S.
Professional skills and equipment that can be used
Auto ability
A so -called living body authentication that distinguishes the infection of a creature within the range of effects and marks a weak point. On / off is also possible.
Antivial Profecience (anti -virus spray)
Compete against the virus with antiviral spray. Spawn with one person, and increase the maximum number of sprays at the level.
Shoot an infection inducement with an injection gun, infect enemy soldiers with a certain probability, and make the zombie into a crimson head with a certain probability. The recovery time is 30 seconds. Note that if you use it incorrectly, you can squeeze your neck.
Attraction Pheromone
Throw a container that scatters the pheromons Moke and lure enemies infected with the T-virus. Those who touch the smoke are the target of the attack by the infected person. The recovery time is 30 seconds.
Shoot an injection gun into an infected creature and control it for a short time. In addition, the weaker the opponent, the longer it can be manipulated. The recovery time is 30 seconds.
Japanese version CV. Yoko Sawai/English version CV.lydia LOOK
Real name: Michaela Schneider/Michaela Schneider (note that, Michaela Originally in German Michaela ).
34 years old born in 1964. B+type.
“Wolf pack” hygienic soldier. The nationality is Germany.
A woman with blond hair. The weapon is Maticie (similar to a Western sword, Nata), and a medical device is carried on his waist. The first aid is considerable.
From the following, the ability of recovery and combat assistance can be used.
He liked biological anatomy since he was young, and became a nurse at a private hospital, but an unusual sensation (attachment to pain) was dismissed and fired.
Versa is not interested in the injured target, and is indifferent and insensitive to the patient’s mental care, and performs an incision without anesthesia (at that time, even if the soldier raises loud due to severe pain, it is not possible to keep it at all. The contents are a psychopath person who lacks some morals such as sensitivity and sentiment, such as as if they are pleased).
Because of the above, he rarely uses anesthetics (except for player operation), but also contracts a contract as a professional torture.
Therefore, he has the knowledge of the human body, and he uses it to drive the target to the edge of death, pull it back, get the information he wants, and sell it to the umbrella without discounts.
In the dedicated blutal kill, the herbs are grown with a high probability.

