XTO Flottiglia Mas (Italian Social Republic)


The Xu [N 1] Flottiglia Mas (from 1 May 1944, with the unification of various battalions, renamed in Division fantry of marro [first] also known as Xª but ) was an independent military body, officially of the Infantry of Marina della Marina Republican National National Republic of the Italian Social Republic, active from 1943 to 1945. The XIA Flottiglia Mas in the North, under the command of the frigate captain Junio ​​Valerio Borghese following the armistice of Cassibile holds alliance agreements with the captain of Vascello Berninghaus of the German war navy.


During the two years they followed, he operated in coordination with the German departments, both to counter the ally advance after the landing of Anzio and on the Gothic line and in the Polesine, and in operations against Italian resistance with strong determination and significant losses. Activities during which the unit employed typical strategies of counter -tone and in some episodes he mucked of war crimes [2] , and finally in an attempt to defend the northeastern boundaries from the Iugoslav counter -offensive, also trying to affirm the Italianness of those regions in the face of the annexatione policies of the German occupant [3] [4] [5] supported by Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian collaborative elements [6] . Moreover, these attempts hindered by the Germans themselves did not obtain definitive results and the departments sent to Friuli were soon transferred beyond the Piave, to Thiene, by the Gauleiter Rainer, determined to maintain total control of the region [7] .

The XITO Mas Division surrendered on April 26, 1945 to the representatives of the National Liberation Committee (CLN) in the barracks of Piazzale Fiume (the current Piazza della Repubblica) in Milan after the flag ceremony [8] .

The armistice [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Group of soldiers of the XTE Flottiglia Mas

In the confusion and flagitation of the armed forces caused by the circumstances of the armistice of 8 September, the XIO Flottiglia Mas (Self -Sealed Army Motorbarca – already called: Army Motobarca Svan in the First World War) unlike almost all the departments of the Royal Armed Forces He did not skid. The XITO remained in the south, constituted a unit called Mariassalto who participated in 1944 and in 1945 in a couple of actions, alongside homologous British units, to keep the port of La Spezia open, against the attempt of the Germans to sink ships to his entrance. The first of these actions took part Luigi Durand de la Penne once repatriated from captivity.

In the North, immediately after the armistice of September 8, many Marina riflemen of the Xito Flottiglia Mas returned home [9] or they take refuge on the hills waiting for the events [ten] , while the command stationed in the barracks of La Spezia did not skid and put in alarm at the time disciplinary orders [11] However, avoiding to destroy the small naval vehicles to the anchor outside the barracks of which he starts then fell momentarily in German hands [twelfth] . The same evening Junio ​​Valerio Borghese reached Admiral Aimone d’Aosta and unnecessarily tried together to contact Rome for confirmation of the armistice and receive orders [11] . The XITO MAS, continuing to remain without orders [13] , maintained the activity in the unchanged barracks and all the time the Italian flag remained on the flagpole [14] . Borghese also ordered to open fire against anyone who tried to attack the barracks [14] managing to reject some German attempts to disarm the rifles [15] . On 9 September the officers gathered to decide the way to take and bourgeois reiterated his intention to continue the war against the Anglo -American, choosing the alliance with Germany. On 11 September he gathered the sailors stationed in La Spezia explaining the situation and giving permission to take leave of those who were not felt to continue the war [16] . The majority took leave [16] .

The reconstitution [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

He would later explain this action by saying that he had done this “to redeem the military honor of Italy, regain the estimate of Germany and bring the two nations on the alliance plan” (according to his own words taken from an interview granted in post -war to the journalist and historian Ruggero Zangrandi). The tenth assumed, at least officially, entirely apolitical and non -partisan attitude, so much so that to be framed in the marines of the XIO Mas it was necessary not to be enrolled in any political party.

Borghese therefore squeezed on September 12 directly with the captain of Vascello Berninghaus of the German war navy, the Kriegsmarine, a singular alliance that allowed the continuation of the activity of the XIt Mas with the third Reich, preserving the flag (to which the emblem of the Savoy) and Italian uniform, albeit under German operational control.

Borghese-Berlinghaus agreement
September 14, 1943

La Spezia, 14-9-1943

1) The XIO Flottiglia M.A.S. It is a complex unit belonging to the Italian Navy, with complete autonomy in the logistical, “organic”, justice and disciplinary, administrative field;

2) is an ally of the Germanic armed forces with equal rights and duties;

3) beats Italian war flag;

4) is recognized to those who are part of the right to use each weapon;

5) is authorized to recover and arm, with Italian flags and crews, the Italian units found in Italian ports; Their operational use depends on the command of the Germanic Navy;

6) The bourgeois commander is the recognized leader, with the rights and duties inherent in this assignment.

Captain of vessel
J. V. Borghese

The Borghese project in mid -September joined about half of the two hundred officers present at the Spezia headquarters. The others asked regular license, granted by the commander [17] . Soon they joined what would have formed the nucleus of the future autonomous formation of the Decima Mas in the social republic the three hundred and fifty marines in command of the captain of Corvetta Umberto Bardelli.

Since the very first days after the armistice, young volunteers, often minors, attracted by the legend of the heroic deeds of the “pigs” and the fame of the bourgeois commander, celebrated by the propaganda posters that covered Italian cities began to arrive. The rolins of the tenth then came to count a total of 20,000 men, the extent of a infantry division. [4] . Deputy Commander of the Division was chosen the frequented captain Luigi Carallo, who was killed in December 1944.

Junio ​​Valerio Borghese in uniform of the XIO

Other elements that gave the young people of the social Republic of popularity remarkable to the body were the camaraderie that existed between the officers and the sailors (institution of the single ration for sailors and officers and the uniform of the same cloth) and its non -conformism (less formal greeting Compared to the traditional fees of the Navy) and the promotion earned on the field and not with seniority or competitions. The regulation of the tenth – revolutionary for the Italian armed forces of the time – was a derivation of Garibaldian voluntarism and the particular type of commercialism of the submarines, from whose row bourgeois, bardelli and other leaders of the body came.

The founding ideology of the body was based on nationalism and fighting, in search of “beautiful death” in battle and heroism “to redeem the honor of the Italian nation” (in the eyes of the volunteers who enlisted, betrayed by the armistice of September eight, which ended with the collapse of the army, the delivery of the ships of the Navy and the escape of the sovereign and Badoglio to the South, leaving the country in the chaos).
This found expression in the motto of the body “for the honor and the flag of Italy” and in the Scudetto in which an X were drawn by a skull with a rose in the mouth and in the hymn of the tenth, written by Borghese’s wife on Notes of an operetta song. [18] The image of the skull with the rose in the mouth came from the captain of Corvetta Salvatore Todaro: shortly before he died he had expressed the desire for a distinctive for the XITO that made the idea that death in combat was a sweet thing, like the perfume of a flower.

Despite the premise of wanting to participate only in the war for the “liberation of Italy invaded” the Decima departments were soon involved by the Germans in the counter -non -border operations, but the officers were left free to take leave without consequences if they had refused to raise the weapons against other Italians [19] . The exasperation and ferocity to which the civil war arrived led some elements of the tenth to stain in war crimes, such as the shooting of prisoners, the capture of hostages between civilians, the torture of partisans (or alleged civilians) captured. However, the Aja Convention was applied which did not allow the shooting of prisoners, the capture of hostages among civilians by right of retaliation.

The XIA MAS of Borghese rapidly increased its numbers, both with regular enrollments and accepting in its own rows of other departments (and even ex-partisans), attracted by the best wages, by the peculiar regulation of the tenth and above all by the prospect of being able to fight there against the Anglo -American. On the other hand, the tenth was one of the units of RSI who suffered less for desertions (instead epidemic in other units, especially in the national republican army). Borghese had sanctioned the death penalty for the desertion and cowardice in the face of the enemy well before this penalty was extended to the other weapons and armed forces of the RSI. [20]

Relations between XTO and RSI [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

April 1944: Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and Umberto Bardelli on the Anzio front

There were numerous organizational problems that had materialized for the new body, both for the objective economic and military conditions of northern Italy, and due to the difficulties raised by the German and republican authorities.
Borghese shop directly with Nazi Germany the terms of his collaboration with the axis. This from the point of view of the legitimacy of the body and its subsequent insertion of the RSI in the staff posted many problems, and characterized the relationships between Borghese and RSI, so much so that some authors are struggling to consider the Xito Mas of Borghese a body of the social Republic Italian, but a real Franco body or Ventura company Inserted in the context of the axis forces: in reality, the XITO and the RSI maintained difficult relationships, because the political authority of the RSI tried hard to bring all the various armed and police forces back under its centralized control (as only The monopoly of the use of force is granted to the state, according to the law). On the other hand, Borghese had obtained legitimacy from the Germans, through the captain of Vascello Berlinghaus of the Kriegsmarine, with the recognition to fight under Italian flag, obtaining wide autonomy. While responding, in practice, to the German command and administratively by the Ministry of Republican Defense, the XITO MAS was formally equated to the Wehrmacht, and in practice it was a frank body. [21] The openly autonomistic behavior against the republican authorities (up to the arrogance) – to which formally the tenth should have belonged and on which administratively depended, having his men sworn according to the formula provided by the Republican government – caused many friction with other bodies of the Social Republic And even the ventilated possibility that Borghese attempted a coup against Mussolini.
Following the voices circulating on this eventuality, bourgeois, convened in Gargnano, was placed at the arrest on January 14, 1944. The voice of the arrest of bourgeois, through fortuitous circumstances, came to the command of the tenth, which even evaluated the hypothesis of marching On Salò. Probably the accident was also solved with the mediation of the Germans, who did not want an intestine struggle among their allies. [22] Everything was solved in a short time with the release of bourgeois and the following dismissal of the Undersecretary to the Navy, Ferruccio Ferrini, by Mussolini, who replaced him with the recipient of Giuseppe Sparzani. Borghese became subcapo of General Staff and had all the Operational Activities of the Navy to his orders. [23]

Borghese, on the other hand, had always flaunted contempt for parties and had the propensity for an organicist and militarist company model according to the model he made with the tenth. In the Xito Mas of Borghese the “was never done Greetings to the Duce “, but only the greeting” Tenth sailors! Tenth commander! “(Of this the same bourgeois was accused by those who wanted to be exhausted from the command of the tenth).

