The Schimmelreiter (1984) – Wikipedia

The Pale Rider , Polish title A rider on a gray horse , is a German-Polish film adaptation by Klaus Gendries from 1984. It is based on Theodor Storm’s amendment to the same name.

A man comes across the dike in bad weather and suddenly believes he saw a ghost rider. In the tavern, the man reports of what he believed to see. An old man sits down with him and tells him the story of this rider, which happened more than 100 years ago:

Hauke ​​Haien becomes a new small servant at the old Deichgrave Volkerts. Hauke ​​can read, write and arithmetic and, because of his skills, approach the hostility of the long -standing servant Ole Peters. Ole had expected to marry Volkert’s daughter Elke one day and become so after Volkert’s death. Now he sees a competitor in the 24-year-old Hauke ​​and spreads rumors about Hauke ​​among the superstitious villagers, who is supposedly in the group with the devil.

In coordination with Elke, Hauke ​​wrote the reports to the Oberdeichgrafen, which Volkerts only has to sign. The next time Volkerts will be called to the Oberdeichgrave, he receives praise for the excellently compensated reports of recent times. The Oberdeichgraf announces that it will appear at a planned festival. Here he takes part in a game in which the one who can throw a ball the farest. In the end there is a duel between Ole and Hauke, which Hauke ​​wins. Ole once again spreads that the fight was not right. Hauke ​​could dance as a price with a girl of his choice, but he fears that he embarrassed the Elke he revered with his dance capacity. Instead, he takes a walk with her and tells her that he would go away because his father is dying. He presents her a letter in which he confesses to her, among other things, his love, which would never be returned due to the difference in class. Elke, however, also loves him and has already bought rings in the city. On the dike she is now engaged to Hauke, even if both keep their relationship secret in front of the old Volkerts.

Volkerts dies surprisingly one morning. Elke asks to use in front of the Oberdeichgrafen to use the new dykegrave Hauke. In recent years he had done the work that apparently came from Volkerts. He was young, but experienced enough. As soon as the mourning year is over, Elke Hauke ​​will marry so that he is a lawful dike count due to the landown. Hauke ​​Haien becomes the new dike. People in the village rumor again. Elke becomes pregnant and almost dies in the child’s bed. The midwife gives up Elke because Hauke ​​doesn’t believe in God enough. Elke still survives what Hauke ​​sees as a good sign.

Hauke ​​hires a new servant in 14-year-old Iven. Together with the servant of Ole and Vollina, Iven often goes along the beach and one day believes to see the spirit of a mold on Jevershallig. He drives onto the Hallig and only finds a horse skeleton there. Nevertheless, Oles Knecht claims that the ghost mold was on the Hallig directly behind Iven. When Hauke ​​appears a little later with a emaciated mold that he bought a moving dealer, Iven escapes to his father in panic.

Hauke ​​has his plan to build a new, flatter rising dike despite the resistance of Ole, especially since the village elder is also behind Hauke. This is again attracting the wrath of the villagers when he breaks the custom of burying “something living” in the new dike, and saves the provided dog before suffocation. While the dike is preceding, the old midwife Trin sees a great accident in a vision of the residents. In fact, a thunderstorm begins some time later and soon a storm surge is imminent. To relieve the old dike, Ole instructs his men to break the new dike. Hauke ​​brings the men to reason, but shortly afterwards sees how the old dike breaks. He goes to the scene of the accident and a little later recognizes his wife and son in the flood area, who came in a carriage. He wants to warn her, but is torn from the water masses in his mold. The flood also kills Elke and Hauke’s child.

The old man ends his narrative about Hauke ​​Haien and the mysterious mold rider. The visitor thanks and rides on at the dike.

The Pale Rider was filmed on the Baltic Sea (GDR and Poland), in Klockenhagen and Stralsund. The scenario comes from Gerhard Rentzsch and Bernd Schirmer was responsible for dramaturgy. The costumes created Margitta Hinrichs and Doris Haußmann, the film buildings come from Janusz Dwornik and Albert Kuchnia as well as Tadeusz Kosarewicz and Wolfram Gast. The film experienced its premiere on December 26, 1984 on TV and was first shown in Husum on September 7, 1985 in the Federal Republic. Icestorm published it in 2010 as part of the series DDR TV-Archiv on DVD.

After On the gray beach, on the gray sea (1979) war The Pale Rider The second Theodor Storm adaptation by Klaus Gendries.

“It is the only film that picks up Storm’s frame technology and thus tries to implement the motive of memory that is so important for Storm’s storytelling,” said the Theodor-Storm-Gesellschaft Regarding the various mold riding films. [first]

  1. See