1748 – Wikipedia

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With the Peace of Aachen
the Austrian War ends.

Montesquieu published in Geneva Of the spirit of the Loix .

Leonhard Euler discovered
The Euler identity.

1748 in other calendars
Armenian calendar 1196/97 (year of July)
Ethiopian calendar 1740/41 (10./11. September)
Bengalcher Solaragalender 1153/54 (beginning of April 14th or 15th)
Buddhist era 2291/92 (southern Buddhism); 2290/91 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana)
Chinese calendar 74. (75th) cycle

Year of the earth kite 龙辰 (at the beginning of the year fire hare 丁卯)

Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai-Kalender (Vietnam) 1110/11 (the turn of April)
Dangun-Is (Korea) 4081/82 (2./3. October)
Iranian calendar 1126/27 (around March 21)
Islamic calendar 1160/ 1161 /1162 (turn of the year January 1/2 // 21./22 December)
Jewish calendar 5508/09 (22./23. September)
Coptic calendar 1464/65 (10./11. September)
Malayalam-kalender 923/924
Selbeidide roma Babylon: 2058/59 (April’s turn of April)

Syria: 2059/60 (turn of the year October)

Vikram Sambat (Calendar nepalesischer) 1804/05 (turn of April)

Politics and world events [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Austrian War of Succession [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The siege of Maastricht
Contemporary allegory on the peace of Aachen

Further events in the empire [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Duke Ernst August II of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach

South and West Asia [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • April 29: Ahmad Shah follows his father Muhammad Shah after his death as an Indian great mogul. Ahmad Shah is considered kind -hearted, but without will, uneducated and militarily inexperienced. The actual state authority lies with his Prime Minister Safdar Jang, who, however, does not manage to consolidate the mogul rich in Muhammad Sham Sham. Around a third of the army deserts because the empire is unable to pay the wage.
  • June 1: Four sons and a grandson argue about the successor of the late ASAF JAH I. as Prince of Hyderabad.
  • September 29: Ebrāhim Shah Afschār puts off his brother Adil Shah and lets him dazzle. On December 8th he could be appointed Shah of Persia in Tabris. But two months earlier, Shah Ruch, the grandson Nadir Schahs, was set up in Maschhad.

Timor [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Business [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

science and technology [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • February 1st: Twelve Bremen students of the illustrious reasons Bremen German Society , a patriotic language and scholarly company that aims to maintain history, literature, rhetoric and poetry “for the benefit of people” in the sense of education. The German society, which was created in Leipzig in 1727, is a model.
  • April 6: Under the direction of Roque Joaquín de Alcubierre, search excavations start on the site of the former Pompeii, which he considers to be stabilized. With his methods of treasure trove, Alcubierre creates numerous destruction, which are only alleviated by the influence of his scientific assistant Karl Weber.
  • Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu published his main work in Geneva Anonymously Of the spirit of the Loix (dt. From the spirit of the law ), in which he deals with the separation of powers, among other things.
  • David Hume published in London An investigation into human mind .
  • The Abbé Jean-Antoine Nollet discovers the appearance of the dispersion (osmosis processes) with the help of wine spirit and water, which it includes in a pork bubble.
  • Leonhard Euler discovers Euler’s identity, that is the relation between the Euler number
    e{displaystyle e}

    and the Ludolf number π{displaystyle pi }

    In the equation eiπ=−1{displaystyle {Begin {Matrix} e^{MATHRM {I}, pi} = end {matrix}}-1;}

Cultural [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Fine art and architecture [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

literature [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Music and theater [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Company [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Religion [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

First quarter [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 January 1st: Giovanni Furno, Italian composer († 1837)
  • 0 January 6: Jean-Melchior The Abadie, Fundie, FundIsi military military († 1820)
  • 0 January 7th: David Gilly, Prussian master builder († 1808)
  • January 10: Franziska von Hohenheim, Duchess of Württemberg († 1811)
  • January 10: Christian Gottlob Biener, German lawyer († 1828)
  • January 12: Ludwig Gottfried Madihn, German University Teacher and University Rector († 1834)
  • January 13: Francois venue the rosily-mesuses, frenzy admiral († 1832
  • January 27: Marie Anne George (Madame du Titre), French Hugenottin in Berlin († 1827)
  • January 30: Friedrich V., Landgrave of Hessen-Homburg († 1820)
  • 0 February 3: Friederike von Reitzenstein, German writer († 1819)
  • 0 February 4: Matthias Gottfried Eichler, German draftsman and engraver († 1821)
  • 0 February 5: Christian Gottlob Neefe, German composer, organist, conductor and musicologist († 1798)
  • 0 February 6: Adam Weishaupt, German Freemason, author, university lecturer and philosopher, founder of the Order of the Illuminati († 1830)
  • 0 February 9: Luther Martin, one of the founding fathers of the United States († 1826)
  • February 15: Jeremy Bentham, British lawyer and philosopher († 1832)
  • February 20: Euchar of Adam, head of the Vicariate of General in the diocese of Eichstätt († 1830)
  • February 29: Kan Chazan, Japanese poet and scholar († 1828)
  • 0 March 3: Heinrich Johann Otto König, German lawyer and university teacher († 1820)
  • 0 March 8: Daniel Klugkist, German lawyer and local politician, senator and mayor of Bremen († 1814)
  • 0 March 8: Wilhelm V., Prince of Orania and Nassau as well as governors of the Netherlands († 1806)
  • March 21: Franz Ernst Christoph Leuckart, German music publisher, art and music dealer († 1817)
  • 22. März: Samuel Ambrose, Ungarischer Theologe († 1806)
  • 0 0 0 March: Henriette Philippine Zimmer, court lady of Landgrave Wilhelmine Karoline von Hessen-Kassel, aunt of the brothers Grimm († 1815)

