Sun Qiang -wikipedia


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Sunzaki (Magosaki, 1943 (Showa 18) [first] July 19-) is a Japanese diplomat and critic. Lecturer of Josai International University Graduate School of Humanities. Director and director of the East Asian Community Research Institute. Harvard University International Research Institute English edition He has been researcher, Uzbekistan’s exercise, full -led ambassador, Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director of International Information Bureau, Iranian Examination Ambassador, College of Defense University, Social Science Group, and Part -time lecturers at the University of Tsukuba International Society.

Upbringing [ edit ]

Born in 1943 (Showa 18) in Kurayama City, Muten Province in Manchuria [2] 。 I live in Manchuria because my father worked at the Kurayama Works (later Showa Steel), which was established by the Japanese special company, Minamimasu Railway. [2] 。 With the end of World War II, I was withdrawn to Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture, my father’s hometown. [2] 。 After working at Komatsu City Shoyo Junior High School, I graduated from Kanazawa University Faculty of Education. [2] 。 Kyoko Miyata was a junior high school teacher [3] 。 While at the Faculty of Law of the University of Tokyo, he passed the Foreign Public Public Official Suspicated Job Type Examination (diplomatic recruitment exam), so he dropped out of the university and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. [2]

As a diplomat [ edit ]


Entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1966 (Showa 41) [2] In the same period, there were Yoshiji Nogami, Kazuyoshi Urabe, Masaki Saito, and Seiichiro Otsuka. Training at British Army School, London University, Moscow University [3] After working at the Soviet Unusual Museum in the Soviet Unlike, he became a planning officer for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The boss, Shintaro Sakamoto, the General Affairs Division, the Information Research Bureau (later international information bureau), and after the launch of the Information Research Bureau, became the section manager of the Bureau Analysis Division. [2] 。 Since 1985, he has served as a counselor of the United States Embassy in the United States and a researcher at the International Research Institute of the Harvard University. In 1986, he became a counselor of the Iraqi embassy and became a minister of the Canadian Embassy in 1989. [2] 。 He was also seconded to the General R & D Organization from 1991 to 1993.

Later, he served as a key position, including the ambassador to Uzbekistan, the Director of the International Information Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ambassador of the Iranian Special Most Rocks. [4] 。 As an ambassador to Iranian exercise, it has realized the visit to Japan by President Mohammad Hatamy. [3] 。 He also won the Yamamoto Shichira Prize for “Testimony from Japan Diplomatic Site -Is it OK to Shake, Smile and Jesus?”

As a researcher at Harvard University International Research Institute [ edit ]

1985-1986, Harvard University International Research Institute As a researcher, publish the paper “The Changing Strategic Importance of the Far East: The New Role for Japan.” [5]

As a professor at Defense College [ edit ]

Since 2002, he became a professor at the Defense College, and served as the director of the Department of Public Policy and the director of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Retired in March 2009 [2]

After retirement [ edit ]

After retirement, he has been conducting criticism and writing activities. He also served as a lecturer at the Graduate School of Humanities at Josai International University’s graduate school. [6] 。 From 2012 to 2013, he served as a lecturer at the University of Tsukuba International Society. In April 2013, he became the director of the East Asian Community Research Institute established by Yukio Hatoyama [7] 。 He also serves as a deputy representative at the TPP preventive national meeting where Yukio Hatoyama is an advisor [8]