According to the Capcom database, the real name before the change is Michaela Heinzwaffen/Michaela Heinzwaffen 。 The staff did not notice the change and was used as it was, but later changed to the current “Schneider” surname.
Professional skills and equipment that can be used
Auto ability
Field Medic (healing up)
The recovery of green herbs and emergency sprays increases.
Spawn with one emergency spray, and increase the maximum number of emergency sprays at the level.
It can be used for yourself or your teammates, and the hit rate and movement speed increase.
Neutralize Infection
By administering, you can treat yourself and your teammates in the infected state, or damage the infected person.
By administering, you can reduce the amount of damage you or your teammates.
Japanese version CV. Yuichi Nakamura/English version CV.ANDREW KISHINO
Unknown real name. 30 years old born in 1968. O+type.
“Wolf Pack” reconnaissance soldier. Japanese nationality Japanese.
From the following, the ability of infiltration and assassination can be used.
He wears a hood that is also a characteristic, and has a well -balanced body shape. A knife that is slightly warped like Kukuriniku is a weapon.
He is quiet, ruthless, ruthless, but confident, and has a solid confidence.
In the battle, he has the creed of “death to the loser”, and the weak who lost will not sympathize if they are friends.
I do not show any interest other than those who have recognized that they are equal to themselves, but basically they respect the abilities of others and despise if they feel inferior.
The appearance of running through the battlefield without sound and quickly killing the enemy is like a ninja.
From the following, it moves very quickly and has the ability to hide the appearance with a special suit.
Hank was beaten by Hank on Rockfort Island, which was the stage of “Resident Evil Code: Veronica”. Vector calls Hank “Master”.
Vector’s martial arts seem to have been trained by the Japanese teacher, but it is a mystery because of extremely low vector backgrounds.
In addition, in addition to confronting Leon in the PV of this work, it is the signboard character of this work, such as the largest shown on the cover of the package.
It is him who killed the whistleblower Ian Cider.
Professional skills and equipment that can be used
Auto ability
The footsteps become smaller, the movement speed increases, and even if you dash, it will not be displayed on the enemy’s mini map.
Detection Avoidance (Shadow Move)
If you move at a certain percentage of the maximum movement speed, it will not be displayed on the enemy’s mini map.
Motion Detector (Enemy Sensor)
Throw and paste the adhesive enemies sensor, detect enemies within a radius of 15 m to give a stun effect. It is pasted in various places and can be released.
If you have a scanable target, you can copy the target for a certain period of time. However, both men and women remain vector.
Mimicry means “mimicry” in English.
Active Camouflage (Act Camouflage)
The enemy is not detected by wearing optical camouflage, but it is not effective for some B.O.W. (such as relying on sound). It will be canceled when it is damaged.
Japanese version CV. Yamaguchi/English version CV.DAVID COOLEY
Real name: Vladimir Bodrovski
34 years old born in 1964. AB- (AB RH-) type.
A correspondent and sniper of “Wolf Pack”. The nationality is Russia.
He is clearly speaking in English, and he can see that his native language of Spector is not English and to some extent.
Former Soviet (former Soviet Union) intelligence engineer, he has the ability to search for enemies and communication.
He was a wisdom engineer who could not be able to speak in any situation.
It features a mask design of the lens that pops out and clothes that look like a whole body tights, with a monitor on the right arm.
A person who feels a perverted tone because the tone is so sticky, but can make a common sense next to the report.
Although it is a Russian, it looks like a lineage in East Europe, but has no noticeable physical or social characteristics.
Therefore, if you are often a lethargic sleep and do not move for a few hours, the people will not notice his existence.
In the lower -layer society, the crime of extortion and obtaining the weaknesses of ordinary people using their own information network, resulting in profits, as a result, is chased in conflict with researchers and Russian authorities, and pursues the home country by legal treatment. I will.
U.S.S. provides regular information, and the Delta team is working on a regular war situation and working on his skills.
By the way, it is a correspondence soldier, but in Brutal Kill, it shows an acrobatic movement of turning one rotation and hitting the flash grenades.
If you look at the scene where zombies eat other zombies for a while, you can hear the statement that “If you survive the winter of Soviet, you may not be able to judge so easily”, so he ate human meat in the past. You can see that there is.
In the PV, the specifications were defeated by sniper from a high place.
As an aside, the NPC always has a powerful Militure Rifle, so it is a tragic character that is sometimes killed by players who want to be desired.
Professional skills and equipment that can be used
Auto ability
Proximity Detection (wide radar)
When activated, the HUD mini map increases and detects enemies within the range. The marker is different for each type of enemy, and a warning comes out when targeted.
The items within the range of the player are displayed on the mini map. You can also see the position of the item on the HUD.
Biothermal Vision
For a certain period of time, the soldiers and other creatures within the effect range can be clearly visible, and the target physical strength can be identified by color differences.
Threat Scanner
Scan enemies within the effect range. The detected enemy is displayed on your and teammates’s mini maps.
For a certain period of time, you can see enemies and allies on the walls and the invalid side of the object in the effect range. You can also switch on / off.

U.S. military special unit “SPEC OPS” selection team “Echo 6” [ edit ]

A private unit that appeared in “Resident Evil 3 Last Escape”.

It is urgently convened and organized to perform secret duties (to grasp the evidence of Amblella’s research) in a special unit that reports on the U.S. government.

It is composed of excellent human resources, gathered by the U.S. Army and each unit.

The team at the SPEC OPS selection squad is called “Echo 6”. There are six members.

