Operating collective agreement – Wikipedia

The Operating collective agreement (BKV) has been completed in the GDR since 1951 annually on the basis of the operating plan between the operations manager and the operating union management (BGL) in all companies in which existing operating union organizations existed.

The BKV should help to fulfill the plan tasks and to beat specifically and to improve the working and living conditions of the employees. The contract should secure “in unit with the operating plans and competitive decisions the direct participation of the working people in the management and planning of the company and the development of their creative initiatives”.

The BKV had to correspond to the legal provisions. Definitions that violate, on the other hand, were legally ineffective. In the BKV, concrete, billable and terminable obligations of the operating manager and the BGL as well as labor law regulations in accordance with the Labor Code (AGB) and other legal provisions were to be included in the following areas:

  • Development and promotion of initiatives in “socialist competition” (i.e. prerequisites for the elaboration and implementation of the competition resolutions in compliance with the requirements of intensification, forms and methods of competitive management such as the budget book, trade fair the masters of tomorrow and performance comparisons, new movement, accountability of the manager and the BGL).
  • Implementation of the “socialist performance principle” for wages and premium (classification, use of the wage fund, use of the funds of the premium fund)
  • Improvement of the material working conditions of the employees and the content of the work (working conditions, occupational safety, health protection)
  • Securing and developing the health and social care of the employees (uniform regulation of labor law and social issues in connection with rationalization measures, operating, vocational traffic, workers’ care, company health, support for employees, company recreation institutions, childcare)
  • Promotion of “all-round education of the working people” (training and further education, vocational training, adult education, qualification, “schools of socialist work”)
  • “Development of the spiritual-cultural and sporty life” (cultural and educational plan, cultural and sports facilities, leisure and recreational sports, company festival games)
  • Women’s promotion plan (participation in the management and planning, training and further education, working conditions, health care)
  • Use of the funds of the cultural and social fund as well as the performance fund The company to develop the working and living conditions of the employees (working and living conditions, cultural and social funds, performance funds)

As an system, the BKV contained all the annually repetitive obligations and stipulations, so

  • Regulations for the participation of the employees to develop the plans and BKV (five -year plan, annual economy plan, “socialist competition”))
  • Principles for organizing and holding performance of performance
  • Principles and regulations for working with the budget book
  • Regulations on the award and confirmation of the defense of the honorary title collective of socialist work
  • Principles and procedures for the use of the premium fund (forecast regulations, annual premium, premium forms, shift work)
  • Regulations for improving working and living conditions (rationalization, social care)
  • Regulations on the honor and support of the employees (one -off support, veteran care, conscripts)
  • List of additional work -related vacation (vacation, vacation list)
  • List of difficulty surcharges (operating list, difficulties)

The development of the BKV had to be organized by the operations manager together with the BGL and connect with the planning discussion (§§ 28 ff. AGB; decision of the Council of Ministers and the Federal Executive Board of the FDGB on the Guideline for Work with the BKV of May 23, 1985 in GBL . I, 1985 No. 14 p. 173).

After “comprehensive discussion”, the BKV had to be submitted to the union general assembly or the meeting of the trusted assembly for advice and decision -making. The manager and BGL should ensure regular information in the general meetings of the union groups and, in connection with the reporting on the planning of the planning and the competitive results, “comprehensive accountability” for the implementation of the BKV in the union general assembly or confidence assembly.

On request, the manager and the leaders had to be fulfilled by the fulfillment of their obligations.

In the departments of large VEB departments, the company plans encouraged and the BKV department collective contracts could be created. Collective agreements could also be set up in the state organs and institutions. Initially there were private businesses, there could be in these company agreements.