[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BlogPosting","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki6\/2017\/01\/26\/the-delegation-wikipedia\/#BlogPosting","mainEntityOfPage":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki6\/2017\/01\/26\/the-delegation-wikipedia\/","headline":"The delegation – Wikipedia","name":"The delegation – Wikipedia","description":"The delegation (Long title: The delegation – a utopian reportage ) is a German science fiction mockmentary by Rainer Erler","datePublished":"2017-01-26","dateModified":"2017-01-26","author":{"@type":"Person","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki6\/author\/lordneo\/#Person","name":"lordneo","url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki6\/author\/lordneo\/","image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/44a4cee54c4c053e967fe3e7d054edd4?s=96&d=mm&r=g","url":"https:\/\/secure.gravatar.com\/avatar\/44a4cee54c4c053e967fe3e7d054edd4?s=96&d=mm&r=g","height":96,"width":96}},"publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Enzyklop\u00e4die","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/wiki4\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/download.jpg","url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/wiki4\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/download.jpg","width":600,"height":60}},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/wiki4\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/download.jpg","url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/wiki4\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/download.jpg","width":100,"height":100},"url":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki6\/2017\/01\/26\/the-delegation-wikipedia\/","wordCount":1213,"articleBody":"The delegation (Long title: The delegation – a utopian reportage ) is a German science fiction mockmentary by Rainer Erler from 1970. The film was produced by ZDF and made in the Bavaria Atelier. The external shots took place in Germany, Canada and at various locations in the USA and Peru. The TV show Current forum Brings a program about the last report by journalist Will Roczinski, who died in a car accident. Numerous film and tape fragments were recovered from the car wreck, which come together in flashbacks into an amazing puzzle. Will Roczinski initially had various UFologists – including a. Hermann Oberth – interviewed at a conference in Mainz, but showed significant skepticism. At the conference, he learns from a UFO viewing in Canada. Then he tries to find out more about the sighting in Canada and goes to the scene of it. He interviews the farmer, who took photos of the UFOs, and meets a Miss Cumber who thinks they have been involved in an experience with extraterrestrial astronauts. She has photos of the astronauts and received a strange little glass pyramid of them with a mysterious electronic part inside. It gives Roczinski the glass pyramid that is examined in the laboratory without tangible result. He researches lawyers, theologians, astronomers and psychiatrists, nobody wants to exclude the existence of extraterrestrials. The journalist later visits a radio telescope. In nearby Elkins, West Virginia, a hobby electronics technician caught a signal from space. When the glass pyramid on its television screen leads to an unexpected reaction, he believes that he is on a hot trace. The research leads him to a professor of astronomy, which is currently in psychiatric treatment. The latter explains that strange phenomena appeared at Nazca (Peru) and that the gods of the past have come back there. Roczinski and his cameraman travel to Nazca and pursue a strange light appearance in the high mountains that disappears behind a hill. When the cameraman has reached the hill, he is fatally hit by lightning. Roczinski flees into the next place with the film material and asks in broken Spanish for a “Medico” (doctor). A villager believes that Roczinski is a doctor himself and leads him to a house. There is a man in astronaut clothing. He has an extremely severe cold and dies shortly afterwards. It is the man the Canadian photographed in her encounter of the third species! Roczinski dies on the return trip in a car accident. At the same time, a UFO is being spotted near the accident. In its first broadcast, on September 9, 1970, the film had a high ratio and caused a sensation because the mockmentary was created like a pseudo documentation. The audience reactions showed that some saw history as authentic. Only the Ufologist conference had actually taken place in a similar form. The corresponding film recordings made the 7th International World Congress from November 3 to 6, 1967 in Mainz, with Rainer Erler being able to use picture and text boards of this congress. When the film was made, the books of the writer Erich von D\u00e4niken made headlines. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe alien who died of cold is similar to the final of the novel war of the Worlds By H. G. Wells. \u201cThe death of a television reporter who worked on a story about flying saucers is researched using authentically acting sound and image documents. An interesting, entertaining television film that does not take a position on the subject of UFOs itself, but the more effective, but conjures up a disturbing state of floating. ” “Excitingly designed, in which the ‘Geiselgasteiger dramaturgy’ uses.” … with his television film “The Delegation”, Rainer Erler did not succeed in giving a symbiosis of factual documentation, skeptical comment and human tragedy. The shipment remained a somewhat smiled at a somewhat smiled “will opening” of the late television reporter Will Roczinsky. For the editors, Rocinczinsky has obviously been the victim of a mystification. The result of his research: there is a delegation of astronauts from another world with us. Serious scientists, but also sectarians and occultists, appear in front of his camera. As a skeptic and realist, he got into the pull of the unlikely. There was no explanation for the viewer, he received no clear statement about the UFOs. AB: Flashback. Document of a tragedy , in: Nordwest newspaper of September 12, 1970, p. 10. … Rainer Erler’s concept may not have been new; However, this does not change the fascination and voltage of this utopian report, which was not due to conclusive answers, but was the realization of a current topic from the science fiction area. Seen yesterday. The delegation , in: Hamburger Abendblatt of September 10, 1970, p. 12. The name of the journalist is consistently written with -i, but once also “Will Roczinsky” (when demonstrating his 8 mm films) and in a telegram even “will Adlzinski”. The Canadian farmer and hobby photographer is called “Robert Tywell” by Roczinski, but in the newspaper you can see his photo with the sub -line “John Tywell”. Rainer Erler later processed his script into a novel that under the title in 1973 The delegation appeared. The film was published in 2005 in a 97 -minute shortened version on DVD. An explanation of Erler from 1980 is included as a bonus, which was shown on television before repeating the film. In the explanation, Erler points out that the story about the journalist is invented in order to prevent renewed audience reactions. Rainer Erler: The delegation. An encounter of the third art. Roman . Updated edition. Ullstein, Frankfurt am Main and Berlin 1995, 299 pages, ISBN 3-548-23590-5. Hans Joachim Alpers, Werner Fuchs, Ronald M. Hahn: Reclams Science-fiction-F\u00fchrer. Claim, Stuttgart 1982, ISBN 3-15-010312-6, S. 147. AB: Flashback. Document of a tragedy. In: Nordwest newspaper of September 12, 1970, p. 10. We are not the only living things! In: Northwestry of September 11, 1970, p. 12. \u2191 The delegation. In: Lexicon of international film. Movie service, accessed on October 8, 2017 . \u2191 Evangelical Press Association Munich, criticism No. 414\/1970. "},{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"BreadcrumbList","itemListElement":[{"@type":"ListItem","position":1,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki6\/#breadcrumbitem","name":"Enzyklop\u00e4die"}},{"@type":"ListItem","position":2,"item":{"@id":"https:\/\/wiki.edu.vn\/all2en\/wiki6\/2017\/01\/26\/the-delegation-wikipedia\/#breadcrumbitem","name":"The delegation – Wikipedia"}}]}]