Japanese version CV. Shigeo Kiyama/English version CV.Robin Atkin Downes
Real name: Crispin Jettingham
36 years old born in 1962. Type A.
“Echo 6” captain and assault soldier. Born in the United States.
It has a dark and dignified face on a black hair all back.
He is like a soldier who performs his mission, and has advanced command skills.
He has a calm and calm personality, but is very sincere and respects anyone in the team.
He had a brilliant fighting history and only knew to live in fighting, so he was invited by the US government to SPEC OPS as a top priority and was selected as the leader of Echo 6.
By the way, although he has a background and personality in contrast to the report in all aspects, ironically, only the part of his fellow feelings match.
Japanese version CV. Nan Jianji/English version cv.gregg Berger
Real name: Elez Morris
Hispanic American. 42 years old. O- (O RH-) type.
Contrary to the appearance and physique that can only be seen by assault and operatives, it is an “Echo 6” hygienic soldier.
A gachimchi body with a skin head on the beard and tattoo on both arms. I like alcohol.
A self -sacrificing spirit, a sanitary strategy who tries to save people at the expense of himself.
Born in a runaway tribe to an outlaw father and mother, a motorcycle was born in a familiar environment, and it was an environment or a former biker gang.
He joined the U.S. Army to avoid the jail, but he was expected to his skills by treating a physician and saving his life, and he was on the way as a hygienic soldier.
His code name comes from a motorcycle Harley, making his motorcycle familiar.
Party girl/Party Girl
Japanese version CV. Yuka Keicho/English version CV.Caterine Taber
Real name: Sienna Fowler
23 years old born in 1975. O- (O RH-) type.
A correspondence soldier of “Echo 6”. Born in South Carolina, USA.
A young woman with a sexy blond hair. She is confident and confident in her ability and charm as a correspondent.
She became known by a wild party political party organized by the Youth Team for business and national staff.
The target members were monitored, and the recorded hidden cameras and the recorded audio information were resold by the highest bidder.
In the activities of the above political parties, salaried workers and medium and senior civil servants were gathered at a party, and the information was gained by that information, so the code name of the “Party Girl” was attached.
Later, one of their target information monitoring experts was deceived by one of her party members, and then joined the government with information collection technology.
In addition, there is no one who knows her identity 100%in “Echo 6”.
Japanese version CV. Aki Unonon/English version CV.TESS MASTERS
Real name: Marissa Ronson
32 years old born in 1966. Type A.
“Echo 6” work soldier. Born in the UK.
A woman with a redhead boyish appearance. Contrary to the appearance, she is a young lady, and her personality is high pride, short -tempered and strong.
Although it is short -tempered, the head rotates fast, and sometimes it is stuck, but he is very speaking.
Originally a British secret intelligence staff. After the bomb removal work, he was a powerful person who disappeared without leaving one scar, but was injured due to a bomb processing during a confidential mission at one time, and was pulled out because he was discharged from the army.
Her intelligence agency was highly evaluated by her gunpowder and explosives, so she was bought by the United States government and joined the SPEC OPS.
By the way, she was the Heavy Mushin Gan was released on the PV.
Japanese version CV. Masato Funaki/English version CV version.IMARI WILLIAMS
Real name: Lawrence Kimbala
39 years old born in 1959. AB type.
“Echo 6” BC soldier. From Zimbabwe.
A black man with a shaved head that looks quiet and always sad. It is also super intelligent.
The above expression is because he has seen many deaths from the plague.
His father was studying Ebola, HIV, intestinal chifs, cholera, and necrotic staphylococci together as an plague scholar.
As a result of the above, the talent is influenced by his father and his talent blossom in the field of virus control, and after graduating from Harvard University School of Medicine in the United States, he becomes a military doctor.
He has participated in the team of the virus studies.
His code name Shona comes from Shona, one of Zimbabwe’s 16 official languages.
Japanese version CV. Akiko Koike/English version CV.Rebecca Riedy
Real name Caroline Floyd
31 years old born in 1967. B type.
“Echo 6” reconnaissance soldier. Born in Indian Autonomous Region in Montana.
Native American is a descendant of an indigenous person and the Clei tribe who is said to have lived in a mountainous area in North America.
It has a mysterious atmosphere with a unique value of spirit religion.
He has lived a poor life in Montana’s special reserve (protection area). I kept my ability and finally got the current position, so the way I talked was a man.
His personality is a perfectionist, who is a perfectionist, who wants perfection and others, does not allow failure, and continues to discipline every day. I believe in the existence of a dead spirit as Cry.
It has high athletic ability, such as speed, escape technology, and reflexes.
He demonstrated his skills to the harsh curriculum of the Special Forces, and joined the army when he left school.
In the PV, he has been active in killing a ricker with a single knife and a single knife.
In addition, her code name has the meaning of “Yanagi” in Japanese, and is a named her name that believes in ghosts.

