Terry A. Osborn – Wikipedia

  1. Osborn, T. A. (2000). Critical reflection and the foreign language classroom. In Henry A. Giroux, (Ed.), Critical Studies in Education and Culture Series. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey. [Winner of the American Educational Studies Association Critics’ Choice Award 2001]
  2. Davis, J. F. & Osborn, T. A. (2002). The language teacher’s portfolio: A guide for professional development. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing.
  3. Osborn, T. A., (Ed.). (2002). The future of foreign language education in the United States. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
  4. Reagan, T. & Osborn, T. A. (2002). The foreign language educator in society: Toward a critical pedagogy. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  5. Kaufman, D., Moss, D. M., & Osborn, T. A., (Eds.). (2003). Beyond the boundaries: A transdisciplinary approach to learning and teaching. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishing.
  6. Osborn, T. A. (2005). Critical reflection and the foreign language classroom. Rev. ed. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
  7. Osborn, T. A., (Ed.). (2005). Language and cultural diversity in U. S. schools: Democratic principles in action.  Westport, CT:  Praeger Publishing.
  8. Osborn, T. A. (2006). Teaching world languages for social justice: A sourcebook of principles and practices. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  9. Osborn, T. A., (Ed.). (2007). Language and cultural diversity in U. S. schools: Democratic principles in action.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education [revised from Praeger version].
  10. Smith, D. I., & Osborn, T. A., (Eds.). (2007). Spirituality, social justice, and language education.  Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  11. Moss, D. M., Kaufman, D., & Osborn, T. A., (Eds.). (2008). Interdisciplinary education in an age of assessment.  New York: Routledge/LEA.
  12. Moss, D. M., & Osborn, T. A., (Eds.). (2010). Critical essays on resistance in education.  In S. Steinberg, (Ed.), Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education series.  New York:  Peter Lang Publishing.
  13. Reagan, T. & Osborn, T. A. (2021).  World language education as critical pedagogy: The promise of social justice.  New York: Routledge.
  14. Osborn, T. A. (2021). Critical reflection and the foreign language classroom. 20th anniversary ed. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  15. Reagan, T. & Osborn, T. A. (2021).  The art and science of teaching: An introduction to education.  Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
  16. Bratkovich, M. & Osborn, T. A. (in press).  Transdisciplinary research in language education. Teachers College Press.
  1. Anderson, P. M. & Osborn, T. A. (2002). Responding to literature in the foreign language classroom: Aesthetic dimensions of fluency. In T. A. Osborn, (Ed.). The future of foreign language education in the United States, 63-76. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
  2. Gerwin, D. & Osborn, T. A. (2002). Challenging the monovocal narrative: Interdisciplinary units in the foreign language classroom. In T. A. Osborn, (Ed.). The future of foreign language education in the United States, 77-91. Westport, CT: Praeger.
  3. Osborn, T. A. (2002). Introduction. In T. A. Osborn, (Ed.). The future of foreign language education in the United States, xiii-xvi. Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
  4. Kaufman, D., Moss, D. & Osborn, T. A. (2003). Where do we go when we step beyond the boundaries? In D. Kaufman, D. M. Moss, & T. A. Osborn, (Eds.). Beyond the boundaries: A transdisciplinary approach to learning and teaching, 155-166.  Westport, CT: Praeger.
  5. Moss, D., Kaufman, D., & Osborn, T. A. (2003). Going beyond the boundaries. In D. Kaufman, D. M. Moss, & T. A. Osborn, (Eds.). Beyond the boundaries: A transdisciplinary approach to learning and teaching, 1-12.  Westport, CT: Praeger.
  6. Osborn, T. A. (2003). Corpus disciplinae? Toward a critical prognosis for contemporary language teacher preparation. In G. Bräuer & K. Sanders, (Eds.). New visions in foreign and second language education, 273-280. San Diego, CA: LARC Press.
  7. Osborn, T. A. (2003). Not so foreign languages: The critical inquiry approach to moving beyond disciplines. In D. Kaufman, D. M. Moss, & T. A. Osborn, (Eds.). Beyond the boundaries: A transdisciplinary approach to learning and teaching, 33-46.  Westport, CT: Bergin & Garvey.