After the alliance with the Germans, the new body dedicated himself to the military organization in order to be able to go to the front to fight the Anglo-American. On the evening of March 3, 1944 [24] [25] The “Barbarigo” battalion (the first infantry department of the Navy, led by Bardelli) entered online near Anzio and Nettuno, where he was employed against the allies during the landing of Anzio, [26] [27] [28] However, operating to the 175th German division.

The division [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Infantry of Marina della Xito, with the war flag, in Neptune in 1944

The various infantry departments, with the 3rd San Marco regiment and the 1st including the “Barbarigo”, were grouped in the Marina “navy” division , established on May 1, 1944.
After the route followed to the breakthrough of Cassino, the Decima departments were employed in a disorganic way also in police operations and against guerrilla warfare in northern Italy against the partisans, while on the Gothic line front the “wolf”, the “wolf were sent in 1945 “Parachutist swimmers” or “NP” (Polesine), and the artillery group “Colleoni” (on the Senio river).
These departments had heavy losses in combat during the last enemy offensive, and received numerous decorations from the Germans; The “wolf” and the “np”, after the collapse of the green line, managed to fall back on Venice, where they remained until the arrival of the allies, to which they stopped with the honor of the weapons.

In 1945 Borghese reorganized the Decima division in the Veneto on two combat groups (one of which with incomplete ranks, because, as we have seen, two battalions and an artillery group were aggregated to the German divisions on the green line). The goal was to constitute a large mass of maneuver to be moved to Trieste and Fiume to avoid cities the predictable Titina occupation, while contacts were intensified with the secret, American and British secret services to encourage Italian-English landing in Istria in Istria . However, the precipitate of events and complete control of the sky by the allied side prevented the decima division from reaching the positions provided (nor on the other hand there was the promised Italian-British landing). The departments thus remained immobilized arrested the allied troops with the honor of arms between April 29 and May 2, 1945.

The eastern front [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Immediately before the establishment of the Social Republic, the Germans started a policy of annexation of the three Venezie, bringing together the provinces of Bolzano, Trento, Belluno, at the Gau dell’Alto Tirolo, behind the pretext of the establishment of an area of ​​operations known with the name of Alpine foothills , and those of Udine, Gorizia, Trieste, Pola, Fiume and Ljubljana (already aggregated as an autonomous province to Venice Giulia) at the Gau della Carinzia as part of the area of ​​operations called Adriatic coastal country (Zara remained, even under German military occupation, under the control of the RSI authorities).

Above all, the oriental lands, already threatened with annexation from the Ustasha Croatians allies of the Nazis, were the scene of harsh clashes with the partisans of Tito, who – organized in formations of considerable size and war potential – tried to trespass in Venice Giulia in order to claim, just the right principle of use your property , the annexation of this to Yugoslavia.

Therefore the tenth had a significant use on the Istria and Carso front and in the rear of the German army especially in 1944, collaborating with the Germans in the clash with the titine partisans (together with the other five Italian regiments framed in the German armed forces as militia Territorial defense and the departments and coastal defense batteries). The clashes with the Titini often assumed the typical aspect of the guerrilla war, with cruel actions and atrocities which followed equally cruel raids on the side of the Nazi -fascist, while usually the troops Titine refused the battle in the open field, where they could not yet have reason for the Germans and of their allies.

On the eastern border the battalions Sagittarius , Barbarigo , Wolf , supported by artillery groups St. George ed Alberto da Giussano and by the battalions Parachutist swimmers , Guastators Avalanche and genius And arrow they were involved in the Aquila operation ( Adler action ) for the destruction of the forces of the IX Korpus Iugoslavo, and therefore the Lightning He was used to stem the attempts of Iugoslav invasion of Venezia Giulia, remaining involved in a bitter clash with the Iugoslav partisans in the battle of Tarnova, where he was almost destroyed, however managing to bar of enemy forces.

Later the German authorities demanded by Mussolini that the Decima departments were withdrawn from Venezia Giulia, where even bloody clashes had occurred with the Iugoslav collaborators [29] And with Gauleiter Rainer himself. Only some minor units remained that presided over the islands of the Qualnaro and Trieste. [30]

In Istria therefore only a few hundred men of the tenth remained in various garrisons alongside the German departments, mostly captured by the titini during the occupation of Venezia Giulia together with the Germans and other soldiers of the RSI and massacred in the sadly well -known Foibe, or deported to the Iugoslav prison camps.

The others died alongside the last German resistance nuclei in the fighting that flared up with the advance of the titini towards Friuli and Venezia Giulia. Together with these remains of the German army, they had to resist to cover the retreat of the bulk of the German troops aquailed in Istria and Slovenia to Austria. The chaos that shocked the German troops without unique orders and divided in trying to resist or retire also dragged the republican departments, and among these obviously those of the tenth.

The last outbreaks of resistance that continued until the beginning of May were all crushed by the titini, fighting or – more often – promising life saving in case of surrender. Among the latter fights, noteworthy what took place in Pula. Here, after the signing of the surrender of the latest German troops flanked by some departments of the tenth decimated by the battle to the Iugoslave forces on May 8, 1945, the German admiral who had signed the capitulation was immediately after shot together with a group of his officers, Together with a dozen Italian officers of the Decima Mas.

Shortly before the occupation of Istria by Iugoslava, bourgeois sought an unlikely alliance with the allies to face the Iugoslav army of Tito, who was quickly advancing: in those times, he was alive in many Nazi and fascists the hope of Getting to an armistice with the western allies in order to continue the war against the Soviet Union and Bolshevism in general. [thirty first]

Similarly, between September and December 1944, contacts with the partisan brigade Osoppo were taken, in order to constitute a mixed body that could organize a common defense of that front, but the English command to which the Osoppo referred, albeit with Some hesitations refused the offer. Shortly afterwards in Porzûs all the main exponents of the partisan brigade were killed as they are accused of betrayal and for having given hospitality to a young man, Elda Turchetti, denounced as a spy by Radio London upon reporting of British agents, and the attempt of collaboration did not have following.

In the last months of the conflict, in order to defend the Italianness of Istria, bourgeois started contacts with the Royal Navy in the South (Admiral de Courten) to encourage an Italian-high landing in Istria and save the oriental lands from the advance of the forces Iugoslave [32] . The landing designed by the Italian Navy of the South would have made use of the support of the fascist and tenth formations, with or without the allied intervention [33] . The English opposition made this plan fail [34] , not wanting to take Stalin after the Yalta agreement [35] And thus favoring the advance of the Iugoslavs, who also had the active support of the British Royal Navy.

Involvement in the civil war [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The tenth , born to continue the war against the Anglo -Americans, was initially spared by the partisan and gappisti actions, until January 23, 1944, when a dynamite attack jumped to the spice the tram that connected the city center with the headquarters of the tenth in the San Bartolomeo barracks, causing The death of three riflemen of Marina and two citizens.

Men of the R.S.I. They take part in the raking of civilians in front of Palazzo Barberini, following the attack in via Rasella of 23 March 1944: some of the arrested will then be killed at the Fosse Ardeatine

At this point, however, his members were placed in front of the free choice to take leave or continue with the civil war

Manifesto of 1944 triggered to a “pacification” between partisans and forces of the tenth

Following this episode, the tenth sent the departments in support of the Germans for a raking in the mountains overlooking La Spezia, during which there were no fire clashes, but only seizures of weapons.

The first retaliation made by the tenth dates back to March 1944, when the Parma-La Spezia train was blocked by the partisans to free some prisoners that the fascists had to transport to Parma and, in the action, died the second lieutenant Gastone Carlotti of the X Mas, the MANUFTIENTEnte Domenico Piropan, the Republican National Guard Luigi Comelli and the military Riziero Biancardi was seriously injured. [36] . The tenth ordered a raking, during which 13 partisans were surprised: four died in the fire clash and nine were brought to La Spezia. Of these, a minor was released, and the other eight were shot. Moving the units in Piedmont to the tenth, participation in the operations of great police was increasingly requested, requests to which the training always adhered to reluctance and providing available to the company less than the company [37] .

To face the increasingly frequent actions of the partisans, a special “company or” (operational) is constituted, consisting of 120 men under the command of Lieutenant Umberto Bertozzi. On the other hand, his relationship with bourgeois and with the commands of the tenth is not clear: it seems rather plausible that called the company “or” has been maltolled what is necessary to meet the urgencies of spring-summer 1944, and as soon as possible loose and its elements sent to the detachment “Milan” [38] .

