Ryukyu Ancient Martial Arts -Wikipedia


Ryukyu ancient martial arts (Ryukyukobujutsu) is a general term for old -fashioned martial arts in Okinawa. Sometimes karate is included, but generally mainly refers to weapon techniques. It is also called Ryukyu Kobudo, Okinawa Kobudo, and Okinawan martial arts. Most schools and factions also have karate in addition to weapons.

『I Xie Shengbao’s “I Xie Qin Fang Bow Shooting” (early 19th century).

In Okinawa, various weapon techniques have been played mainly in the Ryukyu Kingdom (Ryukyu Country) era, mainly in the Shuri and Naha people. Masafumi “Koyo” (1743-45) stated in the 17th century that “there is a spear stick”, and it can be seen that spear art and stick art are practiced among the Ryukyuans even after the Satsuma clothing. [first] 。 One of the widely known theories is that Ryukyu has no weapons due to the prohibition policy, so the karate (karate) of the gap (karate) has developed, but in reality, even after Satsuma clothing, Ryukyu. The tribes are not banned from possession of weapons except for guns [2] , These weapon techniques were continued. In fact, the karate family at that time also practiced swordsmanship, spear, sticks, bow techniques, and 釵, as well as karate, and many of these weapons are known. For example, the spear art, the master of the spear technique, the master of the swordsmanship, and the bow art of the bow art. [3] 。 In addition, the swordsmanship, spear techniques, and naginata on the mainland were also practiced, and the swordsmanship was often shown. In the 18th century, the indication style was handed down among Ryukyujin. [4] There were also Shuri tribes, such as Shuri -ri, Matsumura Souku, who trained in Satsuma over Satsuma.

On the other hand, even in Naha, its own weapon techniques were handed down, mainly Kume Village. In 1867, weapon techniques such as “Iron scale”, “sticks”, “wisteria sticks”, and car sticks were shown at the welcome celebration of the books for the books for the book of King Shoyasu. It is considered to be a tinbe with a shield and a spear for the wisteria tile, and the car stick is a cyclic club.

In addition to swords, non -swords such as nunchaku and tonfa were also active. Although the history of weapon art is unknown, the theory that has developed as a hidden weapon (darker) of the tribe and many weapons used in Ryukyu martial arts, including Tinbe and Sai, are used in China and Southeast Asia. There is a theory that the shape and name are common, so it was incorporated by trade. Although it originated from common tools, it did not mean that the common people were practicing these weapons. It is the main focus on the Shuri and Naha people. However, in the stick art, there were also warriors from the commoners, such as Itoman Maggie of Itomura Village (currently Itoman City, Itoman), and Cheni -shi Kiya (currently Nanjo City), who studied under the master of the stone.

These weapon techniques are thought to have been reclaimed as well as karate after the abolished clan, but before the war, some martial artists have begun to preserve and have been preserved and inherited in some schools. First, the Yasuhisa Tengen established the Ryukyu Kobu Study Group in the early Taisho era, and his apprentice Nobunitsu Taira also established a preservation promotion society in 1940 (Showa 15). In the postwar Okinawa, the Okinawan Kobudo Association was launched in 1961 (Showa 36), led by Kiyonoku Higa, and many Kobu -municiters joined this.

There are three main types of Ryukyu ancient martial arts, which are currently handed down. The system of Nobunitsu Taira (the Ryukyu Kobu Preservation Promotion Association in the mainland of Japan, the Ryukyu Kobudo Preservation Promotion Association, the Ryukyu Kobu Preservation Association, the International Ryukyu Kobu Preservation Association, etc.), and the headquarters of Asahi (Headquarters Global Martial Arts Martial Arts) Association), Motoyoshi Makoto’s system (gold hard -rigid Karate Okinawa Kogan Martial Arts). These organizations belong to the Japan Kobudo Association. There are several other systems, such as Yamane -ryu sticks, Liu -Ei -ryu, and Watayama style.

