Villa Medic -Wikipedia


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Villa Medic (Villa Medici) is a composite building centered on villa, which is adjacent to Borgese Park and is located on the Pincho hill next to the Roman Trinita Day Monty Church. It was constructed by Ferdinand I de Medic and is now a national asset in France, and has been used by Roman France in 1803 in 1803. The fountain in the garden was the subject of Orchestra’s Orchestras called Roman Fountain.

In ancient times, the place where Villa Medic is currently built is part of the Lucurus garden, then become the territory of the Roman Emperor, and Messarina was killed in Villa.

In 1564, when the nephew of Cardinal Giovanni Rich, Cardinal Giovanni Rich in Monteplchan, purchased the land, it has long been a steep field. The only building was a resting place for Cardinal Markero Cressenzy, who was running a grape garden here, and Nanni Lippi in Florence was trying to extend it to Villa, but died before execution. The new owner inherited the construction of the villa from Annibare Lippi (the son of the aforementioned Lippi). At this time, there is a legend that Michelangelo brokered.

Garden side facade

In 1576, the Cardinal Ferdinand I Dew Medic, the real estate was obtained and designed the building to Balmeo Anmany. Villa Medic was the first asset of the Mediti family in Rome. This showed the rights of the Medic family in Italy and had a permanent presence in Rome. Under the intentions of the Cardinals, Anmanti decorates the exterior of the building with a thin floating Roman -style floating and a statue, and Villa Medic has actually become an outdoor museum. The magnificent garden was reminiscent of a botanical garden built in Pisa and Florence by Cardinal’s father, Kojimo I, and was planted with pine, Itosugi, and oaks. Ferdinand I had a study to the northeast of the garden where you could see outside the Aurerianus Castle. This study is now facing Borgese Park, but at the time it seems that the countryside near Rome was spreading. In 1985, the restored Geraldine Albers restored two rooms. Jacopo Zucchi has been found in 1576 and 1577, stored under plaster.


There are two collections (Capranica and Della Valle) by marriage here, including about 170 ancient Roman statues. [first] 。 There are three most famous works in Rome, discovered in 1583 and purchased immediately by Cardinal Ferdinand. Niobe group and Wrestlers , Another one Osrocatine It is. When his brother died in 1587 and Ferdinand I became the Grand Duke of Tuscany, he remained in Rome. Niobe group I brought only the gypsum model to Tuscany. Ferdinand knew that by keeping this world’s best collection in Rome, the medication’s reputation would be higher than that asset value. [2] 。 “Medit family’s pot (urn) in “)” in ) “) Continued. The collection continued to be placed in Villa Medic until it was moved to Florence in the 18th century. The collection moved to Florence has become the core of the ancient Collection of the Ufity Museum, and Florence has begun to rely on the destination of the Grand Tour in Europe.

Like the adjacent Villa Borgese (now Borgese Park), the villa garden was much more free to enter and exit than the official palace, such as Palazzo Farnese in the center of Rome. For a century and a half, Villa Mediti was the most sophisticated place in Rome and functioned as a great Public Embassy for the Vatican. When the Mediti family stopped in 1737, the villa became the Lorene family and became the Kingdom of Etruria at the time of Napoleon. As a result, Villa Medic was owned by Napoleon Bonaparte, transferring it to Rome France Academy. Since then, Roman winners have lived here and have been used by famous painters, such as Dominik Angles and Baltus.

In 1656, Queen Sweden had ignited a cannon installed on Santangero Castle, especially. The shell hit Villa Medic and destroyed part of the facade decoration.

Roman France Academy in Roman [ edit ]

A group photo of artists in Villa Medic in 1901

In 1803, Napoleon Bonaparte moved Roman France Academy to Villa Medic to protect research institutions in the French Revolution. At that time, the villa and the garden were terrible, and it was necessary to repair it before welcoming the Roman winner. Thus he wanted to give a young French artist a chance to look at the ancient and Renaissance masterpieces.

The Roman winner was interrupted during World War I, and in 1941, Benite Mussolini confiscated the villa, and the Roman France Academy in 1945 stopped working. The Parisian Academy and the French Academy have lost the position of Villa Medic given by the French and Cultural Ministry.

Later, not only traditional fields (paintings, sculptures, architecture, metal sculptures, gemsticks, composition) for international students in Villa Medic, but also art -related areas (art history, archeology,, Literature, drama, photos, movies, videos, artwork restoration, lighting, cooking) have also been selected. International students have lost their selections like the Roman Prize, and their staying period varies from six to 18 months.

Villa buildings and gardens were restored again and modernized. Above all, the repair of the facade heading to the garden is magnificent. Although this repair work is still continuing, Villa Medic has resumed exhibiting and shows of international students.

Architectural impact [ edit ]

There are several buildings influenced by this villa. architect Edward Lippincott Tilton Was designed in 1893 Hotel Colorado (Glenwood Springs, Colorado), wealthy James H. Dooley Housing built in 1912 Swannano (Rockfish gap, Virginia), etc.

Footnote / source [ edit ]

  1. ^ Haskell and Penny 1981:24 and note.
  2. ^ Haskell and Penny 1981:55.

references [ edit ]

  • Haskell, Francis; Penny, Nicholas (1981). Taste and the Antique: The Lure of Classical Sculpture 1500-1900 . New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 0300029136
  • Buckley, Veronica (2004). Christina, Queen of Sweden: The Restless Life of a European Eccentric . New York: Fourth Estate. ISBN 0060736178

External link [ edit ]
