Cannon–Thurston map – Wikipedia


In mathematics, a Cannon–Thurston map is any of a number of continuous group-equivariant maps between the boundaries of two hyperbolic metric spaces extending a discrete isometric actions of the group on those spaces.


The notion originated from a seminal 1980s preprint of James Cannon and William Thurston “Group-invariant Peano curves” (eventually published in 2007) about fibered hyperbolic 3-manifolds.[1]

Cannon–Thurston maps provide many natural geometric examples of space-filling curves.


The Cannon–Thurston map first appeared in a mid-1980s preprint of James W. Cannon and William Thurston called “Group-invariant Peano curves”. The preprint remained unpublished until 2007,[1] but in the meantime had generated numerous follow-up works by other researchers.[2]

In their paper Cannon and Thurston considered the following situation. Let M be a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold that fibers over the circle with fiber S. Then S itself is a closed hyperbolic surface, and its universal cover

S~{displaystyle {tilde {S}}}

can be identified with the hyperbolic plane

H2{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{2}}

. Similarly, the universal cover of M can be identified with the hyperbolic 3-space

H3{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{3}}

. The inclusion

SM{displaystyle Ssubseteq M}

lifts to a

π1(S){displaystyle pi _{1}(S)}

-invariant inclusion

S~=H2H3=M~{displaystyle {tilde {S}}=mathbb {H} ^{2}subseteq mathbb {H} ^{3}={tilde {M}}}

. This inclusion is highly distorted because the action of

π1(S){displaystyle pi _{1}(S)}


H3{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{3}}

is not geometrically finite.

Nevertheless, Cannon and Thurston proved that this distorted inclusion

H2H3{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{2}subseteq mathbb {H} ^{3}}

extends to a continuous

π1(S){displaystyle pi _{1}(S)}

-equivariant map


S1=H2{displaystyle mathbb {S} ^{1}=partial mathbb {H} ^{2}}


S2=H3{displaystyle mathbb {S} ^{2}=partial mathbb {H} ^{3}}

. Moreover, in this case the map j is surjective, so that it provides a continuous onto function from the circle onto the 2-sphere, that is, a space-filling curve.

Cannon and Thurston also explicitly described the map

j:S1S2{displaystyle j:mathbb {S} ^{1}to mathbb {S} ^{2}}

, via collapsing stable and unstable laminations of the monodromy pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism of S for this fibration of M. In particular, this description implies that the map j is uniformly finite-to-one, with the pre-image of every point of

S2{displaystyle mathbb {S} ^{2}}

having cardinality at most 2g, where g is the genus of S.

After the paper of Cannon and Thurston generated a large amount of follow-up work, with other researchers analyzing the existence or non-existence of analogs of the map j in various other set-ups motivated by the Cannon–Thurston result.

Kleinian representations of surface groups[edit]

The original example of Cannon and Thurston can be thought of in terms of Kleinian representations of the surface group

H=π1(S){displaystyle H=pi _{1}(S)}

. As a subgroup of

G=π1(M){displaystyle G=pi _{1}(M)}

, the group H acts on

H3=M~{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{3}={tilde {M}}}

by isometries, and this action is properly discontinuous. Thus one gets a discrete representation

ρ:HPSL(2,C)=Isom+(H3){displaystyle rho :Hto mathbb {P} SL(2,mathbb {C} )=operatorname {Isom} _{+}(mathbb {H} ^{3})}


The group

H=π1(S){displaystyle H=pi _{1}(S)}

also acts by isometries, properly discontinuously and co-compactly, on the universal cover

H2=S~{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{2}={tilde {S}}}

, with the limit set

ΛHH2=S1{displaystyle Lambda Hsubseteq partial H^{2}=mathbb {S} ^{1}}

being equal to

S1{displaystyle mathbb {S} ^{1}}

. The Cannon–Thurston result can be interpreted as saying that these actions of H on