Speaking at the 10th Tokyo Peace Film Festival 2013
Information collection / analysis
In the afterglog after Koshi Sonzaki’s own book, “The identity of the Japan -US Alliance”, “I served as a so -called information shop of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the director of Okazaki’s information survey of Okazaki, the director of Okazaki, and served as an analysis section.” As he had the opposite idea of ​​Okazaki, some people were worried about the differences in opinions, but Sonzaki was after a postscript, and Okazaki said, “If you study and have your own thoughts, both pigeons and hawks. I guess it was good. ” [9]
Criticism of the Clinton administration against the introduction of the Japanese information collection satellite
When the Obuchi administration has decided to introduce an information collection satellite in the wake of North Korea’s missile launching experiment in 1998, the Bill Clinton administration in the United States communicated to the Defense Agency to oppose it. [3] 。 At that time, Charles Cartman, a special envoy for the United States, pointed out that North Korea has a large number of Nodon, and “it’s strange that Japan will make a noise in Tepodon.” [3] I claimed. On the other hand, Sonzaki, the director of the International Information Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said, “Even if the missile fired by Cuba passes over Florida, Cuba has a lot of missiles, so it’s strange to make a noise in a single missile. Can you tell the people? ” [3] I refute.
Criticism of the US -Japan Alliance reinforced route
According to Sonzaki himself, Yukio Hatoyama, Kazuhide Hatoyama Kazuhide Sonzaki Kazuhide, “Shukua,” is consistently denied that he is anti -American or disgusting rice. [ten] 。 “The demands from the United States to Japan may not meet the national interests of Japan, so we only need to cooperate with the Japanese interests.” [11]
“I hope that as soon as possible, as possible, as many Japanese as possible will abandon the illusion of the United States and escape from the subordinate of the United States.” [twelfth] In addition to criticizing the strengthening of the US -Japan alliance as a dependent route to the United States, it is meaningful to stimulate nearby countries such as China and fuel unnecessary military execution competitions in enemy base attack capacity holdings and missile defense. I am opposed from the standpoint of not. During the Yukio Hatoyama administration from 2009 to 2010, the media appeared in the media as one of the many people called “Hatoyama Brain”, which appeared on the problem of relocating the Futenma base alternative facility. About the American Marine Corps at Futenma Airfield Functional distributed theory It is said that Hatoyama was proposed to relocate by distributing and relocating the Marine Corps functions in the SDF facilities in various parts of Kyushu, such as Omura, Nagasaki Prefecture, and the construction of Fukuoka Prefecture, but none of them were adopted.
Current awareness of the United States
Video News Dotcom representative Tetsuo Jinbo Answer the following: [13]

You have been studying abroad in the United States for a long time in some way, and from the United States, if you say, “This person is enough to trust. There are overwhelmingly many. Then, in the case of the Ministry of Defense, it is natural to think that “this human information is amazing” and “this is an intelligence, and it is a plus for our organization.” What is it?

Support for the Senkaku Islands and Takeshima Shelf -in
In the Senkaku Islands Chinese fishing boat collision case, there is an agreement on the territorial rights “shelves” in the middle of the day, and the Democratic Party’s Suga administration and foreign services denied the existence of agreements and try to control China by strengthening the US -Japan alliance. In addition to criticizing the minister Seiji Maehara on his Twitter, “Japan and China are arguing that they are the territory of their own country. Both have reasonable basis, so the United States of the United States is in a neutral position.” “I have to be a starting point for being a dispute [14] “There is already a historical fact that in the 14th century that the military power extended to the Senkaku Islands in the 14th century, there is no reason to have no basis for China’s claims (). [4] “)” It’s an unacceptable fact, but the Senkaku Islands are not Japanese -specific territory. The Senkaku Islands should be recognized as “unique islands”, but what to do. When thinking about whether it is suitable for Japan’s national interest or a dispute. ” [15]
Regarding the Takeshima issue, he said, “Few Japanese people know that” Rian Cool Island “(the US name of Takeshima) is the territory of Korea.” [16]
Northern territorial issue, criticism of the Japanese government
In the Nikkan Gendai, he quoted George Owell’s masterpiece “1984” and answered as follows. [17]

If there is no change, you should not need to change the expression. It is said that using illegal occupation and other words will have a negotiations with Russia, but after the war, we have been negotiating, and during that time, the government’s position and expression were consistent. If you change your long -standing government views in conjunction with Abe, what was the negotiations so far? Even with a sudden change in policy, which seems to have given up on the return of the four islands, the bureaucrats will not resist only the official residence, and the media will be tolerated easily. That is the scariest part of the Abe administration. Speaking of “2 + 2 = 3”, it becomes 3, which suddenly becomes 5. Today, Japan is the world of George Owell’s 1984.

Japan’s nuclear weapon support
Japan responded in an IWJ interview on July 26, 2010, as a nuclear deterrence, that it should be nuclear weapons under the US nuclear umbrella. [18]
Donald Trump support
In the 2016 United States Presidential Election, the Republican Party’s Donald Trump supported mainly with opposition to the TPP. [19]

Evaluation / criticism [ edit ]

Positive evaluation [ edit ]

According to the writer Kiyoshi Yamada, he loves art and has a lot of Russian Orthodox icons at home. [11] 。 He also likes the works of French painters, Ujene Caliere, Odilon Rudon, and Georges Lou. [11]
According to Kiyomi Yamada, Shintaro Sakamoto, who worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to establish the Information Research Bureau with Sonzaki, highly appreciates Sonzaki’s analysis ability. [11] Regarding, Sakamoto as a foreign bureaucrat and Sonzaki, “I and Sonzaki were the same as the precedent, and the precedent was made.” [11] “It was a strange species as a bureaucrat” [11] I say that.

