Swift Gets -Wikipedia


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Swift gets Fox Quick ) Is a mammal rope cat eyes (meat eyes) and meat classified as a genus fox family.

Central United States [first]

Extinct distribution area [ edit ]

Canada [first] [5]


Body length 42.5-53.8 cm [2] 。 Ocho 22.5-31.3 centimeters [2] 。 Body height 30-32 cm [2] 。 Weight 2.3 -2.4 kilograms [2] 。 The ratio of the tail body length is 52% [2] 。 The limbs, body sides, and tail abdomen are orange -brown [2] 。 The tip of the tail is black [2] [4] [5] [6]

A black spots enters on the side of the nose [2] [4] [5] 。 The aurician is slightly shorter, 7.5 cm or less [2] 。 The pupil is slightly rounded [2] 。 The soles are also covered with body hair [2]

Short hair in summer, gray red, long hair in winter and dark ash brown [2]

Inhabits a grassland where the length of the grass is short [first] [2] [4] 。 Nocturnal and spend the day in the burrow [4] 。 Sometimes sunbathing in winter [4] 。 Life by digging several burrows with an entrance, consisting of a west and tunnel [2] [5] 。 The burrow not only digs it yourself, but also uses the old nest of the genus prairie dog. [2] 。 The driving speed reaches 50 kilometers / h or more [4] 。 If you feel danger, run and run away or escape into the burrow [4]

The food is omnivorous, eats small mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, etc., but also eats Ogrojack rabbits, fruits, and grass books. [2] [4] [5]

The breeding form is fetal. Canadian individuals mate in 12 -the following January [2] [4] 。 50-60 days pregnancy period [4] 。 Birth 3-6 young beasts every year in March to April [2] [4] 。 Lactation period is 6-7 weeks [2] [4] 。 Open the eyes of 10-15 days after birth and open ear holes [2] [4]

Relationship with humans [ edit ]

Destruction of habitat by development, hunt for fur purpose [6] The number of inhabits has decreased due to the cover of coyote extermination due to poisoned bait, and traffic accidents. [first] [4] [5] 。 In recent years, there are concerns about the impact of petroleum and natural gas survey in Canada and the increase in traffic accidents. [first] 。 In Canada, it is believed that an example of collected in 1928 and the witness of 1938 was extinct. [first] 。 In Canada, it has been an attempt to re -introduce wild individuals in other regions to Alberta and Saskachuan. [first] [4] [5] 。 In 1983-1997, 942 animals including breeding individuals were introduced. [first] 。 The number of individuals in Canada in 1996-1997 was estimated to be 289, and the number of individuals in 2000-2001 was 877, including the newly re -introduced state. [first] 。 On the other hand, there is some criticism because the southern individuals have been transferred to the re -introduction. [5]

Related item [ edit ]

references [ edit ]

  1. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k Moehrenschlager, A., Sovada, M. & Members of the IUCN SSC Canid Specialist Group – North America Regional Section 2008. Fox Quick . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.3. < http://www.iugnredlist.org >. Downloaded on 26 May 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l m n O p q r s t in in Mitsuko Masui “Swift Gets” “World Animal Classification and Breeding 2 (Meat Eye)” Supervised by Yoshinori Imaizumi, Tokyo Zoo Association, 1991, pp. 134-135.
  3. ^ W. Christopher Wozencraft, ” Fox Quick “. Mammal Species of the World , (3rd ed.), Don E. Wilson & DeeAnn M. Reeder (ed.), Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, p. 585.
  4. ^ a b c d It is f g h i j k l m n O p Resmer, K. 1999. Fox Quick (On-line), Animal Diversity Web . Accessed May 26, 2015 at http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/vulpes_velox/
  5. ^ a b c d It is f g h i “Swift Gets” “Endangered Animal Encyclopedia 6 Sa (Sumatra Sai) -Sejimamiso Sazai” Transported by the Natural Environment Research Center, Asakura Shoten, 2008, pp. 72-73.
  6. ^ a b Detected by Yoshinori Imaizumi D.W. McDonald’s edition “Animal Encyclopedia 1 Seats”, Heibonsha, 1986, p. 84.