H2{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{2}}


H3{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{3}}

induce a continuous H-equivariant map

j:S1S2{displaystyle j:mathbb {S} ^{1}to mathbb {S} ^{2}}


One can ask, given a hyperbolic surface S and a discrete representation

ρ:π1(S)PSL(2,C){displaystyle rho :pi _{1}(S)to mathbb {P} SL(2,mathbb {C} )}

, if there exists an induced continuous map

j:ΛHS2{displaystyle j:Lambda Hto mathbb {S} ^{2}}


For Kleinian representations of surface groups, the most general result in this direction is due to Mahan Mj (2014).[3]
Let S be a complete connected finite volume hyperbolic surface. Thus S is a surface without boundary, with a finite (possibly empty) set of cusps. Then one still has

H2=S~{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{2}={tilde {S}}}


Λπ1(S)=S1{displaystyle Lambda pi _{1}(S)=mathbb {S} ^{1}}

(even if S has some cusps). In this setting Mj[3] proved the following theorem:

Let S be a complete connected finite volume hyperbolic surface and let

Here the “without accidental parabolics” assumption means that for

1hH{displaystyle 1neq hin H}

, the element

ρ(h){displaystyle rho (h)}

is a parabolic isometry of

H3{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{3}}

if and only if

h{displaystyle h}

is a parabolic isometry of

H2{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{2}}

. One of important applications of this result is that in the above situation the limit set

Λρ(π1(S))S2{displaystyle Lambda rho (pi _{1}(S))subseteq mathbb {S} ^{2}}

is locally connected.

This result of Mj was preceded by numerous other results in the same direction, such as Minsky (1994),[4] Alperin, Dicks and Porti (1999),[5]McMullen (2001),[6]Bowditch (2007)[7] and (2013),[8] Miyachi (2002),[9] Souto (2006),[10]Mj (2009),[11] (2011),[12] and others.
In particular, Bowditch’s 2013 paper[8] introduced the notion of a “stack” of Gromov-hyperbolic metric spaces and developed an alternative framework to that of Mj for proving various results about Cannon–Thurston maps.

General Kleinian groups[edit]

In a 2017 paper[13] Mj proved the existence of the Cannon–Thurston map in the following setting:


Here “induces” means that the map

J:GGH3S2{displaystyle J:Gcup partial Gto mathbb {H} ^{3}cup mathbb {S} ^{2}}

is continuous, where

J|G=j{displaystyle J|_{partial G}=j}


J(g)=gx0,gG{displaystyle J(g)=gx_{0},gin G}

(for some basepoint

x0H3{displaystyle x_{0}in mathbb {H} ^{3}}

). In the same paper Mj obtains a more general version of this result, allowing G to contain parabolics, under some extra technical assumptions on G. He also provided a description of the fibers of j in terms of ending laminations of

H3/G{displaystyle mathbb {H} ^{3}/G}


Existence and non-existence results[edit]

Let G be a word-hyperbolic group and let H ≤ G be a subgroup such that H is also word-hyperbolic. If the inclusion i:H → G extends to a continuous map ∂i: ∂H∂G between their hyperbolic boundaries, the map ∂i is called a Cannon–Thurston map. Here “extends” means that the map between hyperbolic compactifications

i^:HHGG{displaystyle {hat {i}}:Hcup partial Hto Gcup partial G}

, given by

i^|H=i,i^|H=i{displaystyle {hat {i}}|_{H}=i,{hat {i}}|_{partial H}=partial i}

, is continuous. In this setting, if the map ∂i exists, it is unique and H-equivarinat, and the image ∂i(∂H) is equal to the limit set

ΛG(H){displaystyle Lambda _{partial G}(H)}


If H ≤ G is quasi-isometrically embedded (i.e. quasiconvex) subgroup, then the Cannon–Thurston map ∂i: ∂H∂G exists and is a topological embedding.
However, it turns out that the Cannon–Thurston map exists in many other situations as well.

Mitra proved [14] that if G is word-hyperbolic and H ≤ G is a normal word-hyperbolic subgroup, then the Cannon–Thurston map exists. (In this case if H and Q = G/H are infinite then H is not quasiconvex in G.) The original Cannon–Thurston theorem about fibered hyperbolic 3-manifolds is a special case of this result.