Second quarter [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 May 7: Olympe de Gouges, French revolutionary, women’s rights activist and writer († 1793)
  • 0 May 8: Johanna Katharina Morgenstern, German writer († 1796)
  • May 23: Jeremiah Chase, delegate for Maryland in the continental congress († 1828)
  • 0 2. Juni: José Lidón, Spanischer Komponist († 1827)
  • 0 June 3: Jean-Joseph D’Apcher, French noble († 1798)
  • 0 June 8: William Few, delegate for Georgia in the continental congress († 1828)
  • June 19: Carl Albrecht Wilhelm von Auer, Prussian officer and official († 1830)
  • June 22: Thomas Day, English writer († 1789)
  • June 30: Jean Dominique Comte de Cassini, French cartographer and astronomer († 1845)

Third quarter [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 July 8: Johanna Christiana Heyn, German citizen, mother Friedrich Hölderlins († 1828)
  • July 20: Ferdinand Franz Wallraf, German art collector († 1824)
  • July 21: Friedrich Karl Blum, German official († 1826)
  • July 31: Balthasar Alexis Henri Antoine von Schauenburg, French general († 1831)
  • 0 August 8: Johann Friedrich Gmelin, German Chemist († 1804)
  • 0 August 9: Bernhard Schott, German musician and music publisher († 1809)
  • August 11: Friedrich Henneberg, Braunschweigian statesman († 1812)
  • August 11: Joseph Schuster, German Opera Composer († 1812)
  • August 14: Christoph Gottlob Heinrich, German historian († 1810)
  • August 19: Franz Regis Clet, French missionary in China († 1820)
  • August 27: Johann Gottfried Kletschke, German Protestant clergyman († 1806)
  • August 28: Amalie von Gallitzin, Prussian Salonière, co -founder of ‘romantic ’Catholicism († 1806)
  • August 29: James Armstrong, American politician († 1828)
Self-portrait Jacques-Louis David, 1794
  • August 30: Jacques-Louis David, French painter († 1825)
  • September 10: Johan Vibe, Norwegian poet († 1782)
  • September 12: Jean-Michel Huon de Kermadec, French seafarer and discoverer († 1793)
  • September 13: Karl Ambros Glutz-Rüchti, Swiss Catholic clergyman († 1825)
  • September 16: Maria Franzisca von Heppenstein, lady of the Munich Society († 1805)
  • September 17: Maria Karolina, Archduchess of Austria, Princess of Hungary, Bohemia and Tuscany († 1748)
  • September 18: María Micaela Villegas y Hurtado de Mendoza, called La Perricholi, Peruvian actress and mistress of the vice king Manuel de Amat Y Juniet († 1819)
  • September 20: Benjamin Goodhue, American politician († 1814)
  • September 26: Raymond de Sèze, French lawyer († 1828)
  • September 30: Girolamo Ruggia, Swiss Jesuit and university lecturer († 1823)

Fourth Quarter [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 October 7: Karl XIII., King of Sweden and Norway († 1818)
  • 0 October 9: Jakob Adam, Austrian engraver († 1811)
  • 0 October 9: Johann Moritz Heinrich Gericke, German high school teacher and rector († 1826)
  • October 13: Johann Dominik Fiorillo, German painter and art historian († 1821)
  • October 21: Johann Michael Afsprung, Baden teacher and publicist († 1808)
  • October 29: Daniel Smith, American land vermeter, officer and politician († 1818)
  • October 30: Martha Wayles, Virginias Citizen, Wife by Thomas Jefferson († 1782)
  • 0 November 4: Louis Jousisph Charles Abled Alnsertes The Lunnnes, Fundies, Fundsi Policy Ug Military (in 1807)
  • 0 November 8: Erdmann Traugott Reichel, Leipzig merchant († 1832)
  • November 11: Charles IV., King of Spain († 1819)
  • November 14: Friedrich von Dietrich, French scientist and mayor of Strasbourg († 1793)
  • November 24: Gottfried August Arndt, German historian, ethnologist and political scientist († 1819)
  • November 24: Johann Karl Volborth, German Lutheran theologian († 1796)
  • November 30: Jakob Josef von Haus, German lawyer and university lecturer († 1833)
  • 0 December 2: Johannes Petrus Minckeleers, Dutch scientist and inventor († 1824)
  • 0 December 9: Claude-Louis Berthollet, French chemist († 1822)
  • December 14: William Cavendish, 5th Duke of Devonshire, British Adliger († 1811)
  • December 17: James Mitchell Varnum, US General During the War of Independence († 1789)
  • December 20: Jürgen von Ahlefeldt, Deutscher Amtmann († 1823)
  • December 21: Ludwig Christoph Heinrich Hölty, German poet († 1776)