However, on July 4, 1944 the episode of the killing of the commander Umberto Bardelli pushed bourgeois to return to his decision not to employ his men in the counter -binding. So from autumn 1944 the tenth was also massively involved in the civil war against Italian partisans, deploying impressive strength and violence.

«While the other formations operated in an anti -partisan function, the tenth expected that the partisans attacked and then proceeded, with reluctance, to the anti -partisan war. However, the difference is very thin, given the civil war. In any case, at least in the leaders and intentions, the tenth did not want to fight against other Italians, but to complete the commitment of honor towards the nation concluding the war even with a defeat. This determined, in some cases, moments of cavalry and respect between the two parties in struggle and even some momentary political agreement ”

( Preface by Giuseppe spoken to the volume of Sergio Nesi, “Junio ​​Valerio Borghese”, cit. )
Cuorgnè, summer 1944: Junio ​​Valerio Borghese visiting the “Barbarigo” veterans from the front. Recognizable bourgeois (driving), Umberto Bardelli (behind bourgeois), Umberto Bertozzi (resting on the car next to Borghese), Luigia Maresca (wife of Bardelli) and Joseph Gross (an official interpreter aggregated to the tenth Mas of the 5th German mountaineer division).

On July 8, 1944 Bardelli personally went in search of the guardiarina Gaetano Oneto, a deserter of the “Sagittarius” who, together with other riflemen, had fled with the Battalion case. Arriving in the village of Ozegna with a escort, he found himself face to face with the guerrillas of the “Matteotti” training in command of the partisan Piero Urati, said Piero Piero . To avoid a fratricidal clash, Bardelli deposed the weapons and ordered his own to do the same. Thus began to parliamentary with the partisans to obtain the delivery of the deserter, in an atmosphere of growing tension. After agreeing on the exchange of the Oneto deserter with partisan prisoners, Bardelli left the conference with Piero Piero , but found herself surrounded by “Matteotti” men. Piero Piero He ordered the surrender to the Republican commander, who refused screaming “Barbarigo does not give up! Fire!”. In the rapid gunfight that followed Bardelli and 10 riflemen were killed. The corpses were recomposed in the current oratory of the country and the wounded edited by some local religious. The prisoners, on the other hand, were captured by the partisans and brought “to the mountains”, where they would undergo various pressures (including the “false shooting”) to induce them to desert and pass with the “Matteotti”. They were then released a week later, following an exchange with partisan prisoners.

Seven partisans and a civilian also fell [39] The propaganda office of the tenth the body of Bardelli was found without two golden teeth, while two fallen were found by the villagers piled up against a wall and smeared with steco and with straw in the mouth (according to some due to transport with a dirty cart, but this version is rejected by other historiography [40] ).

The body of the commander Umberto Bardelli killed by the partisans of the “Matteotti” by Piero Urati said Piero Piero On July 4, 1944: according to the Propaganda della Decima office, which spread the image, the lack of two golden teeth torn from the corpse would be noticed
The corpses of the flask and coarse rifles, smeared with steco

Following this bourgeois event he gathered the general staff of the tenth by communicating his decision and reaffirming the voluntary character of the tenth. Anyone who had not wanted to stay in the tenth, who was born to fight the Anglo-American front, and who from that moment was involved in the civil war, would have obtained unlimited leave: fifteen officers on two hundred asked and obtained to be put in leave for not having to participate in the civil war. [41]

After another two months of ambushes and raids, a new challenge came between the departments of the tenth and the formation of Piero Piero which led to the Constitution, a more unique than rare case, of a mixed execution platoon for the execution of the Oneto deserter. ONETO after being degraded he is shot near Configlietto Val Soana by a picket commanded by the Montanari vessel lieutenant made up of six riflemen of the Barbarigo battalion and six partisans of the De Franchi brigade on September 4, 1944. The execution witnessed a stake of twenty riflemen of the tenth and twenty partisans. [3] [40] .

Despite this episode (which had the arrest of Piero Piero by order of other partisan leaders, also following the exhaustions carried out by the group in Valchiusella. The discontent of the population resulted in an investigation by the partisans of the area that had ceased the requisitions and thefts of food and livestock), the tenth found itself involved more and more deeply in the civil war. Undergoing – as the allied military force of the Germans and like the military forces of these – attacks, catches and ambushes [42] In growing numbers, his men reacted more and more violently, until they perpetrate real war crimes against civil populations.

Among the most significant episodes, the summary execution of the partisan Garibaldi Ferruccio Nazionale, called “Carmela”, whose body, immortalized in a macabre photo, has become one of the symbols of the ferocity to which during the civil war, is framed. In Ivrea, the National Partisan decided to attentive to the life of the military chaplain of the Decima, Don Augusto Bianco. Blocked with a hand bomb in hand, just an instant before he could throw it, he was summarily executed on July 29 through hanging in the town hall square [43] . The body, left hanging with a sign around the neck that has become sadly famous for a photo taken by a rifle (see photo), should have remained hanging as a warning for the population, which was grouped and made to parade in front of its corpse [44] . According to the testimonies of some partisans (however collected subsequently to the facts), at the time of the national implementation it was practically already dead due to the torture suffered by the riflemen of the company “or”, generally considered the most violent of the tenth, and, always According to these testimonies, in the context of torture the language would also have been severed [45] [forty six] . However, after a few hours, an officer of the “lightning” battalion, not considering a similar show of ferocity with the honor of his department, ordered that the body was deposed, and Christianly buried in the city cemetery, in the presence of a picket of rifles. [3] .

National Ferruccio, partisan Biellese hanged by the XIt Mas on the square of the Town Hall of Ivrea on 9 July 1944

The particular crudeness that characterized the actions of the tenth during the anti -partisan operations was explained thus by the historian Renzo De Felice:

“Typical in this sense are the three stages that are often found in their attitude […] first, the tenth fights for the honor of the homeland; His war is against the invading enemy of Italy and not ideological and party, which divides the Italians instead of unite them in the name of the homeland, and, therefore, the tenth does not fight against the partisans; Second, if the partisans are fierce against it, take off his deaths; Third, any form of clemency towards the partisans dictated by the government or by the PFR by political considerations cannot be accepted and does not concern the tenth, the active enemies of the homeland, those who kill those who defend their honor and the territory cannot find clemency. ”

( Renzo De Felice, Mussolini the ally , Einaudi )

War crimes [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The war crimes of the Xth Mas took place essentially in countries and hamlets, where the partisan activity was concentrated. The following episodes against the tenth during the trial of his commander after the war were mentioned:

  • Valmozzola (PR): March 17, 1944 Shotting of eight partisans taken prisoner after the killing of two officers of the wolf battalion of the Xito Flottiglia Mas Carlotti and Pieropan [47] .
  • Oven (fraction of Massa), June 13, 1944: 68 people (including the marshal of the carabinieri Ciro Siciliano, who tried to prevent the raking), mostly civil and a few partisans, are killed by a department of SS and by men Of the company “O” of the Decima in command of Umberto Bertozzi (who according to some sources was the one who selected who among the prisoners would have been shot) in what is remembered as the “oven massacre”. [48] [49]
  • Borgo Ticino (No), 13 August 1944: 12 civilians are shot, in collaboration with the SS, while the country is sacked and set on fire, in what is remembered as the “massacre of Borgo Ticino”. For the first time, the Kesselring of retaliation is applied for the injury of four German soldiers: the country was asked for compensation of 300,000 lire to compensate for the fact [50] And to avoid execution, but after having received the figure, as admitted to the trial by Captain Krumhar who led the group of SS, the shooting and subsequent violence occurred equally. [51] [52]
  • Guadine (Fraz. Di Massa), August 24, 1944: retaliation on the civilian population, believed to support the partisans, with 13 civilians killed [53] . The country and its hamlets were almost completely burned and destroyed. The operation probably also aimed to block any fugitives from the simultaneous action of the 16th. SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Division Reichsführer SS, under the orders of the major Walter Reder and the men of the black brigade of Massa, who was taking place in Vinca ( Municipality of Fivizzano). [54] [55]
  • Castelletto Sopra Ticino (NO), November 2, 1944, after the killing by the partisans of the second lieutenant of Vascello Leonardi, exemplary execution: an officer of the Xito Mas makes five partisans Garibaldi detained in Arona shot in public in public [56] [57] , after collecting an obligatory crowd to assist. [58]
  • Crocetta del Montello (TV): torture of six partisans through flogging and burns with rags soaked in petrol and lit [59] [60] . The six partisans, who took prisoners from the lieutenant by the 10th Mas Filippo Mariucci, perhaps following the delay of another partisan, had been indicated as the managers of the kidnapping and the killing that took place on 7 October 1944 of the brigadier of the carabinieri Ettore Buggio therefore were summarily shot along the external wall of the Ciano del Montello cemetery on January 2, 1945 [sixty one] [62]

In the process that Borghese suffered after the war, a testimony also suggested that in some of the reprisals they were protagonists, the men of the tenth wore German uniforms, probably to have them attributed exclusively to the Nazi army. [52] .