If H ≤ G are two word-hyperbolic groups and H is normal in G then, by a result of Mosher,[15] the quotient group Q = G/H is also word-hyperbolic. In this setting Mitra also described the fibers of the map ∂i: ∂H∂G in terms of “algebraic ending laminations” on H, parameterized by the boundary points z ∈ ∂Q.

In another paper[16] Mitra considered the case where a word-hyperbolic group G splits as the fundamental group of a graph of groups, where all vertex and edge groups are word-hyperbolic, and the edge-monomorphisms are quasi-isometric embeddings. In this setting Mitra proved that for every vertex group

Av{displaystyle A_{v}}

, for the inclusion map

i:AvG{displaystyle i:A_{v}to G}

the Cannon–Thurston map

i:AvG{displaystyle partial i:partial A_{v}to partial G}

does exist.

By combining and iterating these constructions, Mitra produced[16] examples of hyperbolic subgroups of hyperbolic groups H ≤ G where the subgroup distortion of H in G is an arbitrarily high tower of exponentials, and the Cannon–Thurston map

i:HG{displaystyle partial i:partial Hto partial G}

exists. Later Barker and Riley showed that one can arrange for H to have arbitrarily high primitive recursive distortion in G.[17]

In a 2013 paper,[18] Baker and Riley constructed the first example of a word-hyperbolic group G and a word-hyperbolic (in fact free) subgroup H ≤ G such that the Cannon–Thurston map

i:HG{displaystyle partial i:partial Hto partial G}

does not exist.
Later Matsuda and Oguni generalized the Baker–Riley approach and showed that every non-elementary word-hyperbolic group H can be embedded in some word-hyperbolic group G in such a way that the Cannon–Thurston map

i:HG{displaystyle partial i:partial Hto partial G}

does not exist.[19]

Multiplicity of the Cannon–Thurston map[edit]

As noted above, if H is a quasi-isometrically embedded subgroup of a word-hyperbolic group G, then H is word-hyperbolic, and the Cannon–Thurston map

i:HG{displaystyle partial i:partial Hto partial G}

exists and is injective. Moreover, it is known that the converse is also true: If H is a word-hyperbolic subgroup of a word-hyperbolic group G such that the Cannon–Thurston map

i:HG{displaystyle partial i:partial Hto partial G}

exists and is injective, then H is uasi-isometrically embedded in G.[20]

It is known, for more general convergence groups reasons, that if H is a word-hyperbolic subgroup of a word-hyperbolic group G such that the Cannon–Thurston map

i:HG{displaystyle partial i:partial Hto partial G}

exists then for every concical limit point for H in

G{displaystyle partial G}

has exactly one pre-image under

i{displaystyle partial i}

.[21] However, the converse fails: If

i:HG{displaystyle partial i:partial Hto partial G}

exists and is non-injective, then there always exists a non-conical limit point of H in ∂G with exactly one preimage under ∂i.[20]

It the context of the original Cannon–Thurston paper, and for many generalizations for the Kleinin representations

ρ:π1(S)PSL(2,C),{displaystyle rho :pi _{1}(S)to mathbb {P} SL(2,mathbb {C} ),}

the Cannon–Thurston map

j:S1S2{displaystyle j:mathbb {S} ^{1}to mathbb {S} ^{2}}

is known to be uniformly finite-to-one.[13] That means that for every point

pS2{displaystyle pin mathbb {S} ^{2}}

, the full pre-image

j1(p){displaystyle j^{-1}(p)}

is a finite set with cardinality bounded by a constant depending only on S.[22]

In general, it is known, as a consequence of the JSJ-decomposition theory for word-hyperbolic groups, that if

1HGQ1{displaystyle 1to Hto Gto Qto 1}

is a short exact sequence of three infinite torsion-free word-hyperbolic groups, then H is isomorphic to a free product of some closed surface groups and of a free group.