The strain of Nobunen Taira [ edit ]

Nobunen Taira was born in 1897 (Meiji 30). He studied karate under Yoshinori Funakoshi and Ryukyu Furusumu under Yahuhuhisa. In 1933 (Showa 8), the Shotokan Branch Dojo was opened in Gunma Prefecture, and in 1942 (Showa 17), he returned to Okinawa Prefecture and gave backwards. Currently, the disciples of the mainland are Ryukyu Kobu Saving Promotion Association, Ryukyu Kobudo “Kongo -ryu”, Ryukyu Kobu Bud Association established or established or founded, and in Okinawa, Ryukyu Kobu Preservation Promotion Association established by Kenhen Taira. The disciple has inherited and inherits nine kinds of weapon techniques: sticks, 釵, tonfur, nunchaku, sickle, steel, tinbee, sulgin surgery, and iron pillar. There are some independent organizations from these organizations. The lineage of Nobunen Taira (Mentoru Yahuhisa) is a weapon centered on Ryoyuki Ishi, Toshishikiya Naka, Chinen Saburo (Yamane Usme), Tawada Tsurugo Masanami, and Daizuki Kinjo. The feature is to inherit the technique.

Headquarters Asamu Asamu [ edit ]


Headquarters Asamu Asamu was born in 1857 in Shuri Akahira Village. He is a direct head of the Ryukyu royal family, headquarters, and has a famous karate house, Headquarters Asuki. As Asamu Headquarters learned from his childhood, he learned the headquarters, Anji Headquarters, from his childhood. Headquarters Gotemei is inherited by Minako, Headquarters Asho and high brother, Kiyoyoshi Uehara. Uehara became the only successor after the war, as Asho died during the war. Uehara established the Headquarters Ryukyu Martial Arts Association in 1961 (Showa 36), and in 1970, the Headquarters Gloting Old Technical Association was established. In the headquarters palace, swordsmanship, spear surgery, long sword technique, sticks, wands, short sticks, nuki (nunchak) techniques, paddle, and scythopathic surgery are handed down. In addition, everyday equipment such as brooms and bird sashimi is practiced as a weapon. Headquarters Goten Hands is characterized by inheriting the Ryukyu royal weapon.

Matayoshi Makoto’s system [ edit ]

Makoto Matakichi was born in Kakika -cho, Naha City in 1888 (Meiji 21), and grew up in Chihara in Chatan Village (currently Kitaya -cho). Matayoshi is a rod, paddle, scythophy, and darnity in Higao (commonly known as Goshigawa Terra) of Gushikawa Village (currently Uruma City), and Iriho (commonly known as the small) in Kitaya Village (commonly known as the small). ) I learned art and nunchaku. It is alleged that he has traveled to China since the end of the Meiji era, and learned equestrian arts, shuriken, and throwing rope in Manchuria, and in Shanghai, a certain teacher (Kingai) learned Tinbee, Slutin, and Nunti. After the war, Makoto Matayoshi opened the “Kodokan” in 1960 (Showa 35), and in 1970 (Showa 45), the Okinawan Budo Federation (later in the Okinawan Budo Federation). (Renamed) was established. Currently, he is active under the name of Kinring Karate Okinawa Kotsu martial arts. Kin hard flow is characterized by inheriting the weapon techniques and Chinese weapon techniques, mainly in the main island of Okinawa (Kitaya Village, Gushikawa Village).

List of weapons [ edit ]

The swordsmanship was maintained mainly by the nobles called Shuri’s palace and the temple. In the old days, the master of Gushikawa of the Keio era is famous. At the end of the Kingdom, Matsumura Soukura, who had a shown style, and after the abandoned clan, was known as a swordsman, such as Asamura Yoshimura, Yoshimura Goten, and Yasushi Yasuri. The swordsmanship is handed down in the headquarters palace.

The spear technique was famous for the old days of Nishihira during the Keio period, and at the end of the Kingdom, Masan Tomi Castle was also famous for being good at spears on horse on horses. The spear art is handed down in the headquarters palace and Liu Ei -ryu. In Tinbe surgery, a hand spear (short spear) with a short stick is used.

