List of comparative social surveys

Name Topic Number of countries Years Source USIA XX Surveys Foreign and security policy. 4 1955–1969 [2] International stratification, mobility and politics file Intergenerational occupational mobility and political behaviour. 16 1956–1991 [2] The European Voter Political behaviour, economic status. 6 1956–1998 [2][3] Pattern of Human Concerns Data National and individual perceptions. 14 1957–1963 [2] Civic Culture Survey Political beliefs. 5 1959–1960 [2] ECFIN Business and Consumer Surveys Economic and business topics. 31 1962- [2][4] Attitudes towards Europe European integration. 5 1962 [2] Political Participation – An International Social Science Council (ISSC) Workbook in Comparative Analysis Political attitudes and behaviour. 8 1963–1972 [2][5] Multinational Time Budget Study Time management 12 1965–1966 [2] Political Participation and Equality in Seven Nations Political participation. 7 1966–1971 [2] Images of the World in the Year 2000 Expectations of the future. 11 1967–1970 [2] Reader’s Digest EURODATA – The Reader’s Digest Survey of Europe Today Lifestyles and attitudes. 18 1969, 1990 [2] Cross-National Equivalent File Social statistics. 8 1970– [2] Eurobarometer Various topics. 27 1970– [2] Scandinavian Welfare Study Life situation. 4 1972 [2] USIA World Survey Attitudes on domestic and global issues. 7 1972 [2] Political Action I/II Political topics. 8 1973, 1981 [2] Luxembourg Income Study Income and economic situation. 48 1979– [2] European Election Studies Election topics. 28 1979– [2] Comparative Project on Class Structure and Class Consciousness Social inequality and class relations. 10 1980–1987 [2] European Values Study, World Values Survey Various topics. 90+ 1981– [2][6] International Social Survey Programme Various topics. 42 1985– [2][7] The Political Culture of Southern Europe: A Four Nation Study Political culture. 4 1985 [2] International Crime Victims Survey Crime. 48 1989–2005 [2][8] Free Elections, Political Parties and the Emergence of Competitive Party Systems in Eastern Europe Election studies. 17 1989–2005 [2] European Working Conditions Survey Labour issues. 28 1990– [2] Post Communist Publics (PCP)

I) Post communist Citizens 1990-1992

II) Consolidation of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe 1998-2001: A Fifteen Country Study (CDCEE)

Political and economic issues. 11 1990–2001 [2] New Soviet Citizen Surveys Political and economic issues. 3 1990–1992 [2] Comparative National Elections Project Election studies. 28 1990– [2] International Social Justice Project Social justice. 13 1991, 1996 [2] New Europe Barometer Various political and social issues. 19 1991– [2] The Pulse of Europe Various political and social issues. 13 1991 [2] Population Policy Acceptance Study Various political and social issues. 14 1991, 2000 [2] Larin American Public Opinion Project Political attitudes. 34 1991–2003 [2][9] Fertility and Family Survey Family and social issues. 24 1991 [2] Social Change in Baltic Countries Social issues. 3 1993 [2] Values and Political Change in Post-Communist Europe Political issues. 5 1993–1994 [2] Social Stratification in Eastern Europe since 1989 Social issues. 6 1993–1994 [2] The Transformation Process in Hungary, Poland, in the Czech and Slovak Republic Political and economic issues. 4 1993, 1995 [2] The European Community Household Panel Social issues. 15 1994–2001 [2] NORBALT I and II Living Conditions in the Baltic Countries Social issues. 3 1994, 1999 [2] International Adult Literacy Survey Literacy and respondent background. 22 1994–2008 [2] East Asia Barometer Political attitudes. 6 1994 [2] Luxembourg Wealth Study Household wealth. 18 1994– [2] Latinobarómetro Political and social issues. 19 1995– [2] Social Concequences of Transition Issues related to social and political transition. 5 1995 [2] Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Election studies. 55 1996– [2][10] Coping with Government in the Former Soviet Union/Economic Commission for Europe Political issues. 4 1996–1998 [2] East Asian Social Survey 1997 Social issues. 3 1996–1997 [2] New Departures: Religion and Attitudes toward Church in Eastern (Central) Europe Religion and social issues. 10 1997, 2007 [2][11] Transition Barometer Social and political issues. 4 1997, 2000 [2] People on war War. 18 1999, 2009, 2016 [2][12] Harmonized European Time Use Survey Time management. 15 1999– [13] Afrobarometer Various topics. 36 1999– [2] EU Accession Opinion Survey Attitudes towards the European Union. 11 2000 [2] Asia Europe Survey Social issues. 18 2000 [2] Asian Barometer Survey Various topics. 19 2001– [2][14] Global Barometer Surveys Various topics. 55 2001– [2] EU Index Attitudes towards the EU. 14 2001–2006 [2] Political Culture in Central and Eastern Europe / Political Culture and Democratic Values in New Democracies Political and social issues. 14 2001–2002 [2] E-LIVING: Life in Digital Europe Information technology and social issues. 6 2001–2002 [2][15] Generations & Gender Programme Social change. 20 2002– [2][16] European Social Survey Social issues. 38 2002– [2][17] Transatlantic Trends Survey Attitudes towards global issues. 16 2002– [2][18] East Asia Value Survey Social issues. 5 2002, 2004 [2][19] Pew Global Attitudes Survey Various topics. 54 2002– [2][20] The Voice of the People Various topics. 67 2003– [2][21] Asia Barometer Various topics. 14+ 2003–2008 [2] European Quality of Life Survey Social issues. 34 2003– [2] Global Corruption Barometer Corruption. 107 2003– [2][22] Americas Barometer Various topics. 29 2004– [2][23] Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe Social issues. 28 2004– [2][24] EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions Social issues. 28 2004– [2][25] European Internal Movers Social Survey Migration. 5 2004–2005 [2] European Crime and Safety Survey Crime and safety. 18 2005– [2] Gallup World Poll Various topics. 160 2005– [2][26] Life in Transition Survey Various topics. 35 2006, 2010, 2016 [2][27] Caucasus Barometer Various topics. 3 2006– [2] East Asian Social Survey Social issues. 4 2006– [2][28] The Surveillance Project Surveillance. 9 2006–2007 [2] Arab Barometer Various topics. 12 2007– [2][29] Integrated and United? A Quest for Citizenship in an Ever Closer Europe Perceptions of citizenship. 18 2007, 2009 [2] Transatlantic Trends: Immigration Global issues and immigration. 8 2008–2011 [2] Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies Economic skills and problem-solving. 40+ 2008– [2][30] Household Finance and Consumption Survey Social issues. 20 2010– [2][31] Making Electoral Democracy Work Political issues. 5 2010, 2015 [2][32] Crossing Borders Making Europe European integration. 6 2011–2014 [2][33] EU Neighbourhood Barometer Perceptions of the EU. 16 2012–2014 [2][34]