There is no as nice business as a show -wikipedia


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There is no nice business as a show (I don’t have much as much as a show, There’s No Business Like Show Business ) Is a 1954 musical movie in the United States. Directed by Walter Lang, performed by Esel Merman and Marilyn Monroe.

The song name of Irving Berlin’s song “Not as nice as a show” written for the musical “Annie Guns” is the title.

story [ edit ]

America of the 1930s. The Donahu family is a popular show group with five families with five families with Telence and Molly couples and three children. One day, Steve, the eldest son, quit the entertainer and becomes a priest. Parents who have grown into top entertainers over their hand salt are shocked, but respects Steve’s intentions. On the other hand, the youngest son, Tim, is worried about his parents in a naughty playboy, but Tim meets Vicky at the stage as a singer while working part -time at a night club and falls in love at first sight.

Vicky, recognized by the box office, will be on the stage of Broadway. And Tim and his sister Charti will co -star with Vicky in a combination. At that time, Tim and Vicky had been dating, but Tim was dissatisfied with Vicky, who prioritized her work over her relationship. Vicky points out that Tim, who has been working hard alone from the age of 15, has been working under the protection of his parents since he was born. Tim, who was burned, was hospitalized and was hospitalized, and could not be able to appear on the first day of the stage on Broadway. When his father Telence strictly scolds such irresponsibility, Tim disappears with an apology. The stage is a great success, as Molly Molly is the substitute for Tim.


The family desperately searches for Tim who has disappeared, but he is unknown. Meanwhile, Terrence also loses confidence in his art and goes on a journey to search for Tim.

The night of the actor Fund’s charity. Molly, who thought that Tim disappeared because of Vicky, explained that her daughter Katie had no implications and was a problem of Tim, and had a relationship between Molly and Vicky. The show begins, and Katie and Steve watch Molly on the stage from the sleeves on the stage. Tim appears there. A family who is pleased with the reunion. Tim was aware of his sweetness and was working alone. Telence appears there, and after a long time, five families will be on stage. Vicky also joins there, and six people sing, “There is not as nice business as a show.”

cast [ edit ]

Japanese dubbing [ edit ]

  • Japanese dubbed: Made when terrestrial broadcasting in the past. First Broadcast October 10, 1968 NET “2 o’clock movie invitation seat”
* On January 18, 2017, a dubbed complementary version of the additional cut part on WOWOW is broadcast. At that time, another voice actor is a substitute for each voice actor, such as the deceased. [first]

trivia [ edit ]

Marilyn Monroe has gained the lead of “The 7th Year Cheating” on the condition of this work. [2] 。 Vicky played by Monroe is a character created on the premise of the appointment of Monroe for the purpose of attracting customers. [2]

My wife and actress Gwen Carter, who was separated from Donald Okonor, played Okonor’s father while shooting this work. Dan Daily English edition After the shooting, I officially divorced with Okoner, and immediately remarried Daily. [2]

The shooting period is from May 29, 1954 to July 8 of the same year [3]

External link [ edit ]
