Tobacco Road -Wikipedia


Source: Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”

Tobacco road 』( Tobacco Road ) Is a novel in the United States. And plays and movies based on that.

A novel work published in 1932 by American novelist Earthkin Coldwell. The content is set in a cigarette area in Georgia, southern United States, depicting the lives of Poor White, which has been left behind by social development.

story [ edit ]

Poor farmers Jeter Leicester takes Kabra from the son -in -law love with his family. Love talked about Pearl, the youngest daughter of this house, which he received from his wife last year, but the story was raised so much.
The widow female teacher, Sister Bethy, remarried to the family’s 16 -year -old son, Dudde, bought a car, bought a car, went to Augusta to sell Zeter and firewood, but he stayed at the hotel that stayed at the night. Memor to imitate.
After that, I went to see my eldest son Tom in search of the assistance of life, and for that reason, Jeter and Sister Bethy were broken, and the youngest daughter was married to Love to reduce the mouth. Pearl left home, and this time he applied the rabbit’s daughter, Ellie May.
One day in March, when the family finally became the Jeter and the old wife, Eda, the bells were burned by the Jeter’s wildfire.

characters [ edit ]

  • Jeter Leicester -Lord of the Leicester family, poor farming without daily food.
  • Eeda -Zeter’s wife, 17 children.
  • Ellie Mei -18 years old rabbit lip daughter, later married Love.
  • Married Dude -Jitter’s son, Sister Bethy.
  • Pearl -Zeter’s youngest daughter married love to reduce his mouth. Later run away.
  • The eldest son of Tom -Jeter succeeded in the town, but is insulated from the family.
  • Sister Bethy -Married a widow female teacher, Dude.
  • Love -Pearl’s host who has a coal drop work.

Book information [ edit ]


Mijong by Jack Kirkland.

A movie of the United States. It is a movie of the original novel by Earthkin Coldwell, and Jack Kirkland’s play based on it.

In Japan, it was released in 1988, 47 years after the release of the United States.

story [ edit ]

cast [ edit ]

references [ edit ]

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