The collapse of the house family -wikipedia


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The collapse of the house family (Ashiyake’s Hakai) is a short edit of Japan by Yasu Tsuhara and its title work. series first work.

The short story was published in the May issue of Shueisha “Novel Subaru” in 1998.

The book with this title was published by Shueisha in 1999, and in 2002 it was paperback. In 2012, it was re -library (2017 e -book) in conjunction with the publication of the sequel by Chikuma Shobo, but it is out of print as of 2022. [first]

Translated and published in Korea [2]

2020, Taiwanese literary site ASYMPTOTE The English translation of the “anti -song tunnel” has been released on [3]


A fantasy novel with a man named Saruwatari.

In 2006, “Picardi’s Rose” was published in 2006, and “Cat Non -Eye Clock” was published in 2012.

Debut [ edit ]

See the Yuaki Kaikai Series #Main characters.

Recording list [ edit ]

The recorded works are slightly different depending on each version.

title Book version Shueisha paperback edition Chikuma Bunko Edition remarks
Reflective tunnel The first appearance is “The Moment of Nightmare Laughing” (Keibunsha, 1997, Tadashi Ota, edited). Changed the title from “dumpling” at the time of recording
The collapse of the house family
Stoopy woman
Super mouse The first appearance is “Ozuke” (Shodensha, 1999) in Chikuma Bunko version in “Picardi’s Rose”
Burial In the Chikuma Bunko version, the character of “insects” has been changed to the old character. Reading is not “Shidemushi” but “Maisochu” [4]
Buffalo The first appearance is “Grand Hotel Unusual Collection 9” (Hirosado Publishing, 1999, Masahiko Inoue, edited)
Crime of Ms. Nana Village
Raging (explanation by the author himself)

Synopsis [ edit ]

Reflective tunnel
A mysterious story that occurred in a tunnel on Omiya’s outfit and a certain tunnel that triggered Saruwatari and the Earl.
The collapse of the house family
A woman who was dating Saruwatari in college, Hata Yuji. Saruwatari and the Earl, who were traveling in search of delicious tofu, will come to her house in Fukui Prefecture …
Stoopy woman
Saruwatari met a woman with a stoop named “Michiko Sato” because he gave up his seat at a friend’s concert. She goes out to watch a movie only once she wants to thank her, but she doesn’t feel like she lies and makes her next promise. From that day on, he began to be a strange phenomenon in the vicinity of him …
Invited by the word “you can eat delicious crabs”, the two who were invited as a guest at the mysterious film festival held in Fuji City would stay at the hometown of Crab Kinsei Kinagahara, but that night. A strange murder occurs. Is the criminal a “red giant” that Nango’s wife sees every night …
Super mouse
Saruwatari lives in an office building in Ninagawa, an acquaintance working in freelance. His building has recently become a rat and asks a contractor to get rid of it, but it was a girl who was trapped by the trader the next day …
The Earl, who receives a consultation in the actress Hanashiro Ochiai who met in “Calkinos”, was a half -body paralysis because he was a child when he was a child. Not only that, the village she was born has been cursed for more than 20 years. The cause is that her house did not “return” …
Saruwatari meets his old friend Isoda again. It is said that his subordinate Saijo is parasitized by insects on a business trip to Madagascar and has no life expectancy. Saruwatari, who was entrusted with a camera to Iyoda, is asked to take a picture of a forest that the dying Saijo wants to see …
Saruwatari had decided to reemployment and interacted with the Earl, but one day suddenly he was imposed by his boss’s fraud. I’m completely sick of my body and body. Saruwatari, who asked the Earl for help while dreaming, would re -enter his interview …
Crime of Ms. Nana Village
A strange confession made by Ms. Nanamura in a liquor seat called “I killed a young writer, a very talented” meeting. Seiji Taniyama, who she killed, says that the text he wrote will be a reality …

Book information [ edit ]

  • “The collapse of the Ashiya family” Shueisha / Book / 1999
  • “The collapse of the Ashiya family” Shueisha / Bunko / 2002
  • “The collapse of the Ashiya family” Chikuma Shobo / Bunko / 2012 * Out of print
  • “The collapse of the Ashiya family” Chikuma Shobo / E -book / 2017 * Delivery ends
  • Akiyuki Chigata “Moryo Corridor” Asahi Publisher / 2022- “Calkinos” recording
  1. ^ Yasui Tsuhara (Yasumi) uses Twitter _ “Saruwatari Mon series, all books are completely out of print. Other new works that are not recorded in commercial media. There is. Please do not hesitate to contact us, including the possibility of further new works. If you can not hear the voice, we will think about creating one volume recorded in all works for the time being. I am. “_ Twitter.html ”. September 9, 2022 Browsing.
  2. ^ Aquapolis bulletin board Posted on May 19, 2010
  3. ^ Translation Tuesday: “Flickers of Light” by Yasumi Tsuhara ”. July 8, 2020 Browsing.
  4. ^ Aquapolis bulletin board posted on September 20, 2012