In the sentence of indictment of the trial against Junio ​​Valerio Borghese, the accusations were to have carried out, among other things:

«Continuous and fierce actions to rake about partisans and anti -fascist elements in general, sometimes in close collaboration with the Germanic armed forces, actions that usually ended with the capture, the particularly heinous toilets, the deportation and the killing of the arrested, e All this always in order to help make the rear of the enemy calm, so that these could more easily counteract the step to the liberating armies […] unjustified actions of looting and violent and arbitrary removal of belongings of all kinds, what that Most of the time he resolved in an unfair personal profit of those who participated in these operations ”

( From the sentence of indictment of the trial against bourgeois, article of the ANPI website [63] )

However, in the device of the sentence, Borghese was sentenced to 12 years in prison and exclusion from public offices only for “military collaboration” with the Germans, excluding his involvement in war crimes as his participation in murder and looting crimes [sixty four] .

During the sixties six hundred and ninety -five files concerning the Nazi -fascist massacres in Italy were “provisionally archived” by the military attorney general, mainly for reasons of political convenience, and the various proceedings were blocked, thus guaranteeing the impunity for those still in life. Subsequently, in 1994, during the search for tests against Erich Priebke for the massacre of the Fosse Ardeatine, the existence of these files was discovered (found in what the wardrobe of shame has been defined as journalistically): among these VE They were several referred to facts made by staff of the Decima Mas of Borghese. [65] .

Behavior in war [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

The mascots of the Barbarigo battalion.

The troops involved in the operations of “Great Police” or Controguerriglia against the Italian partisan forces have been the subject of numerous criticisms. The XITO MAS was active in large police operations in Monferrato, Langhe, Canavese, Carnia, Val di Susa and Val d’Ossola. The men of the tenth were stained with war crimes, such as torture, reprisals, summary shotguns.

Some belonging to the Decima Mas also distinguished themselves in looting and theft actions to the detriment of the civilian population, persevering in the abuse of their authority so as to make the legitimate and non -military authorities worry:

«The illegal actions committed by the members of the XTE MAS continue with constant concern. Thefts, robberies, serious provocations, stopped, searches, incorrect contents in public, represent almost the special feature of these military. Also on November 12, 1944, among other things, around 20 four of them presented themselves in a warehouse of fabrics: after immobilizing the custodian they removed four hills for a huge value […]. Citizenship, in addition to being alarmed for these continuous harassment, wonders as them, which should be subjected to a rigid military discipline, can act impunity and without any possibility of punishment […]. It would therefore be advisable that the whole department, including command, is made to remove from Milan. ”

( Precisely for the Duce of Mario Bassi, prefect of Milan [63] )

Sergio Nesi, a former XIO officer, claims that Borghese and the tenth held a courageous and intrepid behavior in front of the enemy (he talks about it in this regard to the battles on the Nettuno front , on the green line, during the Aquila operation and in the battle of Tarnova) [66] And he claims that overall the desertions of the tenth would have been significantly lower than those recorded in other armed forces and departments of the RSI. [sixty seven] Many theft and looting actions attributed to departments of the RSI or Germans would be, according to him, instead to be attributed to the numerous bands of common criminals that infested the territory, which masked behind uniforms of the tenth that they would have managed to obtain during the budding of the 8 September 1943, cut the civilian population with relative impunity. Also according to what reported by Nesi, operations of the same kind – for the purpose of anti -fascist propaganda – would have been conducted, always with uniforms of the tenth in some way stolen, by partisan nuclei (according to Nesi, in the area of ​​Liguria and Cunense) [68] .

Nesi then argues that some police reports would prove from republican offices and commands hostile to the tenth, who would have pursued not the purpose of repairing the numerous wrongs suffered by civilians, but that of putting it in bad light at the high commands as well as Mussolini himself in the The scope of the fierce struggles for the power that characterized the social republic. However, these relationships would have been magnified and exaggerated. [69] In fact, to finance the war against the Anglo -American, the black market was also employed, purchasing weapons in Switzerland through a smuggling of calm assets. The same prefect of Milan expressed concern for the numerous illegal actions committed by rifles.

Always according to the former officer, towards the Germans the tenth was not, as supported by others, servile and collaborative, but instead he would always follow an attitude of dubbing clever, trying to subtract any type of refueling and material from the ally with Any means (including corruption, theft, drunkenness and deception). According to the former officer, the beating and arrest of the Gauleiter Friedrich Rainer, an episode that led to the almost total expulsion of the bourgeois forces from Venezia Giulia, subjected to the “Operation Area”, is also to be framed in this perspective. [70] .

The end of the war [ change | Modifica Wikitesto ]

Junio ​​Valerio Borghese orders the flag drum and demobilized the XTE Mas. – Milan, Piazzale Fiume 26 April 1945

Towards the end of the war, the Xito Mas of Borghese moved his headquarters to Piedmont. On April 26, the first of the three days of insurrection that led to the liberation, Borghese dissolved the tenth at the barracks of Piazzale Fiume (today’s Piazza della Repubblica) in Milan.

The various departments of the tenth followed several destinies, depending on the place and enemy to whom they stopped [3] [4] [71] .

  • The battalions “Barbarigo”, “Lupo”, “Np” and “Arrow” and the “Colleoni” Artillery Group, employed in defense of the Gothic line, after having undergone very serious losses in the fighting against the British and Commonwealth forces, retired In small nuclei beyond the Adige towards Padua in Albignasego (“Lupo” and “Barbarigo”) where they arrested when they were reached by the enemy, obtaining the honor of weapons. The “arrow” and the “Colleoni” were totally destroyed in the battle, and ceased to act as organic units since the last days of April 1945, folding disorderly.
  • The unwanted departments in the Decima division in the Vicenza area (“Sagittarius”, “Fulmine”, “avalanche”, “Castagnacci”, “San Giorgio”, “Alberto da Giussano”, “Pegaso”, “Vega”) attested the arrival of the Weapon-end enemy, after an initial attempt to reach Venezia Giulia to stem the Iugoslav invasion, frustrated by the total air control by the allied aviations. These departments also arrested with the honor of arms. The concentrated departments in Bassano del Grappa instead confronted with the partisans, sometimes fighting sometimes surrendering: in the latter case the men who delivered were often the subject of fierce summary executions.
  • The Infantry Departments of Marina in Venice (BTG. “Serenissima” and Parachain Swimmer -np- and others) arrested with the honor of weapons to the allies on April 30, 1945, at the former Gil Naval College in Sant’Elena [72] .
  • The territorial departments in Turin and Milan followed the fate of the other republican units present there. Those of Turin were unable to fall back to the “Franca Zone” of Ivrea to surrender to the Americans on the following May 5, and they followed to fight in the barracks besieged by the partisans. After finishing the ammunition, they stopped, and over 60 of the survivors were briefly shot. Those of Milan suffered the impact of the partisan insurrection on April 26th.
  • The departments in the Novarese (btg. “Scirè”) were involved in fire clashes with the partisans. Those who armed behind the promise of having saved their lives were largely passed through weapons.
  • The departments in Istria, in Fiume and on the islands of Carnaro were systematically annihilated by the Iugoslavs. The “San Giusto” battalion of Trieste instead managed to reach Venice by Mare where he surrendered to the allies on April 30th.
  • The Marina departments in Sanremo released on April 26 for a last mission against the Franco-Americans, after which their vehicles sank and dispersed men. Those who were captured by the partisans were briefly killed.

The fallen ascertained in war and counter -tenth operations of the tenth resemble more than 600. To these must be added the men killed summarily at the end of the hostilities after giving up the weapons, in not specified (remember, for example, the massacre of Valdobbiadene of the parachutic swimmers of the Decima, NP, in May 1945, where 50 prisoners of war were killed).

An MTM in service at the XIO

Departs of Subpti Decima were employed against the forces of Scenic and Anglo -American refueling forces. Employed almost exclusively Mas and fast motorboats modified in torpedoes, MTM. The naval departments were stationed in Genoa (Tyrrhenian Command) together with the “Gamma Men” (divers), while the 1st and 2nd Mas Squadron were stationed in La Spezia.

At the end of the war, the “Tyrrhenian Command” made contact with the CLN club, taking effective countermeasures in contrast to the work of the German spoilers who intended to blow up the port installations. The divers of the department disarmed the 80 demolition offices prepared by the Germans and self -employed their Mas and Vas units and deliver to the partisans. [seventy three]

