Rhäzüns – Wikipedia


Rhäzüns ( Romanian Razén [ʁɐˈtsen] ? / i ) is a political community and a village in the region of the canton of Graubünden in Switzerland.


Rhäzüns lies on the lower running of the back Rhine before its confluence with the front Rhine.

Rhäzüns is 840 as Rakes mentioned for the first time. With Bonaduz, Rhäzüns originally formed a parish with the St. Georg as the parish church. In 1529–1667 the two communities were separated. Since the foundation of the upper or gray federal government in 1424, Rhanzüns with the municipalities of Bonaduz, Domat/Ems and Felsberg have been a court. With the Rhäzüns’ rule of the same name, the municipality came to Haigerloch from the Zollern to Habsburg after 1497, but remained part of the three frets. The new ruler Maximilian I and his successors first awarded the rule to various local families such as the Marmels, the Planta, the Stampa or the Travers. From 1696 the rule was managed directly by the Habsburgs. After the Vienna Congress, Rhäzüns finally came to the canton of Graubünden in 1819.

Today’s parish church of Nossadunna (Maria birth) was built in 1702 with contributions by Lord von Rhäzün, the German emperor Leopold I. The mineral source has been used commercially since 1850 and gave the mineral water Rhäzünser its name.

Blasonation: Split of red and blue, in blue two silver (white) bars

Takeover of the coat of arms of the barons of Rhäzüns.

Population development
Year 1850 1900 1950 1980 1990 2000 2005 2010 2012 2014 2019
Resident 508 495 774 958 1018 1201 1220 1300 1344 1371 1557

Languages [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

The residents originally spoke a Graubünden -Romanesque dialect. Although this was a medium -bundled dialect, the Surselvian was traditionally used in all communities of the Imboden district as a written language. In this capacity, they resembled the municipalities of Bergün and Filisur, where there were also more medium -bundles of dialects in use, but as a written language, however, the Upper Engadine (historically speaking, mainly for denominational reasons). [5]

Despite the constant growth of the Germans, the majority language remained Romanesque until 1970. However, the proportion of 1880 96% over 1910 82% and 1941 76% fell to 1970 52% (or 466 people). In the 1970s there was a change of language to the German, which became constantly dominant. This also proves the following table (the values ​​for 1990 are not exactly):

Languages ​​in Rhäzüns
Languages Counting 1980 Coloneling 1990 Counting 2000
Number Portion Number Portion Number Portion
German 486 50.73% shift. 615 shift. 60% 953 79.35%
Romanian 369 38.52% shift. 313 shift. thirty first % 121 10.07%
Italian 82 8.56% shift. 40 shift. 4% 40 3.33%
Others 21 2.19% shift. 50 shift. 5% eighty seven 7.24%
Resident 958 100% 1018 100% 1201 100%

Although 23.5% of the population still understand Romanesque, German is today the only language of the authorities. The Italian speakers are not Italian, but immigrants from Italy.

Origin and nationality [ Edit | Edit the source text ]

Of the 1220 residents from the end of 2005, 1029 (= 84%) were Swiss citizens.

Rhäzüns is connected to public transport by a post -high line, the City Bus Chur and a station of the Landquart – Mountains of the Rhaetian Railway. An aerial cable car leads over the Rhine to Feldis/Veulden.

In order to prevent the A13 motorway in Rhäzüns, roads may be officially closed to tourists and day trippers for the first time on Easter 2022. [6]

The place is best known for its mineral water Rhaunser. The “Rhäzünser Isch Gsünser” advertising announcement was read for years in television advertising and on the truck of the mineral water company.

  • Church Parish Gieri (St. Georg): already mentioned in 960; Romanesque church with Gothic choir; Complete painting from the 14th century u. by the Waltenburg master.
  • Former parish and today’s cemetery church Parish paul
  • Pfarrkirche Nossadunna (Mariä birth): Built in 1697, Baroque [7] [8] .
  • Rhäzüns Castle: In the Middle Ages of the mighty barons of Rhäzüns. Rhäzüns Castle is in possession of the EMS chemistry and serves Christoph Blocher as a second domicile. As an alternative to today’s private use, there were also ideas to make the public open to the public. [9]
  • Christian Rathgeb (* 1970), politician (FDP), honorary citizen of the community community Rhäzüns
  • Erwin Poeschel: The art monuments of the canton of Graubünden III. The Räzünser Boden, Domleeschg, Heinzenberg, Oberhalbstein, Ober- and Lower Engadine. (= Switzerland art monuments. Volume 11). Edited by the Society for Swiss Art History GSK. Bern 1940. DNB 760079625 .
  • Armon Fontana: Swiss art guide GSK, Volume 755: The churches of Rhäzüns: Nossadunna – Sogn Paul – Sogn Gieri , Bern 2004, ISBN 3-85782-755-6
  • Linus Bühler: Rhäzüns (municipality). In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . 2011 .
  • Linus Bühler: Rhäzüns (rule). In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . 2017 .
  • Rhäzüns, Freistlerance, Austrian Enclave, Graubünden Kreis , SO-Buchverlag, 2018, ISBN 978-3-7298-1201-7.
  1. BFS – generalized borders 2020 . In the case of later municipal mergers, heights are summarized due to as of January 1, 2020. Appointment on May 17, 2021.
  2. Generalized borders 2020 . In the case of later municipal mergers, summarized areas due to as of January 1, 2020. Appointment on May 17, 2021.
  3. Constant resident population according to nationality category, gender and community, definitive annual results, 2020 . In the case of later municipal mergers, inhabitants, summarized in 2020. Appeal on November 17, 2021
  4. Constant resident population according to nationality category, gender and community, definitive annual results, 2020 . In the event of later proportion of foreigners, in 2020. Appeal on November 17, 2021
  5. Lia Rumantscha (HrSG.): Romanesque – Facts & Figures. 2nd, revised and updated edition. Chur 2004, ISBN 3-03900-034-9. P. 31.
  6. Traffic congestion in Graubünden – communities are allowed to block streets now – to sample. In: srf.ch. March 30, 2022, accessed on March 30, 2022 .
  7. Catholic Church parish church of St. Mariä birth
  8. The fontana of grace: The churches in Rhäzüns. Nossadunna – Sogn Paul – Sogn Gieri. (Swiss art guide, No. 755, series 76). Ed. Society for Swiss art history GSK. Bern 2004, ISBN 978-3-85782-755-6.
  9. Rhiibatt, August 20, 2002: Rhäzüns Castle remains closed.