Negative evaluation / criticism [ edit ]

Higashi Onishi [ edit ]

The claims on the Senkaku Islands and Takeshima in Sonzaki were regarded as a problem in the Diet and was pursued. On March 21, 2013, the House of Representatives General Affairs Committee criticized Hideo Onishi, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party’s House of Representatives, claiming that NHK frequently appears on Sonzaki’s territory. [20] [21]

Masato the tide [ edit ]

Masato Shio criticized that there was no criticism of China, and he criticized it when he performed on “Raw TV until morning!” [22]

Yu Sato [ edit ]

Yu Sato has “misunderstood” and “misunderstanding” in the Sonzaki Senkaku Islands and the Northern Territories, in the paper “The Senkaku Islands and the Northern Territories” published in the magazine “Traditional and Leather New”. , There is “concealment” [23]

Toshihisa Sasaki [ edit ]

Journalist Toshihisa Sasaki said in the book review of the morning edition of the morning newspaper on October 21, 2012, the book “The identity of postwar history” was “a book that all was a US conspiracy, from the Lockheed Incident to Postal Private, TPP”. Is only a typical conspiracy history. ” [24]

The Asahi Shimbun made a correction and apologized for the fact that the problem was misunderstood in the problem due to a protest from Sonzaki. [24]

Co -work [ edit ]

From the left -wing perspective, Nobu Sakae wrote a book review of “Sunday Mainichi” in the November 11, 2012 issue of “Political Surgery”, and the book review of “Public History” is “Sawdeous and harmful”. The American plot in the United States has insulted the citizen movement at the time. ”

Yuichi Hosoya [ edit ]

In “What is historical recognition,” in “What is historical recognition”, “What is historical recognition?” According to the claim, Sonzaki ignores the dramatic development of intelligence history and the efforts of Japanese scholars to discover new historical materials, and “there is an unclear and non -academic term called” conspiracy “. Is not used. The conspiracy and intelligence are different. ” [25]

Yona Run Ikeda Nobunaga [ edit ]

History scholars Jun Yonaha and economist Nobuo Ikeda questioned the reliability of the book in his broadcast, “[Speech Arena] the story of the United States that ruled Japan after the war.”

Sonzaki’s view on criticism [ edit ]

In response to a number of criticisms, “It’s an unfounded anti -American conspiracy theory,” Sonzaki said, “The United States has made a plot of a tonkin bay in the Vietnam War, and is an excuse to make an air bombing to the northern Vietnam, and John F. Kennedy. During the administration era, a fake terrorist activity that sinks its own ships has plans to invade Cuba for that reason. ” You can see that it is moving. ” [26]

However, Yuichi Hosoya says that Sonzaki has referred to the site of the National Security Archive (NSA) at the University of George Washington, and said, “The current Japanese diplomatic historian and NSA of George Washington. No one knows the archive, “he criticizes Sonzaki’s sweetness. [25]

Kaoru Sonzaki, a diplomat, is a child [27]

