2022 Lima municipal election – Wikipedia

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Peruvian election

2022 Lima municipal election


The 2022 Lima municipal election were held on 2 October 2022, following the convening of regional and municipal elections throughout Peru.[1] Lima residents voted on a list of 40 candidates to replace incumbent Miguel Romero Sotelo when his term ends on 31 December 2022, alongside 39 member of the metropolitan council.

Electoral system[edit]

The Metropolitan Municipality of Lima is the administrative and government body of the province of Lima. It is composed of the Metropolitan Mayor, the Provincial Council and the Metropolitan Assembly. The province of Lima is not circumscribed to any regional government in its condition of capital of Peru.

The election of the mayor and the council is carried out based on universal suffrage, which includes all national citizens over eighteen years of age, registered and resident in Lima and in full enjoyment of their political rights, as well as non-citizens nationals residing and registered in the province. There is no immediate reelection of the office of mayor.[2]

The Provincial Council of Lima is made up of 39 councillors elected by direct suffrage for a period of four (4) years, jointly with the election of the Metropolitan Mayor. Voting is by closed list. Seats are allocated to the winning list according to the d’Hondt method or half plus one.

Rejected lists[edit]

Declined to run[edit]

Opinion polls[edit]

Voting simulations[edit]

Electoral polls[edit]

Pre-electoral polls[edit]


Metropolitan Municipality of Lima[edit]

Concejo Metropolitano de Lima (2023-2026).svg
Candidate Party Votes % Seats +/–
Rafael López Aliaga Popular Renewal 1,373,774 26.29 21 +20
Daniel Urresti Podemos Perú 1,326,296 25.38 7 -1
George Forsyth We Are Peru 989,573 18.94 5 +4
Elizabeth León Front of Hope 2021 571,063 10.93 3 New
Omar Chehade Alliance for Progress 371,454 7.11 2 +1
Gonzalo Alegría Together for Peru 333,656 6.38 1 +1
María Elena Soto Go on Country – Social Integration Party 183,232 3.51 0 0
Yuri Castro Free Peru 77,009 1.47 0 0
Total 5,226,057 100.00 39
Valid votes 5,226,057 89.71
Invalid votes 405,933 6.97
Blank votes 193,386 3.32
Total votes 5,825,376 100.00
Registered voters/turnout
Source: [1]
  1. ^ a b c Following Go on Country’s almost entire list disqualification, Soto Velásquez, formally a candidate for councilwoman, remained as the only candidate to legally run for the party based on list succession.


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