  8. Gerwin, D. & Osborn, T. A. (2005).What September 11th also teaches us.  In T. A. Osborn, (Ed.). Language and cultural diversity in U. S. schools, 105-116.  Westport, CT:  Praeger.
  9. Osborn, T. A. (2005).  Foreign language education:  It’s not just for conjugation anymore.  In T. A. Osborn, (Ed.). Language and cultural diversity in U. S. schools, 65-76.  Westport, CT:  Praeger.
  10. Osborn, T. A. & Osborn, D. C. (2005). Participating in democracy means participating in schools.  In T. A. Osborn, (Ed.). Language and cultural diversity in U.S. schools, 1-4.  Westport, CT:  Praeger.
  11. Osborn, T. A. (2007).  Confronting the Zeitgeist: Social justice, the spirit of the people, and language education.  In D. Smith & T. A. Osborn, (Eds.). Spirituality, social justice, and language education, 3-11.  Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  12. Kaufman, D., Moss, D. & Osborn, T. A. (2008).  In praise of complexity: Moving interdisciplinary assessment in education from theory to practice.  In D. M. Moss, T. A. Osborn, & D. Kaufman, (Eds.). Interdisciplinary education in an age of assessment, 179-190.  New York: Routledge/LEA.
  13. Moss, D., Osborn, T. A., & Kaufman, D.  (2008). The promise of interdisciplinarity.  In D. M. Moss, T. A. Osborn, & D. Kaufman, (Eds.). Interdisciplinary education in an age of assessment, 1-6.  New York: Routledge/LEA.
  14. Osborn, T. A. (2008). Language learning as an interdisciplinary endeavor.  In D. M. Moss, T. A. Osborn, & D. Kaufman, (Eds.). Interdisciplinary education in an age of assessment, 107-118.  New York: Routledge/LEA.
  15. Osborn, T. A. (2009).  Reconsidering Roadside Assistance: The problem with Christian approaches to teaching the English language. In M. S. Wong & S. Canagarajah, (Eds.). Christian and critical English language educators in dialogue: Pedagogical and ethical dilemmas, 215-218.  New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
  16. Moss, D. & Osborn, T. A.  (2010). Introduction: Considering resistance.  In D. Moss & T. A. Osborn, (Eds.), Critical essays on resistance in education, 1-6.  New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
  17. Osborn, T. A. (2010). Planting the seeds of resistance:  The times they have a-changed.  In D. Moss & T. A. Osborn, (Eds.). Critical essays on resistance in education, 7-10.  New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
  18. Wagner, M. & Osborn, T. A. (2010).  When worlds collide: Liberal arts and college of education faculty co-teaching the methods courses.  In J. Davis, (Ed.). World language teacher education:  Transitions and challenges in the 21st century, 3-16.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.
  19. Cammarata, L., Tedick, D. J., & Osborn, T. (2016). Curricular reforms and content-based instruction: Issues and goals. In L. Cammarata, (Ed.). Content-based foreign language teaching: Curriculum and pedagogy for developing advanced thinking and literacy skills, 1-21. New York: Routledge/Taylor Francis.
  20. Reagan, T. & Osborn, T. A. (2017).  Reification of the English language and the hegemonic turn.  In M. Djuraeva & V. Tochon, (Eds.).   Language policy or the politics of language: Reimagining the role of language in a neoliberal society, 281-308.  Blue Mounds, WI:  Deep University Press.
  21. Reagan, T. & Osborn, T. A. (2019).  Time for a paradigm shift in U.S. foreign language education? Revisiting rationales, evidence and outcomes.  In D. Macedo, (Ed.). Decolonizing foreign language education, 73-110. New York: Routledge.
  22. Osborn, T. A. & Reagan, T. (2020 [December]). Critical pedagogy and social justice in world language education: Beyond Conscientização.  Readings in Language Studies, Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning, and Society, Volume 8. Laguna Beach, CA: International Society for Language Studies, 1-18.