H=π1(S){displaystyle H=pi _{1}(S)}

is the fundamental group of a closed hyperbolic surface S, such hyperbolic extensions of H are described by the theory of “convex cocompact” subgroups of the mapping class group Mod(S). Every subgroup Γ ≤ Mod(S) determines, via the Birman short exact sequence, an extension

Moreover, the group

EΓ{displaystyle E_{Gamma }}

is word-hyperbolic if and only if Γ ≤ Mod(S) is convex-cocompact.
In this case, by Mitra’s general result, the Cannon–Thurston map ∂i:∂H → ∂EΓ does exist. The fibers of the map ∂i are described by a collection of ending laminations on S determined by Γ. This description implies that map ∂i is uniformly finite-to-one.


Γ{displaystyle Gamma }

is a convex-cocompact purely atoroidal subgroup of

Out(Fn){displaystyle operatorname {Out} (F_{n})}


n3{displaystyle ngeq 3}

) then for the corresponding extension

1FnEΓΓ1{displaystyle 1to F_{n}to E_{Gamma }to Gamma to 1}

the group

EΓ{displaystyle E_{Gamma }}

is word-hyperbolic. In this setting Dowdall, Kapovich and Taylor proved[23] that the Cannon–Thurston map

i:FnEΓ{displaystyle partial i:partial F_{n}to partial E_{Gamma }}

is uniformly finite-to-one, with point preimages having cardinality

2n{displaystyle leq 2n}

. This result was first proved by Kapovich and Lustig[24] under the extra assumption that

Γ{displaystyle Gamma }

is infinite cyclic, that is, that

Γ{displaystyle Gamma }

is generated by an autoroidal fully irreducible element of

Out(Fn){displaystyle operatorname {Out} (F_{n})}


Ghosh proved that for an arbitrary atoroidal

ϕOut(Fn){displaystyle phi in operatorname {Out} (F_{n})}

(without requiring

Γ=ϕ{displaystyle Gamma =langle phi rangle }

to be convex cocompact) the Cannon–Thurston map

i:FnEΓ{displaystyle partial i:partial F_{n}to partial E_{Gamma }}

is uniformly finite-to-one, with a bound on the cardinality of point preimages depending only on n.[25] (However, Ghosh’s result does not provide an explicit bound in terms of n, and it is still unknown if the 2n bound always holds in this case.)

It remains unknown, whenever H is a word-hyperbolic subgroup of a word-hyperbolic group G such that the Cannon–Thurston map

i:HG{displaystyle partial i:partial Hto partial G}

exists, if the map

i{displaystyle partial i}

is finite-to-one.
However, it is known that in this setting for every

pΛGH{displaystyle pin Lambda _{partial G}H}

such that p is a conical limit point, the set

(i)1(p){displaystyle (partial i)^{-1}(p)}

has cardinality 1.

Generalizations, applications and related results[edit]

  • As an application of the result about the existence of Cannon–Thurston maps for Kleinian surface group representations, Mj proved[3] that if
  • Leininger, Mj and Schleimer,[26] given a closed hyperbolic surface S, constructed a ‘universal’ Cannon–Thurston map from a subset of
  • Leininger, Long and Reid[27] used Cannon–Thurston maps to show that any finitely generated torsion-free nonfree Kleinian group with limit set equal to
  • Jeon and Ohshika[28] used Cannon–Thurston maps to establish measurable rigidity for Kleinian groups.
  • Inclusions of relatively hyperbolic groups as subgroups of other relatively hyperbolic groups in many instances also induce equivariant continuous maps between their Bowditch boundaries; such maps are also referred to as Cannon–Thurston maps.[3][29][30][19]
  • More generally, if G is a group acting as a discrete convergence group on two metrizable compacta M and Z, a continuous G-equivariant map M → Z (if such a map exists) is also referred to as a Cannon–Thurston map. Of particular interest in this setting is the case where G is word-hyperbolic and M = ∂G is the hyperbolic boundary of G, or where G is relatively hyperbolic and M = ∂G is the Bowditch boundary of G.[20]
  • Mj and Pal[29] obtained a generalization of Mitra’s earlier result for graphs of groups to the relatively hyperbolic context.
  • Pal [30] obtained a generalization of Mitra’s earlier result, about the existence of the Cannon–Thurston map for short exact sequences of word-hyperbolic groups, to relatively hyperbolic contex.
  • Mj and Rafi [31] used the Cannon–Thurston map to study which subgroups are quasiconvex in extensions of free groups and surface groups by convex cocompact subgroups of


