Valtenberg (Hessen) –Wikipedia


Valtenberg (German: Wartenberg ) Is a town village in Fogelsberg County, Hessen, Germany (hereinafter referred to as “town” for convenience).

Location [ edit ]

This town is located along the east of the Fogelsberg Mountains, about 17 km west of the baroque city Furuda, about 8 km southeast of Lautabach (Hessen), on the middle low mountain terrain. The town area has spread from 248 m above sea level to 494 m. The forest area in the town is 22.05 km 2 (56%). The Routor River is flowing in the town. This river will join the Slitz River with the Ulteperto River in Bat Salz Shuri. The main wind direction in Valtenberg is northeast and southwest. The valley is more likely to fog, especially during the high wind, high pressure, especially during summer to winter. Also, in the evening, pure and fresh forest air flows through a dense forest slope. Especially in the evening of a sultry day, you can feel the cold air. “Hoah Fogel Sberg Nature Park” begins right near this town.

Adjacent municipalities [ edit ]


Valtenberg is in the north (Fogelsberg County) in the north, Bart Salz Shurf in the east and Glosen Ruder (both of Fulda County), Helpstein in the south, Lautabach (Hessen) in the west (both Fogel Severg County). It is in contact with.

Municipal composition [ edit ]

The local government, Valtenberg, consists of two areas, Angersbach and Randenhaousen.

Valtenberg Castle Restoration Map

The history of the settlement of this area goes back to BC, but September 20, 1981, when the first record of Angersbach and Landenhaousen was left in the Aver Haldi document, was the public starting point of the town of this town. It is considered. Therefore, it counts from 812 to 1200 years. The 1114 Fulda document describes Heinrich von Landenhaousen and his son Helt von Landenhaousen.

In the 12th century, the Von Landenhausen gates remained the same. The same document is also named the Fon Angersbach family. He had a close relationship between the Landenhausen family and the Angerbach family. In the 12th and 13th centuries, the settlements were located under the rule of the Valtenberg family. The castle was built around 1220 on the Friedrich von Angersbach (named Friedrich von Valtenberg since 1232) on the Hill of Valtenbach in the Angersbach village. However, the defense facility was destroyed in 1265 by the army of Baltic II, Von Levoltz. He was fighting Fede with the monastery’s deputy, Zigenhain, and the Valtenberg family was a lower -class deputy under Hado Tsigenhain. Thus, the Valtenbergs were destroyed at the end of the 13th century. The territory of the Valtenberg family was inherited by the Eisenbach family, who had all their rights, and were in marriage. Around this time, Ledzel Knights have been in the region and have been active for centuries.

Many people from the area leaked as immigrants in the 18th and 19th centuries.

An important job after World War II, which caused many casualties from the villages, was to rebuild the life of the village. In particular, it was to incorporate a spare person from the former Eastern German territory into the village life.

The current form of the local government Valtenberg was due to the merger of Angersbach and Landenhaousen, an independent municipality, in 1972 with the municipal reorganization. A new merger Valtenberg was established from Angersbach and Randen Hauzen on August 1, 1972. The first mayor of this new town was Karl Hans Roth in Angersbach. It is the name of the town after the merger and the emblem established in 1978 after the merger. In June 2007, the town celebrated the 35th anniversary of the merger.


Valtenberg Town Hall

Parliament [ edit ]

The town council in Valtenberg consists of 19 seats [2]

The town administration leaders consist of seven people.

Emblem [ edit ]

Silver diagonal belt from the upper left to the lower right towards the blue area or the green area. A gold star floats on the right side.

The emblem in the town of Valtenberg symbolizes the Valtenberg Castle of Valtenberg.

Angersbach Protestant Church

Protestant [ edit ]

Many Valtenberg residents (about 7,000 = 72%) belong to Protestant Church. Valtenberg has two Protestant churches with active church organizations. Both organizations belong to Hessen and Nassau Protestant Church. Angersbach Protestant Church [3] Was the last remodeling in the Gothic Church in 1764. The Protestant Church in Landenhausen was completed on October 14, 1748.

There is a Chriscona regional church organization in Landenhausen.

Catholic church [ edit ]

In addition to this, more than 600 (= 16%) residents belong to the Roman Catholic Church. The Branch Church of Angersbach and Landenhausen belongs to the Saint Peter Lautha -Shritz, St. The Angersbach Branch Church gained its own church on December 16, 1962. In addition, the Landenhaousen Branch Church built a modern chapel in 1973.

Approximately 500 people worship other religions and religions.

Culture and highlights [ edit ]

Valtenberg Castle

Buildings [ edit ]

  • Valtenberg Castle. The castle of the Hoenstaufen dynasty. Around 1220, Friedrich von Angersbach (from 1232, named Friedrich von Valthenberg) built this castle on the Hill of Valtenberg.
  • Valtenberg OVAL. Valtenberg OVAL is a complex of exhibitions and multifunctional buildings. 800 m 2 The large hall is in a modern building along with its attached space, and is used for exhibitions, skepticism, culture and information events for local companies. Construction started in April 2003 and opened in September 2004.
  • Angersbach Protestant Church. In the Gothic style church, the last renovation was made in 1763. The church tower, the oldest part, is more than 500 years ago. There is an important art work here. It is a fresco of St. Geork, drawn inside the tower in the 12th century.
  • Renden Hauzen Protestant Church. Completed on October 14, 1748. A beautiful stone sculpture is listed on the west entrance with the crest of Baron Baron Redzel, Eisenbach. The church site is surrounded by walls, with a round arched gate of 1588. The baptism in front of the altar was produced in 1661.
  • Landen Hauzen Catholic Church. Friedrich Fashauer, a priest in Lautabach from 1967 to 1973, set up a council for the building. A modern chapel was built on the 8th Steinvek, and on February 11, 1973, it was sacred by Assistant Volfgang Lolie, Assistant of Mainz.
  • Angersbach Catholic Church. On December 16, 1962, it was named “Holy Spirit Church” by Mainz’s Cathedral Counselor Fink and was dedicated to God. The church of Angersbach was decorated with the interior restoration in 2006. Decorated based on the design of Mainz painter and graphic designer Alois Plum.

