Wolfgang Helk -Wikipedia


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Hans Wolfgang Helk Hans Wolfgang Helck , September 16, 1914 -August 27, 1993) is an Egyptian in Germany. Since 1956, he was a non -Egyptian professor at the University of Hamburg and Professor Masaru from 1963 to retirement in 1979. [first] It has been energetic even after retirement and completed in 1992 with Wolfhart Westendorf. Lexicon of Egyptology “(” Egyptian Academic Encyclopedia “) He was recognized as one of the best Egyptian scholars in the 20th century, and wrote many books and papers on the history of Egypt and Southwest Asian culture. 。 [2]

Helk was a child of classical literature, Hans Helck, and his wife, Gertrut. In Leipzig, he studied in Georg Steindorf and Gettingen in Hermann Kees, and finished his research at university with his 1938 doctoral. In World War II, he was a captive as a soldier, but returned to Gettingen in 1947 and was qualified as a university professor in 1951. He was a lecturer at Gettingen in 1956 from the University of Hamburg in Gettingen, but was appointed outside of Hamburg in 1957. Helk was in a university professor from 1963 to retirement in 1979. He belonged to the German Archeology Institute and was one of Gettingen Science Academy. [3]

Work (digest) [ edit ]

  • The influence of the military leaders in the 18th Egyptian dynasty, Studies on the history and antiquity of Egypt (Ugaä) Volume 14, Leipzig 1939.
  • Studies on the civil servants of the Egyptian old empire , Egyptological research (Äf) No. 18, publisher J.J. Augustin, Glückstadt/Hamburg/New York 1954.
  • Documents of the 18th Dynasty , Issue 17–22, Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1955-1958
  • Small lexicon of Egyptology , Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1956, Co -author: Eberhard Otto
  • Studies on Manetho and the Egyptian royal lists , (UGAÄ) Band 18, Berlin 1956
  • To manage the middle and new empire , Problems of Egyptology, Volume 3, E. J. Brill, Leiden 1958.
  • Materials on the economic history of the new empire , Treatises of the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz. Class of Literature (AAWLM.L), Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1960-1969
  • Documents of the 18th Dynasty . Translation to the issues 17–22, Berlin 1961
  • The relationships of Egypt to the Near East in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC. Chr. Egyptological treatises (ÄA) Volume 5, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1962
    • Second, improved edition, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1971
  • History of ancient Egypt , Handbook of Orientalistics, First Department, first volume, third section, publisher Brill, Leiden/Cologne 1968
  • Hunting and game in the old front Asia , Hunting in Art, Hamburg/Berlin 1968
  • The ritual scenes on the Ramses ’II area in Karnak , Äa band 18, otto harrassowitz verlag, Wiesbaden
  • The text of the “Teaching Amenemhets I for his son” , Small Egyptian texts (Kät), Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1969
  • The teaching of the DW3-HTJJ Part 1 and 2, Kät, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1970
  • The prophecy of the NFR.TJ (=), The OTTo Harraswititz Verlab, Viesbaden 1970
  • Considerations of the great goddess and the deities associated with her , Series of religion and culture of the old Mediterranean world in parallel research, Vol. 2, Munich/Vienna 1971
  • The beer in ancient Egypt , Berlin 1971
  • The ritual representations of Ramesseum, Part I, ÄA Volume 25, Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1972
  • The text of the Nilhymnus , Small Egyptian texts (Kät), Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1972.
  • Ancient Egyptian files of the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC Chr. , MäS band 31, München / Berlin 1974
  • The ancient Egyptian Gaue , Supplements of Tübingen Atlas of the Middle Orient (TAVO), series B (humanities), No. 5, Wiesbaden 1974
  • Historical-biographical texts of the 2nd meantime and new texts of the 18th dynasty ,, Someite, Otto Harraskowitz Versab, Wiesbaden 1975.
  • Economic history of ancient Egypt in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC Chr. , HDO, 1st Dept., 1st volume, 5th section, Leiden/Cologne 1975
  • The apprenticeship for King Merikare ,, Cant, OTTo Harraswiticalz Versab, Wiesbaden 1977
  • The relationships of Egypt and the Near East to the Aegean until the 7th century BC. Chr. , Service of research Volume 120, Scientific Book Society Darmstadt 1979
  • Teaching of the Hordjedef and a father’s teaching on his son ,, Cite, aitro Harrassovitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1984
  • Thoughts on the origin of the Egyptian script , Gamal Mixtures Eddin Mokhtar, Bulletin of the French Institute of Archeology (Bifao), Kairo 1985.
  • Political contrasts in ancient Egypt , Hildesheimer Egyptological Contributions (Häb) 23, Gerstenberg Verlag, Hildesheim, 1986.
  • Investigations on the Thinite period Äa band 45, otto harrassowitz verlag, Wiesbaden 1987, ISBN 3447026774
  • Temple and cult , Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1987, ISBN 3-447-02693-6
  • Thinitische Topfmarken , Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 1990, ISBN 3-447-02982-x


  • Grave No. 55 in the Königsgräbertal, its content and its historical meaning , Special script of the German Archaeological Institute 29, Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2001.
  • The dated and dated Ostraka, Papyri and Graffiti by Deir El Medineh ,Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden

Compilation and common work

  • Problems of Egyptology , Verlag Brill, Leiden, from 1953
  • Egyptological treatises (ÄA), otto harrassowitz verlag, Wiesbaden ab
  • Small Egyptian texts (Click), Otto Harrassovitz Verlabaden, Wiesbaden Ab 1969
  • Lexicon of Egyptology , Band I Bis VII, OTTO HARRASSOWITZ VERLAG, WIESBADEN 1975–1992, Co -authored: W. Vestendorf E. Otto (at the preparation stage) († 1974)
  1. ^ Hartwig Altenmüller, History of Egyptology at the University of Hamburg Archived On April 11, 2009, at the windback machine.
  2. ^ List according to FS. Helck, studies on ancient Egyptian culture (SAK) 11, 1984 with additions
  3. ^ Warren R. Dawson / Eric P. Uphill / M. L. Bierbrier, Who was who in Egyptology , 3rd revised edition, The Egypt Exploration Society, London 1995, p. 198