  1. ^ a b James W. Cannon; William P. Thurston (2007). “Group invariant Peano curves”. Geometry & Topology. 11 (3): 1315–1356. doi:10.2140/gt.2007.11.1315. MR 2326947.
  2. ^ Darryl McCullough, MR2326947 (2008i:57016), Mathematical Reviews, Review of: J. W. Cannon and W. P. Thurston, Group invariant Peano curves, Geom. Topol. 11 (2007), 1315–1355; ‘This influential paper dates from the mid-1980’s. Indeed, preprint versions are referenced in more than 30 published articles, going back as early as 1990.’
  3. ^ a b c d Mahan Mj (2014). “Cannon–Thurston maps for surface groups”. Annals of Mathematics. 179 (1): 1–80. arXiv:math/0607509. doi:10.4007/annals.2014.179.1.1. MR 3126566. S2CID 119160004.
  4. ^ Yair Minsky (1994). “On rigidity, limit sets, and end invariants of hyperbolic 3-manifolds” (PDF). Journal of the American Mathematical Society. 7 (3): 539–588. doi:10.2307/2152785. JSTOR 2152785. MR 1257060.
  5. ^ Roger C. Alperin; Warren Dicks; Joan Porti (1999). “The boundary of the Gieseking tree in hyperbolic three-space”. Topology and Its Applications. 93 (3): 219–259. doi:10.1016/S0166-8641(97)00270-8. MR 1688476.
  6. ^ Curtis T. McMullen (2001). “Local connectivity, Kleinian groups and geodesics on the blowup of the torus”. Inventiones Mathematicae. 146 (1): 35–91. Bibcode:2001InMat.146…35M. doi:10.1007/PL00005809. MR 1859018.
  7. ^ Brian H. Bowditch (2007). “The Cannon–Thurston map for punctured-surface groups”. Mathematische Zeitschrift. 255: 35–76. doi:10.1007/s00209-006-0012-4. MR 2262721.
  8. ^ a b Brian H. Bowditch (2013). “Stacks of hyperbolic spaces and ends of 3-manifolds”. In Craig D. Hodgson; William H. Jaco; Martin G. Scharlemann; Stephan Tillmann (eds.). Geometry and topology down under. Contemporary Mathematics, 597. American Mathematical Society. pp. 65–138. ISBN 978-0-8218-8480-5.
  9. ^ Hideki Miyachi, Semiconjugacies between actions of topologically tame Kleinian groups, 2002, preprint
  10. ^ Juan Souto (2006). “Cannon–Thurston maps for thick free groups”. Preprint.
  11. ^ Mahan Mj (2009). “Cannon–Thurston maps for pared manifolds of bounded geometry”. Geometry & Topology. 13: 89–245. MR 2469517.
  12. ^ Mahan Mj (2011). “Cannon–Thurston maps, i-bounded geometry and a theorem of McMullen”. Actes du Séminaire de Théorie Spectrale et Géometrie. Volume 28. Année 2009–2010. Seminar on Spectral Theory and Geometry, vol. 28. Univ. Grenoble I.
  13. ^ a b Mahan Mj (2017). “Cannon–Thurston maps for Kleinian groups” (PDF). Forum of Mathematics, Pi. 5. doi:10.1017/fmp.2017.2. MR 3652816.
  14. ^ Mahan Mitra (1998). “Cannon–Thurston maps for hyperbolic group extensions”. Topology. 37 (3): 527–538. doi:10.1016/S0040-9383(97)00036-0. MR 1604882.
  15. ^ Lee Mosher (1997). “A hyperbolic-by-hyperbolic hyperbolic group” (PDF). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 125 (12): 3447–3455. doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-97-04249-4. MR 1443845.
  16. ^ a b Mahan Mitra, Mahan (1998). “Cannon–Thurston maps for trees of hyperbolic metric spaces”. Journal of Differential Geometry. 48 (1): 135–164. doi:10.4310/jdg/1214460609. MR 1622603.