Other characters [ edit ]

Claire Redfield (Japanese version CV. Yuko Kaida/English version CV.alyson COURT)
Another hero of “2”.
Ada Won (Japanese version CV. Junko Minagawa/English version CV.Courtenay Taylor)
A Chinese female spy that appeared in “2”.
In this work, you will be in contact with “Wolf Pack”.
Jill Valentine (Japanese version CV. Atsuko Yuya/English version CV. Michelle Raff)
The main character of “1” and “3”.
In this work, it is a contact with “Echo 6” like Carlos.
Carlos Oliveira (Japanese version CV. Hiroki Yasumoto/English version CV. Gideon Emery)
A mercenary belonging to “U.B.C.S.” that appeared in “3”.
In this work, it comes into contact with “Echo 6”.
Hank (Japanese version CV. Misaki Terrasoma/English version CV.keith Silverstein)
A member of the U.S.S. Alpha team with the nickname of “Reaper” that appeared in “2”.
In this work, it is set as the leader of the Alpha team, and those who feel that their abilities and skills are inferior to themselves are ruthlessly treated.
In the early stages, he does not have a steer TMP and steals H & K MP5 from the enemy.
Lone Wolf (Japanese version CV. Tsuyoshi Inoue/English version CV.jon Curry)
A helicopter pilot belonging to the same “U.S.S.” as Hank.
Not only helicopter maneuvering techniques, but also very high survival skills in shooting battles and extreme situations.
U.S.S. Command (Japanese version CV. Takaya Kuroda/English version CV.desmond Askew)
A man who commands Wolf Pack wirelessly.
In order to abandon the “Wolf Pack”, the B.O.W. MA-121 (Hunter) was dropped (plan B) in various places in the city, and they were discontinued.
William Birkin (English version CV.TERENCE J.ROTOLO)
G -developer who appeared in “2” and Sherry’s father.
In this work, Hank is deprived of G and shot is shot, but G injects G just before the death and turns into a monster.
Sherry Birkin (Japanese version CV.
William’s daughter who appeared in “2”.
In this work, it will be temporarily protected by “Echo 6”.
SPEC OPS Command (Japanese version CV. Hoshino Chigo/English Version CV.Jack Angel)
A man who commands “Echo 6” wirelessly.

The enemy to appear [ edit ]

Small fish enemy [ edit ]

Spec Ops soldiers, U.B.C.S. Colds, U.S.S.
Enemy soldier.
In the U.S.S. scenario of the campaign, specs options and U.B.C.S. soldiers, and U.S.S. soldiers stand from the beginning to the end of the stage in the spectrum. U.S.S. If all four people choose Leon rescue in the co -op play of the scenario, U.S.S. soldiers will be the last enemy. He attacks with guns and grenades while hiding himself in the shade.
Raccoon citizens who have been infected with T-virus and have changed their gene structure.
Due to the abnormality of metabolic function, the body is half -killed, the new cerebral cortex is eroded, and the intelligence becomes like an insect, so you wander the flesh of fresh creatures from hunger.
The zombie police officers are highly durable because they wear a bulletproof vest. There is also a zombie pierced by a bomb prepared by Nikolai.
In this work, it is attacked in response to the bleeding of the player, but it is also possible to use it to injure enemy soldiers and attack zombies. [8]
Zombie dog
Compared to the past work, it is weakened, low physical strength, and only attacks.
Some individuals, like zombies, have a bomb prepared by Nikolai.
Crimson head
In this work, it is mutated with a red aura before stopping life activity.
The virus shot of BC soldiers (Four Eyes and Shona) can be forced to make a zombie into a Crimson head.
A creature that was born as a result of a zombie human being polluted by T-virus and caused a mutation.
NE-β parasite / parasite zombies
It parasitizes zombies with the appearance of Praga (adult) that appeared in “4”.
The parasitic zombies become more durable, and their movements become agile.
MA-121 / Code name: Hunter
The durability is higher than in the past.
Elite hunter
A hunter with a metallic color.
The performance is higher than a normal hunter.

