Spherical geometry – Wikipedia


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On a sphere, the sum of the internal corners of a triangle is not equal to 180 °. The sphere is not an Euclidean space, but locally the laws of Euclidean geometry provide good approximations.

The spherical geometry It is a non -Euclidean geometry conceived by the mathematician Bernhard Riemann. Spherical geometry has an immediate interpretation in Euclidean geometry. In fact, its model presents itself as “described” by the geometry of the surface of a sphere. It has practical applications in navigation and astronomy.

The spherical geometry was born from the denial of the postulate of Euclide, or equivalently by the IV.1 Postulate of Hilbert. However, so that it is a coherent axiomatic theory, it is also necessary to change the axioms of incidence and system of Euclidean geometry (in the case of elliptical geometry only the system) [first] . It is characterized by the absence of parallel straight lines.

Below we present first the axiomatic body of the plain spherical geometry and then we will analyze one of it. For a more intuitive understanding, you can, if you want, read the following paragraph before the axiomatic discussion: a spherical geometry model.

With reference to the axiomatic classification proposed by Hilbert for Euclidean geometry, we report below that relating to the plain spherical geometry.

The primitive concepts are the point, the couples of points called antipoal points, the straight line, and the plan. There are also two binary relationships and a primitive quaternary relationship:

  • Contains : one point can be contained in a straight line or in a plane, and a straight line can be contained in a plane;
  • To stop : the pair of AB points separates the pair of CD points, in symbols: S (AB | CD) (quaternary relationship);
  • Congruence , indicated with the “≡” symbol: corners and segments can be congruent.

The segment between two points A It is B It is defined as the portion of the straight between the points A It is B (included A It is B ).

I – axioms of belonging [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. The set of points of the plan is divided into couples of points, such that each point of the plan belongs to one and one torque and the points of each torque are distinct. For two points that belong to distinct couples, one and one right passes while for the two points of the same couple they pass more straight.
  2. On each line there are at least three points.
  3. Not all points belong to the same straight line.

II – Sort axioms [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. If S (AB | CD), then A, B, C, D are four distinct points belonging to the same straight line.
  2. Se S (AB | CD), allora: S (BA | CD); S (AB | DC); S (BA | DC); S (CD | AB); S (CD | BA); S (DC | AB); S (DC | BA).
  3. If A, B, C are three points of a straight line, then there is at least one point d such that S (AB | CD).
  4. If A, B, C, D are four distinct points belonging to the same straight line, then there is a pair of points that separates the couple consisting of the other two; That is, it is worth at least one of the following reports: S (AB | CD), S (AC | BD), S (AD | BC).
  5. Se S (AB | CD) e S (AC | BE), allora S (AB | DE).
  6. A straight line who, passing through a summit, enters a triangle, meets the opposite side.

III – Axioms of congruence [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. If A, B are two points of a straight line and also a ‘is a point on the same straight line or on another a’, you can always find a point b ‘, from a given part of the straight line to’ compared to a ‘, such that the AB segment is congruent, or equal, to the a’b segment; In symbols: ab ≡ a’b ‘.
  2. If an a’b segment and an “B” segment are congruent to the same segment AB, A’B ‘≡ AB and A “B” ≡ AB, then the A’B’ segment is also congruent to the A “segment” B “.
  3. Are ab and bc and BC two segments without points in common (this means that points A and C are opposed to b) on a straight line A and a’b ‘and B’C’ two segments on the same fee or on another a ‘, always without points in common. Then if it is ab ≡ a’b ‘and bc ≡ b’c’, it is also ac ≡ a’c ‘.
  4. An angle α (h, k) are given in an α top and a straight line to ‘in a plane α’, as well as a certain side of a ‘in α’. He indicates with H ‘a semiiretta of the straight line to’ originating in O ‘. Then there is one and only one and one semiiretta k ‘such that the angle α (h, k) is congruent, or the same, to the α corner (h’, k ‘) and at the same time all the internal points all ‘corner α (h’, k ‘) that are on the side of a’.
  5. If for two ABC triangles and a’b’c ‘the congruences ab ≡ a’b’, ac ≡ a’c ‘, αabc ≡ αa’b’b’c’, then congruence is always valid: αabc ≡ αa’b ‘C’.

IV – Axiom of Riemann [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. Two straight lines of one plan always have at least one point in common.

