Super Scramble of Maki Yasumi -Wikipedia


Source: Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”


Super Scramble of Maki Yasushi (Maki Yasumasa’s Suprosukuranburu) is a Radio program on STV radio from March 31, 2008 to March 29, 2013.
After April 2011, “” Maki Toori Super Scramble (Maki and Norio’s super scramble) was broadcast.

Airtime [ edit ]

  • Night -in / Monday -Friday 15: 00-17: 57
  • Night -off / Monday -Friday 15: 00-18: 00

Personality [ edit ]

  • In recent years, the HBC radio has been pursued, and the listening rate has been in the same time. Makimaki, who has been working as a signboard personality for 16:00 and 17:00 on weekdays, has been re -pitched in the evening in the evening for the first time in 15 and a half years in the “Makizo’s evening journal” (April 2006). While aiming for a revival, this program will shorten the “Tokimeki Wide” in the previous time, and the time frame will be expanded to 3 hours. By the way, the title “~ Scramble” seems to have come from Maki’s casters and on STV radio since “Radio Scramble” (1981-86), which was broadcast as the first information wide on weekdays. This is the first time for regular STV radio weekdays at 15:00.
  • In this time of HBC radio, JRN nationwide online programs continuously, resulting in a small -cut formation of box programs, while this program has little interruption by box programs, and telephone interviews and radio. It is characterized by a car broadcast that has a plenty of voices from outside the studio.
  • The corner configuration is followed by the previous program (Tokimeki Wide 15:00, Yuyake Journal).
  • At the time of night -in, it actually ended around 17:52, and since then, “STV Radio Close Up Baseball” (STV Attack Nighter / Zokkon Fighters broadcast) has been broadcast.
  • A “radio 3D quiz” (a quiz to hit the three words emitted at the same time) is being implemented, such as the listening rate week, such as the weekly week.
  • Broadcasting in the form of combination at Maki and Female Announcers ended on April 1, 2011. A male combination with Norio Yoshikawa announcer who has been in charge of “Super Hit Chart Namaran” for five and a half years since April 4 (commonly known as “” “commonly” Glue “Combination) “Maki Torio’s Super Scramble” The title has been broadcast again (the theme song and corner contents are taken over as they are). The evening wide in the Maki male combination has been in the evening for the first time in 20 and a half years since the “Driving Partner STV Hotline” with the announcer Eiichiro Akashi.
  • The program, which has been broadcast for five years on March 29, 2013, has ended, but the new program “Dosako Radio” from April 1, the same year, which ended “Tokimeki Wide” that ended on the same day and this program (). On Monday-Friday 12: 00-17: 57), both Maki and Yoshikawa will continue to appear.

Opening theme song [ edit ]

corner [ edit ]

<2011 night -in -period formation> (as of April 4)

  • 15:00 Opening
    • At 15:00, music is mainly. The following corners are sandwiched between the songs and the topic of the world, etc.
  • 15:10 Scramble Investigation Corps Maki wants
  • 15:25 Road traffic information
  • 15:30 News flash
  • 15:35 Japanet Tatakata Radio Shopping
  • 15:40 Norio! Request Square
The title is renamed from “3 o’clock! Request Square” with Norio Yoshikawa. Pakuri of “9 o’clock request plaza” broadcast on the same station from 9:00 to 10:00 on weekdays.
  • 15:53 ​​The special story to give to the family … Personality: Koji Kaneko (Deputy Representative of Family Forum Japan)
  • 15:59 4:00 Sapporo Clock Tower bell (live broadcast)
  • 16:00 Food Kingdom Hokkaido
  • 16:15 Runlan report
  • 16:20 Today’s evening edition
  • 16:30 Weather information (broadcast from the Japan Meteorological Association Hokkaido Branch)
  • 16:33 Road traffic information
  • 16:35 Spirits on the back alley of Maki Yasushi
  • 16:48 Miyuki Kawanaka / Uta / Heart … Production: Cultural Broadcasting
  • 16:57 Message introduction
If there is a Fighters Battle Battle, broadcast “Information just before Attack Nighter”. Although it may be connected to the stadium with the stadium, even in the case of a visitor game, cross -talk will be held back from the production bureau (mainly KBC / TBC, if a game sponsored by Nippon Ham is held at Tokyo Dome). If you want to relay the Fighters match under the title “Sports Special”, the title is changed to “Information just before Fighters Stadium”.
  • 17:43 News flash
  • 17:46 Weather information (broadcast from the Japan Meteorological Association Hokkaido Branch)
  • 17:48 Runlan report
  • 17:50 Ending
  • 17:52 STV Radio Close Up Baseball
Broadcast information such as the starting and batting order of the game broadcast on the STV Attack Nighter.

《When the night game broadcast is from 18:00 or there is no night game broadcast》

  • 17:32 NEWS & SPORTS Chart Namaran notice, etc.
If there is a Fighters Battle Battle, broadcast “Information just before Attack Nighter”. If you want to relay the Fighters match under the title “Sports Special”, the title is changed to “Information just before Fighters Stadium”.
  • 17:46 News flash
  • 17:50 Weather information (broadcast from the Japan Meteorological Association Hokkaido Branch)
  • 17:55 Ending

Past corner [ edit ]
