Sponsor -Wikipedia


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sponser (English: Sponsor ) Is an individual, company, or organization that supports groups, individuals, sports teams, events, facilities, programs, etc. by providing money, goods, or services. Although sponsor acts are similar to mere donations and support, it is conducted for more commercial benefits such as advertising and PR, and in Japan, sponsors are almost synonymous with advertisers. “End semester” is also used in a similar sense.

Originally one of the advertising terms. It refers to an advertiser who uses radio waves such as television and radio to perform public (paid) publicity (apart from this, advertisers who post ads in newspapers, magazines, etc. (paper media) are called clients or accounts. )

If it is related to sports, there are displays such as their own logo on the exterior (such as clothes and tools, etc.), and providing their own products. For example, in the case of a J -League club, the right to display its own logo and trademarks in the uniform. There are also music instruments and equipment, or display their own logo in a standing position. In the case of sports and music, depending on the field, it is sometimes referred to as “endingment”, “rider contract”, “driver contract”, simply “contract”.

In the case of an event, the name of the tournament, such as the Suruga Bank championship or the Toyota Cup, may be included in the name of the tournament. Although it is not called a sponsor, a celebration at a Japanese festival will post something such as lanterns with personal names and company names in the venue.

In the case of a broadcast program on TV and radio, commercials can be played in the program, and commercials that are broadcast during the sponsor are called time commercials, and other commercials are distinguished as spot commercials. It is done.


However, the radio wide program is, in principle, sponsored for each corner or float program, and does not have a sponsor on the talk part. There is a difference in treatment between the corner where there is a sponsor and the corner where there is no sponsor, the former must be broadcast at any time, and the latter may be suspended on behalf of personality and DJ on behalf of a disaster. 。 Radio shopping is excluded because it is advertising itself.

Paid publicity (Product Place) using sponsor products is also held. In the case of TV dramas, sponsors are used for home appliances, mobile phones, and daily necessities, and if the automaker is a sponsor, a sponsor model is always used in the dramatic car. Although there is no linguistic expression, focusing on dramas related to family life, the setting of the sponsor employees is used as the servant.

In addition, a tie -up project between the program and the sponsor may be performed. (However, there are cases where sponsors other than the crown sponsor companies and organizations may be attached to television and radio programs. Yes, most of the time, it takes the form of provision from a sponsor. As mentioned above, the radio wide program has a sponsor for each corner, so the sponsors of this case are liberalized.

Regarding private broadcasting operators (including community FM operators), campaigns that are voluntarily developed are not limited to regular and irregular broadcasting programs. [Note 1] Sometimes sponsoring the voluntary event, so a movie invitation preview sponsored by a commercial TV station [Note 2] However, it cannot be implemented without a sponsor in the form of providing one company.

On the other hand, some consumers dislike excessive PR and paid publicity (see the terms of the television separation on television).

When we get the benefit from some organization, we will love what is related to the organization. The larger the benefits, the higher the degree of love. [first]

Sponsorship regulation and speech control [ edit ]

Frequently, pressure such as representation regulation by sponsors can be a problem. Also, this is often due to the self -regulation of the media expression. For example, in dramatic productions and news programs, reporters are applied to reporters to bend a brush in consideration of leading sponsors, and criticisms of major sponsors such as automobiles, electronics, and distributions, but also disgusting. It is not unusual to write one noise just by writing. [2]

In the United States in the United States in 2018, the FOX News program moderator made an inappropriate remark on Twitter, and it was criticized, and there were some sponsors dropped for some reason. [3]

In sports, the sponsor has a large influence, and in Grand Slam (Tennis), rants to sponsors are penalized not only for organizers and opponents. [4] Many competitions are influenced by the rules.

Annotation [ edit ]

  1. ^ Regarding this sponsor, at the end of the campaign CM, the notation “XX (sponsor name) supports this campaign”.
  2. ^ In the case of a movie involved by the key station, the advertising is limited to the affiliated station, so if the broadcasting station will be hosted and there is a distributed company -affiliated movie theater in the broadcast area, they will always be. It is implemented in a movie theater.

source [ edit ]

Related item [ edit ]
