Toshi Spibacovsky -Wikipedia


Toshi Spibacovsky
Tossy Spivakovsky.jpg
Basic information
birth ( 1906-12-23 ) December 23, 1906
place of birth Ukraina Odessa → アメリカ合衆国の旗united states of america
Dying ( 1998-07-20 ) July 20, 1998 (91 歳 歳 歳)
Genre Classical music
Profession Violinist
Instrument in charge Violin

Toshi Spibacovsky (Tossy Spivakovsky, December 23, 1906 -July 20, 1998) [first] Is a violinist from Russia and active in the United States. His real name is Natan Spivakovsky (NATHAN SPIVAKOVSKY).


Born in Odessa. Studied with Aligo Serato and Villy Hess in Berlin. He made his debut at the age of 10, and at the age of 13 he performed a European tour and raised his reputation. At the age of 18, he was recognized by Wilhelm Furtwangler and was selected as a concert master of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Since the 1920s, he has formed his brother Yasha Spi -Vacovsky, and has been active as a piano trio, including Edmont Kurtz. In 1933, he went on a performance trip to Australia and became a professor at the Melbourne Conservatory. He traveled to the United States in 1940 and lived in New York, served as a concert master of the Clevand Orchestra led by Altur Rosinski, and in 1943, in charge of the Baltok Bella violin concerto No. 2, in charge of solo as a soloist. Established fame. From 1974 to 1989, he served as a professor of the Juliard Conservatory of the Conservatory and chamber music.

Digs at West Port, Connecticut.
