Andrii Kholodov – Wikipedia


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Ukrainian businessman and politician

Andrii Ivanovych Kholodov (Ukrainian: Андрій Іванович Холодов; born 20 August 1972[1]) is a Ukrainian businessman and politician currently serving as a People’s Deputy of Ukraine in the 9th Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada.[2]


Andrii Kholodov was born in 1972. Graduated from Kyiv National Transport University (faculty of Automobiles and Automobile Industry).
From 1998 began to do his own business on rental and sales of commercial and residential property, development, business consulting and other types of economic activities. Was held the position of deputy director – director on foreign economic activity in the limited liability company ‘Tekam Plus’.
From 2005 was a co-owner of the factory ‘Efkon-vikna’ that produces an aluminum profile and other metal building structures.[3] In addition, he owns LLC ‘Favorit-M’, registered in Kyiv.[4]

Political activity[edit]

Candidate for people’s deputies from the political party ‘Servant of the People’in 2019 parliamentary elections, № 22 on the list.
From August 29, 2019 – People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the IX convocation.[5]
Deputy Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Committee of Ukraine on Finance,[6] Taxation and Customs Policy.
Member of a group for inter-parliamentary relations with the Republic of Korea.
Member of a group for inter-parliamentary relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Member of a group for inter-parliamentary relations with the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Member of a group for inter-parliamentary relations with the United States of America.[7]



Criticism and a lawsuit[edit]

In November 2019, journalists of the Schemes program of the Ukrainian edition of Radio Liberty published an investigation in which they proved that MP Kholodov’s family was connected to the cigarette distribution business, pointed to possible tax violations, and exposed him for lobbying the Verkhovna Rada to improve the conditions for doing business.[8]

In July 2020, the NACP found a real conflict of interest in MP Kholodov, the case was referred to court, and the MP faces a fine.[9][10]

On August 27, 2020, Kholodov filed a lawsuit with the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv, asking to “recognize as unreliable the information” disseminated in the investigation. However, on the day of the first preparatory hearing, he filed a written statement “to leave the claim without consideration.” Neither Kholodov nor his representative appeared at the hearing. On March 25, 2021, the Shevchenkivskyi Court decided to “leave the claim without consideration”.[11]


  1. ^ “Центральна виборча комісія – Вибори народних депутатів України 2019”.
  2. ^ “InfoHeaderExt”.
  3. ^ “Інтерв’ю з Андрієм Холодовим”. Видання “Гордон”. Retrieved 2020-01-25.
  4. ^ “Політична партія “Слуга Народу”.
  5. ^ “Центральна виборча комісія – Вибори народних депутатів України 2019”.
  6. ^ “infoHeaderExt”.
  7. ^ Свобода, Радіо (26 September 2019). “Кум Медведчука зі «Слуги народу» взяв у депутатські помічники бізнес-партнерку дружини”. Радіо Свобода (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2021-09-25.
  8. ^ Єгошина, Валерія; Шабаєв, Георгій; Толстякова, Кіра; Савчук, Максим (13 November 2019). “«Слуга власного бізнесу»: кіпрська таємниця депутата Холодова”. Радіо Свобода (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2021-04-06.
  9. ^ Свобода, Радіо (22 July 2020). “НАЗК виявило ознаки корупції в діях «слуги народу» Холодова, бо він як депутат «діяв у власних інтересах»”. Радіо Свобода (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2021-09-25.
  10. ^ Єгошина, Валерія; Шабаєв, Георгій; Толстякова, Кіра; Савчук, Максим (13 November 2019). “«Слуга власного бізнесу»: кіпрська таємниця депутата Холодова”. Радіо Свобода (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2021-09-25.
  11. ^ Свобода, Радіо (6 April 2021). “«Слуга народу» Холодов передумав судитися зі «Схемами», які викрили його зв’язок з тютюновим бізнесом”. Радіо Свобода (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 2021-04-06.

External links[edit]
