Wisconsin Ice Age -Wikipedia



Wisconsin Ice Age (Wisconsin Hyoki, English: Wisconsin glacial stage Was the final ice period of the ice sheet complex in North America. In this ice period, the Cordirella ice sheet, which forms a nucleus in the northern part of the US Mountains in the United States, is included in the Inuysian Ice Leaves, Greenland Ice Leaves, and the Central and East of the North America, which spread out in the Arctic Islands of Canada. It also contained a huge lolenide ice sheet. [first] [2]

This ice age is synchronized with the glacier formation of the final ice period, which includes the advancement of the Takayama glacier in North America, known as the “Pine Dale Glacier”. Wisconsin’s ice period is about 75,000 to 11,000 years ago, the Sangamon period ( Sangamonian ) And the present between complete worlds, which is the current ice age, spread. The maximum ice phase occurs at the peak of the final ice period of about 25,000 to 21,000 years ago, and is also called the Late Wisconsin Icein period in North America.

With this glacier action, the terrain on the north side of the Ohio river has fundamentally changed. Wisconsin’s ice sheet was thick, and the ice sheet was covered in Canada, Western, Western, New England, and some of the Idaho, Montana, and Washington. Kelies Island in Lake Erie in northern New Jersey ( Kelleys Island ) And at Central Park in New York City, you can easily observe the grooves left in rock by these glaciers. In the southwestern part of Suscachuwan and the southeastern part of Alberta, the sutures between Lolentide Ice Leaves and the Cordirella ice sheet remain in the south of the North American Cypress Hills (Sipleless Hills (). Cypress Hills ) Formed. Most of the ice age, the sea surface was sufficiently low, and human land animals were occupying the Bering Gerai (Bering Gorge Bridge), and were able to move between North America and Siberian. As the glacier retreats, Lake Glacier is “Kanka Key Trent” ( Kankakee Torrent This means that it was broken due to the floods and other floods, and it has been replaced to the Modern Chicago southern landscape, from the Ohio River and Mississippi River.

Reference project [ edit ]

  • ice sheet
  • Final ice period
  • Final Ice Age Major Major

External link [ edit ]