Exact date of birth unknown [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

January to April [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 January 1st: Johann I Bernoulli, Swiss mathematician and doctor (* 1667)
  • January 16: Arnold Drakenborch, Dutch classical philologist (* 1684)
  • January 19: Ernst August I, Duke of Saxony-Weimar and Saxony-Eisenach (* 1688)
  • January 26: Pierre Rameau, French dance master and choreographer (* 1674)
  • January: Ignazio Prota, Italian composer and music teacher (* 1690)
  • 0 February 3: Henry Madin, French composer and Kapellmeister (* 1698)
  • 0 February 4: Gabriel Girard, French Romanist, Slavist, grammar and lexicologist (* 1677)
  • February 10: Benedikt Wilhelm von Ahlefeldt, Herr auf Gut Kaden, Major and District Administrator (* 1678)
  • February 16: Francesco Onorato Grimaldi, Abbot of Monaco and Archbishop of Besançon (* 1669)
  • February 18: Otto Ferdinand von Abensperg and Traun, Austrian Feldmarschall (* 1677)
  • February 21: Antoine Danchet, French writer (* 1671)
  • February 21: Lazare Picault, French seafarer and explorer (* around 1700)
  • Before February 28: Karl Joseph Hiernle, Bohemian sculptor and picture carver (* around 1693)
  • February 28: Hieronymus von Erlach, Swiss General (* 1667)
  • February 28: Johann Rudolf Huber, Swiss painter (* 1668)
  • 0 March 4: Marie Louise Madeleine Victoire d’Argenton, French noble, mistress of Duke Philipp von Orléans (* around 1684)
  • 0 March 7: William Corbett, English composer and violinist (* around 1680)
  • 0 March 8: Jacob Herman Klein, Dutch composer (* 1688)
  • March 13: Heinrich XXV., Count Reuss zu Gera (* 1681)
  • March 17: Pietro Giannone, Italian lawyer, historian and writer (* 1676)
  • March 20: Johann Georg Ziesenis The older, German court painter at the Danish court (* 1681)
  • March 23: Johann Gottfried Walther, German organist, Kapellmeister, composer and musicologist (* 1684)
  • March 24: Coventry Carew, British politician (* around 1716)
  • 0 April 4: Friedrich Grimm, German theologian and senior clergyman of the Reformed regional church of the county of Hanau-Münzenberg, great-grandfather of the Brothers Grimm (* 1672)
  • 0 April 6: David Kellner, German lawyer, poet, organist, music theorist and luteist (* 1670)
  • April 12: William Kent, English architect, garden designer, landscape painter and interior design (* 1685)
  • April 13: Pierre Roques, French-Swiss Protestant clergyman (* 1685)
  • April 16: Muhammad Shah, Großmogul of India (* 1702)
  • April 28: Lorenzo Mattielli, Italian sculptor (* 1687)

May to August [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 May 5: Alessandro Galli Da Bibiena, Italian architect, painter, scenographer and theater engineer (* 1686)
  • May 17: Ambrosius Haude, German bookseller and publisher (* 1690)
  • May 22: ASAF JAH I., Indian noble at the Mogulhof, governor in Dekkan and Prince of Hyderabad (* 1671)

September to December [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • 0 3. September: Thomas Frye, Vizegouverneur der Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (* 1666)
  • 0 September 3: Johann Scheibe, Leipzig organ builder (* around 1675)
  • 0 September 4: Niklaus Tscheer, Swiss Pietist and writer (* 1671)
  • September 15: Dorothea Sophie von der Pfalz, Duchess of Parma and Piacenza (* 1670)
  • September 15: Johann Georg Schmidt, Bohemian painter (* around 1685)
  • September 17: Philipp Gerlach, Prussian architect (* 1679)
  • September 17: Maria Karolina, Archduchess of Austria, Princess of Hungary, Bohemia and Tuscany (* 1748)
  • September 24: Albrecht Wolfgang, German military leader, Graf zu Schaumburg-Lippe (* 1699)

Exact date of death unknown [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

  • Johann Baring, German-English merchant (* 1697)
  • Francisco Xavier Dutel, Portuguese dealer, officer and colonial administrator, governor of Portuguese-Timor and Solor
  • Antoni Fiter I Rossell, Andorran Patrician and Doctor of Rights (* 1706)
  • Johann Gottfried Kemmeter, German architect
  • John Laguerre, French history painter, engraver and singer (* 1688)
  • Nizam and Din Sehalvi, Islamic scholar in India (* 1677)
  • Dirck Trip, Mayor of Amsterdam (* 1691)