Wallace County (Kansas) –Wikipedia


Source: Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia”


Wallace County (Britain: Wallace County ) Is a county located in the western part of Kansas, United States. The population in the 2010 census was 1,485, a decrease of 15.1%from 1,749 in 2000. [first] 。 It is the second largest county in Kansas after Gllyly County. Coral Office is Sharon Springs City (population 748 people) [2] ) [3] It is also the largest population town in the county. Wallace County was founded in 1868 and was named after Brigadier General W, H. L. Wallace, who was a senior trooper in the U.S. Angk War and was sacrificed in the Battle of the Civil War.

Wallace County has an altitude of 4,039 feet (1,231 m) and has the highest point in Kansas, Mt. Sunflower. With less than 1 miles (1.6 km) from the state border with Colorado, it is located at a 15 -mile (24 km) north -northwest agreement in Weskan town in the county.

Law and government [ edit ]

The highest point in the state of Sunflower

The Kansas Constitution was revised in 1986, and if it was approved in a referendum, the sales of alcoholic beverages were allowed in each county, but Wallace County is still a “dry” county that prohibits alcohol. [4]


Based on the United States Census Bureau, the total area of ​​the county area is 914.05 square miles (2,367.4 km) 2 ) And the land is 913.99 square miles (2,367.2 km) 2 ), 0.05 square mile (0.13 km) 2 ) And the water range is 0.01% [5]

Adjacent county [ edit ]

Population [ edit ]

Year population
1900 1.178

1910 2.759 134.2%
1920 2,424 −12.1%
1930 2.882 18.9%
1940 2.216 −23.1%
1950 2.508 13.2%
1960 2.069 −17.5%
1970 2.215 7.1%
1980 2.045 −7.7%
1990 1.821 −11.0%
2000 1.749 −4.0%
2010 1,485 −15.1%
U.S. Decennial Census

The following is an population statistical data based on the 2000 census.

basic data

  • Population: 1,749 people
  • Number of households: 674 households
  • Family: 477 Family
  • Population density: 1 person/km 2 (2 people/mi 2
  • Number of residence: 791 houses
  • Residential density: 0 houses/km 2 (1 house/mi 2

Human population composition

Population composition by age

  • Under 18 years old: 29.1%
  • 18-24 years old: 6.5%
  • 25-44 years old: 23.6%
  • 45-64 years old: 22.8%
  • 65 or older: 18.1%
  • Medical age: 40 years old
  • Gender ratio (population of men per 100 women)
    • Total population: 99.0
    • 18 years old or older: 99.4

Households and family (Number of households)

  • There are children under the age of 18: 33.8%
  • Married and living couple: 63.6%
  • Unmarried, divorce, bereavement woman is the head of the household: 4.0%
  • Non -family household: 29.2%
  • Single household: 27.6%
  • Living alone for the elderly over 65 years old: 13.6%
  • The average number of composition
    • Households: 2.56 people
    • Family: 3.12 people

income [ edit ]

Income and household budget

  • Medical income
    • Households: 33,000 US dollars
    • Family: 42,022 US dollars
    • gender
      • 男性: 25,610米ドル
      • 女性: 18,333米ドル
  • Income per person: 17,610 US dollars
  • Below the poverty line
    • Confury: 16.1%
    • Family number: 10.7%
    • Under 18 years old: 24.5%
    • 65 or older: 12.7%

Cities and towns [ edit ]

Corporate city [ edit ]

The numbers after the city name indicate the population in the 2010 census [2]

County district [ edit ]

Wallace County is divided into four counties. None of the counties in the county are regarded as “politically independent”, and all of the counties in the counties contain cities. In the table below, the “population center” is the largest city, and is included in the county -ward population unless it is a large number.

Unified education school district [ edit ]

references [ edit ]

External link [ edit ]

General Information
