List of United States senators in the 107th Congress


Rank Senator (party-state) Seniority date Other factors 1 Strom Thurmond[8] (R-SC) November 7, 1956 2 Robert Byrd (D-WV) January 3, 1959 3 Ted Kennedy (D-MA) November 7, 1962 4 Daniel Inouye (D-HI) January 3, 1963 5 Ernest Hollings (D-SC) November 9, 1966 6 Ted Stevens (R-AK) December 24, 1968 7 Jesse Helms[8] (R-NC) January 3, 1973 North Carolina 12th in population (1970) 8 Pete Domenici (R-NM) New Mexico 37th in population (1970) 9 Joe Biden (D-DE) Delaware 46th in population (1970) 10 Patrick Leahy (D-VT) January 3, 1975 11 Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) January 3, 1977 Former representative 12 Richard Lugar (R-IN) Indiana 11th in population (1970) 13 Orrin Hatch (R-UT) Utah 36th in population (1970) 14 Max Baucus (D-MT) December 15, 1978 15 Thad Cochran (R-MS) December 27, 1978 16 John Warner (R-VA) January 2, 1979 17 Carl Levin (D-MI) January 3, 1979 18 Chris Dodd (D-CT) January 3, 1981 Former representative (6 years) – Connecticut 24th in population (1970) 19 Chuck Grassley (R-IA) Former representative (6 years) – Iowa 25th in population (1970) 20 Arlen Specter (R-PA) Pennsylvania 3rd in population (1970) 21 Don Nickles (R-OK) Oklahoma 27th in population (1970) 22 Frank Murkowski[9] (R-AK) Alaska 50th in population (1970) 23 Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) January 3, 1983 24 John Kerry (D-MA) January 2, 1985 25 Tom Harkin (D-IA) January 3, 1985 Former representative (10 years) 26 Phil Gramm[8] (R-TX) Former representative (6 years) 27 Mitch McConnell (R-KY) 28 Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) January 15, 1985 29 John Breaux (D-LA) January 3, 1987 Former representative (14 years) 30 Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Former representative (10 years) 31 Richard Shelby (R-AL) Former representative (8 years) – Alabama 22nd in population (1980) 32 Tom Daschle (D-SD) Former representative (8 years) – South Dakota 45th in population (1980) 33 John McCain (R-AZ) Former representative (4 years) – Arizona 29th in population (1980) 34 Harry Reid (D-NV) Former representative (4 years) – Nevada 43rd in population (1980) 35 Bob Graham (D-FL) Former governor – Florida 7th in population (1980) 36 Kit Bond (R-MO) Former governor – Missouri 15th in population (1980) 37 Kent Conrad (D-ND) 38 Trent Lott (R-MS) January 3, 1989 Former representative (16 years) 39 Jim Jeffords (R-VT)(I-VT) Former representative (14 years) 40 Herb Kohl (D-WI) Wisconsin 16th in population (1980) 41 Joe Lieberman (D-CT) Connecticut 25th in population (1980) 42 Conrad Burns (R-MT) Montana 44th in population (1980) 43 Daniel Akaka (D-HI) May 16, 1990 44 Bob Smith[8] (R-NH) December 7, 1990 45 Larry Craig (R-ID) January 3, 1991 Former representative 46 Paul Wellstone[10] (D-MN) 47 Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) November 10, 1992 48 Byron Dorgan (D-ND) December 15, 1992 49 Barbara Boxer (D-CA) January 3, 1993 Former representative (10 years) 50 Judd Gregg (R-NH) Former representative (8 years) 51 Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) Former representative (6 years) 52 Russ Feingold (D-WI) Wisconsin 16th in population (1990) 53 Patty Murray (D-WA) Washington 18th in population (1990) 54 Bob Bennett (R-UT) Utah 35th in population (1990) 55 Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) June 14, 1993 56 Jim Inhofe (R-OK) November 17, 1994 57 Fred Thompson[8] (R-TN) December 2, 1994 58 Olympia Snowe (R-ME) January 3, 1995 Former representative (16 years) 59 Mike DeWine (R-OH) Former representative (8 years) – Ohio 7th in population (1990) 60 Jon Kyl (R-AZ) Former representative (8 years) – Arizona 24th in population (1990) 61 Craig L. Thomas (R-WY) Former representative (6 years) 62 Rick Santorum (R-PA) Former representative (4 years) 63 Bill Frist (R-TN) 64 Ron Wyden (D-OR) February 6, 1996 65 Sam Brownback (R-KS) November 7, 1996 66 Pat Roberts (R-KS) January 3, 1997 Former representative (16 years) 67 Dick Durbin (D-IL) Former representative (14 years) – Illinois 6th in population (1990) 68 Robert Torricelli[8] (D-NJ) Former representative (14 years) – New Jersey 9th in population (1990) 69 Tim Johnson (D-SD) Former representative (10 years) 70 Wayne Allard (R-CO) Former representative (6 years) – Colorado 26th in population (1990) 71 Jack Reed (D-RI) Former representative (6 years) – Rhode Island 43rd in population (1990) 72 Tim Hutchinson[8] (R-AR) Former representative (4 years) 73 Max Cleland[8] (D-GA) Georgia 11th in population (1990) 74 Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Louisiana 21st in population (1990) 75 Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Alabama 22nd in population (1990) 76 Gordon H. Smith (R-OR) Oregon 29th in population (1990) 77 Chuck Hagel (R-NE) Nebraska 36th in population (1990) 78 Susan Collins (R-ME) Maine 38th in population (1990) 79 Mike Enzi (R-WY) Wyoming 50th in population (1990) 80 Chuck Schumer (D-NY) January 3, 1999 Former representative (18 years) 81 Jim Bunning (R-KY) Former representative (12 years) 82 Mike Crapo (R-ID) Former representative (6 years) 83 Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) Former representative (4 years) 84 George Voinovich (R-OH) Former governor – Ohio 7th in population (1990) 85 Evan Bayh (D-IN) Former governor – Indiana 14th in population (1990) 86 Peter Fitzgerald (R-IL) Illinois 6th in population (1990) 87 John Edwards (D-NC) North Carolina 10th in population (1990) 88 Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) November 4, 1999 89 Zell Miller (D-GA) July 27, 2000 90 Bill Nelson (D-FL) January 3, 2001 Former representative (12 years) 91 Tom Carper (D-DE) Former representative (10 years) 92 Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) Former representative (4 years) – Michigan 8th in population (1990) 93 John Ensign (R-NV) Former representative (4 years) – Nevada 39th in population (1990) 94 George Allen (R-VA) Former representative (2 years) – Former governor 95 Maria Cantwell (D-WA) Former representative (2 years) 96 Ben Nelson (D-NE) Former governor 97 Hillary Clinton (D-NY) New York 2nd in population (1990) 98 Jon Corzine (D-NJ) New Jersey 9th in population (1990) 99 Jean Carnahan[11][8] (D-MO) Missouri 15th in population (1990) 100 Mark Dayton (D-MN) Minnesota 20th in population (1990) 101 Dean Barkley[8] (I-MN) November 5, 2002 102 Jim Talent[11] (R-MO) November 25, 2002 103 John Cornyn (R-TX) December 2, 2002 104 Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) December 20, 2002