Regulation of the tenth
  • Rancio is unique for everyone, officers, non -commissioned officers and sailors
  • The uniform cloth is the same for everyone
  • All promotions are suspended until the end of the war, except those by the merit of war on the field
  • The recruitment is exclusively voluntary
  • The death penalty for the military of the “tenth” who are recognized guilty of theft or looting, desertion, or cowardice in the face of the enemy
Enrollments in La Spezia in 1944
  • Command Xito Mas (c.f. Junio ​​Valerio Borghese)
    • Press Office and Propaganda (s.t.v. Pasca Piredda [74] ) [N 2]
    • Women’s auxiliary service (SAF) (Vol. Fede Arnaud Pocek) [N 3]
    • Administrative Service (T.Col. Ivan Tiana)
    • Health service
    • Supply service (chapter Guido DL Judge)
    • Naval weapon genius service (Col. Mantovani)
    • Cervisable services (C.C. Mario masciulli)
    • Motorization service (Magg. Angelo Antico [N 4] )
    • Radio Telegraphy service (T.Col. Pietro Rosselli)
    • Information service (chap. Renato Carnevale) [N 5]
    • Justice and Discipline Office (T.Col. Ivan Tiana)
    • Assistance Office (vol. Luigia Maresca Bardelli)
    • Personal Office (T.V. Mario Ducci)
  • Division fantry of marro ” (C.F. Luigi Carallo) [N 6] structured on [75] :
    • Divisional exploring group
    • 1st “San Marco” Infantry Regiment [N 7]
    • 2nd “Scirè” Marina Infantry Regiment [N 11]
    • 3rd Marina Artillery Regiment “Leaders” (Mag. Guido Boriello) [N 15] are:
    • “Freccia” genius battalion (c.c. Filippo di Bernardo Amato) [N 20]
    • “Castagnacci” Battalion (T.V. Alfredo Maestroni) [N 21]
  • Autonomous land departments:
    • Ardimento Group “Gold Gold Medal” (C.C. Pascal Pascali) [N 22]
    • “Longobardo” battalion (s.t.v. Giuseppe Parello) [N 23]
    • “Pegaso” Battalion (C.C. Raffaele Pilato) [N 24]
    • “Resolved” battalion (chief 1st cl. Felice Bottero) [N 25]
    • “San Giusto” Battalion (C.C. Enzo Chicca) [N 26]
    • “Scirè” Battalion (C.C. Antonio Di Giacomo) [N 27]
    • “Serenissima” Battalion (C.C. Ettore De Francesco) [N 28]
    • “Vega” battalion (T.V. Mario Rossi) [N 29]
    • Fiat detachment, then “Umberto Cumero” (subsequently absorbed in the “Turin” detachment) (T.V. Aldo Campani) [N 30]
    • Detachment “Milan” (Cap. Gennaro Riccio) [N 31]
    • Detachment “Rome” (T.V. Ettore Falantola) [N 32]
    • Detachment “Turin” (Mag. Antonio Lisi) [N 33]
    • Company “Adriatica” (T.V. Enrico Giannelli) [N 34]
    • Compagnia “D’Annunzio” (s.t.v. Francesco Vigjak) [N 35]
    • “Never dead” company (T.v. Bernardino Fumai) [N 36]
    • Operational Company “O” (subsequently absorbed in the “Milan” detachment) (s.t.v. Umberto Bertozzi) [N 37]
    • Company “Sauro” (C.C. Stefano Baccarini) [N 38]
    • Contractors Group “Q” (T.V. Carlo Paladino) [N 39]
  • Sea departments . are:
    • Squadriglia Mas “Commander Castagnacci” (T.V. Spartaco Fresh) [N 40]
    • “Moccagatta gold medal” surface storage department, on:
      • Command and Command Department (C.C. Mario Arillo)
      • Group “Todaro gold medal” (School of Surface Assault) (T.V. Domenico Mataluno) [N 41]
      • Connecting operational base (T.V. Gustavo Fracassini) [N 42]
      • South operational base (T.V. Domenico Mataluno) [N 43]
      • West Operational Base (Cap. G.N. Umberto Andreoli of Sovico) [N 44]
      • Base operative (s.t.v. Sergio NESI) [N 45]
    • Department of Underwater Assault (C.C. Alfieri Uxa), on:

The first magazine [76] Published by the XITO Mas was the ephemeral “Xth for the honor” , released in a single number of two pages on February 20, 1944, followed shortly after by “La Cambusa” , born at the Muggiano alla Spezia barracks, whose first issue, of only 4 pages, was published on May 15, 1944. After the damage suffered by the installations of La Spezia due to the allied bombings, the command of the 10th was transferred to Milan in Piazza Fiume and with it also the press and propaganda office. The Milanese detachment was at the time commanded by Captain Gennaro Riccio. The volunteer Pasca Piredda took care of the magazine, flanked by several war correspondents such as Ugo Franzolin. Problems were soon born with the German press office of Lieutenant Schaffer who claimed to impose censorship but the tenth, strong of the agreements directly between the German commander Berninghaus managed to avoid any interference. On 9 December 1944 Pasca Piredda had a serious road accident that forced her to a long hospitalization. In the meantime, his office was entrusted to the lieutenant of Vascello Mario Ducci and following the journalist Bruno Spampanato. The frequency, which was supposed to be weekly, was actually quite irregular (the eighth issue came out only on October 10, 1944) but increased the number of pages over time, which in the last numbers reached 16, including the two color cover.

In January 1945 “La Cambusa” was replaced by ” The horizon “whose first issue (January 20, 1945), with 12 pages including a color photographic insert, attracted the ire of the Ministry of Popular Culture which, due to the deficiency of paper, had authorized a publication of only 10 pages and ordered that from the second number The number of pages was reduced to 6. Order disregarded, so much so that it is the second number (February 5, 1945) that the third and last issue (12 February 1945) came out on 8 pages, being distributed on the streets and in some newsstands manned by soldiers of the XITO Mas. ” The horizon “, subtitled” current weekly “, assumed a more political cut compared to the previous magazine by addressing topics that had previously been left on the margins. The question of anti -Semitism was addressed by the general inspector for the breed Giovanni Preziosi, who began to write articles strongly anti -Semites, in which he advocated the theory of the Jewish conspiracy: “It is historically shown that the current war was wanted, implemented and prepared by Judaism, which had the main tool as the masonry …”

There were also numerous magazines published by the individual departments of the XIO, including “Our things” of the women’s auxiliary service, “XTE Barbarigo” of the homonymous battalion, “Franchise” of the battalion swimmers Paracadusti e “The resolved” of the “resolved” battalion in Genoa [77]

A total of at least 466 soldiers of the XIo Mas Flottiglia of the Republican Navy were awarded decorations to the military value of the Italian Social Republic [N 52] . Among them:

4 gold medals for military valor [78] [79] (all granted to memory) [N 53]
* Guardiamarina Alessandro Tognoloni [N 54] , “Barbarigo” battalion, Latina cistern 24/5/1944 [N 55]
* MANUFTING ALFONSO Guadagni, Battalion “N.P” and Information Service xo Mas, Nisida 14/6/1944
* Lieutenant of Vascello Leone Bognani, Todaro gold medal group, Cerignale 28/6/1944
* Greater naval genius Umberto Bardelli, “Barbarigo” battalion, Ozegna 8/7/1944 [N 56]
At the time of the rendering of the RSI, four other proposals were still being examined by the assignment commission, namely:

* S.TEN. Sergio Denti, surface assault department, Tyrrhenian Sea 1944-1945 (living)
* Marò Giorgio Agostini, battalion “Sagittarius”, Casali Nenzi 25/12/1944 (in memory)
* Marò Eugenio Bampi, battalion “Fulmine”, Tarnova della Selva 18/1/1945 (in memory)
* S.TEN. Giovanni Biggio, detachment “Umberto Cumero”, Sommariva Pivio 14/4/1945 (in memory) [N 57]
96 silver medals for military valor
122 bronze medals for military valor
245 War crosses to military value
To which are added 122 solemn ecooms, always granted by RSI.

At the command x Flottiglia Mas was assigned [80] :
FP. 80015 (from 4.5.1944) and the FP 81200 (from 5.3.1945);
to La Spezia PDC.781;
in Milan PDC.795;
to Lonato (BS) PDC.755.

  1. ^ The redundant “ª” orderly to the Roman number (already in itself ordinal in Italian military use), despite being an error, was nevertheless officially part of the name of the department since its constitution.
  2. ^ The press and propaganda office was established in Spezia on 9 September 1943 and dissolved in Milan on April 26, 1945, and structured as follows:
  3. ^ Established in Rome in 1944 as the assistance center for the wounded in influx from the Nettunia front, it was subsequently transferred to La Spezia and then to Sulzano for a training course. A second course was held in Grandola, and a third to Col di Luna.
  4. ^ Officer of the Republican National Guard
  5. ^ After the orders of the Lt. Umberto Bertozzi
  6. ^ After the orders of Gen. Giuseppe Corrado, of the National Republican Army. Formed in La Spezia on May 1, 1944
  7. ^ The name of the department fell quickly in disuse after the return of the 3rd “San Marco” Infantry Division of the National Republican Army from training in Germany (July 1944). The command of the regiment performed purely administrative functions, without any concrete tactic use, and from 11 February 1945 it was reorganized in the 1st combat group, absorbing elements of the artillery and divisional support units
  8. ^ After the orders of Cap. Giuseppe Valluri, T.V. Alberto Marchesi and T.V. Guido Cencetti. Established in November 1943, it distinguished itself in combat on the Nettunia front and in the defense of Rome. He subsequently participated in the fighting against the Yugoslav partisans in the areas of the Cansiglio forest, in the Goriziano and in the Selva di Tarnova. From 11 February 1945 it was framed in the 1st combat group of the “Decima Division”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • Arditi Platone explorers
    • 1st company “Decima” (then “Bardelli”)
    • 2nd company “Scirè”
    • 3rd company “Iride”
    • 4th company “Tarigo” (then “San Giorgio”)
    • 5th Company Cannoni (65/17)
    • Volunteer Company “The Last”

  9. ^ After the orders of Cap. Dante Strapoli. Established in La Spezia on March 12, 1944. He operated in an anti -partisan function in Garfagnana, Lunigiana and Piedmont, before being transferred to the front on the Senio line. From 11 February 1945 it was framed in the 1st combat group of the “Decima Division”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st Company
    • 2nd Company
    • 3rd Company
    • 4th Company
    • 5th company cannons