  • “Diplomat -in the hard work of seniors” (Aiueo -kan, 1984)
  • “Lesson of Canada -Pearl to” Japan -US relations “” (Diamond, 1992)
  • “Testimony from the Japanese diplomatic field -a handshake, smiling and Jesus?” (Chuko Shinsho, 1993)
  • “The true identity of the Japan -US Alliance -History Security” (Kodansha Modern Shinsho, 2009)
  • “Information and Diplomacy” (PHP Research Institute, 2009)
  • “Introduction to strategic thinking for Japanese people -beyond the US -Japan Alliance” (Shodensha Shinsho, 2010)
  • “Japan Bordery Problem -Senkaku, Takeshima, Northern Territories” (Chikuma Shinsho, 2011)
  • “Unpleasant Reality -China’s Great Entrance, US Strategy Transfer” Kodansha Modern Shinsho, 2012)
  • “The identity of postwar history 1945-2012” (“post-war rediscover” twin books) (Sogensha, 2012)
  • “Politics crushed by the United States” (Shogakukan, 2012)
  • “Ending : Proposal for independence of US -Japan and US -Japan security!” (Legal Bunkosha, 2013) [28]
  • “Independent Thinking” (Kadokawa Gakugei Publishing, 2013)
  • “Yukio Hatoyama Yukio Sonzaki Kyozukushi Kazuhide” Yukui “(Asuka Shinshinsha, 2013)
  • “News of the news that doubts Japan” (Kadokawa Gakugei Publishing, 2013)
  • “The truth of pre -war history that must be talked about now” (Diet with Kunio Suzuki, Modern Shokan, 2014)
  • “Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs -The Senkaku issue identity” (Hyundai Shokan, 2014)
  • “II of the Novel Ministry of Foreign Affairs II -Middle East Middle East” (Modern Shokan, 2016)
  • “To the country where you can war, but to the country of world peace” Akebi Shobo, May 2016. ISBN 978-4-87154-142-8. Co -authored with Shigeki Kinpei and Yukio Hatoyama.
  • “The Truth of Japan and the United States that the 21st Century War and the Peace Kimi should know” Tokuma Bookstore, June 2016. ISBN 978-4-19-864175-7。
  • “Spy to the start of Japan and the United States to the United States and the United States, Hideki Tojo and the Zorge Incident” Shodensha, July 2017. ISBN 978-4-396-61609-0。
  • Saragawa Publishing, “Ask the course of Satoshi Shirai dialogue post” postwar “”, January 2018. ISBN 978-4-7803-0949-2。 Co -authored with Satoshi Shirai and others.
  • “Ernest Sato and the era of defeat” modern Shokan, December 2018. ISBN 978-4-7684-5844-0。
  • “Is it relevant for Japanese diplomacy from the age of 13!?” ISBN 978-4-7803-1022-1。
  • “Why did you take the Pearl Harbor attack on the start of the US -Japan war?” ISBN 978-4-396-31760-7。
  • “Why did you take the path of Pearl Harbor attack? ISBN 978-4-396-31761-4。
  • “The Truth History seen in the identity of Japan’s identity” Mainichi Shimbun Publishing, September 2019. ISBN 978-4-620-32604-7。
  • “Beyond the New Asia War” era of the Korean War 70 years, “June 2020. ISBN 978-4-7803-1091-7。 Co -authored with Haruki Wada and Yoichi Komori.
  • “Why was the whole story of war cooperation hidden in the Korean War?” ISBN 978-4-396-61731-8。
  • “Politics crushed by the United States” Kawade Shobo Shinsha , May 2021. ISBN 978-4-309-41815-5。
  • “The Pile Restoration White Paper: Cutting a political and financial government that has become a” all residence “!” Business, October 14, 2021. ISBN 978-4828423326. Co -authored with Yukio Hatoyama, Kazuhide Uekusa, and Kihei Maekawa.

TV appearance [ edit ]

  • Japan, “Let’s think now, Japan -US Alliance” – March 12, 2010
  • Sunday discussion “Where is the relocation destination? Futenma problem” February 21, 2010, “What is the Futenma base problem” “The end of May” May 9, 2010
  • Project WISDOM “Egyptian Syria Iran’s Vampire / Middle East” – February 25, 2012

The above NHK

  • Yasuo Tanaka’s Nippon Psycho! “Sonzaki talks!” “How to deal with China!?” “January 14, 2012 [29]
  • Yasuo Tanaka’s Nippon Psycho! “Sonzaki Solves!” Road to Solving Conflict “” February 4, 2012 [30]
  • Yasuo Tanaka’s Nippon Psycho! “Scales from the Eyes!” Sonzaki Doctrine ” -Futenma / US -Japan Security February 25, 2012 [thirty first]
  • INSIDEOUT “Iran Nuclear Development Suspicion! Sanctions” February 15, 2012
  • Yasuo Tanaka’s Nippon Psycho! “Sonzaki’s” Public History “” August 12, 2012 [32]
  • INSIDEOUT “Senkaku / Takeshima / Northern Territories Protect Japan’s unique territory!” September 5, 2012

The above BS11

  • Morning Bird, In the first place, Tama Pedia “Isn’t there a variety of concerns even if you participate in TPP negotiations from now on?” March 14, 2013
  • Morning Bird, In the first place, Tama Pedia “TPP participation is definitely not good” April 18, 2013

This is the TV Asahi

Related item [ edit ]

External link [ edit ]
