Shimosa Kokubunji -Wikipedia


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Shimosa -kokubunji Temple (Sakokubunji) is a Shingon Sou -Soyama school temple in Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture. The mountain name is Kokubunsan. The principal is Yakushi Nyorai.

Of the Kokubunji Temple, which was erected throughout Japan by the Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Imperial Resources in the Nara period, he was the successor temple of Shimosa -kokubunji. In this section, along with the current temple, it is a historic site at the time of its founding. Shimusa Kokubunji Site Remodeling of Shimosa Kokubunniji Temple We will also explain (both national historic sites).

It is located on the northwestern part of Ichikawa City and at the southern end of Kokumodai. It is said that it will be duplicated to the site of the Kokubunji Temple at the time of its foundation and inherit the temple’s lanterns. [first] 。 It used to be called “Kin Komeiji” [first]

In the Kenhei year (1190-1199), the first year of Kanemoto (1243), Bunaga (1264-275), there are historical materials that are considered to refer to the temple territory of Shimosa-Kokubunji. [first] 。 However, the second Kokodai battle and several fires in the Warring States period have lost detailed literature, and the change is unknown. [first]

The current main hall was designed by Kishida Nichijiri in the first year of Showa, and was built in a place presumed to be the former Kingudo site. [2]


Shimusa Kokubunji Site [ edit ]

The shrine at the Kokubunji Temple is in a place that overlaps with the current Kokubunji Temple, and the Kondo site is the current main hall. It is Horyuji -style cathedral arrangement where Kondo and tower are lined up east and west. However, the tower is west, the Kondo / Auditorium is leaning east, and the direction of the tower is not constant. [3]

In the area, the Swada archeological site and the estimated land site remained, and it has been a cultural center for a long time. Although the transition between monks and nunji is not clear, the 9th century is fulfilling, but the decline has been declined since the 10th century, and a major transformation has been observed. [3]

  • Kondo -31.5 meters east and west, 19 meters north -south.
  • Auditorium -Located in the graveyard behind the main hall. 26 meters east -west, 18 meters north -south.
  • Seven stories -18 meters square. The cornerstone is moved in front of the main hall.

Remodeling of Shimosa Kokubunniji Temple [ edit ]

Kokubu 4 -chome, Ichikawa City, northeast of Kokubunji (Kokubunji 35 degrees north latitude 44 minutes 47.56 seconds East sutra 139 degrees 54 minutes 46.70 seconds / North latitude 35.7465444 degree east sutra 139.9129722 degrees / 35,7465444; 139,9129722 ( Remodeling of Shimosa Kokubunniji Temple ) ) It is located. In the excavation in 1932, the base of the Kondo / Auditorium was confirmed, and the pottery described as “Nunji” was excavated, and the position was confirmed. [4] 。 Earlier, the area was once called the “Old -own -hi” and was considered the site of the Kokubunji Temple. [5]

The excavation survey has confirmed the groove in the north, east, and south, which is 340 meters in the north, east, and south, and the temple area is an inappropriated square. [4] 。 It is currently managed as a Kokubunniji Site Park in Ichikawa Municipal.

  • Kondo -25.5 meters east -west, 22.4 meters north -south.
  • Auditorium -27 meters east and west, 19 meters north -south.

Country Historic Site [ edit ]

  • Shimosa Kokubunji Ruins Ruins Kitashita Kirin Kiln -December 27, 1967 (Showa 42) Specified, Kitashita Kaya Kiln Site on August 5, 2010 (Heisei 2004) is specified [6]
  • The ruins of Shimosa -kuni Niji Temple -December 27, 1967 (Showa 42) designated on March 29, 1989 (Heisei Era) and 2002 (Heisei 2002) Additional specified range. [7]

Related cultural property [ edit ]

  • Shimosa -kokubunji Temple Tofu excavated from the inside of the shellfish -Kasukabe City designated tangible cultural property (archeological materials). It was excavated from the archeological site, which was brought to the residence of the shellfish archeological site (Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture). March 29, 2017 (Heisei 26) [8]

Local information [ edit ]


  • Kokubunji (formerly currently): 3-120-1 Kokubu, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture
  • Kokubunniji Ruins: 4-17 Kokubu, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture (Kokubunniji Site Park)

Traffic access

  • To Kokubunji Temple
  • From Kokubunji Temple to Kokubunniji Ruins


references [ edit ]

  • Historic site explanation board
  • “Nashi no Shimosa Kokubunji Temple” (Ichikawa Museum Friends Association)
  • “Japanese History Plant Name Daishin Chiba Prefecture place name” (Heibonsha) Ichikawa -shi Kokubunji Site, Shimosa Kokubunji Ruins, Shimosa Kokubunni Temple.

External link [ edit ]