  10. ^ Established in La Spezia on 27 October 1943. Initially divided into detachments (1st cp. In defense of the Ministry of the Navy in Montecchio Maggiore, 4th of the Cp Asiago) subsequently participated in anti -partisan actions in Piedmont and fighting against the Yugoslav partisans in Friuli and Venezia Giulia. From 11 February 1945 it was framed in the 1st combat group of the “Decima Division”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st Company
    • 2nd Company
    • 3rd Company
    • 4th Nesgap Company (swimmers Explorers Sabotatori Ardito Paratheredist Guastators) “Ceccacci”

  11. ^ The name of the department fell quickly in disuse after the establishment of the BN. Autonomo “Scirè”. The command of the regiment performed purely administrative functions, without any concrete tactic use, and from 11 February 1945 it was reorganized in the 2nd combat group, absorbing elements of the artillery and divisional support units
  12. ^ After the orders of the T.V. Giuseppe Orrù and T.V. Elio Bini. Established in La Spezia in March 1944. He operated in an anti -partisan function in Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Veneto and Friuli, distinguishing himself in combat against the Yugoslav partisans in the battle of Tarnova. From 11 February 1945 it was framed in the 2nd combat group of the “Decima division”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st Company Bersaglieri Cyclists
    • 2nd Company Volunteer Cyclists
    • 3rd (then 4th) Company accompanying weapons
    • 3rd company “Volunteers of France” (from 27 October 1944)

  13. ^ Established in Pavia on 29 September 1943 with patented staff at the Banne genius Guastatori school. The department joined the 10th in March 1944, participating with the rest of the division to the raids in the Ivrea area and then moved to Friuli in the Goriziano and in Val Meduna, distinguishing itself in combat against the Yugoslave formations. From 11 February 1945 it was framed in the 2nd combat group of the “Decima Division”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st company “Aquila”
    • 2nd “Hurricane” Company
    • 3rd Company accompanying weapons
    • 4th “Serenissima” company

  14. ^ Established in La Spezia in April 1944 starting from the dissolved autonomous “never dead” company. He participated in the large anti -partisan raids in Piedmont and then moved to Friuli against the Yugoslav partisans in the Salcano area, distinguishing himself in the fights of Casali Nenzi. From 11 February 1945 it was framed in the 2nd combat group of the “Decima Division”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st Company
    • 2nd Company
    • 3rd Company
    • 4th Compagnia Mortai

  15. ^ Established starting from February 1944 in La Spezia. The command of the regiment performed purely administrative functions, without any concrete tactic use, and from 11 February 1945 its operating units were absorbed in the 1st and 2nd combat group.
  16. ^ After the orders of the T.V.luigi d’Angelo. Format in La Spezia in March 1944, from 11 February 1945 it was framed in the 2nd combat group of the “Decima Division”. The group was structured as follows:
    • Command and battery command
    • 1st battery
    • 2nd battery
    • 3rd battery

  17. ^ Established in La Spezia in March 1944. The group operated in support of the units of the division against the Yugoslavs and 11 February 1945 was framed in the 1st combat group of the “Decima Division”. The denomination of the department was a typo that entered the consolidated use, as well as the redundant “ª” of the abbreviation “Xito”: the correct name should be “of Giussano” and not “from Giussano”. The group was structured as follows:
    • Command and battery command
    • 4th battery
    • 5th battery
    • 6th battery

  18. ^ After the orders of the T.V. Luigi D’Angelo and Cap. Gaspare Pietrencosta. Format in La Spezia in March 1944. The group participated in the fighting on the Nettunia front in support of the “Barbarigo” battalion. Dissted in June 1944, it was reconstituted as a mountain artillery group, operating in the Veneto and Friulian sector but without ever reaching the expected staff. It was structured as follows:
    • April-June 1944
      • Command
      • 1st “Speranza” battery (75/27)
      • 2nd “lightning” battery (105/28)
    • From August 1944
      • Command and battery command
      • 7th battery (75/13)
      • 8th battery (75/13)
      • 9th battery (75/13)

  19. ^ Part of the 1st combat group of the “Decima Division”.
  20. ^ Format in La Spezia in February 1944 in the framework of the establishment of the divisional support units. He supported the activities of the combat departments against the Yugoslav partisans, and subsequently joined the 1st combat group of the “Decima Division”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st Company
    • 2nd Company
    • 3rd Company

  21. ^ After the orders of the C.C. Raffaello Allegri. Entitled to the memory of the C.C. gold medal Curzio Castagnaggi, commander of the XIX Flottiglia Mas in the Black Sea and then of the 5th Motosilizing Flottiglia in Sicily. Established in March 1944, initially as a garrison unit to protect the territorial bodies of the Republican Navy located on Lake Maggiore. He operated on an anti -partisan function in Val d’Ossola and Valle Strona, and then be absorbed in the “Decima Division” as complements battalion. He subsequently joined the 2nd combat group of the “Decima Division”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st Company (from September 1944)
    • 2nd Company
    • 3rd Company

  22. ^ Established in La Spezia in February 1944, he worked in the training of the staff of the special departments of the division first at the Lido di Camaiore, then in Piacenza and in Portese sul Garda.
  23. ^ Established in June 1944 in Bordeaux (France) with Betasom redundancy staff. He returned to Italy in August 1944.
  24. ^ Established in Montecchio Maggiore in January 1945, with elements from the “resolved” battalion, he worked as a garrison of the local command of the National Republican National Navy.
  25. ^ Established in Genoa in March 1944, he remained until the end framed by only non -commissioned officers with the exception of the medical officer and two army lieutenants. He provided personal to the battalions “Lupo”, “Barbarigo” and “Pegaso” and the detachment “Milan”. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st coast company
    • 2nd coast company
    • 3rd coast company
    • 4th Coast Company
    • 5th Coast Company
    • Sampierdarena coast battery
    • Sanremo coast battery
    • Sturla coast battery (Genoa)

  26. ^ Established in Trieste in December 1944, always remaining part of the city garrison. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and platoon command
    • 1st Company
    • 2nd Company
    • 3rd Company

  27. ^ Established in Arona in May 1944 with ex-Sommergitist staff in defense of the School Means of assault of Sesto Calende surface. The battalion was structured as follows:
    • Command and command company
    • 1st Company
    • 2nd Company
    • 3rd Company