  23. Osborn, T. (in press). Reflections on the power of professional unity:  Florida’s FACTE and COVID Response.  In D. Vyortkina, N. Collins, N., & T. Reagan, (Eds.). Keep calm, teach on: Education responding to a pandemic, in press. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
  24. Osborn, T. A. (2021).  Interdisciplinarity and Language Education.  In 서울대학교 국어교육연구소서울대학교 [Seoul National University Institute of Korean Language Education Seoul National University] (Eds.),융복합 시대, 자국어교육의 학문적 정체성[Convergence Age: The Academic Identity of Native Language Education], Seoul, South Korea:  Seoul National University, 437-447.
  25. Osborn, T. A. (2022).   “The World” language education: New frontiers for critical reflection.  In Wassell, B. & Glynn, C., (Eds.). Pushing boundaries: Transforming world language teaching and teacher education for equity and justice. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, 123-137.
  26. Osborn, T. A. (In press).  Social Justice in World Language Education: Transdisciplinary Issues.  In Bratkovich, M. & Osborn, T. A., (Eds.).  Transdisciplinary research in language education. Teachers College Press.
  27. Osborn, T. A. & Bratkovich, M. (In press).  Introduction.  In Bratkovich, M. & Osborn, T. A., (Eds.).  Transdisciplinary research in language education. Teachers College Press.
  1. Osborn, T. A. (1998). Providing access: Foreign language learners and genre theory. Foreign Language Annals, 31(1), 40-47.
  2. Osborn, T. A. & Reagan, T. (1998). Why Johnny can’t hablar, parler or sprechen: Foreign language education and multicultural education. Multicultural Education, 6(2), 2-9.
  3. Reagan, T. & Osborn, T. A. (1998). Power, authority, and domination in foreign language education: Toward an analysis of educational failure. Educational Foundations, 12(2), 45-62.
  4. Osborn, T. A. (1999). Reflecting on foreignness: The challenges of a new millennium. New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers Annual Meeting Series, 16, 21-24.
  5. Osborn, T. A. (2000). Literature in the standards-based classroom. New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers Annual Meeting Series, 17, 55-58.
  6. Osborn, T. A. (2001). Making connections and comparisons: Integrating foreign language with other core curricula. NECTFL Review, 49, 28, 30-33. [Winner of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Stephen A. Freeman Award 2003]
  7. Osborn, T. A., Asher, R. & Gerwin, D. (2001). Migration stories: Beyond the single discipline. New York State Association of Foreign Language Teachers Annual Meeting Series, 18, 33-36.
  8. Asher, R., Gerwin, D. & Osborn, T. A. (2002, October).  Telling community stories. SchoolArts, 102(2), 49-51.
  9. Osborn, T. A. (2003, Spring). Market ideology, critical educational studies, and the image of foreign language education. NECTFL Review, 52, 41-46.
  10. Osborn, T. A. (2004). When culture kills? Food allergies and the foreign language curriculum. NECTFL Review 54, 43-47.
  11. Reagan, T. & Osborn, T. A. (2004).  Reflections on critical language studies and the genesis of a counter paradigm.  Critical Inquiry in Language Studies: An International Journal, 1(4), 237-241.
  12. Osborn, T. A. (2007).  Teaching world languages for social justice.  Journal of Christianity and Foreign Languages, 8, 11-23.
  13. Ness, M. & Osborn, T. A. (2010).  Would you like fries with that: The dangers of customer service in reading teacher education.  Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 7(4), 334-348.
  14. Wagner, M. & Osborn, T. A. (2010).  Depositioning the “foreign”:  Considering the challenges and opportunities of a postmodern foreign language education.  NYSABE Journal, 1(1), 34-44.
  15. Osborn, T. A., Reagan, T., & Freiberg, J. A. (2011).  Textual Concept Critical Analysis: Toward a research approach for language studies.  Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 8(1), 1-26.
  16. Osborn, T. A. (2016, 28 June). Architects Wanted for Professional Remodeling: A Response to Ennser–Kananen.  The Modern Language Journal, 100(2), 568-570.
  17. Swanson, P., & Osborn, T. A. (2016). Building social capital alongside a strong sense of efficacy. Foreign Language Annals 49(2), 197-198.