  17. ^ Owen Baker; Timothy R. Riley (2020). “Cannon–Thurston maps, subgroup distortion, and hyperbolic hydra”. Groups, Geometry and Dynamics. 14 (1): 255–282. arXiv:1209.0815. doi:10.4171/ggd/543. MR 4077662. S2CID 119299936.
  18. ^ Owen Baker; Timothy R. Riley (2013). “Cannon–Thurston maps do not always exist” (PDF). Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 1. doi:10.1017/fms.2013.4. MR 3143716.
  19. ^ a b Yoshifumi Matsuda; Shin-ichi Oguni (2014). “On Cannon–Thurston maps for relatively hyperbolic groups”. Journal of Group Theory. 17 (1): 41–47. arXiv:1206.5868. doi:10.1515/jgt-2013-0024. MR 3176651. S2CID 119169019.
  20. ^ a b c Woojin Jeon; Ilya Kapovich; Christopher Leininger; Ken’ichi Ohshika (2016). “Conical limit points and the Cannon–Thurston map”. Conformal Geometry and Dynamics. 20 (4): 58–80. doi:10.1090/ecgd/294. MR 3488025.
  21. ^ Victor Gerasimov (2012). “Floyd maps for relatively hyperbolic groups”. Geometric and Functional Analysis. 22 (5): 1361–1399. arXiv:1001.4482. doi:10.1007/s00039-012-0175-6. MR 2989436. S2CID 253648281.
  22. ^ Mahan Mj, Mahan (2018). “Cannon–Thurston maps”. Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians—Rio de Janeiro 2018. Vol. II. Invited lectures (PDF). World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ. pp. 885–917. ISBN 978-981-3272-91-0.
  23. ^ Spencer Dowdall; Ilya Kapovich; Samuel J. Taylor (2016). “Cannon–Thurston maps for hyperbolic free group extensions”. Israel Journal of Mathematics. 216 (2): 753–797. arXiv:1506.06974. doi:10.1007/s11856-016-1426-2. MR 3557464. S2CID 255427886.
  24. ^ Ilya Kapovich and Martin Lustig (2015). “Cannon–Thurston fibers for iwip automorphisms of FN“. Journal of the London Mathematical Society. 91 (1): 203–224. arXiv:1207.3494. doi:10.1112/jlms/jdu069. MR 3335244. S2CID 30718832.
  25. ^ Pritam Ghosh (2020). “Limits of conjugacy classes under iterates of hyperbolic elements of Out(
  26. ^ Christopher J. Leininger; Mahan Mj; Saul Schleimer (2011). “The universal Cannon–Thurston map and the boundary of the curve complex”. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici. 86 (4): 769–816. MR 2851869.
  27. ^ Christopher J. Leininger; Darren D. Long; Alan W. Reid (2011). “Commensurators of finitely generated nonfree Kleinian groups”. Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 11 (1): 605–624. doi:10.2140/agt.2011.11.605. MR 2783240.
  28. ^ Woojin Jeon; Ken’ichi Ohshika (2016). “Measurable rigidity for Kleinian groups”. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. 36 (8): 2498–2511. arXiv:1406.4594. doi:10.1017/etds.2015.15. MR 3570022. S2CID 119149073.
  29. ^ a b Mahan Mj; Abhijit Pal (2011). “Relative hyperbolicity, trees of spaces and Cannon–Thurston maps”. Geometriae Dedicata. 151: 59–78. arXiv:0708.3578. doi:10.1007/s10711-010-9519-2. MR 2780738. S2CID 7045852.
  30. ^ a b Abhijitn Pal (2010). “Relatively hyperbolic extensions of groups and Cannon–Thurston maps”. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 120 (1): 57–68. doi:10.1007/s12044-010-0009-0. MR 2654898. S2CID 16597989.
  31. ^ Mahan Mj; Kasra Rafi (2018). “Algebraic ending laminations and quasiconvexity”. Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 18 (4): 1883–1916. arXiv:1506.08036. doi:10.2140/agt.2018.18.1883. MR 3797060. S2CID 92985011.

Further reading[edit]