  28. ^ After the orders of the C.C. Tito Burattini and of the C.C. Orazio Infascelli. Established in Venice in February 1944, with garrison tasks. A company was detached in support of the “avalanche” battalion in Val Meduna and in the Selva di Tarnova.
  29. ^ Established in Montorfano in May 1944 as a roofing unit for the training of sabotors and informants.
  30. ^ Entitled in memory of the chosen Marò Umberto Cumero del B,. “Scirè”, killed on October 14, 1944 in Turin. Established in Turin in March 1944, in defense of the Fiat establishments.
  31. ^ Established in Milan in June 1944 on the strength of a company with garrison duties, then used for the defense of the command of the 10th in Piazza Fiume and reinforced with a company of the “resolved” battalion and the dissolved operating company “or”.
  32. ^ After the orders of Lieutenant Alessandro Pocek and T.V. Mario Succi. Established in Rome in 1944 for administrative tasks, served as a stop command for the “Barbarigo” battalion and from the recruitment center.
  33. ^ Established in Turin in June 1944 on the strength of a company with garrison, subsequently absorbed the “Umberto Cumero” detachment and other units until it assumes the consistency of a battalion.
  34. ^ Established in Ravenna on December 1, 1944, it served as a garrison of the island of Chero.
  35. ^ Established in Fiume in May 1944 with garrison duties.
  36. ^ Established in Trieste in October 1943, she was subsequently transferred to Novara and then dissolved to La Spezia for disciplinary reasons.
  37. ^ Established in La Spezia in July 1944 in defense of the command of the XIO. When the command moved to Milan, it was absorbed by the local detachment.
  38. ^ Established in Pula with redundant staff of the 3rd Infantry Division of Marina “San Marco” of the RSI for the protection of the local CB submarine base.
  39. ^ Established in Gavirate in February 1945, it initially served in defense of the General Staff of the Republican Navy in Lonato and then in defense of the command of the XITO in Milan.
  40. ^ After the orders of the C.C. Cesare Biffignandi, T.V. Alberto Stefani, T.V. Giorgio Omodeo Andrea and T.V. Michele Leo. Established in Lerici in January 1944 starting from the recovery boats of the local Mas section. He later operated from Porto Santo Stefano, Bocca d’Arno, again Lerici and finally Sanremo.
  41. ^ After the orders of the T.V. Ongarillo Ungarelli and Cap. G.N. Umberto Andreoli of Sovico. It was the formative nucleus of the Xth Mas of the RSI, formed by the original elements of the assault vehicles of the Xito Mas of the Royal Navy who did not get stuck after September 8, 1943. Originally to La Spezia, he moved to Sesto Calende.
  42. ^ After the orders of the T.V. Mario Rossetto. Established in La Spezia in January 1944, she worked in the transport and recovery of the informants behind the allied lines.
  43. ^ After the orders of the T.V. Gustavo Fracassini and T.V. Sergio Nesi. Established in January 1944, initially based in Terracina and Fiumicino, then transferred to Marina di Pisa. Deactivated in August 1944.
  44. ^ After the orders of the T.V. Gustavo Fracassini and T.V. Pier Paolo Magretti. Established on August 17, 1944. Based in Villefranche-sur-Mer (France) then in Sanremo.
  45. ^ After the orders of the S.T.V. Mario Cavallo. Formed on February 5, 1945. Operating from the island of Brioni, on the coasts of Istria.
  46. ^ Established in January 1944. Based in Portofino and subsequently transferred to Portorose (Istria).
  47. ^ Established in La Spezia in December 1943 to operate on the SLC and SSB underwater assault media, it had no operational use for the lack of approaching means.
  48. ^ After the orders of the T.V. Luigi Ferraro. Established in La Spezia on September 15, 1943 to frame the “range” assault swimmers (G = Guastators) of the XIO. Initially based in La Spezia, she was subsequently transferred to Valdagno.
  49. ^ Established in Genoa in November 1943, he should have provided the crew and support for the submarine Aradam , recovered from the self -employment, whose repair and transformation works in submarine approach for the SLC and SSB were never completed. The group was dissolved in September 1944, after the submarine still in the preparation during a bombing
  50. ^ Based in La Spezia, she framed the CA.1 class pocket submarines, CA.3 and CA.4, recovered from the self -employment. It was no operational use, dissolved in May 1944
  51. ^ Based in Pola, the squadron framed the pocket submarine cm.1 cm and the equal class cm.2 (never completed), and the CB class pocket submarines (from CB.13 to cb.26, the last five never completed or tested). Carried out a limited training and informed transport activity.
  52. ^ The Italian Republic does not recognize the contributions of medals, decorations and honors granted by the Italian Social Republic.
  53. ^ The gold medal for the military valor of the R.S.I. It could be granted, by regulation, only to memory. See Acta of the Foundation of the R.S.I. – Historical Institute n.23, page 8
  54. ^ The Movm was granted to memory, ignoring that the GM Tognoloni, prisoner of the Americans, had actually survived the very serious injuries sustained.
  55. ^ Motivation of the medal: officer of PLOTONE OF PLOTONE SHOP sent in reinforcement to a hard -tested department, he managed with his men to contain the overflowing opposing pressure for many hours. Invited by the superiors to collect the platoon now hard proven, he insisted on leading him once again to the counterattack. Wounded, to those who tried to help him, ordered not to think about him. Dragged into the Italian lines and given the now unsustainable situation, after having with great coldness given to the few survivors the provisions for the folding and ensured that the movement was carried out with the rescue of all the weapons, was thrown against the enemy’s crazy enemy with the gun In hand and launching the latest hand bombs, until it was overwhelmed by the advanced enemy armored forces. Wonderful example of conscious, heroic sacrifice for the honor and greatness of the homeland. Front of Cisterna, 23 May 1944.
  56. ^ Motivation of the medal: superior officer of beautiful qualities and proven experience, supported by a momentum and a faith without limits, three times decorated with value; First commander of Barbarigo, who for his overwhelming initiative first aligned with the Germanic allies on the head of Ponte di Nettuno, voluntarily and consciously went with the small forces in an area notoriously infested with rebellious bands. Arriving in the square of the town of Ozegna, he tried to exercise persuasion on the skids deprecating the fratricidal struggle desired and subsidized by the gold of the enemies of the homeland. Betrayed together with his few men by predominant forces who ordered him the surrender responded with a clear refusal and made a sign of violent fire of automatic weapons posted at the outlets of the access routes to the square fought with Leonino Furore continuously inciting the few men of he had. Hit a first time in the arm he continued to shoot with one hand, hit a second time at one leg continued to fire until the ammunition exhaustion. Again, he fell upset by a ride in the chest with the name of Italy on the lips. Fulgid example of heroism, of the highest sense of honor, of attachment to duty and complete dedication to the adored homeland. Ozegna, July 8, 1944.
  57. ^ In reality, the Biggio, seriously injured, had been captured by the partisans. He was shot a week after the end of the war in Roreto di Cherasco, on 10/5/1945)
  1. ^ Cfr. a p. 67 In an Antonio Pieto, Guerriglia and against guerrilla warfare: a military balance of the Resistance, 1943-1945 . Valdagno, G. Rossato, 1997 .
  2. ^ Giorgio Bocca, History of partisan Italy , p. 478.
  3. ^ a b c d Guido Bonvicini, Tenth sailors! Tenth commander! , Mursia, Milan.
  4. ^ a b c Giorgio Pisanò, The last in grayoverde , CED, 1967.
  5. ^ Giorgio Pisanò, History of the Civil War in Italy , CED, 1964 ET. at the.
  6. ^ De Gasperi: even those of Salo ‘defended Trieste – Corriere della Sera 11 October 1996 . are ArchivioSticico.Corriere.it . URL consulted on 19-08-2008 .
  7. ^ G. mouth, History of partisan Italy , p. 479-480.
  8. ^ Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, the Black Prince, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and the XTE Mas, Oscar Mondadori, 2008, p. 198.
  9. ^ Silvio Bertoldi, Salvò Vita and Death of the Italian Social Republic, BUR, 2005, page 151.
  10. ^ Silvio Bertoldi, Salvò Vita and Death of the Italian Social Republic, BUR, 2005, page 158.
  11. ^ a b Giampaolo Pansa, Il Gladio and Laurel, the Scie, Mondadori Editore, Milan, 1991, page 186.
  12. ^ Silvio Bertoldi, Salvò Vita and Death of the Italian Social Republic, BUR, 2005, page 153-157.
  13. ^ Sole De Felice, ” The tenth Flottiglia Mas and Venice Giulia 1943-1945 “, Edizioni sevento Sigillo, Rome, 2003, pag. 53, security report of the captain of Vascello Agostino Calosi responsible for the information office of the Regia Marina del Sud during the trial held against Borghese on November 24, 1948” in the specific case of the X Flottiglia Mas I must say that precise orders never came to this command, although by the same also urged by telephone “.
  14. ^ a b Silvio Bertoldi, Salvò Vita and Death of the Italian Social Republic, BUR, 2005, p. 156.
  15. ^ Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, the Black Prince, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and the XTE Mas, Oscar Mondadori, 2008, p. 160: “The Germans made numerous attempts to penetrate the barracks of the 10th Mas, but, as bourgeois wrote, We all rejected them despite the enormous disproportion of forces . Nobody has ever doubted it and, indeed the firmness shown by the flotilla in the circumstance has often been taken for example of what would have been possible to do in those difficult days if it could have been counted on equally motivated units “.
  16. ^ a b Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, the Black Prince, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and the XTE Mas, Oscar Mondadori, 2008, p. 161.
  17. ^ Giorgio Pisanò, on. Cit. «Whoever wants to stay with me to defend the flotilla, remains. I don’t leave. But who of you have valid reasons to try to reach families tell me. It will be placed immediate license, except for the call that I will do as soon as the circumstances will allow it ».
  18. ^ Emanuele Mastrangelo, The songs of the Littorio , The Scarabeo, Bologna, 2005.
  19. ^ G. Bonvicini, on. Cit. , p. 79. Fifteen officers asked and obtained a regular leave of leave from bourgeois so as not to have to participate in the anti -partisan raids.
  20. ^ Emanuele Mastrangelo, The deserters in the RSI . are The second Risorgimento , III/2004.
  21. ^ And extract from the book by Aurelio Lepre, The history of the Republic of Mussolini. Salò: the time of hatred and violence , Mondadori, 1999, ISBN 88-04-48141-2.
  22. ^ Interview To Piero Vivarelli.
  23. ^ Sergio Nesi, Tenth Flottiglia Nostra …, Mursia, Milan, 1986, p. 59.
  24. ^ Andrea Lombardi, Commander Bardelli, Effepi Edizioni, Genoa, 2005, p. 24.
  25. ^ Carlo Cocut, Armed Forces of the R.S.I. On the Gothic line, Marvia Edizioni, Milan, 2011, p. 255.
  26. ^ Paolo Senise, The landing in Anzio and Nettuno – January 22, 1944 , Milan, Mursia, 1994, p. 72, ISBN 978-88-4251-621-7 ..

    “The fascist newspapers that were printed in Rome brought the chronicles of war from the Nettuno front”

  27. ^ Carlo Chevallard, Diary 1942-1945: Cronache of War Time by King of Riccardo Maris, blue Editions, 2005, p. 252.

    “Our radio spoke yesterday of an offensive on the Nettuno front.”