Naganata is a weapon that originates in Japan, but the same kind of weapon has a blue dragon and an eyebrows sword in China. The sword technique is handed down in the headquarters palace, and the eyebrows sword technique is handed down in Liu Ei Ryu.

Nunti is a spear -like weapon with a swastika on the tip. It is said that the harpoon used by fishermen is the origin. Nunti is handed down in gold hardflow.

A mountain sword is a type of dagger, and its shape is similar to the tip of a long sword. It is handed down at the headquarters palace.

The 釵 is emphasized in Ryukyu ancient martial arts alongside the stick. It is alleged that Daizuki (police chief) and Chikusa (detective) used to arrest the criminal and guide the crowd. Some types are handed down.


Ryukyu’s ancient martial arts, along with Saigaku, is emphasized. In Okinawa, a six -shaped stick is generally used. There are two types of clubs that have been handed down from China, stick art of Okinawa, and Japanese martial arts, and two types, which are slightly thinner on both ends, and the same thickness as the central part. Rod art is handed down by each school and faction. In addition, the central part of the stick is thick, from the application of a sticker to the application of tools that are in close contact with life. That is a big difference from other regions. The passed type is a type named for a famous religion or a type that has been passed on from China. There is also a village stick that was passed on to the village.

The cane is shorter than a six -shak, and is usually a rod with a length of about 4 shaku. The cane technique is handed down at the headquarters palace.
There is a unique cane technique on the Okinawan Lake Castle Ryukyuko, and the shape and kumite are handed down.
The art of the Lake Castle style was braided by the second generation of Lake Castle and the third generation Lake Castle.

Bak -rods are martial arts that use short -rods nearby, such as firewood, as weapons. The short -bar art is handed down at the headquarters palace.

The paddle is a fishing utensil (so -called all -like), and is used in Okinawa to go to Sabani. Palms are handed down in various schools. Depending on the referral site, it may be described as “Eak” or “Eik”.

There is a theory that Tonfa is a stone mortar ground stick. Tonfa art is handed down in various schools.

The basics of sickle surge are to use 2 -dollar sickle in Okinawa. It is handed down in various schools. The sickle is called Irana (Irara in Hateruma Island), and the stick part is called Tevik.

Hoe is a kind of farming tool. Hogaku is handed down in gold hardflow.

The broom becomes a quick weapon when attacked in the garden. The broom art is handed down at the headquarters palace.

A bird stab is a tool with a bird sticky on the tip of a thin bamboo, which is used to divide it into mountains and capture wild birds. Bird sashimi is also a quick weapon. Bird sashimi is handed down at the headquarters palace.

The origin of the threshing tools such as the strip and rice, such as the drone stick (Kumambo). The two clubs are the same as Nunchaku, but the shape is similar to a flail. The hitting stick is handed down in the headquarters palace.

There are multiple origin of nunchaku, including the harbor “Mouge” theory. It is a kind of hidden weapon, and it was a minor weapon, but it became world -renowned in Bruce Lee’s movie. Nunchaku techniques are handed down in various schools.

The Sanbushi Club is a weapon that connects three sticks. It is handed down in gold hardware.

Suljin (also sulcin) is a weapon with a bronze or sharp shape at the end of the chain, and attacks the opponent. It is handed down in the strain of Nobunitsu Taira and the gold hardflow. Mae -sato’s sultin technique, Ikehara’s sultin technique.

Officially, it is called Mamer Saruzina. It is a weapon with a round natural stone on the tip of a rope (about 182 cm), which is a weapon that hits the opponent’s face with a stone. It is handed down at the headquarters palace.

Shurikenjutsu is handed down in gold hardflow.

It is martial arts using a shield called Tinbe, a hand and hand spear called a rootin. In Liu Ryu, we use short -rods and daggers instead of hand spears.

It is a metal -like weapon, and is used in your hand.

GIFR is a protruding weapon, which is a self -defense technique that is used in the hand.

