German Book Prize – Wikipedia

With the German book award ( dbp ) The Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels has been awarding the best German -language novel of the year since 2005 at the start of the Frankfurt Book Fair. In addition to the Frankfurt Book Fair, the partner is the Deutsche Bank Foundation. The German Book Prize was supported by Spiegel-Verlag and Florian and Gabriele Langenscheidt until 2007. Deutsche Welle and Deutschlandfunk cooperate with the Börsenverein. The author of the winning title receives 25,000 euros, the five other finalists receive 2500 euros each.

The award realizes a high -ranking literary price for the German -speaking area, comparable to the Prix Goncourt or the Booker Prize. In contrast to the German Book Prize and its successor, the Prize of the Leipzig Book Fair, five other novels as finalists are highlighted in addition to the main award winner. The doping is equipped accordingly.

The selection process, accompanied by detailed media reports, draggs on for several months. In this way, an increased publicity is achieved for the approximately 20 titles.

The price, according to Christoph Schroeder, is a sales instrument of the Börsenverein of the German Book Trade to strengthen the book trade. [first]

Publishers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland apply with a maximum of two titles from their production, which must have appeared in the period from October of the previous year to September of the award year. The Academy German Book Prize , who, in addition to the Federal Government’s Commissioner for Culture and Media, belongs to nine to ten representatives of the book and media industry, chooses the changing jury annually. This usually consists of writers, journalists and literary booksellers.

The jury sees all submissions and provides a 20 title Longlist Together, which will be published in August of the prize award year. From this selection, the jurors determine six finalists who publish them in September, the so -called Shortlist . On Monday before the Frankfurt Book Fair in October, the award -winning novel will be Kaisersaal the Frankfurt Roman announced.

Most often awarded novels by authors with German citizenship (twelve victories), followed by their colleagues from Austria (two successes) and Switzerland (one victory). So far, no writer has won the German Book Prize more than once.

The publisher with most award winners is Suhrkamp (four victories), followed by S. Fischer, Jung and Jung, Luchterhand, Matthes & Sitz Berlin and Rowohlt (two victories).

In 2008 a debate about the meaning of the price and its modalities developed. [2] Several writers criticized an arbitrary selection according to “extra -literary” criteria [3] as well as the nominated attendance obligation. This was held up to a need to popularize qualitatively demanding literature.

The journalist Wolfram Schütte, on the other hand, referred to the award in accordance with Monika Maron to be a book price. Rather, it is a marketing price that is used “especially the bestseller book trade chains”. In doing so, the world’s unique quality of the German -speaking publisher is lost from sight, since most of the world literature has been translated here. [4]

In October 2014, on time for the awarding of the tenth German book award, a non -fiction book, whose authors deal with the ritual of the award ceremony, the ongoing criticism of the regulations and also the profit novels. In addition, the book contains Game, set and match. 10 years German Book Prize (Ed. Ingo Irsigler & Gerrit Lembke), which was written by Kiel students, exclusive interviews with Uwe Tellkamp, ​​the book award organizer Philippe Genet and Mirko Bonné.

  1. Christoph Schroeder: “Literature does not only consist of topics” from October 18, 2022
  2. “Forum: What is the shortlist good for the German Book Prize 2008?” ( Memento from September 19, 2008 in Internet Archive ) Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, September 17, 2008
  3. Daniel Kehlmann: “Degrading spectacle” ( Memento from September 23, 2008 in Internet Archive ), FAS, 21. September 2008
  4. Wolfram Schütte: Criticism (ER) and the German Book Prize. To promote sales of German -language literature. , Title culture magazine, September 29, 2008, accessed on February 24, 2018.