boss [ edit ]

G-Birkin / William Birkin
“Shushing”, “To the dark” scenario boss.
The end of William Birkin who administered “G-virus” to himself. The highlight is the eyeball that appeared on the enlarged right arm.
Nikolai Ginobiev (Japanese version CV. Kenta Miyake/English version CV.Rick Wasserman)
A member of “U.B.C.S.” that appeared in “3”.
In this work, you will be in contact with “Wolf Pack”. In the boss of the “blocking” scenario, play the players from the top of the St. Michael Clock Tower.
T-103 / Code name: Tirant
“Consumables”, “Death” scenario boss.
The ultimate B.O.W., which was manufactured by administering “T-virus” based on human adult men and enhanced various body enhancements.
Damage does not pass on the trench coat. In the “Death”, it is a place called “Dead Factory” in the umbrella biometric use facility, and Four Eyes drops multiple Tilant T-103 type as an experiment. During the battle, the Directors will be superconed to the “Palacelsus Demon Sword”, which appeared in “3” as a support, and the Tilant T-103 was attacked by the “Palacelsus Demon Sword”.
Super Tylant
The boss of the “compensation”, “place to die” scenario.
The Tylant T-103 type was runaway due to a crisis of life. In “Reimburning”, we will fight with the individual that appeared in “2” in a lift, and in the “Death Place”, the Tylant T-103 type, which was attacked by “Dead Factory”, was attacked by the “Palacels Magic Sword”. , Superfish and attack the player.
Code name: Nemesis
The boss of the “dismissal”, “the starting point of troubles”, and “chasing” scenario.
Tirant T-103 type with parasitic “NE-α parasite”. In the “dismissal” and “the starting point of troubles”, gatling is equipped with a rocket launcher in the “pursuit” and attacks the player.
Leon S. Kennedy (Japanese version CV. Tomoyuki Morikawa/English version CV.christian Lanz)
The protagonist of “2”. The last boss will be a last boss depending on the player’s selection in the “end point” scenario.
In long distances, sniper rifles, lightning hawks, grenades are used, and CQC is used at short distances. Disable the player’s blutal kill.
Parasite Super Tylant
“Remaining hope” scenario boss. The end of the Tyrant T-103 type parasitized by the NE-β parasite.
Las boss of Echo 6. When a certain physical strength is reduced, the weakness on the right chest is exposed. Dive on the ground to make a surprise attack, or move with the tentacles of NE-β parasite.

Assault rifle [ edit ]

Assault rifle
Burst rifle
Millitia rifle
Supretar rifle

submachine gun [ edit ]

submachine gun

Machine gun [ edit ]

Machine gun

rifle [ edit ]


Shotgun [ edit ]


Handgun [ edit ]

U.B.C.S. Standard
U.B.C.S. Silence
Handgun SP
Handgun HP
Lightning Hawk
Samurai edge

others [ edit ]

Incendiary grenade
Flash grenade
Grenade launcher
Classic launcher
Huayan radiation
Rocket launcher

The idea of ​​this game came out when “Lost Planet 2” was developed [first]
November 1, 2010, Kotaku SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation He reported that Slant Six Games, known for the development of, is being developed. Slant Six Games has developed an unreleased “surprising new project” on his website, and announced that its project will be deployed on a global partner. [9]
after that, Official Xbox Magazine The cover of the May 2011 issue was displayed with umbrella logo and gas mask [ten]

External link [ edit ]