V – continuity axiom (or dedekind) [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. If the points of an AB segment are divided into two classes not empty so that:
    a) all the points of AB are in one or the other class (and in one);
    b) points A and B belong to different classes (which we will call respectively i and class);
    c) all points of the I class precede those of the II;
    Then exists in the AB segment a point C (which can belong to both the I and the II class) such that all the points of the AB segment that precede C belong to the I class, and all those who follow C belong to the II class. C is said to separation between the two classes.

As already mentioned previously a model of spherical geometry is the one built on a sphere as we will specify below.
In flat geometry the basic concepts are the point and the straight line. On a sphere, the points are defined in the usual sense. The straight lines are defined as maximum circles. Therefore, in spherical geometry the corners are defined between maximum circles, and a trigonometry derives in the spherical plane that differs from the Euclidean trigonometry in the plane (for example, the sum of the internal corners of a triangle is greater than a flat corner). Instead the spherical trigonometry in spherical space (but also in the elliptical one), if appropriate conventions are adopted on the measure of the sides and corners of the spherical triangles, coincides with the Euclidean and hyperbolic spherical trigonometry. That is, the spherical trigonometry belongs to the body of absolute geometry.
The distance between two points of the sphere is the minimum segment that unites them, geodesic.

Number of triangles that form from the intersection of three straight lines.
One of the corners identified by two straight lines.
piano set of points of a spherical surface of the Euclidean space
point point of the surface of the sphere
lift Maximum circumference of the spherical surface (circumference of intersection of the spherical surface with a plan passing through the center of the sphere)
segment part of a straight line delimited by two points of the straight line itself
belonging usual belonging in an Euclidean sense
antipodal points diametrically opposite points of the spherical surface
congruence between segments congruence between the arches of maximum circumference in Euclidean geometry (defined by the congruence of the ropes or through the movements of the sphere)
corner between two straight lines Dadrous corner between the two floors that cut the sphere according to the two straight lines, or angle that coincides with the corner of the two Euclidean lines tangent to the sphere at the point of intersection of the two spherical and lying straight lines in the plans they identified
congruence between corners congruence between corners in an Euclidean sense

Based on this interpretation (model) all axioms and properties of spherical geometry are propositions in Euclidean geometry. In fact, for example, infinite straight lines pass for two antipodal points.

The straight lines are the maximum circles (continuous purple, black, yellow lines). In the figure, the circumferences outlined in gray are neither straight nor segments, but curves.
Spherical cube.

Theorem [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

  1. two sides and the corner included;
  2. two corners and the common side
  3. I char to;
  4. The three corners.
  • Pythagorean theorem
    If ABC is a spherical triangle rectum in A and with hypotenuse A, and with B and c the lengths of its sides, then the cosine of the hypotenuse is the same as the product of the Coseni dei Cateti:
  • Area of ​​a spherical polygon
    The area of ​​a spherical polygon of n from the aware:
  • Formula of Euler
    Given a convex spherical polyhedron with V leaders, s.
  • All perpendicular to a straight line contribute in two points, antipodal points.
  • Two antipodal points divide the straight line into two congruent parts.
  • Two antipodal points divide into two congruent parts all the straight lines that pass through them.
  • All the straight lines are congruent.
  • Data four distinct points A, B, C, D of the same straight line, it applies to more one of the following reports: S (AB | CD), S (AC | BD), S (AD | BC).
  • In a rectangle triangle, the opposite corner of one of the two sides of the right corner is acute, obtuse or rectum according to that this side is less, greater or congruent on the other side of the right corner.
Spherical triangle

In addition to the two -dimensional sphere, other spaces have a spherical geometry: these spaces are called spherical varieties. The spherical geometry is formally given by a structure of Riemannian varieties with a sectional curvature everywhere equal to 1.

The basic models of spherical varieties are the spheres

S n{displaystyle S^{n}}

of arbitrary dimension (for example the three -dimensional sphere

S 3{displaystyle S^{3}}

). All other spherical varieties have the local structure of a sphere, but they can have a different global topology: among these there are the projective spaces, obtained by identifying the antipodal points of a sphere, which are not adjustable in size

n {displaystyle n}

even. In size

n = 3 {displaystyle n=3}

There are also lenticular spaces.

  1. ^ To find out more about the genesis of spherical geometry see here
  2. ^
  3. ^ K is a dimensional parameter that depends on the unit of measurement chosen to indicate the measures of the sides of the triangle.
  • Non -Euclidean geometries and the foundations of geometry by E. Agazzi, D. Palladino – Mondadori scientific editions and techniques.
