Ons Heemecht – Wikipedia

Wou d’Uelzecht durech d’Wisen zéit,
Duerch d’Fielsen d’Sauer brécht,
Wou d’Rief laanscht d’Musel dofteg bléit,
Den Himmel Wäin ons mécht:
Dat as onst Land, fir dat mir[d] géif
Hei nidden alles won,
Ons Heemechtsland dat mir sou[e] déif
An onsen Hierzer dron.

An sengem donkle Bëscherkranz,
Vum Fridde stëll bewaacht,
Sou ouni Pronk an deire Glanz
Gemittlech léif et laacht;
Säi Vollek frou sech soë kann,
An ‘t si keng eidel Dreem:
Wéi wunnt et sech sou heemlech dran,
Wéi as ‘t sou gutt doheem!

Gesank, Gesank vu Bierg an Dall
Der Äärd, déi äis gedron;[f]
D’Léift huet en treie Widderhall
A jidder Broschts[g] gedon;
Fir, d’Hemecht[h] ass keng Weis ze schéin;
All Wuert, dat vun er klénkt,
Gräift äis[i] an d’ Séil wéi Himmelstéin
An d’A wéi Feier blénkt.

O Du do uewen, deen seng Hand
Duerch d’Welt d’Natioune leet,
Behitt Du d’Lëtzebuerger Land
Vru friemem Joch a Leed;
Du hues ons all als Kanner schon
De fräie Geescht jo ginn,
Looss viru blénken d’Fräiheetssonn,
Déi mir sou laang gesinn!

[vəʊ̯ ˈduəl.t͡səɕ ˈdu.ʀəɕ ˈdviː.zən t͡səɪ̯t]
[dʊɐɕ ˈtfiəl.zən ˈdzɑʊ̯.ɐ bʀəɕt]
[vəʊ̯ dʀiəf laːnʃt ˈmuː.zəl ˈdof.təɕ bləɪ̯t]
[dən ˈhi.məl væːɪ̯n ons məɕt]
[daːd‿ɑz‿onst lɑnt fiːɐ̯ daːt miːɐ̯ gəɪ̯f]
[hɑɪ̯ ˈni.dən ˈɑ.ləs von]
𝄆 [ons ˈheː.məɕ(t)s.ˌlɑn(t) daːt miːɐ̯ zəʊ̯ dəɪ̯f]
[ɑn ˈon.zən ˈhiːə̯.t͡sɐ dʀon] 𝄇

[ɑn ˈzæŋ.əm ˈdoŋ.klə ˈbə.ʃɐ.ˌkʀɑnt͡s]
[fum ˈfʀi.də ʃtəl bə.ˈvaːχt]
[zəʊ̯ ˈəʊ̯.ni pʀoŋg‿ɑn ˈdɑɪ̯.ʀə glɑnt͡s]
[gə.ˈmit.ləɕ ləɪ̯v‿ət laːχt]
[zæːɪ̯ ˈfo.lək fʀəʊ̯ zəɕ ˈso.ə kɑn]
[ɑn‿t si kæŋ ˈɑɪ̯.dəl dʀeːm]
𝄆 [vəɪ̯ vund‿ət səɕ zəʊ̯ ˈheːm.ləɕ dʀɑn]
[vəɪ̯ ɑs‿t səʊ̯ gut do.ˈheːm] 𝄇

[gə.ˈzɑŋk gə.ˈzɑŋk fu biːɐ̯ʑ‿ɑn dɑl]
[dɐ ɛːɐ̯t dəɪ̯ æːɪ̯s gə.ˈdʀon]
[dləɪ̯ft hu̯əd‿ən ˈtʀɑɪ̯.ə ˈvi.dɐ.ˌhɑl]
[ɑ ˈʑi.dɐ bʀoʃts gə.ˈdon]
[fiːɐ̯ ˈtheː.məɕt ɑs kæŋ vɑɪ̯s t͡sə ʃəɪ̯n]
[ɑl vu̯ət daːt fun ɐ kleŋkt]
𝄆 [gʀæːɪ̯vd‿æːɪ̯z‿ɑn dzəɪ̯l vəɪ̯ ˈhi.məl.ˌʃtəɪ̯n]
[ɑn daː vəɪ̯ ˈfɑɪ̯.ɐ bleŋkt] 𝄇

[o du do ˈu̯ə.vən deːn zæŋ hɑnt]
[dʊɐɕ dvælt nɑ.ˈt͡sjəʊ̯.nə leːt]
[bə.ˈhit du ˈdlət.t͡sə.ˌbuə.jɐ lɑnt]
[fʀu ˈfʀiə.məm joχ ɑ leːt]
[du hu̯əz‿ons ɑl ɑls ˈkɑ(n).nɐ ʃon]
[də ˈfʀæːɪ̯.ə geːʃt jo gin]
𝄆 [loːs ˈfi.ʀu ˈbleŋ.kən ˈtfʀæːɪ̯.heːts.ˌson]
[dəɪ̯ miːɐ̯ zəʊ̯ laːŋ gə.ˈzin] 𝄇

Where the Alzette through the meadows flows,
Through cliffs the Sauer breaks,
Where the shores of the Moselle fragrantly bloom,
Heaven gifts us wine:
This is the land for which we would,
on this earth give anything:
𝄆 Our homeland which we carry,
So deep within our hearts. 𝄇

In her dark wreath of woods,
Guarded still by the peace,
Without splendor or costly shine,
She cozily and lovingly smiles!
Her people may with gladness say to themselves,
And they aren’t empty dreams:
𝄆 How homely ’tis to live therein,
How good ’tis to be home. 𝄇

Song, song, from mount and dale,
The earth who bore our births,
Love has rung a loyal echo,
In each and every Breast!
For her, no song too august be,
Every word that from her rings,
𝄆 Our soul moves like heavenly sounds,
And the eye like fire shines. 𝄇

O Thou above, who with thine own hand,
Guides nations o’er the world,
Guard this, our Luxembourgish land,
From foreign yoke and woe!
As children, thou us bestowed,
A spirit, free, unbowed,
𝄆 Let shine for evermore freedom’s sun,
Which we so long have seen! 𝄇

Where the Alzette slowly flows,
The Sauer plays wild pranks,
Where fragrant vineyards amply grow
On the Mosella’s banks;
There lies the land for which we would
Dare everything down here,
𝄆 Our own, our native land which ranks
Deeply in our hearts. 𝄇[1][12][13]



O Thou above whose powerful hand
Makes States or lays them low,
Protect this Luxembourger land
From foreign yoke and woe.
Your spirit of liberty bestow
On us now as of yore.
𝄆 Let Freedom’s sun in glory glow
For now and evermore. 𝄇[1][12][13]