music [ edit ]

  • Renden Hauzen Music Association E.V. [4] Established in 1909
  • Renden Hauzen Male Chorus 1891 [5] , Established in 1891
  • Angersbach male chorus “Eintrahat” [6] Established in 1919
  • Vocal ensemble contrast [7] Established in 1997

View from the countground of the counties of the county youth

Gunning Youth House and Tent Campsite [ edit ]

In 1958, a young man’s house and a tent campsite were set up in a quiet place outside the forest of the village, between the Lautabach and the Furuda River in the Landen Hausen district in Valtenburg. From that location, you can overlook the Fulda region against the backdrop of the Lane Mountains (Vassakuppe, Puffelzkopphu, and Millsebuberg). 61 people can expure the county’s young man’s house. Equipment includes a youth home with a cafeteria, three seminar rooms, photo labs, work rooms, and media seminar facilities. There are 24 tents and 220 accommodation space near the county youth house. There is also a soccer ground with artificial lighting on the premises. There are also campfires and grill facilities.

Outdoor pool [ edit ]

One year later, the establishment of a young man’s house and a tent campsite was to build an outdoor pool for youth and residents in Landenhausen. This pool is an important component of the town and is adjacent to a sports center with two soccer grounds, gymnasiums, and riding facilities. This pool is visited by tent campsites, town residents, and many people in the surrounding area. The pool has a swimming pool with a jumping platform, a non -swimming pool, and a children’s pool.

Bicycle path [ edit ]

The following bicycle path passes through the Angersbach district.

Annual events [ edit ]

Valtenberg is a town with various festivals. The following events are held regularly.

  • February: “Fzer Hoear” (firefly baked fir) is burning in Rendenhaousen on the next Sunday following the ash Wednesday since 1990.
  • May: “Burg Fest” (Castle Festival) is held on May 1 every year on the site of Valtenbach Castle of the Angersbach district.
  • May: During the Holy Ghost Advent Festival, a large -scale equestrian competition will be held in Landenhausen.
  • August: A riding festival with a market and competition tournaments will be held at Valtenberg Castle every two years.
  • September/October: The Church Opening Festival, which commemorates the day of the church -based holy, is held every year in Angersbach and in Renden Hauzen.
  • November: Every two years, a local music circle “Christmas Concert” will be held at the Protestant Church in Landenhaousen.
  • November/December: The Valtenberg Christmas Market will be held around the Protestant Church in the Angersbach Protestant Church.

Economic and social capital [ edit ]

economic situation [ edit ]

With the development of the Valtenberg industry in the Angersbach district, the main industries of the town have evolved from the original agriculture to the second and third industries. The industrial structure is composed of companies in various fields. As a result, in addition to manufacturers in the woodworking field, companies in the field of electronic industries, mechanical manufacturing and electronic data processing have become established. In addition, there are large shopping centers, retailers, various handicrafts and service companies. Valtenberg has been registered more than 200. Among them, the main economic fields are private services, handicrafts and retailers.

It is expected that the bypass road will alleviate chronic traffic congestion in both areas of Federal Road B254. The eastern and southeast industries and the industrial area of ​​Angersbach will directly face the new bypass road.

A famous company that is headquartered in Valtenberg -Angersbach, Balzer fishing equipment, which develops, manufactures, and sells fishing supplies and sports equipment.

transportation [ edit ]

The town is located along the Fully Fulda Route B254, which leads to Fulda through Arsfeld, and connects to the Federal Outburn A5 and A7 via this federal road. Frankfurt Airport is 129 km from Valtenberg.

  • There is angersbach station on the Railway Gezen -the Furda Line (Fogel Sbelk Railway).
  • Use this route to the ICE network of German Railway AG at Fulda Station.

Valtenberg (Angersbach and Landen Hauzen) have a stop at the overhessen transportation company MBH, a suburban transportation company, and is the transfer point with the adjacent line = mine = Transportation Federation GMBH (RMV). 。

Mittel Punk Toshure

educate [ edit ]

  • Basic Course, Mittel Put Scholes Angersbach (MPS-Anger Bach)
  • Civic University: Branched School of Civic University in Fogelsberg County
  • Kindergarten: Angers Bach Kindergarten and Renden Hauzen Kindergarten have a total of 150 children.

references [ edit ]

  • Funding community for saving the Burgruine Wartenberg (ed.): The Wartenberger and their castle. Wartenberg 2001.
  • Pfarrer Wilfried Hilbrig: Foray through the history of our villages of Angersbach and Landenhausen . Community board of the municipality of Wartenberg, Wartenberg/Hessen 1987.
  • Pfarrer Wilfried Hilbrig: From Angersbach’s story … to look at and dispute. Gemeinde Wartenberg, Wartenberg 1999.
  • Friedrich Schwarz: Angersbach events Volume II. Photo club Lauterbach e. V., Lauterbach 1988.
  • Heinrich Reining: Landenhausen in old recordings. Photo club Lauterbach e. V., Lauterbach 1984, ISBN 3-89313-006-3.
  • Pfarrer Wilfried Hilbrig: Landenhausen in twelve centuries. Hohhausmuseum and Hohhausbibliothek, Lauterbach 1981, ISSN 0455-4000 .

These documents were listed as references in the German version, the translation source, and are not directly referring to the Japanese version.

External link [ edit ]
