Alessandra Casella – Wikipedia

Year Title Publication Author(s) 1984 Elasticita’ di Sostituzione tra Energia, Capitale e Lavoro nel Settore Manifatturiero Italiano 1960-1978 Giornale degli Economisti, XLIII, 491–505. Alessandra Casella 1989 Integracion Monetaria Europea y la Economia de la Sostitucion de Monedas Informacion Comercial Espanola, November, 47–50. Alessandra Casella 1989 Testing for Rational Bubbles with Exogenous or Endogenous Fundamentals: the German Hyperinflation Once More Journal of Monetary Economics, 24,109–122. Alessandra Casella 1990 Economic Exchange during Hyperinflation Journal of Political Economy, 98, 1–27. Alessandra Casella & Jonathan Feinstein 1992 Federalism and Clubs. Towards an Economic Theory of Overlapping Political Jurisdictions European Economic Review, 36, 639–646. Alessandra Casella & Bruno Frey 1992 A Note on Bargaining and Inflation Economic Letters, 38, 393–398. Alessandra Casella & Jonathan Feinstein 1992 On Markets and Clubs.  Economic and Political Integration of Regions with Unequal Productivity American Economic Review, 82, 115–121. Alessandra Casella 1992 Participation in a Currency Union American Economic Review, 82, 847–863. Alessandra Casella 1994 Trade as Engine of Political Change. A Parable Economica, 61, 267–284. Alessandra Casella 1996 On Market Integration and the Development of Institutions.  The Case of International Commercial Arbitration European Economic Review, 40, 155–186.  (Reprinted in O. C. Ashenfelter and R. K. Iyengar (eds.), 2009, Economics of Commercial Arbitration and Dispute Resolution, Edward Elgar Publishing). Alessandra Casella 1996 Large Countries, Small Countries and the Enlargement of Trade Blocs European Economic Review, 40, 389–415. Alessandra Casella 1996 Can Foreign Aid Accelerate Stabilization? The Economic Journal, 106, 605–619. Alessandra Casella & Barry Eichengreen 1999 Tradable Deficit Permits.  Efficient Implementation of the Stability Pact in the European Monetary Union Economic Policy, 29, 323–361. (Reprinted in Brunila, A., Buti, M. and D. Franco (eds.), 2001, The Stability and Growth Pact, Palgrave: London, 394–413.). Alessandra Casella 2001 Product Standards and International Trade. Harmonization through Private Coalitions? Kyklos, 54, 243–264. (Reprinted in Henson, S. and J.S. Wilson (eds.), 2005, The WTO and Technical Barriers to Trade, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, U.K., 494–515.) Alessandra Casella 2001 The Role of Market Size in the Formation of Jurisdictions The Review of Economic Studies, 68, 83–108. Alessandra Casella 2001 Market Mechanisms for Policy Decisions. Tools for the European Union European Economic Review, 45, 995–1006. Alessandra Casella 2002 Public Goods in Trade: On the Formation of Markets and Jurisdictions International Economic Review, 43, 437–462. Alessandra Casella & Jonathan Feinstein 2002 Anonymous Market and Group Ties in International Trade Journal of International Economics, 58, 19–47.

(Reprinted in Falvey, R. E. and U. Kreickemeier, (eds.), 2005, Recent Developments in International Trade Theory, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, U.K.)

Alessandra Casella & James Rauch 2003 Overcoming Informational Barriers in International Resource Allocations: Prices and Ties The Economic Journal, 113, 21–42. Alessandra Casella & James Rauch 2005 Storable Votes Games and Economic Behavior, 51, 391–419. Alessandra Casella 2005 Redistribution Policy: A European Model Journal of Public Economics, 89, 1305–1331. Alessandra Casella 2006 Why Personal Ties Cannot Be Bought American Economic Review, 96, 2, 261–264. Alessandra Casella & Nobuyuki Hanaki 2006 An Experimental Study of Storable Votes Games and Economic Behavior, 57, 123–154. Alessandra Casella, Andrew Gelman, & Thomas Palfrey 2007 Storable Votes: Protecting Minorities without Sacrificing Efficiency CESifo DICE Report, 5, 3, 17–22. Alessandra Casella, Thomas Palfrey, & Raymond Riezman 2008 Information Channels in Labor Markets. On the Resilience of Referral Hiring Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 66, 492–513. Alessandra Casella & Nobuyuki Hanaki 2008 A Simple Scheme to Improve the Efficiency of Referenda Journal of Public Economics, 92: 2240–2261. Alessandra Casella & Andrew Gelman 2008 Minorities and Storable Votes Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 3: 165–200. Alessandra Casella, Thomas Palfrey, & Raymond Riezman 2010 Protecting Minorities in Large Binary Elections. A Test of Storable Votes Using Field Data The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Advances), Vol. 10: Iss. 1.   Alessandra Casella, Shuky Ehrenberg, Andrew Gelman, & Jie Shen 2011 Agenda Control as a Cheap Talk Game. Theory and Experiments with Storable Votes Games and Economic Behavior, 72: 46–76. Alessandra Casella 2012 Competitive Equilibrium in Markets for Votes Journal of Political Economy, 120: 593–658. Alessandra Casella, Aniol Llorente-Saguer & Thomas Palfrey 2014 Vote Trading with and without Party Leaders Journal of Public Economics, 112:115–128. Alessandra Casella, Thomas Palfrey, & Sebastien Turban 2014 Democracy Undone. Systematic Minority Advantage in Competitive Vote Markets Games and Economic Behavior, 88: 47–70. Alessandra Casella & Sebastien Turban 2017 Storable Votes and Judicial Nominations in the U.S. Senate Journal of Theoretical Politics, 29: 243–272. Alessandra Casella, Sébastien Turban, & Gregory Wawro 2017 Democracy for Polarized Committees. The Tale of Blotto’s Lieutenants Games and Economic Behavior, 106, 239–259. Alessandra Casella, Jean-Francois Laslier, & Antonin Macé 2018 Communication in Context: Interpreting Promises in an Experiment on Competition and Trust PNAS, 115 (5) 933–938. Alessandra Casella, Navin Kartik, Luis Sanchez, & Sébastien Turban 2018 A Property Rights Approach to Temporary Work Visas Journal of Legal Studies, 47 (S1), S195–S227. Alessandra Casella & Adam Cox