  28. ^ Giuseppe Rocco, The military organization of the RSI at the end of the Second World War , Greco & Greco Editori, 1998, p. 46.
  29. ^ Pier Arrigo Carnier, The missing extermination , Mursia, p. 113.
  30. ^ Nino Arena, History of the Armed Forces of the RSI , vol. 3.
  31. ^ Our Rossi, Bradley Smith. Sunrise operation , Mondadori; Pier Arrigo Carnier, The missing extermination , Mursia.
  32. ^ Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, the Black Prince, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and the XTE Mas, Oscar Mondadori, 2008, p. 180 “The gradual advance of the Communists of Tito in Istria explains why, at a certain point, Borghese made openings to the allies, in particular to the Italian Navy of the South ..”.
  33. ^ Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, the Black Prince, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and the XTE Mas, Oscar Mondadori, 2008, pages. 182-183: “The SIS, led by the captain of Vascello Agostino Calosi, had received precise instructions from the Admiral De Courten, who became Chief of General Staff of the Navy. The idea was to land in Istria without making use of the help of the allies , so as not to disturb the relationships with Tito “.
  34. ^ Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, the Black Prince, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and the XTE Mas, Oscar Mondadori, 2008, p. 180 “In any case, the allies rejected these advances, perhaps with a certain recklessness” “.
  35. ^ Sergio Nesi, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese. A prince, a commander, an Italian, p. 403, Lo Scarabeo, Bologna, 2004 “Roosevelt and Eisenhower did not want to break absolutely with” L’Amico Stalin “whose utmost esteem and also the Yalta agreements could not be thrown to the air”.
  36. ^ “March ’44: after the assault on the train the massacre of Valmozzola Station”, article of the Gazzetta di Parma. https://www.gazzettadiparma.it/news/provincia/68218/marzo–44–dopo-l.html
  37. ^ Massimiliano Capra Casadio, The tenth Mas by Junio ​​Valerio Borghese, the German commands and the partisan formations ( PDF ), in The paths of research , vol. 5, Piero Ginocchi Study Center, June 2007, pp. 61-94, ISSN 1826-7920 ( WC · Acnp ) (archived by URL Original on 11 May 2019) .
  38. ^ ibidem; as well as Pisanò, on. citi .
  39. ^ commemorative plaque on the spot.
  40. ^ a b Sergio Nesi, Ozegna, 8 July 1944, Lo Scarabeo, Bologna, 2008.
  41. ^ Mario Bordogna, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and the XTE Flottiglia Mas, Mursia, Milan, 2007.
  42. ^ About the catches or – according to the military jargon of the then “pre -graduates” of military free exit or licensed – see Giorgio Pisanò, The last in grayoverde , cit., Voll. I and II, in particular with regard to the provisions of the gen. Flour on the safety of the military free out.
  43. ^ Ricciotti Lazzero, “La Decima Mas”, pages. 95-96, Garzanti, Milan, 1984.
  44. ^ “Carmela” National Ferruccio .
  45. ^ Memory itineraries Filed On November 19, 2007 on the Internet Archive., From the Anpi di Ivrea website.
  46. ^ Article of the weekly Panorama on the book “Civil War 1943-1945-1948. A photographic story” Filed On March 26, 2009 in the Internet Archive., by Chessa Pasquale.
  47. ^ Events – The events of Valmozzola of March 1944 .
  48. ^ About Decima Mas , from the reporting site of the work of training Digilander.libero.it/ladecimamas .
  49. ^ The battle and the oven massacre , from the site Resistenzatoscana.it .
  50. ^ Ricciotti Lazzero, “La Decima Mas”, pages. 104-105, Garzanti, Milan, 1984.
  51. ^ Massacre of Borgo Ticino , from the reporting site of the work of training Digilander.libero.it/ladecimamas .
  52. ^ a b The massacre of Borgo Ticino (no) Filed On May 13, 2008 in the Internet Archive., From the Anpi website.
  53. ^ You see http://digilander.iol.it/ladecimamas/stragi2.htm
  54. ^ Guadine massacre (ms) , from the reporting site of the work of training Digilander.libero.it/ladecimamas .
  55. ^ The massacres of civilians in Tuscany (April-September 1944) Filed On May 1, 2008 in the Internet Archive., From the Site Studi della Resistenza website.
  56. ^ The massacre of Castelletto Ticino (no) Filed On July 2, 2007 on the Internet Archive., From the Anpi website.
  57. ^ According to other sources, they were five inmates for common crimes, unrelated to resistance. You see http://digilander.iol.it/ladecimamas/stragi4.htm
  58. ^ Massacre of castelletto ticino Filed May 10, 2006 on the Internet Archive. He reports extracts from a report by the Decima officer involved and the entire report of a partisan witness.
  59. ^ The massacre of Crocetta del Montello (TV) , from the reporting site of the work of training Digilander.libero.it/ladecimamas .
  60. ^ The massacre of Crocetta del Montello (TV) , from the old anpi website
  61. ^ http://www.ultimacrocaa.it/upload/files/ ring
  62. ^ Antonio Serena, The ghosts of Cansiglio, Mursia, Milan 2011, p. 86 ff.
  63. ^ a b The “businesses” of the Decima Mas – a career of theft and robberies Filed On 12 December 2012 on the Internet Archive., From the Anpi website.
  64. ^ Proceedings of the trial against Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and others, Court of Assizes of Rome, 21-22 January 1949 “” The Court, given the articles … declares Junio ​​Valerio Borghese, Ungarelli Ongarillo, Judge Guido and Marinucci Filippo, guilty of the crime of military collaboration. The participation in the murder events of Borgo Ticino, Castelletto Ticino, Crocetta di Montello, as well as that of looting “, excluded for Valerio Borghese. The latter were the facts attributed for war crimes.” The bourgeois to 12 years of imprisonment condemns, […]. Condered: 9 years to Junio ​​Valerio Borghese “.
  65. ^ See the extract from the list found in 1994 at the Military Public Prosecutor’s Office in Italy for only positions that recall to military Mas Mas , reported on the website of the work of training Digilander.libero.it/ladecimamas .
  66. ^ Sergio Nesi, Tenth Flottiglia Nostra … , Edizioni Mursia, Milan, 1986, p. 303.
  67. ^ cfr. infra.
  68. ^ Cfr, National Archives and Recording administration, RG226 Records of OSS, faldoni vari; Sergio Nesi, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese , The Scarabeo, Bologna.
  69. ^ Sergio Nesi, in the same place .
  70. ^ Sergio Nesi, Tenth Flottiglia Nostra … , The Scarabeo, Bologna, 2008.
  71. ^ Carlo Cucut, The armed forces of the RSI , Trentino modeling and historical research group group.
  72. ^ G.Bonvicini, Tenth sailors! Tenth commander! The infantry of Marina 1943-1945, Milan, Mursia, 1998, p. 183.
  73. ^ Year VI – 1997, n ° 5 – De Padua .
  74. ^ https://ricercca.gelocal.it/lanuovasardegna/archivio/lanuovasardega/2010/01/28/st7PO_st701.html
  75. ^ http://xoomer.virgilio.it/ramius/militaria/xmas_reparti_costituiti.html
  76. ^ For information on all the magazines of the XTE MAS See https://www.ereticamente.net 2018/07/decima-flottiglia-m-a-s-propaganda-per-la-riscossa-xxii-parte-gianluca-padovan.html Filed On September 19, 2020 in the Internet Archive.
  77. ^ Centro Studi Italian Repubblica Italiana – The last fascism told by the Ligurian newspapers . are www.centrorsi.it . URL consulted on November 13, 2022 .
  78. ^ 79 – Gold register of value Filed January 15, 2010 on the Internet Archive ..
  79. ^ Acta of the Foundation of the R.S.I. – Historical Institute n.106, pages 8-9
  80. ^ The “Decima Flottiglia Mas” . are xflottigliamas.it , xflottigliamas (archived by URL Original May 29, 2010) .
  • Edited by Victoria De Grazia and Sergio Luzzatto, Dictionary of Fascism , first volume, Einaudi Editore, 2002
  • Nino Arena, History of the Armed Forces of the RSI , Ermanno Albertelli
  • Guido Bonvicini, Tenth sailors! Tenth commander! , Mursia, Milan
  • Mario Bordogna, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese and the XTE Flottiglia Mas , Mursia, Milan, 2007. ISBN 978-88-425-387777
  • Sergio Bozza, Tenth! Ennepì tell each other , GRECO E GRECO, 1997 ISBN 978-88-7980-132-4
  • Nino buttazzons, Only for the flag. The paratrooper swimmers of the Navy , Mursia, Milan, 2002
  • Arrigo Carnier, The missing extermination , Mursia, Milan
  • Sole De Felice, The tenth Flottiglia Mas and Venice Giulia 1943-1945 , Ease seal
  • Aurelio Lepre, The history of the Republic of Mussolini. Salò: the time of hatred and violence , Mondadori, 1999, ISBN 88-04-48141-2
  • R.Maculan, M.Gamberini, Lightning Battalion – x Flottiglia Mas , Menin Edizioni, Schio (VI), 2009 ISBN 978-88-89275-11-5
  • Sergio Nesi, Tenth Flottiglia Nostra … , The Scarabeo, Bologna, 2008
  • Sergio Nesi, Junio ​​Valerio Borghese. A prince, a commander, an Italian , The Scarabeo, Bologna, 2004
  • Sergio Nesi, Ozegna, July 8, 1944 , Lo Scarabeo, Bologna, 2008 ISBN 978-88-8478-16-1
  • Sergio Nesi, Revisiting stories already known by a well -known flotilla – second part , The Scarabeo, Bologna, 2000
  • Marino Perissinotto, Hard to die – History of the Barbarigo battalion , Ermanno Albertelli
  • Giorgio Pisanò, The last in grayoverde , CdL Edizioni, Milan, 1994
  • Giorgio Pisanò, History of the Civil War in Italy , CdL Edizioni, Milan, 1994
  • Giuseppe Rocco, The military organization of the RSI at the end of the Second World War , Greco & Greco Editori, Milan 1998
  • Federico Maistrello, The X Mas and the office “I”. Violence between the provinces of Treviso and Pordenone (1944-1945) , ISTRESCO, 2018.