The iron pillar is a kind of hidden weapon, and is shaped like an iron chopstick, and is used with the middle finger in the center hole. It is a weapon that is hard to see by the opponent because the tip of the iron pillar comes out slightly from the fingertips. Sometimes a oak tree is made of a steel pillar and used for self -defense. The type of Kobayashi -ryu’s “Zion” is handed down.
In addition, there is a type of Ikehara’s iron pillar, which was left by Ikehara, a disciple of Asanobu Chiba.

Iron spa is a thin iron -bar, a weapon with a tsuba on the handle. It has been handed down to the Watayama style.

Futago is a metal hand -held weapon with the tip divided into two. It has been handed down to the Watayama style.

Rod [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system
  • Mr. Zhou’s club (small, large, old style)
  • Sakugawa’s club (small, middle, large)
  • Splowing club (small / large)
  • Sueyoshi’s club
  • Urasoe’s club
  • Sesoko’s club
  • Kongo club
  • Shirataru club (small / large)
  • Kitagaya Ryo club
  • Yonegawa club
  • Zhao Yun’s club
  • Chitoshi Shikiya Naka’s club
Yuanshan Yixian System () 寛 远)
  • Tenryu’s club
  • Sakugawa’s club (first, two -dan, three -dan)
  • Sanded club (two -stage)
  • Teruya’s club
  • Oshiro club
  • Chika’s club
Kiya Takeshi Asoku system (Shorin -style)
Ryuo Shimabukuro system (one -hearted)
  • Urasoe’s stick (Urashinobo)

Ek [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system

Nunchaku technique [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system
  • Practice type (small · big)
  • Three nunchaku

Tonfur art [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system
  • Hambika Tonfa
  • Yara small tonfa

Art [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system
  • Tsuken Shiki’s 釵
  • Hamahiga’s 釵
  • Tawada’s 釵
  • Kitagaya Ryo’s 釵
  • Hamamigo Tonoya Kaino 釵
  • Bunning small 釵
  • Jimoto’s 釵 (using swastika)
  • Lake Castle
Ryuo Shimabukuro system (one -hearted)
Katsumi Murakami system

Scytheous art [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system
  • Gyeongsan (2 -dokan)
  • Kanekawa Sydrum (Small / Large)

Iron croatics [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system

Tinbee [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system

Suljin art [ edit ]

Pingxinxian system
  1. ^ See page 19, 2001, edited by Tetsuhiro Outma, “Karate History Year Table”, Okinawa Library Center.
  2. ^ See Shinkan Geoma, Ryozo Fujiwara, “Talking about the History of Modern Karate”, page 43.
  3. ^ See Iwai Tora, “Headquarters Asuki and Ryukyu Karate”, page 58-70.
  4. ^ Naoki Headquarters “18th -century Ryukyu’s martial arts in” Aka Nao Seeing “-Shinju -style, Jiu -Jitsu, Kara -Muto-” (“Japanese Society 42nd Research Prescription Abstract” Japan Society, 2009)

references [ edit ]

  • Tetsuhiro Sotama “The essence of Okinawa Karate / Kobudo” Naha Publisher, 1999. ISBN 4890951245
  • Masahiro Nakamoto “Okinawa traditional Kumobudo / Revised Edition” Yui Publishing, 2007.
  • Supervised by Kamiji Kamiji Kamiji “Okinawan Karate Road” Uechi Karate Association, 1977.
  • Motokatsu Inoue “Ryukyu Kobudo Upper Volume” Brain Publishing 1972, “Ryukyu Kobu Mudo Maki” Saybun -do Publishing 1974, “Ryukyu Kobudo Lower Volume” Say Bunko Publishing 1975
  • Motokatsu Inoue “Heavenly Wind”, “Wind of the Ground” KeiBunSha
  • Ken Taira “Ryukyu Kobudo Daikan” 榕 Shorin 1964
  • Yuanshan Yixian “Karate Daobao Jian” He study 1966
  • Katsumi Murakami “Karate and Ryukyu Kobudo” Narumido Publishing 1975

Related item [ edit ]

External link [ edit ]
